
Inheritance: java.lang.Object, com.aspose.words.SaveOptions, com.aspose.words.FixedPageSaveOptions

All Implemented Interfaces: java.lang.Cloneable

public class PdfSaveOptions extends FixedPageSaveOptions implements Cloneable

Can be used to specify additional options when saving a document into the SaveFormat.PDF format.

To learn more, visit the Specify Save Options documentation article.


Shows how to escape hyperlinks in the document.

 Document doc = new Document();
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
 builder.insertHyperlink("Testlink", uri, false);

 // Create a "PdfSaveOptions" object that we can pass to the document's "Save" method
 // to modify how that method converts the document to .PDF.
 PdfSaveOptions options = new PdfSaveOptions();

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.EscapedUri.pdf", options);

Shows how to change image color with saving options property.

 Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "Images.docx");

 // Create a "PdfSaveOptions" object that we can pass to the document's "Save" method
 // to modify how that method converts the document to .PDF.
 // Set the "ColorMode" property to "Grayscale" to render all images from the document in black and white.
 // The size of the output document may be larger with this setting.
 // Set the "ColorMode" property to "Normal" to render all images in color.
 PdfSaveOptions pdfSaveOptions = new PdfSaveOptions();

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.ColorRendering.pdf", pdfSaveOptions);

Shows how to apply text compression when saving a document to PDF.

 Document doc = new Document();
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

 for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
     builder.writeln("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, " +
             "sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.");

 // Create a "PdfSaveOptions" object that we can pass to the document's "Save" method
 // to modify how that method converts the document to .PDF.
 PdfSaveOptions options = new PdfSaveOptions();

 // Set the "TextCompression" property to "PdfTextCompression.None" to not apply any
 // compression to text when we save the document to PDF.
 // Set the "TextCompression" property to "PdfTextCompression.Flate" to apply ZIP compression
 // to text when we save the document to PDF. The larger the document, the bigger the impact that this will have.

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.TextCompression.pdf", options);

Shows how to convert a whole document to PDF with three levels in the document outline.

 Document doc = new Document();
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

 // Insert headings of levels 1 to 5.


 builder.writeln("Heading 1");


 builder.writeln("Heading 1.1");
 builder.writeln("Heading 1.2");


 builder.writeln("Heading 1.2.1");
 builder.writeln("Heading 1.2.2");





 // Create a "PdfSaveOptions" object that we can pass to the document's "Save" method
 // to modify how that method converts the document to .PDF.
 PdfSaveOptions options = new PdfSaveOptions();

 // The output PDF document will contain an outline, which is a table of contents that lists headings in the document body.
 // Clicking on an entry in this outline will take us to the location of its respective heading.
 // Set the "HeadingsOutlineLevels" property to "4" to exclude all headings whose levels are above 4 from the outline.

 // If an outline entry has subsequent entries of a higher level inbetween itself and the next entry of the same or lower level,
 // an arrow will appear to the left of the entry. This entry is the "owner" of several such "sub-entries".
 // In our document, the outline entries from the 5th heading level are sub-entries of the second 4th level outline entry,
 // the 4th and 5th heading level entries are sub-entries of the second 3rd level entry, and so on.
 // In the outline, we can click on the arrow of the "owner" entry to collapse/expand all its sub-entries.
 // Set the "ExpandedOutlineLevels" property to "2" to automatically expand all heading level 2 and lower outline entries
 // and collapse all level and 3 and higher entries when we open the document.

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.ExpandedOutlineLevels.pdf", options);


PdfSaveOptions()Initializes a new instance of this class that can be used to save a document in the SaveFormat.PDF format.


