
Inheritance: java.lang.Object

public class DicomImageInfo

Contains all meta-information from Dicom file header


getDicomHeaderInfoByBytes()Gets the dicom header information by bytes.
getPlanarConfiguration()Gets the planar configuration.
getSignedImage()Gets a value indicating whether “signedImage”.
getDicomInfo()Gets the header information of the DICOM file.
getSamplesPerPixel()Gets a value of the “samplesPerPixel”.
getBitsAllocated()Gets a value of the “bitsAllocated”.
getBitsStored()Gets the number of stored bits.
getPhotoInterpretation()Gets a value of the “PhotoInterpretation”.
getWidth()Gets the width.
getHeight()Gets the height.
getWindowCentre()Gets the window centre.
getWindowWidth()Gets the width of the window.
getPixelRepresentation()Gets a value of the pixel “pixelRepresentation”.
getRescaleIntercept()Gets a value of the “rescaleIntercept”.
getRescaleSlope()Gets a value of the “rescaleSlope”.
getNumberOfFrames()Gets the number of frames.
isLittleEndian()Gets a value indicating whether this instance is little endian.
getReds()Gets the array colors of the red
getGreens()Gets the array colors of the green
getBlues()Gets the array colors of the blue
getOffset()Gets the offset.
addTag(String tagDescription, Object value)Add new Dicom tag.
tryAddTag(String tagDescription, Object value)Add new Dicom tag.
removeTagAt(int index)Remove an existing tag.
tryRemoveTagAt(int index)Remove an existing tag.
updateTagAt(int index, Object newValue)Update an existing tag.
tryUpdateTagAt(int index, Object newValue)Update an existing tag.


public byte[] getDicomHeaderInfoByBytes()

Gets the dicom header information by bytes.

Value: The dicom header information by bytes.

Returns: byte[] - the dicom header information by bytes.


public int getPlanarConfiguration()

Gets the planar configuration.

Value: The planar configuration.

Returns: int - the planar configuration.


public boolean getSignedImage()

Gets a value indicating whether “signedImage”.

Returns: boolean - a value indicating whether “signedImage”.


public List<String> getDicomInfo()

Gets the header information of the DICOM file.

Returns: java.util.List<java.lang.String> - the header information of the DICOM file.

Example: The following example shows how to read the header information of a DICOM image.

String dir = "c:\\aspose.imaging\\java\\issues\\1489\\";
com.aspose.imaging.fileformats.dicom.DicomImage image = (com.aspose.imaging.fileformats.dicom.DicomImage) com.aspose.imaging.Image.load(dir + "ttfm.dcm");
try {
    for (String s : image.getFileInfo().getDicomInfo()) {
finally {

//Media Storage Sop Class Uid: 1.2.840.10008.
//Media Storage Sop Instance Uid: 2.16.840.1.114488.0.4.123489834087.1330071425.2
//Transfer Syntax Uid: 1.2.840.10008.
//Implementation Class Uid: 1.2.840.114236
//Specific Character Set: ISO_IR 100
//Sop Class Uid: 1.2.840.10008.
//Sop Instance Uid: 2.16.840.1.114488.0.4.123489834087.1330071425.2
//Study Date: 20110824
//Series Date: 20110824
//Content Date: 20110824
//Study Time: 094836.214743984
//Series Time: 094836.214743984
//Content Time: 100451.214743816
//Modality: US
//Manufacturer: Medistim
//Institution Name: Hospital Name
//Institution Address: Hospital Address or Department
//Station Name: VERIQ
//Performing Physician's Name: CA Prof. Debus
//Manufacturer's Model Name: VeriQ C
//Recommended Display Frame Rate: 1
//Patient's Name: Femoral trombenarterectomy^Case Report:
//Patient Id: Case Report 1
//Patient's Sex: M
//Patient's Size: 0
//Patient's Weight: 0
//Patient Comments: See case report on www.medistim.com
//Cine Rate: 1
//Effective Duration: 1
//Device Serial Number: 0
//Software Versions(s): 3.3.0 RC0 built 02 / 23 / 12  09:50:45
//Frame Time: 1000
//Study Instance Uid: 2.16.840.1.114488.0.4.123489834087.1330071425.0
//Series Instance Uid: 2.16.840.1.114488.0.4.123489834087.1330071425.1
//Series Number: 1
//Instance Number: 1
//Samples per Pixel: 3
//Photometric Interpretation: RGB
//Planar Configuration: 0
//Number of Frames: 1
//Frame Increment Pointer:
//Rows: 768
//Columns: 1024
//Bits Allocated: 8
//Bits Stored: 8
//high Bit: 7
//Pixel Representation: 0
//Lossy Image Compression: 00
//Pixel Data: 1492


public int getSamplesPerPixel()

Gets a value of the “samplesPerPixel”.

