
OOFMessage class

Specifies the OOF message for a particular audience. Exchange 2007, Exchange 2010, and Exchange 2013 require that the reply message for unknown external and known external audiences be the same. The property supports the following three audiences for an OOF message: Internal — A user who is in the same organization as the sending user. Known external — A user who is outside the sending user’s organization, but is represented in the sending user’s contacts. Unknown external — A user who is outside the sending user’s organization and is not represented in the sending user’s contacts.

public class OOFMessage


Name Description
OOFMessage() The default constructor.


Name Description
AppliesToExternalKnown { get; set; } Indicates that the OOF message applies to known external users.
AppliesToExternalUnknown { get; set; } Indicates that the OOF message applies to unknown external users.
AppliesToInternal { get; set; } Indicates that the OOF message applies to internal users.
BodyType { get; set; } Specifies the format of the OOF message. The following are the permitted values for the BodyType element: - Text - HTML
Enabled { get; set; } Specifies whether an OOF message is sent to this audience while the sending user is OOF.
ReplyMessage { get; set; } Specifies the message to be shown to a particular audience when the user is OOF.

See Also