ignore_text_boxes property

ImportFormatOptions.ignore_text_boxes property

Gets or sets a boolean value that specifies that source formatting of textboxes content ignored if ImportFormatMode.KEEP_SOURCE_FORMATTING mode is used. The default value is True.

def ignore_text_boxes(self) -> bool:

def ignore_text_boxes(self, value: bool):


Shows how to manage text box formatting while appending a document.

# Create a document that will have nodes from another document inserted into it.
dst_doc = aw.Document()
builder = aw.DocumentBuilder(doc=dst_doc)
builder.writeln('Hello world!')
# Create another document with a text box, which we will import into the first document.
src_doc = aw.Document()
builder = aw.DocumentBuilder(doc=src_doc)
text_box = builder.insert_shape(shape_type=aw.drawing.ShapeType.TEXT_BOX, width=300, height=100)
builder.paragraph_format.style.font.name = 'Courier New'
builder.paragraph_format.style.font.size = 24
builder.write('Textbox contents')
# Set a flag to specify whether to clear or preserve text box formatting
# while importing them to other documents.
import_format_options = aw.ImportFormatOptions()
import_format_options.ignore_text_boxes = ignore_text_boxes
# Import the text box from the source document into the destination document,
# and then verify whether we have preserved the styling of its text contents.
importer = aw.NodeImporter(src_doc=src_doc, dst_doc=dst_doc, import_format_mode=aw.ImportFormatMode.KEEP_SOURCE_FORMATTING, import_format_options=import_format_options)
imported_text_box = importer.import_node(text_box, True).as_shape()
if ignore_text_boxes:
    self.assertEqual(12, imported_text_box.first_paragraph.runs[0].font.size)
    self.assertEqual('Times New Roman', imported_text_box.first_paragraph.runs[0].font.name)
    self.assertEqual(24, imported_text_box.first_paragraph.runs[0].font.size)
    self.assertEqual('Courier New', imported_text_box.first_paragraph.runs[0].font.name)
dst_doc.save(file_name=ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'DocumentBuilder.IgnoreTextBoxes.docx')

See Also