createSaveOptions(int saveFormat)
createSaveOptions(String fileName)Creates a save options object of a class suitable for the file extension specified in the given file name.
deepClone()Creates a deep clone of this object.
equals(Object obj)Determines whether the specified object is equal in value to the current object.
getAdditionalTextPositioning()A flag specifying whether to write additional text positioning operators or not.
getAllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts()Gets a boolean value indicating whether to allow embedding fonts with PostScript outlines when embedding TrueType fonts in a document upon it is saved.
getAttachmentsEmbeddingMode()Gets a value determining how attachments are embedded to the PDF document.
getCacheBackgroundGraphics()Gets a value determining whether or not to cache graphics placed in document’s background.
getColorMode()Gets a value determining how colors are rendered.
getCompliance()Specifies the PDF standards compliance level for output documents.
getCreateNoteHyperlinks()Specifies whether to convert footnote/endnote references in main text story into active hyperlinks.
getCustomPropertiesExport()Gets a value determining the way Document.getCustomDocumentProperties() are exported to PDF file.
getDefaultTemplate()Gets path to default template (including filename).
getDigitalSignatureDetails()Gets the details for signing the output PDF document.
getDisplayDocTitle()A flag specifying whether the window\u2019s title bar should display the document title taken from the Title entry of the document information dictionary.
getDml3DEffectsRenderingMode()Gets a value determining how 3D effects are rendered.
getDmlEffectsRenderingMode()Gets a value determining how DrawingML effects are rendered.
getDmlRenderingMode()Gets a value determining how DrawingML shapes are rendered.
getDownsampleOptions()Allows to specify downsample options.
getEmbedAttachments()Gets a value determining whether or not to embed attachments to the PDF document.
getEmbedFullFonts()Controls how fonts are embedded into the resulting PDF documents.
getEncryptionDetails()Gets the details for encrypting the output PDF document.
getExportDocumentStructure()Gets a value determining whether or not to export document structure.
getExportGeneratorName()When true , causes the name and version of Aspose.Words to be embedded into produced files.
getExportLanguageToSpanTag()Gets a value determining whether or not to create a “Span” tag in the document structure to export the text language.
getExportParagraphGraphicsToArtifact()Gets a value determining whether a paragraph graphic should be marked as an artifact.
getFontEmbeddingMode()Specifies the font embedding mode.
getHeaderFooterBookmarksExportMode()Determines how bookmarks in headers/footers are exported.
getImageColorSpaceExportMode()Specifies how the color space will be selected for the images in PDF document.
getImageCompression()Specifies compression type to be used for all images in the document.
getImlRenderingMode()Gets a value determining how ink (InkML) objects are rendered.
getInterpolateImages()A flag indicating whether image interpolation shall be performed by a conforming reader.
getJpegQuality()Gets a value determining the quality of the JPEG images inside PDF document.
getMemoryOptimization()Gets value determining if memory optimization should be performed before saving the document.
getMetafileRenderingOptions()Allows to specify metafile rendering options.
getNumeralFormat()Gets NumeralFormat used for rendering of numerals.
getOpenHyperlinksInNewWindow()Gets a value determining whether hyperlinks in the output Pdf document are forced to be opened in a new window (or tab) of a browser.
getOptimizeOutput()Flag indicates whether it is required to optimize output.
getOutlineOptions()Allows to specify outline options.
getPageLayout()Specifies the page layout to be used when the document is opened in a PDF reader.
getPageMode()Specifies how the PDF document should be displayed when opened in a PDF reader.
getPageSavingCallback()Allows to control how separate pages are saved when a document is exported to fixed page format.
getPageSet()Gets the pages to render.
getPreblendImages()Gets a value determining whether or not to preblend transparent images with black background color.
getPreserveFormFields()Specifies whether to preserve Microsoft Word form fields as form fields in PDF or convert them to text.
getPrettyFormat()When true , pretty formats output where applicable.
getProgressCallback()Called during saving a document and accepts data about saving progress.
getRenderChoiceFormFieldBorder()Specifies whether to render PDF choice form field border.
getSaveFormat()Specifies the format in which the document will be saved if this save options object is used.
getTempFolder()Specifies the folder for temporary files used when saving to a DOC or DOCX file.
getTextCompression()Specifies compression type to be used for all textual content in the document.
getUpdateAmbiguousTextFont()Determines whether the font attributes will be changed according to the character code being used.
getUpdateCreatedTimeProperty()Gets a value determining whether the BuiltInDocumentProperties.getCreatedTime() / BuiltInDocumentProperties.setCreatedTime(java.util.Date) property is updated before saving.
getUpdateFields()Gets a value determining if fields of certain types should be updated before saving the document to a fixed page format.
getUpdateLastPrintedProperty()Gets a value determining whether the BuiltInDocumentProperties.getLastPrinted() / BuiltInDocumentProperties.setLastPrinted(java.util.Date) property is updated before saving.
getUpdateLastSavedTimeProperty()Gets a value determining whether the BuiltInDocumentProperties.getLastSavedTime() / BuiltInDocumentProperties.setLastSavedTime(java.util.Date) property is updated before saving.
getUseAntiAliasing()Gets a value determining whether or not to use anti-aliasing for rendering.
getUseBookFoldPrintingSettings()Gets a boolean value indicating whether the document should be saved using a booklet printing layout, if it is specified via PageSetup.getMultiplePages() / PageSetup.setMultiplePages(int).
getUseCoreFonts()Gets a value determining whether or not to substitute TrueType fonts Arial, Times New Roman, Courier New and Symbol with core PDF Type 1 fonts.
getUseHighQualityRendering()Gets a value determining whether or not to use high quality (i.e.
getUseSdtTagAsFormFieldName()Specifies whether to use SDT control Tag or Id property as a name of form field in PDF.
getZoomBehavior()Gets a value determining what type of zoom should be applied when a document is opened with a PDF viewer.
getZoomFactor()Gets a value determining zoom factor (in percentages) for a document.
setAdditionalTextPositioning(boolean value)A flag specifying whether to write additional text positioning operators or not.
setAllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts(boolean value)Sets a boolean value indicating whether to allow embedding fonts with PostScript outlines when embedding TrueType fonts in a document upon it is saved.
setAttachmentsEmbeddingMode(int value)Sets a value determining how attachments are embedded to the PDF document.
setCacheBackgroundGraphics(boolean value)Sets a value determining whether or not to cache graphics placed in document’s background.
setColorMode(int value)Sets a value determining how colors are rendered.
setCompliance(int value)Specifies the PDF standards compliance level for output documents.
setCreateNoteHyperlinks(boolean value)Specifies whether to convert footnote/endnote references in main text story into active hyperlinks.
setCustomPropertiesExport(int value)Sets a value determining the way Document.getCustomDocumentProperties() are exported to PDF file.
setDefaultTemplate(String value)Sets path to default template (including filename).
setDigitalSignatureDetails(PdfDigitalSignatureDetails value)Sets the details for signing the output PDF document.
setDisplayDocTitle(boolean value)A flag specifying whether the window\u2019s title bar should display the document title taken from the Title entry of the document information dictionary.
setDml3DEffectsRenderingMode(int value)Sets a value determining how 3D effects are rendered.
setDmlEffectsRenderingMode(int value)Sets a value determining how DrawingML effects are rendered.
setDmlRenderingMode(int value)Sets a value determining how DrawingML shapes are rendered.
setDownsampleOptions(DownsampleOptions value)Allows to specify downsample options.
setEmbedAttachments(boolean value)Sets a value determining whether or not to embed attachments to the PDF document.
setEmbedFullFonts(boolean value)Controls how fonts are embedded into the resulting PDF documents.
setEncryptionDetails(PdfEncryptionDetails value)Sets the details for encrypting the output PDF document.
setExportDocumentStructure(boolean value)Sets a value determining whether or not to export document structure.
setExportGeneratorName(boolean value)When true , causes the name and version of Aspose.Words to be embedded into produced files.
setExportLanguageToSpanTag(boolean value)Sets a value determining whether or not to create a “Span” tag in the document structure to export the text language.
setExportParagraphGraphicsToArtifact(boolean value)Sets a value determining whether a paragraph graphic should be marked as an artifact.
setFontEmbeddingMode(int value)Specifies the font embedding mode.
setHeaderFooterBookmarksExportMode(int value)Determines how bookmarks in headers/footers are exported.
setImageColorSpaceExportMode(int value)Specifies how the color space will be selected for the images in PDF document.
setImageCompression(int value)Specifies compression type to be used for all images in the document.
setImlRenderingMode(int value)Sets a value determining how ink (InkML) objects are rendered.
setInterpolateImages(boolean value)A flag indicating whether image interpolation shall be performed by a conforming reader.
setJpegQuality(int value)Sets a value determining the quality of the JPEG images inside PDF document.
setMemoryOptimization(boolean value)Sets value determining if memory optimization should be performed before saving the document.
setMetafileRenderingOptions(MetafileRenderingOptions value)Allows to specify metafile rendering options.
setNumeralFormat(int value)Sets NumeralFormat used for rendering of numerals.
setOpenHyperlinksInNewWindow(boolean value)Sets a value determining whether hyperlinks in the output Pdf document are forced to be opened in a new window (or tab) of a browser.
setOptimizeOutput(boolean value)Flag indicates whether it is required to optimize output.
setPageLayout(int value)Specifies the page layout to be used when the document is opened in a PDF reader.
setPageMode(int value)Specifies how the PDF document should be displayed when opened in a PDF reader.
setPageSavingCallback(IPageSavingCallback value)Allows to control how separate pages are saved when a document is exported to fixed page format.
setPageSet(PageSet value)Sets the pages to render.
setPreblendImages(boolean value)Sets a value determining whether or not to preblend transparent images with black background color.
setPreserveFormFields(boolean value)Specifies whether to preserve Microsoft Word form fields as form fields in PDF or convert them to text.
setPrettyFormat(boolean value)When true , pretty formats output where applicable.
setProgressCallback(IDocumentSavingCallback value)Called during saving a document and accepts data about saving progress.
setRenderChoiceFormFieldBorder(boolean value)Specifies whether to render PDF choice form field border.
setSaveFormat(int value)Specifies the format in which the document will be saved if this save options object is used.
setTempFolder(String value)Specifies the folder for temporary files used when saving to a DOC or DOCX file.
setTextCompression(int value)Specifies compression type to be used for all textual content in the document.
setUpdateAmbiguousTextFont(boolean value)Determines whether the font attributes will be changed according to the character code being used.
setUpdateCreatedTimeProperty(boolean value)Sets a value determining whether the BuiltInDocumentProperties.getCreatedTime() / BuiltInDocumentProperties.setCreatedTime(java.util.Date) property is updated before saving.
setUpdateFields(boolean value)Sets a value determining if fields of certain types should be updated before saving the document to a fixed page format.
setUpdateLastPrintedProperty(boolean value)Sets a value determining whether the BuiltInDocumentProperties.getLastPrinted() / BuiltInDocumentProperties.setLastPrinted(java.util.Date) property is updated before saving.
setUpdateLastSavedTimeProperty(boolean value)Sets a value determining whether the BuiltInDocumentProperties.getLastSavedTime() / BuiltInDocumentProperties.setLastSavedTime(java.util.Date) property is updated before saving.
setUseAntiAliasing(boolean value)Sets a value determining whether or not to use anti-aliasing for rendering.
setUseBookFoldPrintingSettings(boolean value)Sets a boolean value indicating whether the document should be saved using a booklet printing layout, if it is specified via PageSetup.getMultiplePages() / PageSetup.setMultiplePages(int).
setUseCoreFonts(boolean value)Sets a value determining whether or not to substitute TrueType fonts Arial, Times New Roman, Courier New and Symbol with core PDF Type 1 fonts.
setUseHighQualityRendering(boolean value)Sets a value determining whether or not to use high quality (i.e.
setUseSdtTagAsFormFieldName(boolean value)Specifies whether to use SDT control Tag or Id property as a name of form field in PDF.
setZoomBehavior(int value)Sets a value determining what type of zoom should be applied when a document is opened with a PDF viewer.
setZoomFactor(int value)Sets a value determining zoom factor (in percentages) for a document.


public PdfSaveOptions()

Initializes a new instance of this class that can be used to save a document in the SaveFormat.PDF format.


Shows how to enable or disable subsetting when embedding fonts while rendering a document to PDF.

 Document doc = new Document();
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

 builder.writeln("Hello world!");
 builder.writeln("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.");

 // Configure our font sources to ensure that we have access to both the fonts in this document.
 FontSourceBase[] originalFontsSources = FontSettings.getDefaultInstance().getFontsSources();
 FolderFontSource folderFontSource = new FolderFontSource(getFontsDir(), true);
 FontSettings.getDefaultInstance().setFontsSources(new FontSourceBase[]{originalFontsSources[0], folderFontSource});

 // Create a "PdfSaveOptions" object that we can pass to the document's "Save" method
 // to modify how that method converts the document to .PDF.
 PdfSaveOptions options = new PdfSaveOptions();

 // Since our document contains a custom font, embedding in the output document may be desirable.
 // Set the "EmbedFullFonts" property to "true" to embed every glyph of every embedded font in the output PDF.
 // The document's size may become very large, but we will have full use of all fonts if we edit the PDF.
 // Set the "EmbedFullFonts" property to "false" to apply subsetting to fonts, saving only the glyphs
 // that the document is using. The file will be considerably smaller,
 // but we may need access to any custom fonts if we edit the document.

