TgaImage.SoftwareVersionNumber property
Retrieves or sets the numeric component of the software version associated with the image. This property represents the numerical part of the software version string, providing important information about the version of the software used to create or modify the image.
public ushort SoftwareVersionNumber { get; set; }
Updating public properties of the loaded TGA image.
using (TgaImage image = (TgaImage)Image.Load("test.tga"))
image.DateTimeStamp = testTime;
image.AuthorName = "John Smith";
image.AuthorComments = "Comment";
image.ImageId = "ImageId";
image.JobNameOrId = "Important Job";
image.JobTime = TimeSpan.FromDays(10);
image.TransparentColor = Color.FromArgb(123);
image.SoftwareId = "SoftwareId";
image.SoftwareVersion = "abc1";
image.SoftwareVersionLetter = 'a';
image.SoftwareVersionNumber = 2;
image.XOrigin = 1000;
image.YOrigin = 1000;
Getting values of the public properties of the loaded TGA image.
using (TgaImage image = (TgaImage)Image.Load("test.tga"))
dateTimeStamp = image.DateTimeStamp;
authorName = image.AuthorName;
authorComments = image.AuthorComments;
imageId = image.ImageId;
jobNameOrId = image.JobNameOrId;
jobTime = image.JobTime;
keyColor = image.TransparentColor;
softwareId = image.SoftwareId;
softwareVersion = image.SoftwareVersion;
softwareVersionLetter = image.SoftwareVersionLetter;
softwareVersionNumber = image.SoftwareVersionNumber;
xOrigin = image.XOrigin;
yOrigin = image.YOrigin;
gammaValueDenominator = image.GammaValueDenominator;
gammaValueNumerator = image.GammaValueNumerator;
hasAlphaChannel = image.HasAlpha;
hasColorMap = image.HasColorMap;
height = image.Height;
isGrayScale = image.IsGrayScale;
pixelAspectRatioDenominator = image.PixelAspectRatioDenominator;
pixelAspectRatioNumerator = image.PixelAspectRatioNumerator;
size = image.Size;
width = image.Width;
See Also
- class TgaImage
- namespace Aspose.Imaging.FileFormats.Tga
- assembly Aspose.Imaging