DocumentVisitor class

DocumentVisitor class

Base class for custom document visitors. To learn more, visit the Aspose.Words Document Object Model (DOM) documentation article.


With DocumentVisitor you can define and execute custom operations that require enumeration over the document tree.

For example, Aspose.Words uses DocumentVisitor internally for saving Document in various formats and for other operations like finding fields or bookmarks over a fragment of a document.

To use DocumentVisitor:

  1. Create a class derived from DocumentVisitor.

  2. Override and provide implementations for some or all of the VisitXXX methods to perform some custom operations.

  3. Call Node.accept() on the Node that you want to start the enumeration from.

DocumentVisitor provides default implementations for all of the VisitXXX methods to make it easier to create new document visitors as only the methods required for the particular visitor need to be overridden. It is not necessary to override all of the visitor methods.

For more information see the Visitor design pattern.


visit_absolute_position_tab(tab)Called when a AbsolutePositionTab node is encountered in the document.
visit_body_end(body)Called when enumeration of the main text story in a section has ended.
visit_body_start(body)Called when enumeration of the main text story in a section has started.
visit_bookmark_end(bookmark_end)Called when an end of a bookmark is encountered in the document.
visit_bookmark_start(bookmark_start)Called when a start of a bookmark is encountered in the document.
visit_building_block_end(block)Called when enumeration of a building block has ended.
visit_building_block_start(block)Called when enumeration of a building block has started.
visit_cell_end(cell)Called when enumeration of a table cell has ended.
visit_cell_start(cell)Called when enumeration of a table cell has started.
visit_comment_end(comment)Called when enumeration of a comment text has ended.
visit_comment_range_end(comment_range_end)Called when the end of a commented range of text is encountered.
visit_comment_range_start(comment_range_start)Called when the start of a commented range of text is encountered.
visit_comment_start(comment)Called when enumeration of a comment text has started.
visit_document_end(doc)Called when enumeration of the document has finished.
visit_document_start(doc)Called when enumeration of the document has started.
visit_editable_range_end(editable_range_end)Called when an end of an editable range is encountered in the document.
visit_editable_range_start(editable_range_start)Called when a start of an editable range is encountered in the document.
visit_field_end(field_end)Called when a field ends in the document.
visit_field_separator(field_separator)Called when a field separator is encountered in the document.
visit_field_start(field_start)Called when a field starts in the document.
visit_footnote_end(footnote)Called when enumeration of a footnote or endnote text has ended.
visit_footnote_start(footnote)Called when enumeration of a footnote or endnote text has started.
visit_form_field(form_field)Called when a form field is encountered in the document.
visit_glossary_document_end(glossary)Called when enumeration of a glossary document has ended.
visit_glossary_document_start(glossary)Called when enumeration of a glossary document has started.
visit_group_shape_end(group_shape)Called when enumeration of a group shape has ended.
visit_group_shape_start(group_shape)Called when enumeration of a group shape has started.
visit_header_footer_end(header_footer)Called when enumeration of a header or footer in a section has ended.
visit_header_footer_start(header_footer)Called when enumeration of a header or footer in a section has started.
visit_office_math_end(office_math)Called when enumeration of a Office Math object has ended.
visit_office_math_start(office_math)Called when enumeration of a Office Math object has started.
visit_paragraph_end(paragraph)Called when enumeration of a paragraph has ended.
visit_paragraph_start(paragraph)Called when enumeration of a paragraph has started.
visit_row_end(row)Called when enumeration of a table row has ended.
visit_row_start(row)Called when enumeration of a table row has started.
visit_run(run)Called when a run of text in the is encountered.
visit_section_end(section)Called when enumeration of a section has ended.
visit_section_start(section)Called when enumeration of a section has started.
visit_shape_end(shape)Called when enumeration of a shape has ended.
visit_shape_start(shape)Called when enumeration of a shape has started.
visit_smart_tag_end(smart_tag)Called when enumeration of a smart tag has ended.
visit_smart_tag_start(smart_tag)Called when enumeration of a smart tag has started.
visit_special_char(special_char)Called when a SpecialChar node is encountered in the document.
visit_structured_document_tag_end(sdt)Called when enumeration of a structured document tag has ended.
visit_structured_document_tag_range_end(sdt_range_end)Called when a StructuredDocumentTagRangeEnd is encountered.
visit_structured_document_tag_range_start(sdt_range_start)Called when a StructuredDocumentTagRangeStart is encountered.
visit_structured_document_tag_start(sdt)Called when enumeration of a structured document tag has started.
visit_sub_document(sub_document)Called when a sub-document is encountered.
visit_table_end(table)Called when enumeration of a table has ended.
visit_table_start(table)Called when enumeration of a table has started.

See Also