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.EmbedFullFonts.pdf", options);

 if (embedFullFonts)
     Assert.assertTrue(new File(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.EmbedFullFonts.pdf").length() < 571000);
     Assert.assertTrue(new File(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.EmbedFullFonts.pdf").length() < 25000);

 // Restore the original font sources.

createSaveOptions(int saveFormat)

public static SaveOptions createSaveOptions(int saveFormat)



Returns: SaveOptions

createSaveOptions(String fileName)

public static SaveOptions createSaveOptions(String fileName)

Creates a save options object of a class suitable for the file extension specified in the given file name.


Shows how to set a default template for documents that do not have attached templates.

 Document doc = new Document();

 // Enable automatic style updating, but do not attach a template document.

 Assert.assertEquals("", doc.getAttachedTemplate());

 // Since there is no template document, the document had nowhere to track style changes.
 // Use a SaveOptions object to automatically set a template
 // if a document that we are saving does not have one.
 SaveOptions options = SaveOptions.createSaveOptions("Document.DefaultTemplate.docx");
 options.setDefaultTemplate(getMyDir() + "Business brochure.dotx");

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "Document.DefaultTemplate.docx", options);


fileNamejava.lang.StringThe extension of this file name determines the class of the save options object to create.

Returns: SaveOptions - An object of a class that derives from SaveOptions.


public PdfSaveOptions deepClone()

Creates a deep clone of this object.


Shows how to update all the fields in a document immediately before saving it to PDF.

 Document doc = new Document();
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

 // Insert text with PAGE and NUMPAGES fields. These fields do not display the correct value in real time.
 // We will need to manually update them using updating methods such as "Field.Update()", and "Document.UpdateFields()"
 // each time we need them to display accurate values.
 builder.write("Page ");
 builder.insertField("PAGE", "");
 builder.write(" of ");
 builder.insertField("NUMPAGES", "");
 builder.writeln("Hello World!");

 // Create a "PdfSaveOptions" object that we can pass to the document's "Save" method
 // to modify how that method converts the document to .PDF.
 PdfSaveOptions options = new PdfSaveOptions();

 // Set the "UpdateFields" property to "false" to not update all the fields in a document right before a save operation.
 // This is the preferable option if we know that all our fields will be up to date before saving.
 // Set the "UpdateFields" property to "true" to iterate through all the document
 // fields and update them before we save it as a PDF. This will make sure that all the fields will display
 // the most accurate values in the PDF.

 // We can clone PdfSaveOptions objects.
 Assert.assertNotSame(options, options.deepClone());

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.UpdateFields.pdf", options);

Returns: PdfSaveOptions

equals(Object obj)

public boolean equals(Object obj)

Determines whether the specified object is equal in value to the current object.



Returns: boolean


public boolean getAdditionalTextPositioning()

A flag specifying whether to write additional text positioning operators or not.


If true , additional text positioning operators are written to the output PDF. This may help to overcome issues with inaccurate text positioning with some printers. The downside is the increased PDF document size.

The default value is false .


Show how to write additional text positioning operators.

 Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "Text positioning operators.docx");

 // Create a "PdfSaveOptions" object that we can pass to the document's "Save" method
 // to modify how that method converts the document to .PDF.
 PdfSaveOptions saveOptions = new PdfSaveOptions();

 // Set the "AdditionalTextPositioning" property to "true" to attempt to fix incorrect
 // element positioning in the output PDF, should there be any, at the cost of increased file size.
 // Set the "AdditionalTextPositioning" property to "false" to render the document as usual.

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.AdditionalTextPositioning.pdf", saveOptions);

Returns: boolean - The corresponding boolean value.


public boolean getAllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts()

Gets a boolean value indicating whether to allow embedding fonts with PostScript outlines when embedding TrueType fonts in a document upon it is saved. The default value is false .


Note, Word does not embed PostScript fonts, but can open documents with embedded fonts of this type.

This option only works when FontInfoCollection.getEmbedTrueTypeFonts() / FontInfoCollection.setEmbedTrueTypeFonts(boolean) of the DocumentBase.getFontInfos() property is set to true .


Shows how to save the document with PostScript font.

 Document doc = new Document();
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

 builder.writeln("Some text with PostScript font.");

 // Load the font with PostScript to use in the document.
 MemoryFontSource otf = new MemoryFontSource(DocumentHelper.getBytesFromStream(new FileInputStream(getFontsDir() + "AllegroOpen.otf")));
 doc.setFontSettings(new FontSettings());
 doc.getFontSettings().setFontsSources(new FontSourceBase[]{otf});

 // Embed TrueType fonts.

 // Allow embedding PostScript fonts while embedding TrueType fonts.
 // Microsoft Word does not embed PostScript fonts, but can open documents with embedded fonts of this type.
 SaveOptions saveOptions = SaveOptions.createSaveOptions(SaveFormat.DOCX);

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "Document.AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts.docx", saveOptions);

Returns: boolean - A boolean value indicating whether to allow embedding fonts with PostScript outlines when embedding TrueType fonts in a document upon it is saved.


public int getAttachmentsEmbeddingMode()

Gets a value determining how attachments are embedded to the PDF document.


Default value is PdfAttachmentsEmbeddingMode.NONE and attachments are not embedded.

PDF/A-1, PDF/A-2 and regular PDF/A-4 (not PDF/A-4f) standards do not allow embedded files. PdfAttachmentsEmbeddingMode.NONE value will be used automatically.


Shows how to set a value determining how attachments are embedded to the PDF document.

 Document doc = new Document();
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

 builder.insertOleObject(getMyDir() + "Spreadsheet.xlsx", "Excel.Sheet", false, true, null);

 PdfSaveOptions saveOptions = new PdfSaveOptions();

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.AttachmentsEmbeddingMode.pdf", saveOptions);

Returns: int - A value determining how attachments are embedded to the PDF document. The returned value is one of PdfAttachmentsEmbeddingMode constants.


public boolean getCacheBackgroundGraphics()

Gets a value determining whether or not to cache graphics placed in document’s background.


Default value is true and background graphics are written to the PDF document as an xObject.

When the value is false background graphics are not cached.

Some shapes are not supported for caching(shapes with fields, bookmarks, HRefs).

Document background graphic is various shapes, charts, images placed in the footer or header, well as background and border of a page.


Shows how to cache graphics placed in document’s background.

 Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "Background images.docx");

 PdfSaveOptions saveOptions = new PdfSaveOptions();

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.CacheBackgroundGraphics.pdf", saveOptions);

 long asposeToPdfSize = new File(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.CacheBackgroundGraphics.pdf").length();
 long wordToPdfSize = new File(getMyDir() + "Background images (word to pdf).pdf").length();

 Assert.assertTrue(asposeToPdfSize < wordToPdfSize);

Returns: boolean - A value determining whether or not to cache graphics placed in document’s background.


public int getColorMode()

Gets a value determining how colors are rendered.


The default value is ColorMode.NORMAL.


Shows how to change image color with saving options property.

 Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "Images.docx");

 // Create a "PdfSaveOptions" object that we can pass to the document's "Save" method
 // to modify how that method converts the document to .PDF.
 // Set the "ColorMode" property to "Grayscale" to render all images from the document in black and white.
 // The size of the output document may be larger with this setting.
 // Set the "ColorMode" property to "Normal" to render all images in color.
 PdfSaveOptions pdfSaveOptions = new PdfSaveOptions();

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.ColorRendering.pdf", pdfSaveOptions);

Returns: int - A value determining how colors are rendered. The returned value is one of ColorMode constants.


public int getCompliance()

Specifies the PDF standards compliance level for output documents.


Default is PdfCompliance.PDF_17.


Shows how to set the PDF standards compliance level of saved PDF documents.

 Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "Images.docx");

 // Create a "PdfSaveOptions" object that we can pass to the document's "Save" method
 // to modify how that method converts the document to .PDF.
 // Note that some PdfSaveOptions are prohibited when saving to one of the standards and automatically fixed.
 // Use IWarningCallback to know which options are automatically fixed.
 PdfSaveOptions saveOptions = new PdfSaveOptions();

 // Set the "Compliance" property to "PdfCompliance.PdfA1b" to comply with the "PDF/A-1b" standard,
 // which aims to preserve the visual appearance of the document as Aspose.Words convert it to PDF.
 // Set the "Compliance" property to "PdfCompliance.Pdf17" to comply with the "1.7" standard.
 // Set the "Compliance" property to "PdfCompliance.PdfA1a" to comply with the "PDF/A-1a" standard,
 // which complies with "PDF/A-1b" as well as preserving the document structure of the original document.
 // Set the "Compliance" property to "PdfCompliance.PdfUa1" to comply with the "PDF/UA-1" (ISO 14289-1) standard,
 // which aims to define represent electronic documents in PDF that allow the file to be accessible.
 // Set the "Compliance" property to "PdfCompliance.Pdf20" to comply with the "PDF 2.0" (ISO 32000-2) standard.
 // Set the "Compliance" property to "PdfCompliance.PdfA4" to comply with the "PDF/A-4" (ISO 19004:2020) standard,
 // which preserving document static visual appearance over time.
 // Set the "Compliance" property to "PdfCompliance.PdfA4Ua2" to comply with both PDF/A-4 (ISO 19005-4:2020)
 // and PDF/UA-2 (ISO 14289-2:2024) standards.
 // Set the "Compliance" property to "PdfCompliance.PdfUa2" to comply with the PDF/UA-2 (ISO 14289-2:2024) standard.
 // This helps with making documents searchable but may significantly increase the size of already large documents.

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.Compliance.pdf", saveOptions);

Returns: int - The corresponding int value. The returned value is one of PdfCompliance constants.

public boolean getCreateNoteHyperlinks()

Specifies whether to convert footnote/endnote references in main text story into active hyperlinks. When clicked the hyperlink will lead to the corresponding footnote/endnote. Default is false .


Shows how to make footnotes and endnotes function as hyperlinks.

 Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "Footnotes and endnotes.docx");

 // Create a "PdfSaveOptions" object that we can pass to the document's "Save" method
 // to modify how that method converts the document to .PDF.
 PdfSaveOptions options = new PdfSaveOptions();

 // Set the "CreateNoteHyperlinks" property to "true" to turn all footnote/endnote symbols
 // in the text act as links that, upon clicking, take us to their respective footnotes/endnotes.
 // Set the "CreateNoteHyperlinks" property to "false" not to have footnote/endnote symbols link to anything.

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.NoteHyperlinks.pdf", options);

Returns: boolean - The corresponding boolean value.


public int getCustomPropertiesExport()

Gets a value determining the way Document.getCustomDocumentProperties() are exported to PDF file.


Default value is PdfCustomPropertiesExport.NONE.

PdfCustomPropertiesExport.METADATA value is not supported when saving to PDF/A. PdfCustomPropertiesExport.STANDARD will be used instead for PDF/A-1 and PDF/A-2 and PdfCustomPropertiesExport.NONE for PDF/A-4.

PdfCustomPropertiesExport.STANDARD value is not supported when saving to PDF 2.0. PdfCustomPropertiesExport.METADATA will be used instead.


Shows how to export custom properties while converting a document to PDF.

 Document doc = new Document();

 doc.getCustomDocumentProperties().add("Company", "My value");

 // Create a "PdfSaveOptions" object that we can pass to the document's "Save" method
 // to modify how that method converts the document to .PDF.
 PdfSaveOptions options = new PdfSaveOptions();

 // Set the "CustomPropertiesExport" property to "PdfCustomPropertiesExport.None" to discard
 // custom document properties as we save the document to .PDF.
 // Set the "CustomPropertiesExport" property to "PdfCustomPropertiesExport.Standard"
 // to preserve custom properties within the output PDF document.
 // Set the "CustomPropertiesExport" property to "PdfCustomPropertiesExport.Metadata"
 // to preserve custom properties in an XMP packet.

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.CustomPropertiesExport.pdf", options);

Returns: int - A value determining the way Document.getCustomDocumentProperties() are exported to PDF file. The returned value is one of PdfCustomPropertiesExport constants.


public String getDefaultTemplate()

Gets path to default template (including filename). Default value for this property is empty string.


If specified, this path is used to load template when Document.getAutomaticallyUpdateStyles() / Document.setAutomaticallyUpdateStyles(boolean) is true , but Document.getAttachedTemplate() / Document.setAttachedTemplate(java.lang.String) is empty.


Shows how to set a default template for documents that do not have attached templates.

 Document doc = new Document();

 // Enable automatic style updating, but do not attach a template document.

 Assert.assertEquals("", doc.getAttachedTemplate());

 // Since there is no template document, the document had nowhere to track style changes.
 // Use a SaveOptions object to automatically set a template
 // if a document that we are saving does not have one.
 SaveOptions options = SaveOptions.createSaveOptions("Document.DefaultTemplate.docx");
 options.setDefaultTemplate(getMyDir() + "Business brochure.dotx");

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "Document.DefaultTemplate.docx", options);

Returns: java.lang.String - Path to default template (including filename).


public PdfDigitalSignatureDetails getDigitalSignatureDetails()

Gets the details for signing the output PDF document.


The default value is null and the output document will not be signed. When this property is set to a valid PdfDigitalSignatureDetails object, then the output PDF document will be digitally signed.


Shows how to sign a generated PDF document.

 Document doc = new Document();
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
 builder.writeln("Contents of signed PDF.");

 CertificateHolder certificateHolder = CertificateHolder.create(getMyDir() + "morzal.pfx", "aw");

 // Create a "PdfSaveOptions" object that we can pass to the document's "Save" method
 // to modify how that method converts the document to .PDF.
 PdfSaveOptions options = new PdfSaveOptions();

 // Configure the "DigitalSignatureDetails" object of the "SaveOptions" object to
 // digitally sign the document as we render it with the "Save" method.
 Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
 calendar.set(2015, Calendar.JULY, 20);
 Date signingTime = calendar.getTime();
 options.setDigitalSignatureDetails(new PdfDigitalSignatureDetails(certificateHolder, "Test Signing", "My Office", signingTime));

 Assert.assertEquals(options.getDigitalSignatureDetails().getReason(), "Test Signing");
 Assert.assertEquals(options.getDigitalSignatureDetails().getLocation(), "My Office");
 Assert.assertEquals(DocumentHelper.getLocalDate(options.getDigitalSignatureDetails().getSignatureDate()), DocumentHelper.getLocalDate(signingTime));

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.PdfDigitalSignature.pdf", options);

Returns: PdfDigitalSignatureDetails - The details for signing the output PDF document.


public boolean getDisplayDocTitle()

A flag specifying whether the window\u2019s title bar should display the document title taken from the Title entry of the document information dictionary.


If false , the title bar should instead display the name of the PDF file containing the document.

This flag is required by PDF/UA compliance. true value will be used automatically when saving to PDF/UA.

The default value is false .


Shows how to display the title of the document as the title bar.

 Document doc = new Document();
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
 builder.writeln("Hello world!");

 doc.getBuiltInDocumentProperties().setTitle("Windows bar pdf title");

 // Create a "PdfSaveOptions" object that we can pass to the document's "Save" method
 // to modify how that method converts the document to .PDF.
 // Set the "DisplayDocTitle" to "true" to get some PDF readers, such as Adobe Acrobat Pro,
 // to display the value of the document's "Title" built-in property in the tab that belongs to this document.
 // Set the "DisplayDocTitle" to "false" to get such readers to display the document's filename.
 PdfSaveOptions pdfSaveOptions = new PdfSaveOptions();

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.DocTitle.pdf", pdfSaveOptions);

Returns: boolean - The corresponding boolean value.


public int getDml3DEffectsRenderingMode()

Gets a value determining how 3D effects are rendered.


The default value is Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode.BASIC.


Shows how 3D effects are rendered.

 Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "DrawingML shape 3D effects.docx");

 RenderCallback warningCallback = new RenderCallback();

 PdfSaveOptions saveOptions = new PdfSaveOptions();

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.Dml3DEffectsRenderingModeTest.pdf", saveOptions);

Returns: int - A value determining how 3D effects are rendered. The returned value is one of Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode constants.


public int getDmlEffectsRenderingMode()

Gets a value determining how DrawingML effects are rendered.


The default value is DmlEffectsRenderingMode.SIMPLIFIED.

