Class LmskResource

LmskResource class

The LMsk resource.

public class LmskResource : LayerResource


LmskResource()Initializes a new instance of the LmskResource class.


ColorComponent1 { get; set; }Gets the color component 1.
ColorComponent2 { get; set; }Gets the color component 2.
ColorComponent3 { get; set; }Gets the color component 3.
ColorComponent4 { get; set; }Gets the color component 4.
ColorSpace { get; set; }Gets the color space.
Flag { get; }Gets the flag.
override Key { get; }Gets the layer resource key.
override Length { get; }Gets the layer resource length in bytes.
Opacity { get; set; }Gets the opacity.
override PsdVersion { get; }Gets the psd version.
override Signature { get; }Gets the signature.


override Save(StreamContainer, int)Saves the resource to the specified stream container.
override ToString()Returns a String that represents this instance.


const TypeToolKeyThe type tool info key.


This resource contains color space ID, which refers to a specific color space type, and 4 color components. Depending on ID, color components have different meanings. If the color space type does not require four values, the extra components are undefined and always written as zeros. Color components by color space types: RGB - the first three components are red, green, and blue. HSB - the first three components are hue, saturation, and brightness. CMYK- the four components are cyan, magenta, yellow, and black. Lab - the first three components are lightness, a chrominance, and b chrominance. Grayscale - the first component is the gray value, from 0…10000.


The following code demonstrates how to change Layer Mask Display Options on 16-bit images through changing LmskResource properties.


string sourceFile = "sourceFile.psd";
string outputPsd = "sourceFile_output.psd";

void AssertAreEqual(object expected, object actual)
    if (!object.Equals(expected, actual))
        throw new Exception("Objects are not equal.");

// Load 16-bit image.
using (PsdImage image = (PsdImage)Image.Load(sourceFile))
    // Find LmskResource.
    LmskResource lmskResource = new LmskResource();
    foreach (var res in image.GlobalLayerResources)
        if (res is LmskResource)
            lmskResource = (LmskResource)res;

    // Check LmskResource properties.
    AssertAreEqual(lmskResource.ColorSpace, ColorSpace.RGB);
    AssertAreEqual(lmskResource.ColorComponent1, (ushort)65535);
    AssertAreEqual(lmskResource.ColorComponent2, (ushort)0);
    AssertAreEqual(lmskResource.ColorComponent3, (ushort)0);
    AssertAreEqual(lmskResource.ColorComponent4, (ushort)0);
    AssertAreEqual(lmskResource.Opacity, (short)45);
    AssertAreEqual(lmskResource.Flag, (byte)128);

    // Change LmskResource properties.
    lmskResource.ColorSpace = ColorSpace.HSB;
    lmskResource.ColorComponent1 = 7854;
    lmskResource.ColorComponent2 = 10;
    lmskResource.ColorComponent3 = 15484;
    lmskResource.Opacity = 85;

    // Save the image.

See Also