Saves the document to a file. Automatically determines the save format from the extension.
public SaveOutputParameters Save(string fileName)
Parameter | Type | Description |
fileName | String | The name for the document. If a document with the specified file name already exists, the existing document is overwritten. |
Return Value
Additional information that you can optionally use.
Shows how to open a document and convert it to .PDF.
Document doc = new Document(MyDir + "Document.docx");
doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "Document.ConvertToPdf.pdf");
Shows how to convert a PDF to a .docx.
Document doc = new Document();
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
builder.Write("Hello world!");
doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "PDF2Word.ConvertPdfToDocx.pdf");
// Load the PDF document that we just saved, and convert it to .docx.
Document pdfDoc = new Document(ArtifactsDir + "PDF2Word.ConvertPdfToDocx.pdf");
pdfDoc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "PDF2Word.ConvertPdfToDocx.docx");
See Also
- class SaveOutputParameters
- class Document
- namespace Aspose.Words
- assembly Aspose.Words
Save(string, SaveFormat)
Saves the document to a file in the specified format.
public SaveOutputParameters Save(string fileName, SaveFormat saveFormat)
Parameter | Type | Description |
fileName | String | The name for the document. If a document with the specified file name already exists, the existing document is overwritten. |
saveFormat | SaveFormat | The format in which to save the document. |
Return Value
Additional information that you can optionally use.
Shows how to convert from DOCX to HTML format.
Document doc = new Document(MyDir + "Document.docx");
doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "Document.ConvertToHtml.html", SaveFormat.Html);
See Also
- class SaveOutputParameters
- enum SaveFormat
- class Document
- namespace Aspose.Words
- assembly Aspose.Words
Save(string, SaveOptions)
Saves the document to a file using the specified save options.
public SaveOutputParameters Save(string fileName, SaveOptions saveOptions)
Parameter | Type | Description |
fileName | String | The name for the document. If a document with the specified file name already exists, the existing document is overwritten. |
saveOptions | SaveOptions | Specifies the options that control how the document is saved. Can be null . |
Return Value
Additional information that you can optionally use.
Shows how to improve the quality of a rendered document with SaveOptions.
Document doc = new Document(MyDir + "Rendering.docx");
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
builder.Font.Size = 60;
builder.Writeln("Some text.");
SaveOptions options = new ImageSaveOptions(SaveFormat.Jpeg);
doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "Document.ImageSaveOptions.Default.jpg", options);
options.UseAntiAliasing = true;
options.UseHighQualityRendering = true;
doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "Document.ImageSaveOptions.HighQuality.jpg", options);
Shows how to convert a PDF to a .docx and customize the saving process with a SaveOptions object.
Document doc = new Document();
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
builder.Writeln("Hello world!");
doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "PDF2Word.ConvertPdfToDocxCustom.pdf");
// Load the PDF document that we just saved, and convert it to .docx.
Document pdfDoc = new Document(ArtifactsDir + "PDF2Word.ConvertPdfToDocxCustom.pdf");
OoxmlSaveOptions saveOptions = new OoxmlSaveOptions(SaveFormat.Docx);
// Set the "Password" property to encrypt the saved document with a password.
saveOptions.Password = "MyPassword";
pdfDoc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "PDF2Word.ConvertPdfToDocxCustom.docx", saveOptions);
Shows how to render every page of a document to a separate TIFF image.
Document doc = new Document();
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
builder.Writeln("Page 1.");
builder.Writeln("Page 2.");
builder.InsertImage(ImageDir + "Logo.jpg");
builder.Writeln("Page 3.");
// Create an "ImageSaveOptions" object which we can pass to the document's "Save" method
// to modify the way in which that method renders the document into an image.
ImageSaveOptions options = new ImageSaveOptions(SaveFormat.Tiff);
for (int i = 0; i < doc.PageCount; i++)
// Set the "PageSet" property to the number of the first page from
// which to start rendering the document from.
options.PageSet = new PageSet(i);
// Export page at 2325x5325 pixels and 600 dpi.
options.Resolution = 600;
options.ImageSize = new Size(2325, 5325);
doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + $"ImageSaveOptions.PageByPage.{i + 1}.tiff", options);
Shows how to render one page from a document to a JPEG image.
