add method

add(name, value)

Adds a document variable to the collection.

def add(self, name: str, value: str):
namestrThe case-insensitive name of the variable to add.
valuestrThe value of the variable. The value cannot be None, if value is null empty string will be used instead.


Shows how to work with a document’s variable collection.

doc = aw.Document()
variables = doc.variables
# Every document has a collection of key/value pair variables, which we can add items to.
variables.add('Home address', '123 Main St.')
variables.add('City', 'London')
variables.add('Bedrooms', '3')
self.assertEqual(3, variables.count)
# We can display the values of variables in the document body using DOCVARIABLE fields.
builder = aw.DocumentBuilder(doc)
field = builder.insert_field(aw.fields.FieldType.FIELD_DOC_VARIABLE, True)
field = field.as_field_doc_variable()
field.variable_name = 'Home address'
self.assertEqual('123 Main St.', field.result)
# Assigning values to existing keys will update them.
variables.add('Home address', '456 Queen St.')
# We will then have to update DOCVARIABLE fields to ensure they display an up-to-date value.
self.assertEqual('123 Main St.', field.result)
self.assertEqual('456 Queen St.', field.result)
# Verify that the document variables with a certain name or value exist.
self.assertTrue(any((str(var) == 'London' for var in variables)))
# The collection of variables automatically sorts variables alphabetically by name.
self.assertEqual(0, variables.index_of_key('Bedrooms'))
self.assertEqual(1, variables.index_of_key('City'))
self.assertEqual(2, variables.index_of_key('Home address'))
# Enumerate over the collection of variables.
for entry in doc.variables:
    print(f'Name: {entry.key}, Value: {entry.value}')
# Below are three ways of removing document variables from a collection.
# 1 -  By name:
# 2 -  By index:
self.assertFalse(variables.contains('Home address'))
# 3 -  Clear the whole collection at once:
self.assertEqual(0, variables.count)

See Also