This property is used when the document is exported to fixed page formats.

If getCompliance() / setCompliance(int) is set to PdfCompliance.PDF_A_1_A or PdfCompliance.PDF_A_1_B, property always returns DmlEffectsRenderingMode.NONE.


Shows how to configure the rendering quality of DrawingML effects in a document as we save it to PDF.

 Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "DrawingML shape effects.docx");

 // Create a "PdfSaveOptions" object that we can pass to the document's "Save" method
 // to modify how that method converts the document to .PDF.
 PdfSaveOptions options = new PdfSaveOptions();

 // Set the "DmlEffectsRenderingMode" property to "DmlEffectsRenderingMode.None" to discard all DrawingML effects.
 // Set the "DmlEffectsRenderingMode" property to "DmlEffectsRenderingMode.Simplified"
 // to render a simplified version of DrawingML effects.
 // Set the "DmlEffectsRenderingMode" property to "DmlEffectsRenderingMode.Fine" to
 // render DrawingML effects with more accuracy and also with more processing cost.

 Assert.assertEquals(DmlRenderingMode.DRAWING_ML, options.getDmlRenderingMode());

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.DrawingMLEffects.pdf", options);

Returns: int - A value determining how DrawingML effects are rendered. The returned value is one of DmlEffectsRenderingMode constants.


public int getDmlRenderingMode()

Gets a value determining how DrawingML shapes are rendered.


The default value is DmlRenderingMode.FALLBACK.

This property is used when the document is exported to fixed page formats.


Shows how to render fallback shapes when saving to PDF.

 Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "DrawingML shape fallbacks.docx");

 // Create a "PdfSaveOptions" object that we can pass to the document's "Save" method
 // to modify how that method converts the document to .PDF.
 PdfSaveOptions options = new PdfSaveOptions();

 // Set the "DmlRenderingMode" property to "DmlRenderingMode.Fallback"
 // to substitute DML shapes with their fallback shapes.
 // Set the "DmlRenderingMode" property to "DmlRenderingMode.DrawingML"
 // to render the DML shapes themselves.

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.DrawingMLFallback.pdf", options);

Shows how to configure the rendering quality of DrawingML effects in a document as we save it to PDF.

 Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "DrawingML shape effects.docx");

 // Create a "PdfSaveOptions" object that we can pass to the document's "Save" method
 // to modify how that method converts the document to .PDF.
 PdfSaveOptions options = new PdfSaveOptions();

 // Set the "DmlEffectsRenderingMode" property to "DmlEffectsRenderingMode.None" to discard all DrawingML effects.
 // Set the "DmlEffectsRenderingMode" property to "DmlEffectsRenderingMode.Simplified"
 // to render a simplified version of DrawingML effects.
 // Set the "DmlEffectsRenderingMode" property to "DmlEffectsRenderingMode.Fine" to
 // render DrawingML effects with more accuracy and also with more processing cost.

 Assert.assertEquals(DmlRenderingMode.DRAWING_ML, options.getDmlRenderingMode());

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.DrawingMLEffects.pdf", options);

Returns: int - A value determining how DrawingML shapes are rendered. The returned value is one of DmlRenderingMode constants.


public DownsampleOptions getDownsampleOptions()

Allows to specify downsample options.


Shows how to change the resolution of images in the PDF document.

 Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "Images.docx");

 // Create a "PdfSaveOptions" object that we can pass to the document's "Save" method
 // to modify how that method converts the document to .PDF.
 PdfSaveOptions options = new PdfSaveOptions();

 // By default, Aspose.Words downsample all images in a document that we save to PDF to 220 ppi.
 Assert.assertEquals(220, options.getDownsampleOptions().getResolution());
 Assert.assertEquals(0, options.getDownsampleOptions().getResolutionThreshold());

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.DownsampleOptions.Default.pdf", options);

 // Set the "Resolution" property to "36" to downsample all images to 36 ppi.

 // Set the "ResolutionThreshold" property to only apply the downsampling to
 // images with a resolution that is above 128 ppi.

 // Only the first two images from the document will be downsampled at this stage.
 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.DownsampleOptions.LowerResolution.pdf", options);

Returns: DownsampleOptions - The corresponding DownsampleOptions value.


public boolean getEmbedAttachments()

Gets a value determining whether or not to embed attachments to the PDF document.


Default value is false and attachments are not embedded.

When the value is true attachments are embedded to the PDF document.

PDF/A-1, PDF/A-2 and PDF/A-4 (not level F) standards do not allow embedded files. false value will be used automatically.

Embedding attachments is not supported when encryption is enabled. false value will be used automatically.

Returns: boolean - A value determining whether or not to embed attachments to the PDF document.


public boolean getEmbedFullFonts()

Controls how fonts are embedded into the resulting PDF documents.


The default value is false , which means the fonts are subsetted before embedding. Subsetting is useful if you want to keep the output file size smaller. Subsetting removes all unused glyphs from a font.

When this value is set to true , a complete font file is embedded into PDF without subsetting. This will result in larger output files, but can be a useful option when you want to edit the resulting PDF later (e.g. add more text).

Some fonts are large (several megabytes) and embedding them without subsetting will result in large output documents.


Shows how to enable or disable subsetting when embedding fonts while rendering a document to PDF.

 Document doc = new Document();
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

 builder.writeln("Hello world!");
 builder.writeln("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.");

 // Configure our font sources to ensure that we have access to both the fonts in this document.
 FontSourceBase[] originalFontsSources = FontSettings.getDefaultInstance().getFontsSources();
 FolderFontSource folderFontSource = new FolderFontSource(getFontsDir(), true);
 FontSettings.getDefaultInstance().setFontsSources(new FontSourceBase[]{originalFontsSources[0], folderFontSource});

 // Create a "PdfSaveOptions" object that we can pass to the document's "Save" method
 // to modify how that method converts the document to .PDF.
 PdfSaveOptions options = new PdfSaveOptions();

 // Since our document contains a custom font, embedding in the output document may be desirable.
 // Set the "EmbedFullFonts" property to "true" to embed every glyph of every embedded font in the output PDF.
 // The document's size may become very large, but we will have full use of all fonts if we edit the PDF.
 // Set the "EmbedFullFonts" property to "false" to apply subsetting to fonts, saving only the glyphs
 // that the document is using. The file will be considerably smaller,
 // but we may need access to any custom fonts if we edit the document.

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.EmbedFullFonts.pdf", options);

 if (embedFullFonts)
     Assert.assertTrue(new File(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.EmbedFullFonts.pdf").length() < 571000);
     Assert.assertTrue(new File(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.EmbedFullFonts.pdf").length() < 25000);

 // Restore the original font sources.

Returns: boolean - The corresponding boolean value.


public PdfEncryptionDetails getEncryptionDetails()

Gets the details for encrypting the output PDF document.


The default value is null and the output document will not be encrypted. When this property is set to a valid PdfEncryptionDetails object, then the output PDF document will be encrypted.

AES-128 encryption algorithm is used when saving to PDF 1.7 based compliance (including PDF/UA-1). AES-256 encryption algorithm is used when saving to PDF 2.0 based compliance.

Encryption is prohibited by PDF/A compliance. This option will be ignored when saving to PDF/A.

PdfPermissions.CONTENT_COPY_FOR_ACCESSIBILITY permission is required by PDF/UA compliance if the output document is encrypted. This permission will automatically used when saving to PDF/UA.

PdfPermissions.CONTENT_COPY_FOR_ACCESSIBILITY permission is deprecated in PDF 2.0 format. This permission will be ignored when saving to PDF 2.0.


Shows how to set permissions on a saved PDF document.

 Document doc = new Document();
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

 builder.writeln("Hello world!");

 // Extend permissions to allow the editing of annotations.
 PdfEncryptionDetails encryptionDetails =
         new PdfEncryptionDetails("password", "", PdfPermissions.MODIFY_ANNOTATIONS | PdfPermissions.DOCUMENT_ASSEMBLY);

 // Create a "PdfSaveOptions" object that we can pass to the document's "Save" method
 // to modify how that method converts the document to .PDF.
 PdfSaveOptions saveOptions = new PdfSaveOptions();

 // Enable encryption via the "EncryptionDetails" property.

 // When we open this document, we will need to provide the password before accessing its contents.
 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.EncryptionPermissions.pdf", saveOptions);

Returns: PdfEncryptionDetails - The details for encrypting the output PDF document.


public boolean getExportDocumentStructure()

Gets a value determining whether or not to export document structure.