Document doc = new Document();
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
builder.Writeln("Page 1.");
builder.Writeln("Page 2.");
builder.InsertImage(ImageDir + "Logo.jpg");
builder.Writeln("Page 3.");
// Create an "ImageSaveOptions" object which we can pass to the document's "Save" method
// to modify the way in which that method renders the document into an image.
ImageSaveOptions options = new ImageSaveOptions(SaveFormat.Jpeg);
// Set the "PageSet" to "1" to select the second page via
// the zero-based index to start rendering the document from.
options.PageSet = new PageSet(1);
// When we save the document to the JPEG format, Aspose.Words only renders one page.
// This image will contain one page starting from page two,
// which will just be the second page of the original document.
doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "ImageSaveOptions.OnePage.jpg", options);
Shows how to configure compression while saving a document as a JPEG.
Document doc = new Document();
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
builder.InsertImage(ImageDir + "Logo.jpg");
// Create an "ImageSaveOptions" object which we can pass to the document's "Save" method
// to modify the way in which that method renders the document into an image.
ImageSaveOptions imageOptions = new ImageSaveOptions(SaveFormat.Jpeg);
// Set the "JpegQuality" property to "10" to use stronger compression when rendering the document.
// This will reduce the file size of the document, but the image will display more prominent compression artifacts.
imageOptions.JpegQuality = 10;
doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "ImageSaveOptions.JpegQuality.HighCompression.jpg", imageOptions);
// Set the "JpegQuality" property to "100" to use weaker compression when rending the document.
// This will improve the quality of the image at the cost of an increased file size.
imageOptions.JpegQuality = 100;
doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "ImageSaveOptions.JpegQuality.HighQuality.jpg", imageOptions);
Shows how to convert a whole document to PDF with three levels in the document outline.
Document doc = new Document();
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
// Insert headings of levels 1 to 5.
builder.ParagraphFormat.StyleIdentifier = StyleIdentifier.Heading1;
builder.Writeln("Heading 1");
builder.ParagraphFormat.StyleIdentifier = StyleIdentifier.Heading2;
builder.Writeln("Heading 1.1");
builder.Writeln("Heading 1.2");
builder.ParagraphFormat.StyleIdentifier = StyleIdentifier.Heading3;
builder.Writeln("Heading 1.2.1");
builder.Writeln("Heading 1.2.2");
builder.ParagraphFormat.StyleIdentifier = StyleIdentifier.Heading4;
builder.ParagraphFormat.StyleIdentifier = StyleIdentifier.Heading5;
// Create a "PdfSaveOptions" object that we can pass to the document's "Save" method
// to modify how that method converts the document to .PDF.
PdfSaveOptions options = new PdfSaveOptions();
// The output PDF document will contain an outline, which is a table of contents that lists headings in the document body.
// Clicking on an entry in this outline will take us to the location of its respective heading.
// Set the "HeadingsOutlineLevels" property to "4" to exclude all headings whose levels are above 4 from the outline.
options.OutlineOptions.HeadingsOutlineLevels = 4;
// If an outline entry has subsequent entries of a higher level inbetween itself and the next entry of the same or lower level,
// an arrow will appear to the left of the entry. This entry is the "owner" of several such "sub-entries".
// In our document, the outline entries from the 5th heading level are sub-entries of the second 4th level outline entry,
// the 4th and 5th heading level entries are sub-entries of the second 3rd level entry, and so on.
// In the outline, we can click on the arrow of the "owner" entry to collapse/expand all its sub-entries.
// Set the "ExpandedOutlineLevels" property to "2" to automatically expand all heading level 2 and lower outline entries
// and collapse all level and 3 and higher entries when we open the document.
options.OutlineOptions.ExpandedOutlineLevels = 2;
doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "PdfSaveOptions.ExpandedOutlineLevels.pdf", options);
See Also
- class SaveOutputParameters
- class SaveOptions
- class Document
- namespace Aspose.Words
- assembly Aspose.Words
Save(Stream, SaveFormat)
Saves the document to a stream using the specified format.
public SaveOutputParameters Save(Stream stream, SaveFormat saveFormat)
Parameter | Type | Description |
stream | Stream | Stream where to save the document. |
saveFormat | SaveFormat | The format in which to save the document. |
Return Value
Additional information that you can optionally use.
Shows how to save a document to a stream.
Document doc = new Document(MyDir + "Document.docx");
using (MemoryStream dstStream = new MemoryStream())
doc.Save(dstStream, SaveFormat.Docx);
// Verify that the stream contains the document.
