
FontSettings.SetFontsFolder method

Sets the folder where Aspose.Words looks for TrueType fonts when rendering documents or embedding fonts. This is a shortcut to SetFontsFolders for setting only one font directory.

public void SetFontsFolder(string fontFolder, bool recursive)
fontFolderStringThe folder that contains TrueType fonts.
recursiveBooleanTrue to scan the specified folders for fonts recursively.


Shows how to set a font source directory.

Document doc = new Document();
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

builder.Font.Name = "Arvo";
builder.Writeln("Hello world!");
builder.Font.Name = "Amethysta";
builder.Writeln("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.");

// Our font sources do not contain the font that we have used for text in this document.
// If we use these font settings while rendering this document,
// Aspose.Words will apply a fallback font to text which has a font that Aspose.Words cannot locate.
FontSourceBase[] originalFontSources = FontSettings.DefaultInstance.GetFontsSources();

Assert.AreEqual(1, originalFontSources.Length);
Assert.True(originalFontSources[0].GetAvailableFonts().Any(f => f.FullFontName == "Arial"));

// The default font sources are missing the two fonts that we are using in this document.
Assert.False(originalFontSources[0].GetAvailableFonts().Any(f => f.FullFontName == "Arvo"));
Assert.False(originalFontSources[0].GetAvailableFonts().Any(f => f.FullFontName == "Amethysta"));

// Use the "SetFontsFolder" method to set a directory which will act as a new font source.
// Pass "false" as the "recursive" argument to include fonts from all the font files that are in the directory
// that we are passing in the first argument, but not include any fonts in any of that directory's subfolders.
// Pass "true" as the "recursive" argument to include all font files in the directory that we are passing
// in the first argument, as well as all the fonts in its subdirectories.
FontSettings.DefaultInstance.SetFontsFolder(FontsDir, recursive);

FontSourceBase[] newFontSources = FontSettings.DefaultInstance.GetFontsSources();

Assert.AreEqual(1, newFontSources.Length);
Assert.False(newFontSources[0].GetAvailableFonts().Any(f => f.FullFontName == "Arial"));
Assert.True(newFontSources[0].GetAvailableFonts().Any(f => f.FullFontName == "Arvo"));

// The "Amethysta" font is in a subfolder of the font directory.
if (recursive)
    Assert.AreEqual(25, newFontSources[0].GetAvailableFonts().Count);
    Assert.True(newFontSources[0].GetAvailableFonts().Any(f => f.FullFontName == "Amethysta"));
    Assert.AreEqual(18, newFontSources[0].GetAvailableFonts().Count);
    Assert.False(newFontSources[0].GetAvailableFonts().Any(f => f.FullFontName == "Amethysta"));

doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "FontSettings.SetFontsFolder.pdf");

// Restore the original font sources.

See Also