linked_style_name property

Style.linked_style_name property

Gets/sets the name of the Style linked to this one. Returns empty string if no styles are linked.

def linked_style_name(self) -> str:

def linked_style_name(self, value: str):


It is only allowed to link the paragraph style to the character style and vice versa.

Setting LinkedStyleName for the current style automatically leads to setting LinkedStyleName for the linked style.

Assigning the empty string is equivalent to unlinking the previously linked style.


Shows how to use style aliases.

doc = aw.Document(file_name=MY_DIR + 'Style with alias.docx')
# This document contains a style named "MyStyle,MyStyle Alias 1,MyStyle Alias 2".
# If a style's name has multiple values separated by commas, each clause is a separate alias.
style = doc.styles.get_by_name('MyStyle')
self.assertSequenceEqual(['MyStyle Alias 1', 'MyStyle Alias 2'], style.aliases)
self.assertEqual('Title', style.base_style_name)
self.assertEqual('MyStyle Char', style.linked_style_name)
# We can reference a style using its alias, as well as its name.
self.assertEqual(doc.styles.get_by_name('MyStyle Alias 1'), doc.styles.get_by_name('MyStyle Alias 2'))
builder = aw.DocumentBuilder(doc)
builder.move_to_document_end() = doc.styles.get_by_name('MyStyle Alias 1')
builder.writeln('Hello world!') = doc.styles.get_by_name('MyStyle Alias 2')
builder.write('Hello again!')
self.assertEqual(doc.first_section.body.paragraphs[0], doc.first_section.body.paragraphs[1]

Shows how to link styles among themselves.

doc = aw.Document()
style_heading1 = doc.styles.get_by_style_identifier(aw.StyleIdentifier.HEADING1)
style_heading_1_char = doc.styles.add(aw.StyleType.CHARACTER, 'Heading 1 Char') = 'Verdana'
style_heading_1_char.font.bold = True
style_heading_1_char.font.border.line_style = aw.LineStyle.DOT
style_heading_1_char.font.border.line_width = 15
style_heading1.linked_style_name = 'Heading 1 Char'
self.assertEqual('Heading 1 Char', style_heading1.linked_style_name)
self.assertEqual('Heading 1', style_heading_1_char.linked_style_name)

See Also