update_page_layout method


Rebuilds the page layout of the document.

def update_page_layout(self):


This method formats a document into pages and updates the page number related fields in the document such as PAGE, PAGES, PAGEREF and REF. The up-to-date page layout information is required for a correct rendering of the document to fixed-page formats.

This method is automatically invoked when you first convert a document to PDF, XPS, image or print it. However, if you modify the document after rendering and then attempt to render it again - Aspose.Words will not update the page layout automatically. In this case you should call Document.update_page_layout() before rendering again.


Shows when to recalculate the page layout of the document.

doc = aw.Document(file_name=MY_DIR + 'Rendering.docx')
# Saving a document to PDF, to an image, or printing for the first time will automatically
# cache the layout of the document within its pages.
doc.save(file_name=ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'Document.UpdatePageLayout.1.pdf')
# Modify the document in some way.
doc.styles.get_by_name('Normal').font.size = 6
doc.sections[0].page_setup.orientation = aw.Orientation.LANDSCAPE
doc.sections[0].page_setup.margins = aw.Margins.MIRRORED
# In the current version of Aspose.Words, modifying the document does not automatically rebuild
# the cached page layout. If we wish for the cached layout
# to stay up to date, we will need to update it manually.
doc.save(file_name=ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'Document.UpdatePageLayout.2.pdf')

See Also