
The package contains types [MS-EMFPLUS]: Enhanced Metafile Format Plus Extensions 2.1 EMF+ Constants


EmfPlusBitmapDataTypeThe BitmapDataType enumeration defines types of bitmap data formats.
EmfPlusBrushDataFlagsThe BrushData flags specify properties of graphics brushes, including the presence of optional data fields.
EmfPlusBrushTypeThe BrushType enumeration defines types of graphics brushes, which are used to fill graphics regions.
EmfPlusCombineModeThe CombineMode enumeration defines modes for combining two graphics regions.
EmfPlusCompositingModeThe CompositingMode enumeration defines modes for combining source colors with background colors.
EmfPlusCompositingQualityThe CompositingQuality enumeration defines levels of quality for creating composite images
EmfPlusCurveAdjustmentsThe CurveAdjustments enumeration defines adjustments that can be applied to the color curve of an image.
EmfPlusCurveChannelThe CurveChannel enumeration defines color channels that can be affected by a color curve effect adjustment to an image.
EmfPlusCustomLineCapDataFlagsThe CustomLineCapData flags specify data for custom line caps.
EmfPlusCustomLineCapDataTypeThe CustomLineCapDataType enumeration defines types of custom line cap data, which specify styles and shapes for the ends of graphics lines.
EmfPlusDashedLineCapTypeThe DashedLineCapType enumeration defines types of line caps to use at the ends of dashed lines that are drawn with graphics pens.
EmfPlusDriverStringOptionsFlagsThe DriverStringOptions flags specify properties of graphics text positioning and rendering.
EmfPlusFilterTypeThe FilterType enumeration defines types of filtering algorithms that can be used for text and graphics quality enhancement and image rendering.
EmfPlusFontStyleFlagsThe FontStyle flags specify styles of graphics font typefaces.
EmfPlusGraphicsVersionEnumThe GraphicsVersion enumeration defines versions of operating system graphics that are used to create EMF+ metafiles.
EmfPlusHatchStyleThe HatchStyle enumeration defines hatch patterns used by graphics brushes.
EmfPlusHotkeyPrefixThe HotkeyPrefix enumeration defines output options for hotkey prefixes in graphics text.
EmfPlusImageDataTypeThe ImageDataType enumeration defines types of image data formats.
EmfPlusImageEffectsIdentifiersThe ImageEffects identifiers define standard GUIDs for specifying graphics image effects.
EmfPlusInterpolationModeThe InterpolationMode enumeration defines ways to perform scaling, including stretching and shrinking.
EmfPlusLanguageIdentifierTypeThe LanguageIdentifier enumeration defines identifiers for natural languages in locales, including countries, geographical regions, and administrative districts.
EmfPlusLineCapTypeThe LineCapType enumeration defines types of line caps to use at the ends of lines that are drawn with graphics pens.
EmfPlusLineJoinTypeThe LineJoinType enumeration defines ways to join two lines that are drawn by the same graphics pen and whose ends meet.
EmfPlusLineStyleThe LineStyle enumeration defines styles of lines that are drawn with graphics pens.
EmfPlusMetafileDataTypeThe MetafileDataType enumeration defines types of metafiles data that can be embedded in an EMF+ metafile.
EmfPlusObjectClampEmfPlusObjectClamp specifies the object clamping behavior.
EmfPlusObjectTypeThe ObjectType enumeration defines types of graphics objects that can be created and used in graphics operations.
EmfPlusPaletteStyleFlagsThe PaletteStyle flags specify properties of graphics palettes.
EmfPlusPathPointFlagsA 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies how to interpret the points and associated point types that are defined by this object.
EmfPlusPathPointTypeEnumThe PathPointType enumeration defines types of points on a graphics path.
EmfPlusPathPointTypeFlagsThe PathPointType flags specify type properties of points on graphics paths.
EmfPlusPenAlignmentThe PenAlignment enumeration defines the distribution of the width of the pen with respect to the line being drawn.
EmfPlusPenDataFlagsThe PenData flags specify properties of graphics pens, including the presence of optional data fields.
EmfPlusPixelFormatThe PixelFormat enumeration defines pixel formats that are supported in EMF+ bitmaps.
EmfPlusPixelOffsetModeThe PixelOffsetMode enumeration defines how pixels are offset, which specifies the trade-off between rendering speed and quality.
EmfPlusRecordTypeThe RecordType enumeration defines record types used in EMF+ metafiles.
EmfPlusRegionNodeDataTypeThe RegionNodeDataType enumeration defines types of region node data.
EmfPlusSmoothingModeThe SmoothingMode enumeration defines smoothing modes to apply to lines, curves, and the edges of filled areas to make them appear more continuous or sharply defined.
EmfPlusStringAlignmentThe StringAlignment enumeration defines ways to align strings with respect to a text layout rectangle.
EmfPlusStringDigitSubstitutionThe StringDigitSubstitution enumeration defines ways to substitute digits in a string according to a user’s locale or language.
EmfPlusStringFormatFlagsThe StringFormat flags specify options for graphics text layout, including direction, clipping and font handling.
EmfPlusStringTrimmingThe StringTrimming enumeration defines how to trim characters from a string that is too large for the text layout rectangle.
EmfPlusTextRenderingHintThe TextRenderingHint enumeration defines types of text hinting and anti-aliasing, which affects the quality of text rendering.
EmfPlusUnitTypeThe UnitType enumeration defines units of measurement in different coordinate systems.
EmfPlusWrapModeThe WrapMode enumeration defines how the pattern from a texture or gradient brush is tiled across a shape or at shape boundaries, when it is smaller than the area being filled.