virtual AddValue(string, object) | Adds the value to the specified key. |
virtual AddValue(string, string) | Adds the value to the specified key. |
virtual Clear() | Clears this instance. |
virtual ContainsKey(string) | Determines whether this collection specified key. |
GetEnumerator() | Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection. |
virtual GetXmlValue() | Converts XMP value to the XML representation. |
virtual Remove(string) | Remove the value with the specified key. |
SetEquipmentInstitution(string) | Sets the equipment institution. |
SetEquipmentManufacturer(string) | Sets the equipment manufacturer. |
SetPatientBirthDate(string) | Sets the patient’s birth date. |
SetPatientId(string) | Sets the patient’s ID. |
SetPatientName(string) | Sets the color mode. |
SetPatientSex(string) | Sets the patient’s sex. |
SetSeriesDateTime(string) | Sets the series date time. |
SetSeriesDescription(string) | Sets series description. |
SetSeriesModality(string) | Sets the document series modality. |
SetSeriesNumber(string) | Sets the series number. |
SetStudyDateTime(string) | Sets the study DateTime. |
SetStudyDescription(string) | Sets the study description. |
SetStudyId(string) | Sets the study ID. |
SetStudyPhysician(string) | Sets the study physician. |
virtual SetValue(string, IXmlValue) | Sets the value. |
virtual SetValue(string, IXmpType) | Sets the value. |
virtual SetXmpTypeValue(string, XmpTypeBase) | Sets the XMP type value. |
TryGetValue(string, out object) | Gets the value by the key. |