Class Pose

Pose class

The pose is used to store transformation matrix when the geometry is skinned. The pose is a set of BonePose, each BonePose saves the concrete transformation information of the bone node.

public class Pose : A3DObject


Pose()Initializes a new instance of the Pose class.
Pose(string)Initializes a new instance of the Pose class.


BonePoses { get; }Gets all BonePose.
virtual Name { get; set; }Gets or sets the name.
PoseType { get; set; }Gets or sets the type of the pose.
Properties { get; }Gets the collection of all properties.


AddBonePose(Node, Matrix4)Saves pose transformation matrix for the given bone node. Global transformation matrix is implied.
AddBonePose(Node, Matrix4, bool)Saves pose transformation matrix for the given bone node.
FindProperty(string)Finds the property. It can be a dynamic property (Created by CreateDynamicProperty/SetProperty) or native property(Identified by its name)
GetProperty(string)Get the value of specified property
RemoveProperty(Property)Removes a dynamic property.
RemoveProperty(string)Remove the specified property identified by name
SetProperty(string, object)Sets the value of specified property

See Also