Enum AutoFillType

AutoFillType enumeration

Represents the auto fill type.

public enum AutoFillType


Copy1Copies the value and format of the source area to the target area
Default0Automatically fills the target area with the value and format.
Formats3Copies only the format of the source area to the target area,
Series2Extend the value in the source area to the target area in the form of a series and copy format to the target area.
Values4Copies only the value of the source area to the target area,



namespace Demos
    using Aspose.Cells;
    using System;

    public class AutoFillTypeDemo
        public static void AutoFillTypeExample()
            // Create a new workbook
            Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
            // Access the first worksheet
            Worksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];
            // Create a range (A1:A10) and fill it with some values
            Aspose.Cells.Range sourceRange = worksheet.Cells.CreateRange("A1:A10");
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                sourceRange[i, 0].PutValue(i + 1);

            // Create a target range (B1:B10)
            Aspose.Cells.Range targetRange = worksheet.Cells.CreateRange("B1:B10");

            //Series type error, ticket has been created
            // Use AutoFill method with AutoFillType.Series to fill the target range
            //sourceRange.AutoFill(targetRange, AutoFillType.Series);

            // Use AutoFill method with AutoFillType.Copy to fill the target range
            sourceRange.AutoFill(targetRange, AutoFillType.Copy);
            // Save the workbook


See Also