The package contains types [MS-EMF]: Enhanced Metafile Format. 2.3 EMF Records
Class | Description |
EmfAbortPath | This record aborts a path bracket or discards the path from a closed path bracket. |
EmfAlphaBlend | The EMR_ALPHABLEND record specifies a block transfer of pixels from a source bitmap to a destination rectangle, including alpha transparency data, according to a specified blending operation. |
EmfAngleArc | The EMR_ANGLEARC record specifies a line segment of an arc. |
EmfArc | The EMR_ARC record specifies an elliptical arc. |
EmfArcTo | The EMR_ARCTO record specifies an elliptical arc. |
EmfBeginPath | This record opens a path bracket in the current playback device context. |
EmfBitBlt | The EMR_BITBLT record specifies a block transfer of pixels from a source bitmap to a destination rectangle, optionally in combination with a brush pattern, according to a specified raster operation. |
EmfBitmapRecordType | The bitmap record types perform block transfers of bitmap images. |
EmfBlendFunction | A structure that specifies the blending operations for source and destination bitmaps. |
EmfBlendFunction.AlphaFormatEnum | A structure that specifies how source and destination pixels are interpreted with respect to alpha transparency. |
EmfBoundedRecord | Base EMF polyshape class. |
EmfChord | The EMR_CHORD record specifies a chord, which is a region bounded by the intersection of an ellipse and a line segment, called a secant. |
EmfClippingRecordType | The clipping record types specify and manage clipping regions. |
EmfCloseFigure | This record closes an open figure in a path. |
EmfColorCorrectPalette | The EMR_COLORCORRECTPALETTE record specifies how to correct the entries of a logical palette object using WCS 1.0 values. |
EmfColorMatchToTargetW | The EMR_COLORMATCHTOTargetW record specifies whether to perform color matching with a color profile that is specified in a file with a name consisting of Unicode characters. |
EmfComment | The EMR_COMMENT record contains arbitrary private data. |
EmfCommentBeginGroup | The EMR_COMMENT_BEGINGROUP record specifies the beginning of a group of drawing records. |
EmfCommentEmfPlus | The EMR_COMMENT_EMFPLUS record contains embedded EMF+ records. |
EmfCommentEmfSpool | The EMR_COMMENT_EMFSPOOL record contains embedded EMFSPOOL records. |
EmfCommentEmfSpool.EmfSpoolRecordIdentifierEnum | Identifies the type of EMR_COMMENT_EMFSPOOL record |
EmfCommentEndGroup | The EMR_COMMENT_ENDGROUP record specifies the end of a group of drawing records. |
EmfCommentMultiFormats | The EMR_COMMENT_MULTIFORMATS record specifies an image in multiple graphics formats. |
EmfCommentPublicRecordType | The EMR_COMMENT_PUBLIC record types specify extensions to EMF processing. |
EmfCommentRecordType | The comment record types define formats for specifying arbitrary private data, embedding records in other metafile formats, and adding new or special-purpose commands. |
EmfCommentRecordType.CommentIdentifierEnum | Valid comment identifier values. |
EmfCommentWindowsMetaFile | The EMR_COMMENT_WINDOWS_METAFILE record specifies an image in an embedded WMF metafile. |
EmfControlRecordType | The control record types define the start and end of an EMF metafile and properties of the metafile. |
EmfCreateBrushIndirect | The EMR_CREATEBRUSHINDIRECT record defines a logical brush for graphics operations. |
EmfCreateColorSpace | The EMR_CREATECOLORSPACE record creates a logical color space object from a color profile with a name consisting of ASCII characters. |
EmfCreateColorSpaceW | The EMR_CREATECOLORSPACEW record creates a logical color space object from a color profile with a name consisting of Unicode characters. |
EmfCreateDibPatternBrushPt | The EMR_CREATEDIBPATTERNBRUSHPT record defines a pattern brush for graphics operations. |
EmfCreateMonoBrush | The EMR_CREATEMONOBRUSH record defines a monochrome pattern brush for graphics operations. |
EmfCreatePalette | The EMR_CREATEPALETTE record defines a logical palette for graphics operations. |
EmfCreatePen | The EMR_CREATEPEN record defines a logical pen for graphics operations. |
EmfDeleteColorSpace | The EMR_DELETECOLORSPACE record deletes a logical color space object. |
EmfDeleteObject | The EMR_DELETEOBJECT record deletes a graphics object, which is specified by its index in the EMF Object Table(section |
EmfDrawEscape | The EMR_DRAWESCAPE record passes arbitrary information to a printer driver. |
EmfDrawingRecordType | The drawing record types perform graphics drawing. |
EmfEllipse | The EMR_ELLIPSE record specifies an ellipse. |
