remove_at method


Removes a document variable at the specified index.

def remove_at(self, index: int):
indexintThe zero based index.


Shows how to work with a document’s variable collection.

doc = aw.Document()
variables = doc.variables
# Every document has a collection of key/value pair variables, which we can add items to.
variables.add('Home address', '123 Main St.')
variables.add('City', 'London')
variables.add('Bedrooms', '3')
self.assertEqual(3, variables.count)
# We can display the values of variables in the document body using DOCVARIABLE fields.
builder = aw.DocumentBuilder(doc)
field = builder.insert_field(aw.fields.FieldType.FIELD_DOC_VARIABLE, True)
field = field.as_field_doc_variable()
field.variable_name = 'Home address'
self.assertEqual('123 Main St.', field.result)
# Assigning values to existing keys will update them.
variables.add('Home address', '456 Queen St.')
# We will then have to update DOCVARIABLE fields to ensure they display an up-to-date value.
self.assertEqual('123 Main St.', field.result)
self.assertEqual('456 Queen St.', field.result)
# Verify that the document variables with a certain name or value exist.
self.assertTrue(any((str(var) == 'London' for var in variables)))
# The collection of variables automatically sorts variables alphabetically by name.
self.assertEqual(0, variables.index_of_key('Bedrooms'))
self.assertEqual(1, variables.index_of_key('City'))
self.assertEqual(2, variables.index_of_key('Home address'))
# Enumerate over the collection of variables.
for entry in doc.variables:
    print(f'Name: {entry.key}, Value: {entry.value}')
# Below are three ways of removing document variables from a collection.
# 1 -  By name:
# 2 -  By index:
self.assertFalse(variables.contains('Home address'))
# 3 -  Clear the whole collection at once:
self.assertEqual(0, variables.count)

See Also