This value is ignored when saving to PDF/A-1a, PDF/A-2a and PDF/UA-1 because document structure is required for this compliance.

Note that exporting the document structure significantly increases the memory consumption, especially for the large documents.


Shows how to preserve document structure elements, which can assist in programmatically interpreting our document.

 Document doc = new Document();
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

 builder.getParagraphFormat().setStyle(doc.getStyles().get("Heading 1"));
 builder.writeln("Hello world!");
         "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.");

 // Create a "PdfSaveOptions" object that we can pass to the document's "Save" method
 // to modify how that method converts the document to .PDF.
 PdfSaveOptions options = new PdfSaveOptions();

 // Set the "ExportDocumentStructure" property to "true" to make the document structure, such tags, available via the
 // "Content" navigation pane of Adobe Acrobat at the cost of increased file size.
 // Set the "ExportDocumentStructure" property to "false" to not export the document structure.

 // Suppose we export document structure while saving this document. In that case,
 // we can open it using Adobe Acrobat and find tags for elements such as the heading
 // and the next paragraph via "View" -> "Show/Hide" -> "Navigation panes" -> "Tags".
 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.ExportDocumentStructure.pdf", options);

Returns: boolean - A value determining whether or not to export document structure.


public boolean getExportGeneratorName()

When true , causes the name and version of Aspose.Words to be embedded into produced files. Default value is true .


Shows how to disable adding name and version of Aspose.Words into produced files.

 Document doc = new Document();

 // Use https://docs.aspose.com/words/net/generator-or-producer-name-included-in-output-documents/ to know how to check the result.
 OoxmlSaveOptions saveOptions = new OoxmlSaveOptions(); { saveOptions.setExportGeneratorName(false); }

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "OoxmlSaveOptions.ExportGeneratorName.docx", saveOptions);

Returns: boolean - The corresponding boolean value.


public boolean getExportLanguageToSpanTag()

Gets a value determining whether or not to create a “Span” tag in the document structure to export the text language.


Default value is false and “Lang” attribute is attached to a marked-content sequence in a page content stream.

When the value is true “Span” tag is created for the text with non-default language and “Lang” attribute is attached to this tag.

This value is ignored when getExportDocumentStructure() / setExportDocumentStructure(boolean) is false .


Shows how to create a “Span” tag in the document structure to export the text language.

 Document doc = new Document();
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

 builder.writeln("Hello world!");
 builder.writeln("Hola mundo!");

 PdfSaveOptions saveOptions = new PdfSaveOptions();
     // Note, when "ExportDocumentStructure" is false, "ExportLanguageToSpanTag" is ignored.
     saveOptions.setExportDocumentStructure(true); saveOptions.setExportLanguageToSpanTag(true);

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.ExportLanguageToSpanTag.pdf", saveOptions);

Returns: boolean - A value determining whether or not to create a “Span” tag in the document structure to export the text language.


public boolean getExportParagraphGraphicsToArtifact()

Gets a value determining whether a paragraph graphic should be marked as an artifact.


Default value is false and paragraph graphics (underlines, text emphasis, etc.) will be marked as “Span” in the logical structure of the document.

When the value is true the paragraph graphics will be marked as “Artifact”.

This value is ignored when getExportDocumentStructure() / setExportDocumentStructure(boolean) is false .


Shows how to export paragraph graphics as artifact (underlines, text emphasis, etc.).

 Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "PDF artifacts.docx");

 PdfSaveOptions saveOptions = new PdfSaveOptions();

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.ExportParagraphGraphicsToArtifact.pdf", saveOptions);

Returns: boolean - A value determining whether a paragraph graphic should be marked as an artifact.


public int getFontEmbeddingMode()

Specifies the font embedding mode.


The default value is PdfFontEmbeddingMode.EMBED_ALL.

This setting works only for the text in ANSI (Windows-1252) encoding. If the document contains non-ANSI text then corresponding fonts will be embedded regardless of this setting.

PDF/A and PDF/UA compliance requires all fonts to be embedded. PdfFontEmbeddingMode.EMBED_ALL value will be used automatically when saving to PDF/A and PDF/UA.


Shows how to set Aspose.Words to skip embedding Arial and Times New Roman fonts into a PDF document.

 Document doc = new Document();
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

 // "Arial" is a standard font, and "Courier New" is a nonstandard font.
 builder.writeln("Hello world!");
 builder.getFont().setName("Courier New");
 builder.writeln("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.");

 // Create a "PdfSaveOptions" object that we can pass to the document's "Save" method
 // to modify how that method converts the document to .PDF.
 PdfSaveOptions options = new PdfSaveOptions();

 // Set the "EmbedFullFonts" property to "true" to embed every glyph of every embedded font in the output PDF.

 // Set the "FontEmbeddingMode" property to "EmbedAll" to embed all fonts in the output PDF.
 // Set the "FontEmbeddingMode" property to "EmbedNonstandard" to only allow nonstandard fonts' embedding in the output PDF.
 // Set the "FontEmbeddingMode" property to "EmbedNone" to not embed any fonts in the output PDF.

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.EmbedWindowsFonts.pdf", options);

 switch (pdfFontEmbeddingMode) {
     case PdfFontEmbeddingMode.EMBED_ALL:
         Assert.assertTrue(new File(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.EmbedWindowsFonts.pdf").length() < 1031200);
     case PdfFontEmbeddingMode.EMBED_NONSTANDARD:
         Assert.assertTrue(new File(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.EmbedWindowsFonts.pdf").length() < 491800);
     case PdfFontEmbeddingMode.EMBED_NONE:
         Assert.assertTrue(new File(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.EmbedWindowsFonts.pdf").length() <= 4258);

Returns: int - The corresponding int value. The returned value is one of PdfFontEmbeddingMode constants.


public int getHeaderFooterBookmarksExportMode()

Determines how bookmarks in headers/footers are exported.


The default value is HeaderFooterBookmarksExportMode.ALL.

This property is used in conjunction with the getOutlineOptions() option.


Shows to process bookmarks in headers/footers in a document that we are rendering to PDF.

 Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "Bookmarks in headers and footers.docx");

 // Create a "PdfSaveOptions" object that we can pass to the document's "Save" method
 // to modify how that method converts the document to .PDF.
 PdfSaveOptions saveOptions = new PdfSaveOptions();

 // Set the "PageMode" property to "PdfPageMode.UseOutlines" to display the outline navigation pane in the output PDF.

 // Set the "DefaultBookmarksOutlineLevel" property to "1" to display all
 // bookmarks at the first level of the outline in the output PDF.

 // Set the "HeaderFooterBookmarksExportMode" property to "HeaderFooterBookmarksExportMode.None" to
 // not export any bookmarks that are inside headers/footers.
 // Set the "HeaderFooterBookmarksExportMode" property to "HeaderFooterBookmarksExportMode.First" to
 // only export bookmarks in the first section's header/footers.
 // Set the "HeaderFooterBookmarksExportMode" property to "HeaderFooterBookmarksExportMode.All" to
 // export bookmarks that are in all headers/footers.

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.HeaderFooterBookmarksExportMode.pdf", saveOptions);

Returns: int - The corresponding int value. The returned value is one of HeaderFooterBookmarksExportMode constants.


public int getImageColorSpaceExportMode()

Specifies how the color space will be selected for the images in PDF document.


The default value is PdfImageColorSpaceExportMode.AUTO.

If PdfImageColorSpaceExportMode.SIMPLE_CMYK value is specified, getImageCompression() / setImageCompression(int) option is ignored and Flate compression is used for all images in the document.

PdfImageColorSpaceExportMode.SIMPLE_CMYK value is not supported when saving to PDF/A. PdfImageColorSpaceExportMode.AUTO value will be used instead.


Shows how to set a different color space for images in a document as we export it to PDF.

 Document doc = new Document();
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

 builder.writeln("Jpeg image:");
 builder.insertImage(getImageDir() + "Logo.jpg");
 builder.writeln("Png image:");
 builder.insertImage(getImageDir() + "Transparent background logo.png");

 // Create a "PdfSaveOptions" object that we can pass to the document's "Save" method
 // to modify how that method converts the document to .PDF.
 PdfSaveOptions pdfSaveOptions = new PdfSaveOptions();

 // Set the "ImageColorSpaceExportMode" property to "PdfImageColorSpaceExportMode.Auto" to get Aspose.Words to
 // automatically select the color space for images in the document that it converts to PDF.
 // In most cases, the color space will be RGB.
 // Set the "ImageColorSpaceExportMode" property to "PdfImageColorSpaceExportMode.SimpleCmyk"
 // to use the CMYK color space for all images in the saved PDF.
 // Aspose.Words will also apply Flate compression to all images and ignore the "ImageCompression" property's value.

