Class WebCells

WebCells class

[Obsolete("This class is obsolete; use  GridCells instead")]
public class WebCells


Count { get; }Gets the number of cells.
Item { get; }Gets the Cell element at the specified cell row index and column index. (2 indexers)
MaxColumn { get; }
MaxRow { get; }
MergedCells { get; }Gets the collection of merged cells.
MinColumn { get; }Min column number of cell which contains data or style.
MinRow { get; }Min row number of cell which contains data or style.
StandardHeight { get; set; }Gets or sets the default row height in this worksheet,in unit of points.
StandardWidth { get; set; }Gets or sets the default column width in the worksheet,in unit of characters.


ClearContents(int, int, int, int)Clears contents of a range.
DeleteColumn(int)Deletes a column.
DeleteRow(int)Deletes a row.
DeleteRows(int, int)Deletes a number of rows. This method is much faster than DeleteRow when doing a batch row deleting.
Export(int, int, int, int, bool, bool)Exports data in the Cells collection of a WebWorksheet to a new DataTable object
ExportArray(int, int, int, int)Exports data in the Cells collection to a two-dimension array object.
GetColumnCaption(int)Gets the column caption. If the caption is not set, returns empty string.
GetColumnReadonly(int)Gets if a column is readonly. this is extended method of GridWeb specifically,it will not keep and take affect in actual excel file
GetColumnWidth(int)Gets the width of the specified column
GetEnumerator()Gets the cells enumerator
GetRowCaption(int)Gets the row caption. If the caption is not set, returns empty string.
GetRowHeight(int)Gets the height of a specified row.
GetRowHiddenStatus(int)Get hidden status of a specified row.
GetRowOutlineLevel(int)Gets the outline level of the row.
GetRowReadonly(int)Gets if a row is readonly. this is extended method of GridWeb specifically,it will not keep and take affect in actual excel file
InsertColumn(int)Inserts a new column into the worksheet.
InsertRow(int)Inserts a new row into the worksheet.
InsertRows(int, int)Inserts multiple rows into the worksheet.
Merge(int, int, int, int)
SetBorders(int, int, int, int, SetBorderPosition, WebBorderStyle)Sets borders for a cells range.
SetColumnCaption(int, string)Sets the caption for the column.please note this is an extension attribute and can not keep in excel file
SetColumnReadonly(int, bool)Sets a column to readonly so user can’t delete it from client side. this is extended method of GridWeb specifically,it will not keep and take affect in actual excel file
SetColumnWidth(int, Unit)Sets the width of the specified column.the accepted width type is Point,Pixel or Inch
SetRowCaption(int, string)Sets the caption for the row.
SetRowHeight(int, Unit)Sets the height of the specified row.the accepted width type is Point,Pixel or Inch
SetRowHiddenStatus(int, bool)Set hidden status of a specified row.
SetRowOutlineLevel(int, int)Sets the outline level of the row.
SetRowOutlineLevelAndStatus(int, int, bool)Sets the outline level of the row.
SetRowReadonly(int, bool)Sets a row to readonly so user can’t delete it from client side. this is extended method of GridWeb specifically,it will not keep and take affect in actual excel file
SetStyle(string, TableItemStyle)Sets the style to a specified range of cells.
SetStyle(int, int, int, int, TableItemStyle)Sets the style to a specified range of cells.
Sort(int, int, int, int, int)Sorts the datas ascend top to bottom in a range of a WebWorksheet by specified column index.
Sort(int, int, int, int, int[])Sorts the datas ascend top to bottom in a range of a WebWorksheet by some field that are specifed by column indexes array.
Sort(int, int, int, int, int, SortByOrder, SortOrientation, bool)Sorts the datas ascend top to bottom in a range of a WebWorksheet by specified column index.
Sort(int, int, int, int, int[], SortByOrder[], SortOrientation, bool)Sorts the datas ascend in a range of a WebWorksheet by some field that are specifed by indexes array.
UnMerge(int, int, int, int)Unmerges a specified range of merged cells.
static CellIndexToName(int, int)Gets cell name according to its row and column indexes.
static CellNameToIndex(string, out int, out int)Gets the cell row and column indexes according to its name
static ColumnIndexToName(int)Gets column name according to column index.
static ColumnNameToIndex(string)Gets column index according to column name.


NOTE: This class is now obsolete. please use GridCells Instead. This class will be removed after 6 months since Aug. 2014. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.

See Also