Inheritance: java.lang.Object, com.aspose.imaging.magicwand.imagemasks.ImageMask
public class CircleMask extends ImageMask
Describes a circle mask.
Constructor | Description |
CircleMask(int x, int y, int radius) | Initializes a new instance of the CircleMask class with the specified center point and radius. |
CircleMask(Point center, int radius) | Initializes a new instance of the CircleMask class with the specified center point and radius. |
Method | Description |
getSelectionBounds() | Gets the bounds, in pixels, of this mask. |
get_Item(int x, int y) | Gets the opacity of the specified pixel. |
inflate(int size) | Inflates this mask by the specified amount. |
crop(Rectangle rectangle) | Crops mask with the specified rectangle. |
deepClone() | Creates a new object that is a copy of the current instance. |
CircleMask(int x, int y, int radius)
public CircleMask(int x, int y, int radius)
Initializes a new instance of the CircleMask class with the specified center point and radius.
Parameter | Type | Description |
x | int | The x-coordinate of the center point of the selected area. |
y | int | The y-coordinate of the center point of the selected area. |
radius | int | Radius of the selected area. |
CircleMask(Point center, int radius)
public CircleMask(Point center, int radius)
Initializes a new instance of the CircleMask class with the specified center point and radius.
Parameter | Type | Description |
center | Point | The center point of the selected area. |
radius | int | Radius of the selected area. |
public Rectangle getSelectionBounds()
Gets the bounds, in pixels, of this mask.
Returns: Rectangle - the bounds, in pixels, of this mask.
get_Item(int x, int y)
public boolean get_Item(int x, int y)
Gets the opacity of the specified pixel.
Parameter | Type | Description |
x | int | The x-coordinate of the pixel. |
y | int | The y-coordinate of the pixel. |
Returns: boolean - true if the specified pixel is opaque; otherwise, false.
inflate(int size)
public ImageMask inflate(int size)
Inflates this mask by the specified amount.
Parameter | Type | Description |
size | int | The amount to inflate this mask. |
Returns: ImageMask - An inflated CircleMask as ImageMask.
crop(Rectangle rectangle)
public ImageMask crop(Rectangle rectangle)
Crops mask with the specified rectangle.
Parameter | Type | Description |
rectangle | Rectangle | The specified rectangle. |
Returns: ImageMask - A cropped CircleMask or ImageBitMask as ImageMask. As ImageBitMask may be returned, fluent call is recommended.
public Object deepClone()
Creates a new object that is a copy of the current instance.
Returns: java.lang.Object - A new object that is a copy of this instance.