EmfEndPath | This record closes a path bracket and selects the path defined by the bracket into the playback device context. |
EmfEof | The EMR_EOF record indicates the end of the metafile and specifies a palette. |
EmfEscapeRecordType | The escape record types execute printer driver functions. |
EmfExcludeClipRect | The EMR_EXCLUDECLIPRECT record specifies a new clipping region that consists of the existing clipping region minus the specified rectangle. |
EmfExtCreateFontIndirectW | The EMR_EXTCREATEFONTINDIRECTW record defines a logical font for graphics operations. |
EmfExtCreatePen | The EMR_EXTCREATEPEN record defines an extended logical pen for graphics operations. |
EmfExtEscape | The EMR_EXTESCAPE record passes arbitrary information to a printer driver. |
EmfExtFloodFill | The EMR_EXTFLOODFILL record fills an area of the display surface with the current brush |
EmfExtSelectClipRgn | The EMR_EXTSELECTCLIPRGN record combines the specified region with the current clip region using the specified mode. |
EmfExtTextOutA | The EMR_EXTTEXTOUTA record draws an ASCII text string using the current font and text colors. |
EmfExtTextOutW | The EMR_EXTTEXTOUTW record draws an ASCII text string using the current font and text colors. |
EmfFillPath | The EMR_FILLPATH record closes any open figures in the current path and fills the path’s interior by using the current brush and polygon-filling mode. |
EmfFillRgn | The EMR_FILLRGN record fills the specified region by using the specified brush. |
EmfFlatternPath | This record transforms any curves in the selected path into the playback device context; each curve MUST be turned into a sequence of lines. |
EmfForceUfiMapping | The EMR_FORCEUFIMAPPING record forces the font mapper to match fonts based on their UniversalFontId in preference to their LogFont (section 2.2.13) information. |
EmfFrameRgn | The EMR_FRAMERGN record draws a border around the specified region using the specified brush. |
EmfGlsBoundedRecord | The EMR_GLSBOUNDEDRECORD record specifies an OpenGL function with a bounding rectangle for output. |
EmfGlsRecord | The EMR_GLSRECORD record specifies an OpenGL function. |
EmfGradientFill | The EMR_GRADIENTFILL record specifies filling rectangles or triangles with gradients of color. |
EmfIntersectClipRect | The EMR_INTERSECTCLIPRECT record specifies a new clipping region from the intersection of the current clipping region and the specified rectangle. |
EmfInvertRgn | The EMR_INVERTRGN record inverts the colors in the specified region. |
EmfLineTo | The EMR_LINETO record specifies a line from the current position up to, but not including, the specified point.It resets the current position to the specified point. |
EmfMaskBlt | The EMR_MASKBLT record specifies a block transfer of pixels from a source bitmap to a destination rectangle, optionally in combination with a brush pattern and with the application of a color mask bitmap, according to specified foreground and background raster operations. |
EmfMetafileHeader | The EMR_HEADER record types define the starting points of EMF metafiles and specify properties of the device on which the image in the metafile was created. |
EmfMetafileHeaderExtension1 | The EmfMetafileHeaderExtension1 record is the header record used in the first extension to EMF metafiles. |
EmfMetafileHeaderExtension2 | The EmfMetafileHeaderExtension2 record is the header record used in the second extension to EMF metafiles. |
EmfModifyWorldTransform | The EMR_MODIFYWORLDTRANSFORM record modifies the current world-space to page-space transform in the playback device context. |
EmfMoveToEx | The EMR_MOVETOEX record specifies coordinates of the new current position, in logical units. |
EmfNamedEscape | The MR_NAMEDESCAPE record passes arbitrary information to a specified printer driver. |
EmfObjectCreationRecordType | The object creation record types create graphics objects. |
EmfObjectManipulationRecordType | The object manipulation record types manage and modify graphics objects. |
EmfOffsetClipRgn | The EMR_OFFSETCLIPRGN record moves the current clipping region in the playback device context by the specified offsets. |
EmfOpenGlRecordType | The OpenGL record types specify OpenGL functions. |
EmfPaintRgn | The EMR_PAINTRGN record paints the specified region by using the brush currently selected into the playback device context. |
EmfPathBracketRecordType | The path bracket record types specify and manipulate paths in path brackets. |
EmfPie | The EMR_PIE record specifies a pie-shaped wedge bounded by the intersection of an ellipse and two radials. |