Assert.AreEqual("Hello World!\r\rHello Word!\r\r\rHello World!", new Document(dstStream).GetText().Trim());
Shows how to save a document to an image via stream, and then read the image from that stream.
Document doc = new Document();
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
builder.Font.Name = "Times New Roman";
builder.Font.Size = 24;
builder.Writeln("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.");
builder.InsertImage(ImageDir + "Logo.jpg");
using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream())
doc.Save(stream, SaveFormat.Bmp);
stream.Position = 0;
// Read the stream back into an image.
using (Image image = Image.FromStream(stream))
Assert.AreEqual(ImageFormat.Bmp, image.RawFormat);
Assert.AreEqual(816, image.Width);
Assert.AreEqual(1056, image.Height);
using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream())
doc.Save(stream, SaveFormat.Bmp);
stream.Position = 0;
SKCodec codec = SKCodec.Create(stream);
Assert.AreEqual(SKEncodedImageFormat.Bmp, codec.EncodedFormat);
stream.Position = 0;
using (SKBitmap image = SKBitmap.Decode(stream))
Assert.AreEqual(816, image.Width);
Assert.AreEqual(1056, image.Height);
See Also
- class SaveOutputParameters
- enum SaveFormat
- class Document
- namespace Aspose.Words
- assembly Aspose.Words
Save(Stream, SaveOptions)
Saves the document to a stream using the specified save options.
public SaveOutputParameters Save(Stream stream, SaveOptions saveOptions)
Parameter | Type | Description |
stream | Stream | Stream where to save the document. |
saveOptions | SaveOptions | Specifies the options that control how the document is saved. Can be null . If this is null , the document will be saved in the binary DOC format. |
Return Value
Additional information that you can optionally use.
Shows how to convert only some of the pages in a document to PDF.
Document doc = new Document();
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
builder.Writeln("Page 1.");
builder.Writeln("Page 2.");
builder.Writeln("Page 3.");
using (Stream stream = File.Create(ArtifactsDir + "PdfSaveOptions.OnePage.pdf"))
// Create a "PdfSaveOptions" object that we can pass to the document's "Save" method
// to modify how that method converts the document to .PDF.
PdfSaveOptions options = new PdfSaveOptions();
// Set the "PageIndex" to "1" to render a portion of the document starting from the second page.
options.PageSet = new PageSet(1);
// This document will contain one page starting from page two, which will only contain the second page.
doc.Save(stream, options);
See Also
- class SaveOutputParameters
- class SaveOptions
- class Document
- namespace Aspose.Words
- assembly Aspose.Words
Save(HttpResponse, string, ContentDisposition, SaveOptions)
Sends the document to the client browser.
public SaveOutputParameters Save(HttpResponse response, string fileName,
ContentDisposition contentDisposition, SaveOptions saveOptions)
Parameter | Type | Description |
response | HttpResponse | Response object where to save the document. |
fileName | String | The name for the document that will appear at the client browser. The name should not contain path. |
contentDisposition | ContentDisposition | A ContentDisposition value that specifies how the document is presented at the client browser. |
saveOptions | SaveOptions | Specifies the options that control how the document is saved. Can be null . |
Return Value
Additional information that you can optionally use.
Internally, this method saves to a memory stream first and then copies to the response stream because the response stream does not support seek.
Shows how to perform a mail merge, and then save the document to the client browser.
Document doc = new Document();
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
builder.InsertField(" MERGEFIELD FullName ");
builder.InsertField(" MERGEFIELD Company ");
builder.InsertField(" MERGEFIELD Address ");
builder.InsertField(" MERGEFIELD City ");
doc.MailMerge.Execute(new string[] { "FullName", "Company", "Address", "City" },
new object[] { "James Bond", "MI5 Headquarters", "Milbank", "London" });
// Send the document to the client browser.
//Thrown because HttpResponse is null in the test.
Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException>(() => doc.Save(response, "Artifacts/MailMerge.ExecuteArray.docx", ContentDisposition.Inline, null));
// We will need to close this response manually to ensure that we do not add any superfluous content to the document after saving.
Assert.Throws<NullReferenceException>(() => response.End());
See Also
- class SaveOutputParameters
- enum ContentDisposition
- class SaveOptions
- class Document
- namespace Aspose.Words
- assembly Aspose.Words