Inheritance: java.lang.Object, com.aspose.slides.MathElementBase
All Implemented Interfaces: com.aspose.slides.IMathDelimiter, com.aspose.slides.IHasControlCharacterProperties
public final class MathDelimiter extends MathElementBase implements IMathDelimiter, IHasControlCharacterProperties
Specifies the delimiter object, consisting of opening and closing characters (such as parentheses, braces, brackets, and vertical bars), and one or more mathematical elements inside, separated by a specified character. Examples: (\ud835\udc652); [\ud835\udc652|\ud835\udc662]
Example: IMathElement element = new MathematicalText("x"); MathDelimiter delimiter = new MathDelimiter(element);
Constructor | Description |
MathDelimiter(IMathElement element) | Initializes MathDelimiter with the specified element as single base argument |
Method | Description |
getArguments() | One or more mathematical elements separated by delimiter characters |
getBeginningCharacter() | Delimiter Beginning Character specifies the beginning, or opening, delimiter character. |
setBeginningCharacter(char value) | Delimiter Beginning Character specifies the beginning, or opening, delimiter character. |
getSeparatorCharacter() | Delimiter Separator Character specifies the character that separates arguments in the delimiter object. |
setSeparatorCharacter(char value) | Delimiter Separator Character specifies the character that separates arguments in the delimiter object. |
getEndingCharacter() | Delimiter Ending Character specifies the ending, or closing, delimiter character. |
setEndingCharacter(char value) | Delimiter Ending Character specifies the ending, or closing, delimiter character. |
getGrowToMatchOperandHeight() | Specifies the growth of BeginningCharacter, SeparatorCharacter, EndingCharacter When true, the delimiters grows vertically to match its operand height. |
setGrowToMatchOperandHeight(boolean value) | Specifies the growth of BeginningCharacter, SeparatorCharacter, EndingCharacter When true, the delimiters grows vertically to match its operand height. |
getDelimiterShape() | Specifies the shape of delimiters in the delimiter object. |
setDelimiterShape(int value) | Specifies the shape of delimiters in the delimiter object. |
delimit(char separatorCharacter) | Delimits arguments using the specified delimiter character |
enclose(char beginningCharacter, char endingCharacter) | Encloses a math element in specified characters such as parenthesis or another characters as framing |
getChildren() | Get children elements |
getControlCharacterProperties() | Control Character Properties |
MathDelimiter(IMathElement element)
public MathDelimiter(IMathElement element)
Initializes MathDelimiter with the specified element as single base argument
Example: IMathElement element = new MathematicalText("x"); MathDelimiter delimiter = new MathDelimiter(element);
Parameter | Type | Description |
element | IMathElement | The base element to which the delimiter is applied. Can be null. |
public final IMathElementCollection getArguments()
One or more mathematical elements separated by delimiter characters
Example: IMathDelimiter delimiter = new MathematicalText("x").join("y").enclose(); IMathElementCollection arguments = delimiter.getArguments();
Returns: IMathElementCollection
public final char getBeginningCharacter()
Delimiter Beginning Character specifies the beginning, or opening, delimiter character. Mathematical delimiters are enclosing characters such as parentheses, brackets, and braces. The default: ‘(’.
Example: IMathDelimiter delimiter = new MathematicalText("x").join("y").enclose(); delimiter.setBeginningCharacter('[');
Returns: char
setBeginningCharacter(char value)
public final void setBeginningCharacter(char value)
Delimiter Beginning Character specifies the beginning, or opening, delimiter character. Mathematical delimiters are enclosing characters such as parentheses, brackets, and braces. The default: ‘(’.
Example: IMathDelimiter delimiter = new MathematicalText("x").join("y").enclose(); delimiter.setBeginningCharacter('[');
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | char |
public final char getSeparatorCharacter()
Delimiter Separator Character specifies the character that separates arguments in the delimiter object. The default: ‘|’.
Example: IMathDelimiter delimiter = new MathematicalText("x").join("y").enclose(); delimiter.setSeparatorCharacter('$');
Returns: char
setSeparatorCharacter(char value)
public final void setSeparatorCharacter(char value)
Delimiter Separator Character specifies the character that separates arguments in the delimiter object. The default: ‘|’.