EmfPixelFormat | The EMR_PIXELFORMAT record specifies the pixel format to use for graphics operations. |
EmfPlgBlt | The EMR_PLGBLT record specifies a block transfer of pixels from a source bitmap to a destination parallelogram, with the application of a color mask bitmap. |
EmfPolyBezier | The EMR_POLYBEZIER record specifies one or more Bezier curves. |
EmfPolyBezier16 | The EMR_POLYBEZIER16 record specifies one or more Bezier curves. |
EmfPolyBezierTo | The EMR_POLYBEZIERTO record specifies one or more Bezier curves based upon the current position. |
EmfPolyBezierTo16 | The EMR_POLYBEZIERTO16 record specifies one or more Bezier curves based on the current position. |
EmfPolyDraw | The EMR_POLYDRAW record specifies a set of line segments and Bezier curves. |
EmfPolyDraw16 | The EMR_POLYDRAW16 record specifies a set of line segments and Bezier curves. |
EmfPolyPolyShape | base EMF poly polyshape class. |
EmfPolyPolygon | The EMR_POLYPOLYGON record specifies a series of closed polygons. |
EmfPolyPolygon16 | The EMR_POLYPOLYGON16 record specifies a series of closed polygons. |
EmfPolyPolyline | The EMR_POLYPOLYLINE record specifies multiple series of connected line segments. |
EmfPolyPolyline16 | The EMR_POLYPOLYLINE16 record specifies multiple series of connected line segments. |
EmfPolyShape | Base EMF poly shape class. |
EmfPolyTextOutA | The EMR_POLYTEXTOUTA record draws one or more ASCII text strings using the current font and text colors. |
EmfPolyTextOutW | The EMR_POLYTEXTOUTW record draws one or more Unicode text strings using the current font and text colors. |
EmfPolygon | The EMR_POLYGON record specifies a polygon consisting of two or more vertexes connected by straight lines. |
EmfPolygon16 | The EMR_POLYGON16 record specifies a polygon consisting of two or more vertexes connected by straight lines. |
EmfPolyline | The EMR_POLYLINE record specifies a series of line segments by connecting the points in the specified array. |
EmfPolyline16 | The EMR_POLYLINE16 record specifies a series of line segments by connecting the points in the specified array. |
EmfPolylineTo | The EMR_POLYLINETO record specifies one or more straight lines based upon the current position. |
EmfPolylineTo16 | The EMR_POLYLINETO16 record specifies one or more straight lines based upon the current position. |
EmfRealizePalette | This record maps palette entries from the current LogPalette object (section 2.2.17) to the system_palette. |
EmfRecord | Base class for EMF records All EMF records MUST have a length that is a multiple of 4 bytes. |
EmfRectangle | The EMR_RECTANGLE record draws a rectangle. |
EmfResizePalette | The EMR_RESIZEPALETTE record increases or decreases the size of an existing LogPalette object (section 2.2.17). |
EmfRestoreDc | The EMR_RESTOREDC record restores the playback device context to the specified state. |
EmfRop4 | A quaternary raster operation, which specifies ternary raster operations for the foreground and background colors of a bitmap. |
EmfRoundRect | The EMR_ROUNDRECT record specifies a rectangle with rounded corners. |
EmfSaveDc | Saves the current state of playback device context on a stack of states saved by preceding EMR_SAVEDC records, if any. |
EmfScaleViewportExtex | The EMR_SCALEVIEWPORTEXTEX record respecifies the viewport for a device context by using the ratios formed by the specified multiplicands and divisors. |
EmfScaleWindowExtex | The EMR_SCALEWINDOWEXTEX record respecifies the window for a playback device context by using the ratios formed by the specified multiplicands and divisors. |
EmfSelectClipPath | The EMR_SELECTCLIPPATH record specifies the current path as a clipping region for a playback device context, combining the new region with any existing clipping region using the specified mode. |
EmfSelectObject | The EMR_SELECTOBJECT record adds a graphics object to the current metafile playback device context. |
EmfSelectPalette | The EMR_SELECTPALETTE record specifies a logical palette for the playback device context. |
EmfSetArcDirection | The EMR_SETARCDIRECTION record specifies the drawing direction to be used for arc and rectangle output. |
EmfSetBkColor | The EMR_SETBKCOLOR record specifies the background color. |
EmfSetBkMode | The EMR_SETBKMODE record specifies the background mix mode of the playback device context. |
EmfSetBrushOrgEx | The EMR_SETBRUSHORGEX record specifies the origin of the current brush. |
EmfSetColorAdjustment | The EMR_SETCOLORADJUSTMENT record specifies color adjustment properties in the playback device context. |
EmfSetColorSpace | The EMR_SETCOLORSPACE record defines the current logical color space object for graphics operations. |
