TgaImage.ImageId property
Gets or sets the unique identifier associated with the image. This ID serves as a reference point for identifying and distinguishing the image from others within a system or application. By setting or retrieving the Image ID, you can manage and track images effectively, facilitating organized image management and retrieval processes.
This optional field contains identifying information about the image. The maximum length for this field is 255 bytes.
public string ImageId { get; set; }
Updating public properties of the loaded TGA image.
using (TgaImage image = (TgaImage)Image.Load("test.tga"))
image.DateTimeStamp = testTime;
image.AuthorName = "John Smith";
image.AuthorComments = "Comment";
image.ImageId = "ImageId";
image.JobNameOrId = "Important Job";
image.JobTime = TimeSpan.FromDays(10);
image.TransparentColor = Color.FromArgb(123);
image.SoftwareId = "SoftwareId";
image.SoftwareVersion = "abc1";
image.SoftwareVersionLetter = 'a';
image.SoftwareVersionNumber = 2;
image.XOrigin = 1000;
image.YOrigin = 1000;
Getting values of the public properties of the loaded TGA image.
using (TgaImage image = (TgaImage)Image.Load("test.tga"))
dateTimeStamp = image.DateTimeStamp;
authorName = image.AuthorName;
authorComments = image.AuthorComments;
imageId = image.ImageId;
jobNameOrId = image.JobNameOrId;
jobTime = image.JobTime;
keyColor = image.TransparentColor;
softwareId = image.SoftwareId;
softwareVersion = image.SoftwareVersion;
softwareVersionLetter = image.SoftwareVersionLetter;
softwareVersionNumber = image.SoftwareVersionNumber;
xOrigin = image.XOrigin;
yOrigin = image.YOrigin;
gammaValueDenominator = image.GammaValueDenominator;
gammaValueNumerator = image.GammaValueNumerator;
hasAlphaChannel = image.HasAlpha;
hasColorMap = image.HasColorMap;
height = image.Height;
isGrayScale = image.IsGrayScale;
pixelAspectRatioDenominator = image.PixelAspectRatioDenominator;
pixelAspectRatioNumerator = image.PixelAspectRatioNumerator;
size = image.Size;
width = image.Width;
See Also
- class TgaImage
- namespace Aspose.Imaging.FileFormats.Tga
- assembly Aspose.Imaging