Aspose::Words::Fields::DropDownItemCollection::idx_set method
]DropDownItemCollection::idx_set method
Gets or sets the element at the specified index.
void Aspose::Words::Fields::DropDownItemCollection::idx_set(int32_t index, const System::String &value)
Shows how to insert a combo box field, and edit the elements in its item collection.
auto doc = MakeObject<Document>();
auto builder = MakeObject<DocumentBuilder>(doc);
// Insert a combo box, and then verify its collection of drop-down items.
// In Microsoft Word, the user will click the combo box,
// and then choose one of the items of text in the collection to display.
ArrayPtr<String> items = MakeArray<String>({u"One", u"Two", u"Three"});
SharedPtr<FormField> comboBoxField = builder->InsertComboBox(u"DropDown", items, 0);
SharedPtr<DropDownItemCollection> dropDownItems = comboBoxField->get_DropDownItems();
ASSERT_EQ(3, dropDownItems->get_Count());
ASSERT_EQ(u"One", dropDownItems->idx_get(0));
ASSERT_EQ(1, dropDownItems->IndexOf(u"Two"));
// There are two ways of adding a new item to an existing collection of drop-down box items.
// 1 - Append an item to the end of the collection:
// 2 - Insert an item before another item at a specified index:
dropDownItems->Insert(3, u"Three and a half");
ASSERT_EQ(5, dropDownItems->get_Count());
// Iterate over the collection and print every element.
SharedPtr<System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerator<String>> dropDownCollectionEnumerator = dropDownItems->GetEnumerator();
while (dropDownCollectionEnumerator->MoveNext())
std::cout << dropDownCollectionEnumerator->get_Current() << std::endl;
// There are two ways of removing elements from a collection of drop-down items.
// 1 - Remove an item with contents equal to the passed string:
// 2 - Remove an item at an index:
ASSERT_EQ(3, dropDownItems->get_Count());
ASSERT_FALSE(dropDownItems->Contains(u"Three and a half"));
doc->Save(ArtifactsDir + u"FormFields.DropDownItemCollection.html");
// Empty the whole collection of drop-down items.
See Also
- Class DropDownItemCollection
- Namespace Aspose::Words::Fields
- Library Aspose.Words for C++