Class BezierShape
]BezierShape class
Represents a bezier spline.
public sealed class BezierShape : PolygonShape
Name | Description |
BezierShape() | Initializes a new instance of the BezierShape class. |
BezierShape(PointF[]) | Initializes a new instance of the BezierShape class. |
BezierShape(PointF[], bool) | Initializes a new instance of the BezierShape class. |
Name | Description |
override Bounds { get; } | Gets the object’s bounds. |
override Center { get; } | Gets the shape’s center. |
override EndPoint { get; } | Gets the ending shape point. |
override HasSegments { get; } | Gets a value indicating whether shape has segments. |
IsClosed { get; set; } | Gets or sets a value indicating whether shape is closed. |
Points { get; set; } | Gets or sets the curve points. |
override Segments { get; } | Gets the shape segments. |
virtual StartPoint { get; } | Gets the starting shape point. |
Name | Description |
override Equals(object) | Check if objects are equal. |
override GetBounds(Matrix) | Gets the object’s bounds. |
override GetBounds(Matrix, Pen) | Gets the object’s bounds. |
override GetHashCode() | Get hash code of the current object |
Reverse() | Reverses the order of points for this shape. |
override Transform(Matrix) | Applies the specified transformation to the shape. |
See Also
- class PolygonShape
- namespace Aspose.Imaging.Shapes
- assembly Aspose.Imaging