Class DracoFormat

DracoFormat class

Google Draco format

public class DracoFormat : FileFormat


CanExport { get; }Gets whether Aspose.3D supports export scene to current file format.
CanImport { get; }Gets whether Aspose.3D supports import scene from current file format.
ContentType { get; }Gets file format content type
Extension { get; }Gets the extension name of this type.
Extensions { get; }Gets the extension names of this type.
FileFormatType { get; }Gets file format type
Version { get; }Gets file format version


CreateLoadOptions()Create a default load options for this file format
CreateSaveOptions()Create a default save options for this file format
Decode(byte[])Decode the point cloud or mesh from memory data
Decode(string)Decode the point cloud or mesh from specified file name
Encode(Entity, DracoSaveOptions)Encode the entity to Draco raw data
Encode(Entity, Stream, DracoSaveOptions)Encode the entity to specified stream
Encode(Entity, string, DracoSaveOptions)Encode the entity to specified file
override ToString()Formats to string


The following code shows how to encode and decode a Mesh to/from byte array:

Mesh mesh = (new Sphere()).ToMesh();
//encode mesh into Draco format
byte[] draco = FileFormat.Draco.Encode(mesh);
//decode mesh from Draco format
Mesh decodedMesh = (Mesh)FileFormat.Draco.Decode(draco);

See Also