Tasks enumeration
Tasks namespace of the ActiveSync protocol
public enum Tasks
Name | Value | Description |
Categories | 8 |
A collection of user-selected labels assigned to the task. |
Category | 9 |
One of the user-selected labels that has been applied to the task item. |
Complete | 10 |
Whether the task has been completed. |
DateCompleted | 11 |
The date on which the task item was completed. |
DueDate | 12 |
The local due date of the task item. |
UtcDueDate | 13 |
The UTC due date of the task item. |
Importance | 14 |
The importance or priority of the task item. |
Recurrence | 15 |
When and how often this task recurs. |
Type | 16 |
The recurrence type. |
Start | 17 |
The start time of a series of recurrence items. |
Until | 18 |
The end time of a series of recurrence items. |
Occurrences | 19 |
The number of occurrences before the series ends. |
Interval | 20 |
The interval between recurrences. |
DayOfMonth | 21 |
The day of the month for the recurrence. |
DayOfWeek | 22 |
The day of the week for the recurrence. |
WeekOfMonth | 23 |
The week of the month for the recurrence. |
MonthOfYear | 24 |
The month of the year for the recurrence. |
Regenerate | 25 |
Whether the task item regenerates after each task instance is complete. |
DeadOccur | 26 |
Whether the task is a recurring instance. |
ReminderSet | 27 |
Whether a reminder for the task item has been set to appear. |
ReminderTime | 28 |
The time and date at which the reminder for the task item will appear. |
Sensitivity | 29 |
The sensitivity of the task item. |
StartDate | 30 |
The local start date of the task item. |
UtcStartDate | 31 |
The Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) start date of the task item. |
Subject | 32 |
The subject of the task item. |
OrdinalDate | 34 |
The time at which the client set the flag. |
SubOrdinalDate | 35 |
A value that can be used for sorting. |
CalendarType | 36 |
The calendar system used by this recurrence. |
IsLeapMonth | 37 |
Whether this recurrence takes place during a leap month. |
FirstDayOfWeek | 38 |
Specifies which day is considered the first day of the calendar week for this recurrence. |
See Also
- namespace Aspose.Email.Clients.ActiveSync.TransportLayer
- assembly Aspose.Email