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.ImageColorSpaceExportMode.pdf", pdfSaveOptions);

Returns: int - The corresponding int value. The returned value is one of PdfImageColorSpaceExportMode constants.


public int getImageCompression()

Specifies compression type to be used for all images in the document.


Default is PdfImageCompression.AUTO.

Using PdfImageCompression.JPEG lets you control the quality of images in the output document through the getJpegQuality() / setJpegQuality(int) property.

Using PdfImageCompression.JPEG provides the fastest conversion speed when compared to the performance of other compression types, but in this case, there is lossy JPEG compression.

Using PdfImageCompression.AUTO lets to control the quality of Jpeg in the output document through the getJpegQuality() / setJpegQuality(int) property, but for other formats, raw pixel data is extracted and saved with Flate compression. This case is slower than Jpeg conversion but lossless.


Shows how to specify a compression type for all images in a document that we are converting to PDF.

 Document doc = new Document();
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

 builder.writeln("Jpeg image:");
 builder.insertImage(getImageDir() + "Logo.jpg");
 builder.writeln("Png image:");
 builder.insertImage(getImageDir() + "Transparent background logo.png");

 // Create a "PdfSaveOptions" object that we can pass to the document's "Save" method
 // to modify how that method converts the document to .PDF.
 PdfSaveOptions pdfSaveOptions = new PdfSaveOptions();

 // Set the "ImageCompression" property to "PdfImageCompression.Auto" to use the
 // "ImageCompression" property to control the quality of the Jpeg images that end up in the output PDF.
 // Set the "ImageCompression" property to "PdfImageCompression.Jpeg" to use the
 // "ImageCompression" property to control the quality of all images that end up in the output PDF.

 // Set the "JpegQuality" property to "10" to strengthen compression at the cost of image quality.

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.ImageCompression.pdf", pdfSaveOptions);

Returns: int - The corresponding int value. The returned value is one of PdfImageCompression constants.


public int getImlRenderingMode()

Gets a value determining how ink (InkML) objects are rendered.


The default value is ImlRenderingMode.INK_ML.

This property is used when the document is exported to fixed page formats.


Shows how to render Ink object.

 Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "Ink object.docx");

 // Set 'ImlRenderingMode.InkML' ignores fall-back shape of ink (InkML) object and renders InkML itself.
 // If the rendering result is unsatisfactory,
 // please use 'ImlRenderingMode.Fallback' to get a result similar to previous versions.
 ImageSaveOptions saveOptions = new ImageSaveOptions(SaveFormat.JPEG);

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "ImageSaveOptions.RenderInkObject.jpeg", saveOptions);

Returns: int - A value determining how ink (InkML) objects are rendered. The returned value is one of ImlRenderingMode constants.


public boolean getInterpolateImages()

A flag indicating whether image interpolation shall be performed by a conforming reader. When false is specified, the flag is not written to the output document and the default behaviour of reader is used instead.


When the resolution of a source image is significantly lower than that of the output device, each source sample covers many device pixels. As a result, images can appear jaggy or blocky. These visual artifacts can be reduced by applying an image interpolation algorithm during rendering. Instead of painting all pixels covered by a source sample with the same color, image interpolation attempts to produce a smooth transition between adjacent sample values.

A conforming Reader may choose to not implement this feature of PDF, or may use any specific implementation of interpolation that it wishes.

The default value is false .

Interpolation flag is prohibited by PDF/A compliance. false value will be used automatically when saving to PDF/A.


Shows how to perform interpolation on images while saving a document to PDF.

 Document doc = new Document();
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

 BufferedImage img = ImageIO.read(new File(getImageDir() + "Transparent background logo.png"));

 // Create a "PdfSaveOptions" object that we can pass to the document's "Save" method
 // to modify how that method converts the document to .PDF.
 PdfSaveOptions saveOptions = new PdfSaveOptions();

 // Set the "InterpolateImages" property to "true" to get the reader that opens this document to interpolate images.
 // Their resolution should be lower than that of the device that is displaying the document.
 // Set the "InterpolateImages" property to "false" to make it so that the reader does not apply any interpolation.

 // When we open this document with a reader such as Adobe Acrobat, we will need to zoom in on the image
 // to see the interpolation effect if we saved the document with it enabled.
 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.InterpolateImages.pdf", saveOptions);

Returns: boolean - The corresponding boolean value.


public int getJpegQuality()

Gets a value determining the quality of the JPEG images inside PDF document.


The default value is 100.

This property is used in conjunction with the getImageCompression() / setImageCompression(int) option.

Has effect only when a document contains JPEG images.

Use this property to get or set the quality of the images inside a document when saving in PDF format. The value may vary from 0 to 100 where 0 means worst quality but maximum compression and 100 means best quality but minimum compression. If quality is 100 and source image is JPEG, it means no compression - original bytes will be saved.


Shows how to specify a compression type for all images in a document that we are converting to PDF.

 Document doc = new Document();
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

 builder.writeln("Jpeg image:");
 builder.insertImage(getImageDir() + "Logo.jpg");
 builder.writeln("Png image:");
 builder.insertImage(getImageDir() + "Transparent background logo.png");

 // Create a "PdfSaveOptions" object that we can pass to the document's "Save" method
 // to modify how that method converts the document to .PDF.
 PdfSaveOptions pdfSaveOptions = new PdfSaveOptions();

 // Set the "ImageCompression" property to "PdfImageCompression.Auto" to use the
 // "ImageCompression" property to control the quality of the Jpeg images that end up in the output PDF.
 // Set the "ImageCompression" property to "PdfImageCompression.Jpeg" to use the
 // "ImageCompression" property to control the quality of all images that end up in the output PDF.

 // Set the "JpegQuality" property to "10" to strengthen compression at the cost of image quality.

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.ImageCompression.pdf", pdfSaveOptions);

Returns: int - A value determining the quality of the JPEG images inside PDF document.


public boolean getMemoryOptimization()

Gets value determining if memory optimization should be performed before saving the document. Default value for this property is false .


Setting this option to true can significantly decrease memory consumption while saving large documents at the cost of slower saving time.


Shows an option to optimize memory consumption when rendering large documents to PDF.

 Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "Rendering.docx");

 // Create a "PdfSaveOptions" object that we can pass to the document's "Save" method
 // to modify how that method converts the document to .PDF.
 SaveOptions saveOptions = SaveOptions.createSaveOptions(SaveFormat.PDF);

 // Set the "MemoryOptimization" property to "true" to lower the memory footprint of large documents' saving operations
 // at the cost of increasing the duration of the operation.
 // Set the "MemoryOptimization" property to "false" to save the document as a PDF normally.

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.MemoryOptimization.pdf", saveOptions);

Returns: boolean - Value determining if memory optimization should be performed before saving the document.


public MetafileRenderingOptions getMetafileRenderingOptions()

Allows to specify metafile rendering options.


Shows added a fallback to bitmap rendering and changing type of warnings about unsupported metafile records.

 public void handleBinaryRasterWarnings() throws Exception {
     Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "WMF with image.docx");

     MetafileRenderingOptions metafileRenderingOptions = new MetafileRenderingOptions();

     // Set the "EmulateRasterOperations" property to "false" to fall back to bitmap when
     // it encounters a metafile, which will require raster operations to render in the output PDF.

     // Set the "RenderingMode" property to "VectorWithFallback" to try to render every metafile using vector graphics.

     // Create a "PdfSaveOptions" object that we can pass to the document's "Save" method
     // to modify how that method converts the document to .PDF and applies the configuration
     // in our MetafileRenderingOptions object to the saving operation.
     PdfSaveOptions saveOptions = new PdfSaveOptions();

     HandleDocumentWarnings callback = new HandleDocumentWarnings();

     doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.HandleBinaryRasterWarnings.pdf", saveOptions);

     Assert.assertEquals(1, callback.mWarnings.getCount());
     Assert.assertEquals("'R2_XORPEN' binary raster operation is not supported.",

 /// Prints and collects formatting loss-related warnings that occur upon saving a document.
 public static class HandleDocumentWarnings implements IWarningCallback {
     public void warning(WarningInfo info) {
         if (info.getWarningType() == WarningType.MINOR_FORMATTING_LOSS) {
             System.out.println("Unsupported operation: " + info.getDescription());

     public WarningInfoCollection mWarnings = new WarningInfoCollection();

Returns: MetafileRenderingOptions - The corresponding MetafileRenderingOptions value.


public int getNumeralFormat()

Gets NumeralFormat used for rendering of numerals. European numerals are used by default.


