
Tasks enumeration

Tasks namespace of the ActiveSync protocol

public enum Tasks


Name Value Description
Categories 8 A collection of user-selected labels assigned to the task.
Category 9 One of the user-selected labels that has been applied to the task item.
Complete 10 Whether the task has been completed.
DateCompleted 11 The date on which the task item was completed.
DueDate 12 The local due date of the task item.
UtcDueDate 13 The UTC due date of the task item.
Importance 14 The importance or priority of the task item.
Recurrence 15 When and how often this task recurs.
Type 16 The recurrence type.
Start 17 The start time of a series of recurrence items.
Until 18 The end time of a series of recurrence items.
Occurrences 19 The number of occurrences before the series ends.
Interval 20 The interval between recurrences.
DayOfMonth 21 The day of the month for the recurrence.
DayOfWeek 22 The day of the week for the recurrence.
WeekOfMonth 23 The week of the month for the recurrence.
MonthOfYear 24 The month of the year for the recurrence.
Regenerate 25 Whether the task item regenerates after each task instance is complete.
DeadOccur 26 Whether the task is a recurring instance.
ReminderSet 27 Whether a reminder for the task item has been set to appear.
ReminderTime 28 The time and date at which the reminder for the task item will appear.
Sensitivity 29 The sensitivity of the task item.
StartDate 30 The local start date of the task item.
UtcStartDate 31 The Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) start date of the task item.
Subject 32 The subject of the task item.
OrdinalDate 34 The time at which the client set the flag.
SubOrdinalDate 35 A value that can be used for sorting.
CalendarType 36 The calendar system used by this recurrence.
IsLeapMonth 37 Whether this recurrence takes place during a leap month.
FirstDayOfWeek 38 Specifies which day is considered the first day of the calendar week for this recurrence.

See Also