TabStop constructor


Initializes a new instance of this class.

def __init__(self, position: float):

TabStop(position, alignment, leader)

Initializes a new instance of this class.

def __init__(self, position: float, alignment: aspose.words.TabAlignment, leader: aspose.words.TabLeader):
positionfloatThe position of the tab stop in points.
alignmentTabAlignmentA TabAlignment value that specifies the alignment of text at this tab stop.
leaderTabLeaderA TabLeader value that specifies the type of the leader line displayed under the tab character.


Shows how to work with a document’s collection of tab stops.

doc = aw.Document()
builder = aw.DocumentBuilder(doc)
tab_stops = builder.paragraph_format.tab_stops
# 72 points is one "inch" on the Microsoft Word tab stop ruler.
tab_stops.add(aw.TabStop(432.0, aw.TabAlignment.RIGHT, aw.TabLeader.DASHES))
self.assertEqual(2, tab_stops.count)
self.assertNotEqual(tab_stops[0], tab_stops[1])
# Every "tab" character takes the builder's cursor to the location of the next tab stop.
builder.writeln('Start\tTab 1\tTab 2')
paragraphs = doc.first_section.body.paragraphs
self.assertEqual(2, paragraphs.count)
# Each paragraph gets its tab stop collection, which clones its values from the document builder's tab stop collection.
self.assertEqual(paragraphs[0].paragraph_format.tab_stops, paragraphs[1].paragraph_format.tab_stops)
#Assert.are_not_same(paragraphs[0].paragraph_format.tab_stops, paragraphs[1].paragraph_format.tab_stops)
# A tab stop collection can point us to tab_stops before and after certain positions.
self.assertEqual(72.0, tab_stops.before(100.0).position)
self.assertEqual(432.0, tab_stops.after(100.0).position)
# We can clear a paragraph's tab stop collection to revert to the default tabbing behavior.
self.assertEqual(0, paragraphs[1].paragraph_format.tab_stops.count) + 'TabStopCollection.tab_stop_collection.docx')

See Also