count property

StyleCollection.count property

Gets the number of styles in the collection.

def count(self) -> int:


Shows how to add a Style to a document’s styles collection.

doc = aw.Document()
styles = doc.styles
# Set default parameters for new styles that we may later add to this collection. = 'Courier New'
# If we add a style of the "StyleType.Paragraph", the collection will apply the values of
# its "DefaultParagraphFormat" property to the style's "ParagraphFormat" property.
styles.default_paragraph_format.first_line_indent = 15
# Add a style, and then verify that it has the default settings.
styles.add(aw.StyleType.PARAGRAPH, 'MyStyle')
self.assertEqual('Courier New', styles[4]
self.assertEqual(15, styles.get_by_name('MyStyle').paragraph_format.first_line_indent)

See Also