Struct Color

Color structure

The color of the pixel.

public struct Color


static AliceBlue { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static AntiqueWhite { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static Aqua { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static Aquamarine { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static Azure { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static Beige { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static Bisque { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static Black { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static BlanchedAlmond { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static Blue { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static BlueViolet { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static Brown { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static BurlyWood { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static CadetBlue { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static Chartreuse { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static Chocolate { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static Coral { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static CornflowerBlue { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static Cornsilk { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static Crimson { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static Cyan { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static DarkBlue { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static DarkCyan { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static DarkGoldenrod { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static DarkGray { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static DarkGreen { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static DarkKhaki { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static DarkMagenta { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static DarkOliveGreen { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static DarkOrange { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static DarkOrchid { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static DarkRed { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static DarkSalmon { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static DarkSeaGreen { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static DarkSlateBlue { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static DarkSlateGray { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static DarkTurquoise { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static DarkViolet { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static DeepPink { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static DeepSkyBlue { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static DimGray { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static DodgerBlue { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static Empty { get; }Gets an empty Color.
static Firebrick { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static FloralWhite { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static ForestGreen { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static Fuchsia { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static Gainsboro { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static GhostWhite { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static Gold { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static Goldenrod { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static Gray { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static Green { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static GreenYellow { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static Honeydew { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static HotPink { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static IndianRed { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static Indigo { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static Ivory { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static Khaki { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static Lavender { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static LavenderBlush { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static LawnGreen { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static LemonChiffon { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static LightBlue { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static LightCoral { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static LightCyan { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static LightGoldenrodYellow { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static LightGray { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static LightGreen { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static LightPink { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static LightSalmon { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static LightSeaGreen { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static LightSkyBlue { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static LightSlateGray { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static LightSteelBlue { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static LightYellow { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static Lime { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static LimeGreen { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static Linen { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static Magenta { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static Maroon { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static MediumAquamarine { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static MediumBlue { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static MediumOrchid { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static MediumPurple { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static MediumSeaGreen { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static MediumSlateBlue { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static MediumSpringGreen { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static MediumTurquoise { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static MediumVioletRed { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static MidnightBlue { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static MintCream { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static MistyRose { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static Moccasin { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static NavajoWhite { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static Navy { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static OldLace { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static Olive { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static OliveDrab { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static Orange { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static OrangeRed { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static Orchid { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static PaleGoldenrod { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static PaleGreen { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static PaleTurquoise { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static PaleVioletRed { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static PapayaWhip { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static PeachPuff { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static Peru { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static Pink { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static Plum { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static PowderBlue { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static Purple { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static Red { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static RosyBrown { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static RoyalBlue { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static SaddleBrown { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static Salmon { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static SandyBrown { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static SeaGreen { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static SeaShell { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static Sienna { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static Silver { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static SkyBlue { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static SlateBlue { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static SlateGray { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static Snow { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static SpringGreen { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static SteelBlue { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static Tan { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static Teal { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static Thistle { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static Tomato { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static Transparent { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static Turquoise { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static Violet { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static Wheat { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static White { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static WhiteSmoke { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static Yellow { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
static YellowGreen { get; }Gets a system-defined color.
A { get; }Gets the alpha component value of this Color structure.
B { get; }Gets the blue component value of this Color structure.
G { get; }Gets the green component value of this Color structure.
IsEmpty { get; }Gets a value indicating whether this Color structure is uninitialized.
IsKnownColor { get; }Gets a value indicating whether this Color structure is a predefined color. Predefined colors are represented by the elements of the KnownColor enumeration.
IsNamedColor { get; }Gets a value indicating whether this Color structure is a named color or a member of the KnownColor enumeration.
Name { get; }Gets the name of this Color.
R { get; }Gets the red component value of this Color structure.


static FromArgb(int)Creates a Color structure from a 32-bit ARGB value.
static FromArgb(int, Color)Creates a Color structure from the specified Color structure, but with the new specified alpha value. Although this method allows a 32-bit value to be passed for the alpha value, the value is limited to 8 bits.
static FromArgb(int, int, int)Creates a Color structure from the specified 8-bit color values (red, green, and blue). The alpha value is implicitly 255 (fully opaque). Although this method allows a 32-bit value to be passed for each color component, the value of each component is limited to 8 bits.
static FromArgb(int, int, int, int)Creates a Color structure from the four ARGB component (alpha, red, green, and blue) values. Although this method allows a 32-bit value to be passed for each component, the value of each component is limited to 8 bits.
static FromKnownColor(KnownColor)Creates a Color structure from the specified predefined color.
static FromName(string)Creates a Color structure from the specified name of a predefined color.
override Equals(object)Tests whether the specified object is a Color structure and is equivalent to this Color structure.
GetBrightness()Gets the hue-saturation-brightness (HSB) brightness value for this Color structure.
override GetHashCode()Returns a hash code for this Color structure.
GetHue()Gets the hue-saturation-brightness (HSB) hue value, in degrees, for this Color structure.
GetSaturation()Gets the hue-saturation-brightness (HSB) saturation value for this Color structure.
ToArgb()Gets the 32-bit ARGB value of this Color structure.
ToKnownColor()Gets the KnownColor value of this Color structure.
override ToString()Converts this Color structure to a human-readable string.
static ToCmyk(Color)The conversion from Color to CMYKColor. This method is deprecated. Please use more effective ToCmyk.
operator ==Tests whether two specified Color structures are equivalent.
operator !=Tests whether two specified Color structures are different.

See Also