EmfSetDiBitsToDevice | The EMR_SETDIBITSTODEVICE record specifies a block transfer of pixels from specified scan lines of a source bitmap to a destination rectangle. |
EmfSetIcmMode | The EMR_SETICMMODE record specifies the mode of Image Color Management (ICM) for graphics operations. |
EmfSetIcmProfileA | The EMR_SETICMPROFILEA record specifies a color profile in a file with a name consisting of ASCII characters, for graphics output. |
EmfSetIcmProfileW | The EMR_SETICMPROFILEW record specifies a color profile in a file with a name consisting of Unicode characters, for graphics output. |
EmfSetLayout | The EMR_SETLAYOUT record specifies the order in which text and graphics are drawn. |
EmfSetLayout.LayoutModeEnum | A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the layout mode |
EmfSetLinkedUfis | The EMR_SETLINKEDUFIS record sets the UniversalFontIds (section 2.2.27) of the linked fonts to use during character lookup. |
EmfSetMapMode | The EMR_SETMAPMODE record specifies the mapping mode of the playback device context. |
EmfSetMapperFlags | The EMR_SETMAPPERFLAGS record specifies parameters of the process of matching logical fonts to physical fonts, which is performed by the font mapper. |
EmfSetMetaRgn | Inter sets the current meta region with the current clipping region to form a new meta region for the playback device context. |
EmfSetMiterLimit | The EMR_SETMITERLIMIT record specifies the limit for the length of miter joins for the playback device context. |
EmfSetPaletteEntries | The EMR_SETPALETTEENTRIES record defines RGB color values in a range of entries for an existing LogPalette (section 2.2.17) object. |
EmfSetPixelV | The EMR_SETPIXELV record defines the color of the pixel at the specified logical coordinates. |
EmfSetPolyFillMode | The EMR_SETPOLYFILLMODE record defines polygon fill mode. |
EmfSetRop2 | The EMR_SETROP2 record defines a binary raster operation mode. |
EmfSetStrechBltMode | The EMR_SETSTRETCHBLTMODE record specifies bitmap stretch mode. |
EmfSetTextAlign | The EMR_SETTEXTALIGN record specifies text alignment. |
EmfSetTextColor | The EMR_SETTEXTCOLOR record defines the current text color. |
EmfSetTextJustification | The EMR_SETTEXTJUSTIFICATION record specifies the amount of extra space to add to break characters for text justification. |
EmfSetViewportExtEx | The EMR_SETVIEWPORTEXTEX record defines the viewport extent. |
EmfSetViewportOrgEx | The EMR_SETVIEWPORTORGEX record defines the viewport origin. |
EmfSetWindowExtEx | The EMR_SETWINDOWEXTEX record defines the window extent. |
EmfSetWindowOrgEx | The EMR_SETWINDOWORGEX record defines the window origin. |
EmfSetWorldTransform | The EMR_SETWORLDTRANSFORM record specifies a transform for the current world-space to page space transform in the playback device context. |
EmfSmallTextOut | The EMR_SMALLTEXTOUT record outputs a string. |
EmfStateRecordType | The state record types specify and manage graphics properties that define the state of the playback device context. |
EmfStretchBlt | The EMR_STRETCHBLT record specifies a block transfer of pixels from a source bitmap to a destination rectangle, optionally in combination with a brush pattern, according to a specified raster operation, stretching or compressing the output to fit the dimensions of the destination, if necessary. |
EmfStretchDiBits | The EMR_STRETCHDIBITS record specifies a block transfer of pixels from a source bitmap to a destination rectangle, optionally in combination with a brush pattern, according to a specified raster operation, stretching or compressing the output to fit the dimensions of the destination, if necessary. |
EmfStrokeAndFillPath | The EMR_STROKEANDFILLPATH record closes any open figures in a path, strokes the outline of the path by using the current pen, and fills its interior by using the current brush. |
EmfStrokePath | EMR_STROKEPATH class |
EmfTransformRecordType | The transform record types specify and modify world-space to page-space transforms. |
EmfTransparentBlt | The EMR_TRANSPARENTBLT record specifies a block transfer of pixels from a source bitmap to a destination rectangle, treating a specified color as transparent, stretching or compressing the output to fit the dimensions of the destination, if necessary |
EmfVertexData | Objects that specify the vertexes of either rectangles or triangles and the colors that correspond to them. |
EmfWidenPath | This record redefines the current path as the area that would be painted if the path were drawn using the pen currently selected into the playback device context. |