get_child_nodes method
get_child_nodes(node_type, is_deep)
Returns a live collection of child nodes that match the specified type.
def get_child_nodes(self, node_type: aspose.words.NodeType, is_deep: bool):
Parameter | Type | Description |
node_type | NodeType | Specifies the type of nodes to select. |
is_deep | bool | True to select from all child nodes recursively; False to select only among immediate children. |
The collection of nodes returned by this method is always live.
A live collection is always in sync with the document. For example, if you selected all sections in a document and enumerate through the collection deleting the sections, the section is removed from the collection immediately when it is removed from the document.
A live collection of child nodes of the specified type.
Shows how to print all of a document’s comments and their replies.
doc = aw.Document(MY_DIR + 'Comments.docx')
comments = doc.get_child_nodes(aw.NodeType.COMMENT, True)
# If a comment has no ancestor, it is a "top-level" comment as opposed to a reply-type comment.
# Print all top-level comments along with any replies they may have.
for comment in comments:
comment = comment.as_comment()
if comment.ancestor is None:
print('Top-level comment:')
print(f'\t"{comment.get_text().strip()}", by {}')
print(f'Has {comment.replies.count} replies')
for comment_reply in comment.replies:
comment_reply = comment_reply.as_comment()
print(f'\t"{comment_reply.get_text().strip()}", by {}')
Shows how to extract images from a document, and save them to the local file system as individual files.
doc = aw.Document(MY_DIR + 'Images.docx')
# Get the collection of shapes from the document,
# and save the image data of every shape with an image as a file to the local file system.
shapes = doc.get_child_nodes(aw.NodeType.SHAPE, True)
self.assertEqual(9, len([s for s in shapes if s.as_shape().has_image]))
image_index = 0
for shape in shapes:
shape = shape.as_shape()
if shape.has_image:
# The image data of shapes may contain images of many possible image formats.
# We can determine a file extension for each image automatically, based on its format.
image_file_name = f'File.extract_images.{image_index}{aw.FileFormatUtil.image_type_to_extension(shape.image_data.image_type)}' + image_file_name)
image_index += 1
Shows how to traverse through a composite node’s collection of child nodes.
doc = aw.Document()
# Add two runs and one shape as child nodes to the first paragraph of this document.
paragraph = doc.get_child(aw.NodeType.PARAGRAPH, 0, True).as_paragraph()
paragraph.append_child(aw.Run(doc=doc, text='Hello world! '))
shape = aw.drawing.Shape(doc, aw.drawing.ShapeType.RECTANGLE)
shape.width = 200
shape.height = 200
# Note that the 'CustomNodeId' is not saved to an output file and exists only during the node lifetime.
shape.custom_node_id = 100
shape.wrap_type = aw.drawing.WrapType.INLINE
paragraph.append_child(aw.Run(doc=doc, text='Hello again!'))
# Iterate through the paragraph's collection of immediate children,
# and print any runs or shapes that we find within.
children = paragraph.get_child_nodes(aw.NodeType.ANY, False)
self.assertEqual(3, paragraph.get_child_nodes(aw.NodeType.ANY, False).count)
for child in children:
switch_condition = child.node_type
if switch_condition == aw.NodeType.RUN:
print('Run contents:')
elif switch_condition == aw.NodeType.SHAPE:
child_shape = child.as_shape()
print(f'\t{child_shape.shape_type}, {child_shape.width}x{child_shape.height}')
Shows how to add, update and delete child nodes in a CompositeNode’s collection of children.
doc = aw.Document()
# An empty document, by default, has one paragraph.
self.assertEqual(1, doc.first_section.body.paragraphs.count)
# Composite nodes such as our paragraph can contain other composite and inline nodes as children.
paragraph = doc.first_section.body.first_paragraph
paragraph_text = aw.Run(doc=doc, text='Initial text. ')
# Create three more run nodes.
run1 = aw.Run(doc=doc, text='Run 1. ')
run2 = aw.Run(doc=doc, text='Run 2. ')
run3 = aw.Run(doc=doc, text='Run 3. ')
# The document body will not display these runs until we insert them into a composite node
# that itself is a part of the document's node tree, as we did with the first run.
# We can determine where the text contents of nodes that we insert
# appears in the document by specifying an insertion location relative to another node in the paragraph.
self.assertEqual('Initial text.', paragraph.get_text().strip())
# Insert the second run into the paragraph in front of the initial run.
paragraph.insert_before(run2, paragraph_text)
self.assertEqual('Run 2. Initial text.', paragraph.get_text().strip())
# Insert the third run after the initial run.
paragraph.insert_after(run3, paragraph_text)
self.assertEqual('Run 2. Initial text. Run 3.', paragraph.get_text().strip())
# Insert the first run to the start of the paragraph's child nodes collection.
self.assertEqual('Run 1. Run 2. Initial text. Run 3.', paragraph.get_text().strip())
self.assertEqual(4, paragraph.get_child_nodes(aw.NodeType.ANY, True).count)
# We can modify the contents of the run by editing and deleting existing child nodes.
paragraph.get_child_nodes(aw.NodeType.RUN, True)[1].as_run().text = 'Updated run 2. '
paragraph.get_child_nodes(aw.NodeType.RUN, True).remove(paragraph_text)
self.assertEqual('Run 1. Updated run 2. Run 3.', paragraph.get_text().strip())
self.assertEqual(3, paragraph.get_child_nodes(aw.NodeType.ANY, True).count)
See Also
- module aspose.words
- class CompositeNode