Class PtFlResource
PtFlResource class
Class PtFlResource. Contains Pattern Fill Layer Data.
public class PtFlResource : FillLayerResource
Name | Description |
PtFlResource() | Initializes a new instance of the PtFlResource class. |
PtFlResource(string, string) | Initializes a new instance of the PtFlResource class. |
Name | Description |
AlignWithLayer { get; set; } | Gets or sets a value indicating whether [align with layer]. |
Angle { get; set; } | Gets or sets the angle. |
IsLinkedWithLayer { get; set; } | Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is linked with layer. |
Key { get; } | Gets the layer resource key. |
override Length { get; } | Gets the layer resource length in bytes. |
Offset { get; set; } | Gets or sets the offset. |
PatternId { get; set; } | Gets or sets the pattern identifier. |
PatternName { get; set; } | Gets or sets the name of the pattern. |
PsdVersion { get; } | Gets the minimal psd version required for layer resource. 0 indicates no restrictions. |
Scale { get; set; } | Gets or sets the scale. |
virtual Signature { get; } | Gets the signature. |
Name | Description |
override Save(StreamContainer, int) | Saves the resource to the specified stream container. |
override ToString() | Returns a String that represents this instance. |
Name | Description |
const TypeToolKey | The type tool info key. |
The following example demonstrates the support of the loading and editing a PtFlResource resource.
string sourceFileName = "PatternFillLayer.psd";
string exportPath = "PtFlResource_Edited.psd";
double tolerance = 0.0001;
var im = (PsdImage)Image.Load(sourceFileName);
using (im)
foreach (var layer in im.Layers)
if (layer is FillLayer)
var fillLayer = (FillLayer)layer;
var resources = fillLayer.Resources;
foreach (var res in resources)
if (res is PtFlResource)
// Reading
PtFlResource resource = (PtFlResource)res;
if (
resource.Offset.X != -46 ||
resource.Offset.Y != -45 ||
resource.PatternId != "a6818df2-7532-494e-9615-8fdd6b7f38e5\0" ||
resource.PatternName != "$$$/Presets/Patterns/OpticalSquares=Optical Squares\0" ||
resource.AlignWithLayer != true ||
resource.IsLinkedWithLayer != true ||
!(Math.Abs(resource.Scale - 50) < tolerance))
throw new Exception("PtFl Resource was read incorrect");
// Editing
resource.Offset = new Point(-11, 13);
resource.Scale = 200;
resource.AlignWithLayer = false;
resource.IsLinkedWithLayer = false;
fillLayer.Resources = fillLayer.Resources;
// We haven't pattern data in PattResource, so we can add it.
var fillSettings = (PatternFillSettings)fillLayer.FillSettings;
fillSettings.PatternData = new int[]
fillSettings.PatternHeight = 1;
fillSettings.PatternWidth = 4;
fillSettings.PatternName = "$$$/Presets/Patterns/VerticalLine=Vertical Line New\0";
fillSettings.PatternId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + "\0";
See Also