name property property

Gets or sets the name of the style.

def name(self) -> str:

def name(self, value: str):


Can not be empty string.

If there already is a style with such name in the collection, then this style will override it. All affected nodes will reference new style.


Shows how to clone a document’s style.

doc = aw.Document()
# The AddCopy method creates a copy of the specified style and
# automatically generates a new name for the style, such as "Heading 1_0".
new_style = doc.styles.add_copy(doc.styles.get_by_name('Heading 1'))
# Use the style's "Name" property to change the style's identifying name. = 'My Heading 1'
# Our document now has two identical looking styles with different names.
# Changing settings of one of the styles do not affect the other.
new_style.font.color =
self.assertEqual('My Heading 1',
self.assertEqual('Heading 1', doc.styles.get_by_name('Heading 1').name)
self.assertEqual(doc.styles.get_by_name('Heading 1').type, new_style.type)
self.assertEqual(doc.styles.get_by_name('Heading 1'),
self.assertEqual(doc.styles.get_by_name('Heading 1').font.size, new_style.font.size)
self.assertNotEqual(doc.styles.get_by_name('Heading 1').font.color, new_style.font.color)

Shows how to access a document’s style collection.

doc = aw.Document()
self.assertEqual(4, doc.styles.count)
# Enumerate and list all the styles that a document created using Aspose.Words contains by default.
for cur_style in doc.styles:
    print(f'Style name:\t"{}", of type "{cur_style.type}"')
    print(f'\tSubsequent style:\t{cur_style.next_paragraph_style_name}')
    print(f'\tIs heading:\t\t\t{cur_style.is_heading}')
    print(f'\tIs QuickStyle:\t\t{cur_style.is_quick_style}')
    self.assertEqual(doc, cur_style.document)

See Also