
All Implemented Interfaces: com.aspose.slides.IActualLayout

public interface IChartDataPoint extends IActualLayout

Represents series data point.


getXValue()Returns the x value of chart data point.
getYValue()Returns the y value of chart data point.
getBubbleSize()Returns the bubble size of chart data point.
getValue()Returns the value of chart data point.
getSizeValue()Returns the size value of chart data point.
getColorValue()Returns the color value of chart data point.
getErrorBarsCustomValues()Represents series error bars values in case of Custom value type.
getLabel()Represents the lable of chart data point.
isBubble3D()Specifies that the bubbles have a 3-D effect applied to them.
setBubble3D(boolean value)Specifies that the bubbles have a 3-D effect applied to them.
getExplosion()Specifies the amount the data point shall be moved from the center of the pie.
setExplosion(int value)Specifies the amount the data point shall be moved from the center of the pie.
getFormat()Represents the formatting properties.
setFormat(IFormat value)Represents the formatting properties.
getMarker()Specifies a data marker.
remove()Removes DataPoint from chart series.
getAutomaticDataPointColor()Returns an automatic color of data point based on series index, data point index, ParentSeriesGroup.IsColorVaried propery and chart style.
getRelatedLegendEntry()Properties of corresponding legend entry in case of chart type from this list: ChartType.BarOfPie, ChartType.ExplodedPie, ChartType.ExplodedPie3D, ChartType.Pie, ChartType.Pie3D, ChartType.PieOfPie.
getSetAsTotal()Sets data point as total.
setSetAsTotal(boolean value)Sets data point as total.
getInvertIfNegative()Specifies the data point shall invert its colors if the value is negative.
setInvertIfNegative(boolean value)Specifies the data point shall invert its colors if the value is negative.
getDataPointLevels()Returns container of data point levels.
getIndex()Determines which of the parent’s children collection this data point applies to.


public abstract IStringOrDoubleChartValue getXValue()

Returns the x value of chart data point. Read-only IStringOrDoubleChartValue.

Returns: IStringOrDoubleChartValue


public abstract IDoubleChartValue getYValue()

Returns the y value of chart data point. Read-only IDoubleChartValue.

Returns: IDoubleChartValue


public abstract IDoubleChartValue getBubbleSize()

Returns the bubble size of chart data point. Read-only IDoubleChartValue.

Returns: IDoubleChartValue


public abstract IDoubleChartValue getValue()

Returns the value of chart data point. Read-only IDoubleChartValue.

Returns: IDoubleChartValue


public abstract IDoubleChartValue getSizeValue()

Returns the size value of chart data point. Used with Treemap and Sunburst charts. Read-only IDoubleChartValue.

Returns: IDoubleChartValue


public abstract IDoubleChartValue getColorValue()

Returns the color value of chart data point. Used with Map charts. Read-only IDoubleChartValue.

Returns: IDoubleChartValue


public abstract IErrorBarsCustomValues getErrorBarsCustomValues()

Represents series error bars values in case of Custom value type. Read-only IErrorBarsCustomValues.

Returns: IErrorBarsCustomValues


public abstract IDataLabel getLabel()

Represents the lable of chart data point. Read-only IDataLabel.

Returns: IDataLabel


public abstract boolean isBubble3D()

Specifies that the bubbles have a 3-D effect applied to them. Read/write boolean.

Returns: boolean

setBubble3D(boolean value)

public abstract void setBubble3D(boolean value)

Specifies that the bubbles have a 3-D effect applied to them. Read/write boolean.




public abstract int getExplosion()

Specifies the amount the data point shall be moved from the center of the pie. Read/write int.

Returns: int

setExplosion(int value)

public abstract void setExplosion(int value)

Specifies the amount the data point shall be moved from the center of the pie. Read/write int.




public abstract IFormat getFormat()

Represents the formatting properties. Read/write IFormat.

Returns: IFormat

setFormat(IFormat value)

public abstract void setFormat(IFormat value)

Represents the formatting properties. Read/write IFormat.




public abstract IMarker getMarker()

Specifies a data marker. Read-only IMarker.

Returns: IMarker


public abstract void remove()

Removes DataPoint from chart series.


public abstract Integer getAutomaticDataPointColor()

Returns an automatic color of data point based on series index, data point index, ParentSeriesGroup.IsColorVaried propery and chart style. This color is used by default if FillType equals NotDefined.

Returns: java.lang.Integer - Automatic color of data point java.lang.Integer


public abstract ILegendEntryProperties getRelatedLegendEntry()

Properties of corresponding legend entry in case of chart type from this list: ChartType.BarOfPie, ChartType.ExplodedPie, ChartType.ExplodedPie3D, ChartType.Pie, ChartType.Pie3D, ChartType.PieOfPie. Read-only ILegendEntryProperties.

Returns: ILegendEntryProperties


public abstract boolean getSetAsTotal()

Sets data point as total. Applied for Waterfall series type only.

Returns: boolean

setSetAsTotal(boolean value)

public abstract void setSetAsTotal(boolean value)

Sets data point as total. Applied for Waterfall series type only.




public abstract boolean getInvertIfNegative()

Specifies the data point shall invert its colors if the value is negative. Read/write boolean.

Returns: boolean

setInvertIfNegative(boolean value)

public abstract void setInvertIfNegative(boolean value)

Specifies the data point shall invert its colors if the value is negative. Read/write boolean.




public abstract IChartDataPointLevelsManager getDataPointLevels()

Returns container of data point levels. Applied for Treeamp and Sunburst series. Data point levels indexing is zero-based.

Returns: IChartDataPointLevelsManager


public abstract long getIndex()

Determines which of the parent’s children collection this data point applies to. Read long.

Returns: long