]ConditionalStyleType enumeration
Represents possible table areas to which conditional formatting may be defined in a table style.
public enum ConditionalStyleType
Name | Value | Description |
FirstRow | 0 | Specifies formatting of the first row of a table. |
FirstColumn | 1 | Specifies formatting of the first column of a table. |
LastRow | 2 | Specifies formatting of the last row of a table. |
LastColumn | 3 | Specifies formatting of the last column of a table. |
OddRowBanding | 4 | Specifies formatting of odd-numbered row stripe. |
OddColumnBanding | 5 | Specifies formatting of odd-numbered column stripe. |
EvenRowBanding | 6 | Specifies formatting of even-numbered row stripe. |
EvenColumnBanding | 7 | Specifies formatting of even-numbered column stripe. |
TopLeftCell | 8 | Specifies formatting of the top left cell of a table. |
TopRightCell | 9 | Specifies formatting of the top right cell of a table. |
BottomLeftCell | 10 | Specifies formatting of the bottom left cell of a table. |
BottomRightCell | 11 | Specifies formatting of the bottom right cell of a table. |
Shows how to work with certain area styles of a table.
Document doc = new Document();
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
Table table = builder.StartTable();
builder.Write("Cell 1");
builder.Write("Cell 2");
builder.Write("Cell 3");
builder.Write("Cell 4");
// Create a custom table style.
TableStyle tableStyle = (TableStyle)doc.Styles.Add(StyleType.Table, "MyTableStyle1");
// Conditional styles are formatting changes that affect only some of the table's cells
// based on a predicate, such as the cells being in the last row.
// Below are three ways of accessing a table style's conditional styles from the "ConditionalStyles" collection.
// 1 - By style type:
tableStyle.ConditionalStyles[ConditionalStyleType.FirstRow].Shading.BackgroundPatternColor = Color.AliceBlue;
// 2 - By index:
tableStyle.ConditionalStyles[0].Borders.Color = Color.Black;
tableStyle.ConditionalStyles[0].Borders.LineStyle = LineStyle.DotDash;
Assert.AreEqual(ConditionalStyleType.FirstRow, tableStyle.ConditionalStyles[0].Type);
// 3 - As a property:
tableStyle.ConditionalStyles.FirstRow.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ParagraphAlignment.Center;
// Apply padding and text formatting to conditional styles.
tableStyle.ConditionalStyles.LastRow.BottomPadding = 10;
tableStyle.ConditionalStyles.LastRow.LeftPadding = 10;
tableStyle.ConditionalStyles.LastRow.RightPadding = 10;
tableStyle.ConditionalStyles.LastRow.TopPadding = 10;
tableStyle.ConditionalStyles.LastColumn.Font.Bold = true;
// List all possible style conditions.
using (IEnumerator<ConditionalStyle> enumerator = tableStyle.ConditionalStyles.GetEnumerator())
while (enumerator.MoveNext())
ConditionalStyle currentStyle = enumerator.Current;
if (currentStyle != null) Console.WriteLine(currentStyle.Type);
// Apply the custom style, which contains all conditional styles, to the table.
table.Style = tableStyle;
// Our style applies some conditional styles by default.
Assert.AreEqual(TableStyleOptions.FirstRow | TableStyleOptions.FirstColumn | TableStyleOptions.RowBands,
// We will need to enable all other styles ourselves via the "StyleOptions" property.
table.StyleOptions = table.StyleOptions | TableStyleOptions.LastRow | TableStyleOptions.LastColumn;
doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "Table.ConditionalStyles.docx");
See Also
- namespace Aspose.Words
- assembly Aspose.Words