Class MapiNamedProperty

MapiNamedProperty class

Represents the data type of Named Property.

public sealed class MapiNamedProperty : MapiProperty


MapiNamedProperty()Initializes a new instance of the MapiNamedProperty class.
MapiNamedProperty(INamedPropertyTagProvider, PidLidPropertyDescriptor, object)Initializes a new instance of the MapiNamedProperty class.
MapiNamedProperty(INamedPropertyTagProvider, PidNamePropertyDescriptor, object)Initializes a new instance of the MapiNamedProperty class.
MapiNamedProperty(long, long, Guid, byte[])Initializes a new instance of the MapiNamedProperty class.
MapiNamedProperty(long, string, Guid, byte[])Initializes a new instance of the MapiNamedProperty class.


virtual Data { get; }Gets the binary data.
virtual DataType { get; }Gets the data type.
Descriptor { get; }Gets descriptor of MAPI property
Guid { get; }gets named property GUID
virtual Identifier { get; }Gets the indifier.
IsNamed { get; }Indicates whether the property is a named property.
virtual IsSigned { get; set; }Indicates whether the binary data is signed.
Kind { get; }gets named property kind
MVEntries { get; }Gets the MV entries list.
virtual Name { get; }Gets the name.
NameId { get; }gets named property ID
Oom { get; }gets OOM value
virtual PropertyTagName { get; }Gets the PropertyName.
virtual Tag { get; }Gets the tag.


virtual GetBoolean()Gets the first bytes of the binary data as boolean.
virtual GetCurrency()Gets the Currency as string using the specified code page.
virtual GetDateTime()Gets the first bytes of the binary data as datetime.
virtual GetDouble()Gets the bytes of the binary data as double.
virtual GetFloat()Gets the bytes of the binary data as float.
virtual GetFloatingDate()Gets the bytes of the binary data as DateTime.
virtual GetGuid()Gets the bytes of the binary data as Guid.
virtual GetInt32()Gets the first 4 bytes of the binary data as int32.
virtual GetLong()Gets the first 8 bytes of the binary data as long.
virtual GetShort()Gets the first 2 bytes of the binary data as short.
virtual GetString()Gets the binary data as string.
virtual GetString(int)Gets the binary data as string using the specified code page.
GetValue()Gets value as object
override ToString()Returns a String that represents the current Object.

See Also