Class DicomPackage

DicomPackage class

The Dicom Xmp package.

public sealed class DicomPackage : XmpPackage


DicomPackage()Initializes a new instance of the DicomPackage class.


Count { get; }Gets the XMP key count.
virtual Item { get; set; }Gets or sets the Object with the specified key.
virtual Keys { get; }Gets the keys in XMP package.
NamespaceUri { get; }Gets the namespace URI.
Prefix { get; }Gets the prefix.
XmlNamespace { get; }Gets the XML namespace.


virtual AddValue(string, object)Adds the value to the specified key.
virtual AddValue(string, string)Adds the value to the specified key.
virtual Clear()Clears this instance.
virtual ContainsKey(string)Determines whether this collection specified key.
GetEnumerator()Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection.
virtual GetXmlValue()Converts XMP value to the XML representation.
virtual Remove(string)Remove the value with the specified key.
SetEquipmentInstitution(string)Sets the equipment institution.
SetEquipmentManufacturer(string)Sets the equipment manufacturer.
SetPatientBirthDate(string)Sets the patient’s birth date.
SetPatientId(string)Sets the patient’s ID.
SetPatientName(string)Sets the color mode.
SetPatientSex(string)Sets the patient’s sex.
SetSeriesDateTime(string)Sets the series date time.
SetSeriesDescription(string)Sets series description.
SetSeriesModality(string)Sets the document series modality.
SetSeriesNumber(string)Sets the series number.
SetStudyDateTime(string)Sets the study DateTime.
SetStudyDescription(string)Sets the study description.
SetStudyId(string)Sets the study ID.
SetStudyPhysician(string)Sets the study physician.
virtual SetValue(string, IXmlValue)Sets the value.
virtual SetValue(string, IXmpType)Sets the value.
virtual SetXmpTypeValue(string, XmpTypeBase)Sets the XMP type value.
TryGetValue(string, out object)Gets the value by the key.

See Also