
Inheritance: java.lang.Object

public class ProgressEventHandlerInfo

This class represents information about image load/save/export operations progress, that can be used in external application to show conversion progress to end user


getDescription()Gets the description of the event
getEventType()Gets the type of the event.
getMaxValue()Gets the upper progress value limit.
getValue()Gets current progress value.

Example: The following example shows how to print information about progress events for load/export operations.

String dir = "c:\\aspose.imaging\\java\\issues\\1440\\";
String fileName = dir + "big.png";

// Example of use of separate operation progress event handlers for load/export operations
final com.aspose.imaging.ProgressEventHandler loadHandler = new com.aspose.imaging.ProgressEventHandler() {
    public void invoke(com.aspose.imaging.progressmanagement.ProgressEventHandlerInfo info) {
        System.out.format("Load event %s : %d/%d\n", com.aspose.imaging.progressmanagement.EventType.toString(com.aspose.imaging.progressmanagement.EventType.class, info.getEventType()), info.getValue(), info.getMaxValue());

final com.aspose.imaging.ProgressEventHandler exportHandler = new com.aspose.imaging.ProgressEventHandler() {
    public void invoke(com.aspose.imaging.progressmanagement.ProgressEventHandlerInfo info) {
        System.out.format("Export event %s : %d/%d\n", com.aspose.imaging.progressmanagement.EventType.toString(com.aspose.imaging.progressmanagement.EventType.class, info.getEventType()), info.getValue(), info.getMaxValue());

com.aspose.imaging.Image image = com.aspose.imaging.Image.load(fileName, new com.aspose.imaging.LoadOptions() {{ setProgressEventHandler(loadHandler); }} );
try { + ".psd",
            new com.aspose.imaging.imageoptions.PsdOptions() {{ setProgressEventHandler( exportHandler); }});
finally {

// The STDOUT log may look like this:
//        Load event Initialization : 1/4
//        Load event PreProcessing : 2/4
//        Load event Processing : 3/4
//        Load event Finalization : 4/4
//        Export event Initialization : 1/4
//        Export event PreProcessing : 2/4
//        Export event Processing : 3/4
//        Export event RelativeProgress : 1/1
//        Load event RelativeProgress : 1/1
//        Export event Finalization : 4/4


public final String getDescription()

Gets the description of the event

Value: The description.

Returns: java.lang.String - the description of the event


public final EventType getEventType()

Gets the type of the event.

Value: The type of the event.

Returns: EventType - the type of the event.


public final int getMaxValue()

Gets the upper progress value limit.

Value: The upper progress value limit.

Returns: int - the upper progress value limit.


public final int getValue()

Gets current progress value.

Value: The progress value.

Returns: int - current progress value.