Example: IMathDelimiter delimiter = new MathematicalText("x").join("y").enclose(); delimiter.setSeparatorCharacter('$');
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | char |
public final char getEndingCharacter()
Delimiter Ending Character specifies the ending, or closing, delimiter character. Mathematical delimiters are enclosing characters such as parentheses, brackets, and braces. The default: ‘)’.
Example: IMathDelimiter delimiter = new MathematicalText("x").join("y").enclose(); delimiter.setEndingCharacter(']');
Returns: char
setEndingCharacter(char value)
public final void setEndingCharacter(char value)
Delimiter Ending Character specifies the ending, or closing, delimiter character. Mathematical delimiters are enclosing characters such as parentheses, brackets, and braces. The default: ‘)’.
Example: IMathDelimiter delimiter = new MathematicalText("x").join("y").enclose(); delimiter.setEndingCharacter(']');
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | char |
public final boolean getGrowToMatchOperandHeight()
Specifies the growth of BeginningCharacter, SeparatorCharacter, EndingCharacter When true, the delimiters grows vertically to match its operand height. The default value is true
Example: IMathDelimiter delimiter = new MathematicalText("x").divide("y").enclose(); delimiter.setGrowToMatchOperandHeight(false);
Returns: boolean
setGrowToMatchOperandHeight(boolean value)
public final void setGrowToMatchOperandHeight(boolean value)
Specifies the growth of BeginningCharacter, SeparatorCharacter, EndingCharacter When true, the delimiters grows vertically to match its operand height. The default value is true
Example: IMathDelimiter delimiter = new MathematicalText("x").divide("y").enclose(); delimiter.setGrowToMatchOperandHeight(false);
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | boolean |
public final int getDelimiterShape()
Specifies the shape of delimiters in the delimiter object. When is MathDelimiterShape.Centered, delimiters are centered around the math axis of the mathematical text and still be made to fit the entire height of their contents. When is MathDelimiterShape.Match, their height and shape are altered to exactly match their contents.
Example: IMathDelimiter delimiter = new MathematicalText("x").divide("y").enclose(); delimiter.setDelimiterShape(MathDelimiterShape.Match);
Returns: int
setDelimiterShape(int value)
public final void setDelimiterShape(int value)
Specifies the shape of delimiters in the delimiter object. When is MathDelimiterShape.Centered, delimiters are centered around the math axis of the mathematical text and still be made to fit the entire height of their contents. When is MathDelimiterShape.Match, their height and shape are altered to exactly match their contents.
Example: IMathDelimiter delimiter = new MathematicalText("x").divide("y").enclose(); delimiter.setDelimiterShape(MathDelimiterShape.Match);
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | int |
delimit(char separatorCharacter)
public final IMathDelimiter delimit(char separatorCharacter)
Delimits arguments using the specified delimiter character
Parameter | Type | Description |
separatorCharacter | char | delimiter character |
Returns: IMathDelimiter - This object after applying the delimiter character
enclose(char beginningCharacter, char endingCharacter)
public IMathDelimiter enclose(char beginningCharacter, char endingCharacter)
Encloses a math element in specified characters such as parenthesis or another characters as framing
Example: IMathDelimiter innerDelimiter = new MathematicalText("x").join(",y").enclose('{', '}'); IMathDelimiter outerDelimiter = innerDelimiter.enclose('[', ']');
Parameter | Type | Description |
beginningCharacter | char | Beginning character (usually left bracket) |
endingCharacter | char | Ending character (usually right bracket) |
Returns: IMathDelimiter - If beginningCharacter and endingCharacter are null, corresponding properties are assigned values only and no new object is created (returns this instance). Otherwise, returns new math element of type Delimiter which includes specified characters as framing and this instance of MathDelimiter framed inside.
public final IMathElement[] getChildren()
Get children elements
Returns: com.aspose.slides.IMathElement[]
public final OmmlControlCharacterPPTXUnsupportedProps getControlCharacterProperties()
Control Character Properties
Returns: com.aspose.slides.OmmlControlCharacterPPTXUnsupportedProps