Aspose::Words::Fields::Field::get_LocaleId method
]Field::get_LocaleId method
Gets or sets the LCID of the field.
int32_t Aspose::Words::Fields::Field::get_LocaleId()
Shows how to insert a field and work with its locale.
auto doc = MakeObject<Document>();
auto builder = MakeObject<DocumentBuilder>(doc);
// Insert a DATE field, and then print the date it will display.
// Your thread's current culture determines the formatting of the date.
SharedPtr<Field> field = builder->InsertField(u"DATE");
std::cout << "Today's date, as displayed in the \"" << System::Globalization::CultureInfo::get_CurrentCulture()->get_EnglishName()
<< "\" culture: " << field->get_Result() << std::endl;
ASSERT_EQ(1033, field->get_LocaleId());
// Changing the culture of our thread will impact the result of the DATE field.
// Another way to get the DATE field to display a date in a different culture is to use its LocaleId property.
// This way allows us to avoid changing the thread's culture to get this effect.
auto de = MakeObject<System::Globalization::CultureInfo>(u"de-DE");
std::cout << "Today's date, as displayed according to the \""
<< System::Globalization::CultureInfo::GetCultureInfo(field->get_LocaleId())->get_EnglishName() << "\" culture: " << field->get_Result()
<< std::endl;
See Also
- Class Field
- Namespace Aspose::Words::Fields
- Library Aspose.Words for C++