Value: The value of the “samplesPerPixel”.

Returns: int - a value of the “samplesPerPixel”.


public int getBitsAllocated()

Gets a value of the “bitsAllocated”.

Value: The value of the “bitsAllocated”.

Returns: int - a value of the “bitsAllocated”.


public int getBitsStored()

Gets the number of stored bits.

Returns: int - the number of stored bits.


public String getPhotoInterpretation()

Gets a value of the “PhotoInterpretation”.

Returns: java.lang.String - a value of the “PhotoInterpretation”.


public int getWidth()

Gets the width.

Value: The value of the width.

Returns: int - the width.


public int getHeight()

Gets the height.

Value: The value of the height.

Returns: int - the height.


public double getWindowCentre()

Gets the window centre.

Value: The value of the window centre.

Returns: double - the window centre.


public double getWindowWidth()

Gets the width of the window.

Value: The width of the window.

Returns: double - the width of the window.


public int getPixelRepresentation()

Gets a value of the pixel “pixelRepresentation”.

Value: The value of the “pixelRepresentation”.

Returns: int - a value of the pixel “pixelRepresentation”.


public double getRescaleIntercept()

Gets a value of the “rescaleIntercept”.

Value: The value of the “rescaleIntercept”.

Returns: double - a value of the “rescaleIntercept”.


public double getRescaleSlope()

Gets a value of the “rescaleSlope”.

Value: The value of the “rescaleSlope”.

Returns: double - a value of the “rescaleSlope”.


public int getNumberOfFrames()

Gets the number of frames.

Value: The number of frames.

Returns: int - the number of frames.


public boolean isLittleEndian()

Gets a value indicating whether this instance is little endian.

Value: true if this instance is little endian; otherwise, false.

Returns: boolean - a value indicating whether this instance is little endian.


public byte[] getReds()

Gets the array colors of the red

Value: The reds.

Returns: byte[] - the array colors of the red


public byte[] getGreens()

Gets the array colors of the green

Value: The reds color.

Returns: byte[] - the array colors of the green


public byte[] getBlues()

Gets the array colors of the blue

Value: The blues.

Returns: byte[] - the array colors of the blue


public int getOffset()

Gets the offset.

Value: The value of the offset.

Returns: int - the offset.

addTag(String tagDescription, Object value)

public void addTag(String tagDescription, Object value)

Add new Dicom tag.


tagDescriptionjava.lang.StringThe tag description. Can not be null or whitespace.
valuejava.lang.ObjectThe tag value. Can not be null.

tryAddTag(String tagDescription, Object value)

public boolean tryAddTag(String tagDescription, Object value)

Add new Dicom tag.


tagDescriptionjava.lang.StringThe tag description. Can not be null or whitespace.
valuejava.lang.ObjectThe tag value. Can not be null.

Returns: boolean - The operation result.

removeTagAt(int index)

public void removeTagAt(int index)

Remove an existing tag.


indexintThe index of the tag to be updated.

tryRemoveTagAt(int index)

public boolean tryRemoveTagAt(int index)

Remove an existing tag.


indexintThe index of the tag to be updated.

Returns: boolean - The operation result.

updateTagAt(int index, Object newValue)

public void updateTagAt(int index, Object newValue)

Update an existing tag.


indexintThe index of the tag to be updated.
newValuejava.lang.ObjectThe tag value. Can not be null.

tryUpdateTagAt(int index, Object newValue)

public boolean tryUpdateTagAt(int index, Object newValue)

Update an existing tag.


indexintThe index of the tag to be updated.
newValuejava.lang.ObjectThe tag value. Can not be null.

Returns: boolean - The operation result.