Resize(int, int, ResizeType)
Adjust the size of the image with this straightforward method. Ideal for developers looking to dynamically resize images, ensuring they fit seamlessly into various contexts and layouts within their applications.
public override void Resize(int newWidth, int newHeight, ResizeType resizeType)
Parameter | Type | Description |
newWidth | Int32 | The new width. |
newHeight | Int32 | The new height. |
resizeType | ResizeType | The resize type. |
This example loads a DICOM image and resizes it using various resizing methods.
string dir = "c:\\temp\\";
using (Aspose.Imaging.FileFormats.Dicom.DicomImage image = (Aspose.Imaging.FileFormats.Dicom.DicomImage)Aspose.Imaging.Image.Load(dir + "sample.dicom"))
// Scale up by 2 times using Nearest Neighbour resampling.
image.Resize(image.Width* 2, image.Height* 2, Aspose.Imaging.ResizeType.NearestNeighbourResample);
// Save to PNG with default options.
image.Save(dir + "upsample.nearestneighbour.png", new Aspose.Imaging.ImageOptions.PngOptions());
using (Aspose.Imaging.FileFormats.Dicom.DicomImage image = (Aspose.Imaging.FileFormats.Dicom.DicomImage)Aspose.Imaging.Image.Load(dir + "sample.dicom"))
// Scale down by 2 times using Nearest Neighbour resampling.
image.Resize(image.Width / 2, image.Height / 2, Aspose.Imaging.ResizeType.NearestNeighbourResample);
// Save to PNG with default options.
image.Save(dir + "downsample.nearestneighbour.png", new Aspose.Imaging.ImageOptions.PngOptions());
using (Aspose.Imaging.FileFormats.Dicom.DicomImage image = (Aspose.Imaging.FileFormats.Dicom.DicomImage)Aspose.Imaging.Image.Load(dir + "sample.dicom"))
// Scale up by 2 times using Bilinear resampling.
image.Resize(image.Width* 2, image.Height* 2, Aspose.Imaging.ResizeType.BilinearResample);
// Save to PNG with default options.
image.Save(dir + "upsample.bilinear.png", new Aspose.Imaging.ImageOptions.PngOptions());
using (Aspose.Imaging.FileFormats.Dicom.DicomImage image = (Aspose.Imaging.FileFormats.Dicom.DicomImage)Aspose.Imaging.Image.Load(dir + "sample.dicom"))
// Scale down by 2 times using Bilinear resampling.
image.Resize(image.Width / 2, image.Height / 2, Aspose.Imaging.ResizeType.BilinearResample);
// Save to PNG with default options.
image.Save(dir + "downsample.bilinear.png", new Aspose.Imaging.ImageOptions.PngOptions());
See Also
- enum ResizeType
- class DicomImage
- namespace Aspose.Imaging.FileFormats.Dicom
- assembly Aspose.Imaging
Resize(int, int, ImageResizeSettings)
Adjust the size of your image with this simple resizing method. Whether you need to shrink or enlarge your image, this function ensures that your resizing needs are met efficiently and accurately, making it perfect for developers seeking quick and easy image size adjustments.
public override void Resize(int newWidth, int newHeight, ImageResizeSettings settings)
Parameter | Type | Description |
newWidth | Int32 | The new width. |
newHeight | Int32 | The new height. |
settings | ImageResizeSettings | The resize settings. |
This example loads a DICOM image and resizes it using various resizing settings.
string dir = "c:\\temp\\";
Aspose.Imaging.ImageResizeSettings resizeSettings = new Aspose.Imaging.ImageResizeSettings();
// The adaptive algorithm based on weighted and blended rational function and lanczos3 interpolation.
resizeSettings.Mode = Aspose.Imaging.ResizeType.AdaptiveResample;
// The small rectangular filter
resizeSettings.FilterType = Aspose.Imaging.ImageFilterType.SmallRectangular;
// The number of colors in the palette.
resizeSettings.EntriesCount = 256;
// The color quantization is not used
resizeSettings.ColorQuantizationMethod = ColorQuantizationMethod.None;
// The euclidian method
resizeSettings.ColorCompareMethod = ColorCompareMethod.Euclidian;
using (Aspose.Imaging.Image image = (Aspose.Imaging.Image)Aspose.Imaging.Image.Load(dir + "sample.dicom"))
Aspose.Imaging.FileFormats.Dicom.DicomImage dicomImage = (Aspose.Imaging.FileFormats.Dicom.DicomImage)image;
// Scale down by 2 times using adaptive resampling.
dicomImage.Resize(image.Width / 2, image.Height / 2, resizeSettings);
// Save to PNG
dicomImage.Save(dir + "downsample.adaptive.png", new Aspose.Imaging.ImageOptions.PngOptions());
See Also
- class ImageResizeSettings
- class DicomImage
- namespace Aspose.Imaging.FileFormats.Dicom
- assembly Aspose.Imaging