If the value of this property is changed and page layout is already built then Document.updatePageLayout() is invoked automatically to update any changes.


Shows how to set the numeral format used when saving to PDF.

 Document doc = new Document();
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

 builder.writeln("1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 50, 100");

 // Create a "PdfSaveOptions" object that we can pass to the document's "Save" method
 // to modify how that method converts the document to .PDF.
 PdfSaveOptions options = new PdfSaveOptions();

 // Set the "NumeralFormat" property to "NumeralFormat.ArabicIndic" to
 // use glyphs from the U+0660 to U+0669 range as numbers.
 // Set the "NumeralFormat" property to "NumeralFormat.Context" to
 // look up the locale to determine what number of glyphs to use.
 // Set the "NumeralFormat" property to "NumeralFormat.EasternArabicIndic" to
 // use glyphs from the U+06F0 to U+06F9 range as numbers.
 // Set the "NumeralFormat" property to "NumeralFormat.European" to use european numerals.
 // Set the "NumeralFormat" property to "NumeralFormat.System" to determine the symbol set from regional settings.

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.SetNumeralFormat.pdf", options);

Returns: int - NumeralFormat used for rendering of numerals. The returned value is one of NumeralFormat constants.


public boolean getOpenHyperlinksInNewWindow()

Gets a value determining whether hyperlinks in the output Pdf document are forced to be opened in a new window (or tab) of a browser.


The default value is false . When this value is set to true hyperlinks are saved using JavaScript code. JavaScript code is app.launchURL(“URL”, true); , where URL is a hyperlink.

Note that if this option is set to true hyperlinks can’t work in some PDF readers e.g. Chrome, Firefox.

JavaScript actions are prohibited by PDF/A-1 and PDF/A-2 compliance. false will be used automatically when saving to PDF/A-1 and PDF/A-2.


Shows how to save hyperlinks in a document we convert to PDF so that they open new pages when we click on them.

 Document doc = new Document();
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
 builder.insertHyperlink("Testlink", "https://www.google.com/search?q=%20aspose", false);

 // Create a "PdfSaveOptions" object that we can pass to the document's "Save" method
 // to modify how that method converts the document to .PDF.
 PdfSaveOptions options = new PdfSaveOptions();

 // Set the "OpenHyperlinksInNewWindow" property to "true" to save all hyperlinks using Javascript code
 // that forces readers to open these links in new windows/browser tabs.
 // Set the "OpenHyperlinksInNewWindow" property to "false" to save all hyperlinks normally.

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.OpenHyperlinksInNewWindow.pdf", options);

Returns: boolean - A value determining whether hyperlinks in the output Pdf document are forced to be opened in a new window (or tab) of a browser.


public boolean getOptimizeOutput()

Flag indicates whether it is required to optimize output. If this flag is set redundant nested canvases and empty canvases are removed, also neighbor glyphs with the same formatting are concatenated. Note: The accuracy of the content display may be affected if this property is set to true . Default is false .


Shows how to simplify a document when saving it to HTML by removing various redundant objects.

 Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "Rendering.docx");

 HtmlFixedSaveOptions saveOptions = new HtmlFixedSaveOptions();

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "HtmlFixedSaveOptions.OptimizeGraphicsOutput.html", saveOptions);

 // The size of the optimized version of the document is almost a third of the size of the unoptimized document.
 if (optimizeOutput)
         new File(getArtifactsDir() + "HtmlFixedSaveOptions.OptimizeGraphicsOutput.html").length(), 200.0);
         new File(getArtifactsDir() + "HtmlFixedSaveOptions.OptimizeGraphicsOutput.html").length(), 200.0);

Shows how to optimize document objects while saving to xps.

 Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "Unoptimized document.docx");

 // Create an "XpsSaveOptions" object to pass to the document's "Save" method
 // to modify how that method converts the document to .XPS.
 XpsSaveOptions saveOptions = new XpsSaveOptions();

 // Set the "OptimizeOutput" property to "true" to take measures such as removing nested or empty canvases
 // and concatenating adjacent runs with identical formatting to optimize the output document's content.
 // This may affect the appearance of the document.
 // Set the "OptimizeOutput" property to "false" to save the document normally.

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "XpsSaveOptions.OptimizeOutput.xps", saveOptions);

Returns: boolean - The corresponding boolean value.


public OutlineOptions getOutlineOptions()

Allows to specify outline options.


Outlines can be created from headings and bookmarks.

For headings outline level is determined by the heading level.

It is possible to set the max heading level to be included into outlines or disable heading outlines at all.

For bookmarks outline level may be set in options as a default value for all bookmarks or as individual values for particular bookmarks.

Also, outlines can be exported to XPS format by using the same getOutlineOptions() class.


Shows how to limit the headings’ level that will appear in the outline of a saved PDF document.

 Document doc = new Document();
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

 // Insert headings that can serve as TOC entries of levels 1, 2, and then 3.


 builder.writeln("Heading 1");


 builder.writeln("Heading 1.1");
 builder.writeln("Heading 1.2");


 builder.writeln("Heading 1.2.1");
 builder.writeln("Heading 1.2.2");

 // Create a "PdfSaveOptions" object that we can pass to the document's "Save" method
 // to modify how that method converts the document to .PDF.
 PdfSaveOptions saveOptions = new PdfSaveOptions();

 // The output PDF document will contain an outline, which is a table of contents that lists headings in the document body.
 // Clicking on an entry in this outline will take us to the location of its respective heading.
 // Set the "HeadingsOutlineLevels" property to "2" to exclude all headings whose levels are above 2 from the outline.
 // The last two headings we have inserted above will not appear.

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.HeadingsOutlineLevels.pdf", saveOptions);

Shows how to work with outline levels that do not contain any corresponding headings when saving a PDF document.

 Document doc = new Document();
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

 // Insert headings that can serve as TOC entries of levels 1 and 5.


 builder.writeln("Heading 1");



 // Create a "PdfSaveOptions" object that we can pass to the document's "Save" method
 // to modify how that method converts the document to .PDF.
 PdfSaveOptions saveOptions = new PdfSaveOptions();

 // The output PDF document will contain an outline, which is a table of contents that lists headings in the document body.
 // Clicking on an entry in this outline will take us to the location of its respective heading.
 // Set the "HeadingsOutlineLevels" property to "5" to include all headings of levels 5 and below in the outline.

 // This document contains headings of levels 1 and 5, and no headings with levels of 2, 3, and 4.
 // The output PDF document will treat outline levels 2, 3, and 4 as "missing".
 // Set the "CreateMissingOutlineLevels" property to "true" to include all missing levels in the outline,
 // leaving blank outline entries since there are no usable headings.
 // Set the "CreateMissingOutlineLevels" property to "false" to ignore missing outline levels,
 // and treat the outline level 5 headings as level 2.

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.CreateMissingOutlineLevels.pdf", saveOptions);

Returns: OutlineOptions - The corresponding OutlineOptions value.


public int getPageLayout()

Specifies the page layout to be used when the document is opened in a PDF reader.


The default value is PdfPageLayout.SINGLE_PAGE.


Shows how to display pages when opened in a PDF reader.

 Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "Big document.docx");

 // Display the pages two at a time, with odd-numbered pages on the left.
 PdfSaveOptions saveOptions = new PdfSaveOptions();

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.PageLayout.pdf", saveOptions);

Returns: int - The corresponding int value. The returned value is one of PdfPageLayout constants.


public int getPageMode()

Specifies how the PDF document should be displayed when opened in a PDF reader.


The default value is PdfPageMode.USE_OUTLINES.


Shows how to set instructions for some PDF readers to follow when opening an output document.

 Document doc = new Document();
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
 builder.writeln("Hello world!");

 // Create a "PdfSaveOptions" object that we can pass to the document's "Save" method
 // to modify how that method converts the document to .PDF.
 PdfSaveOptions options = new PdfSaveOptions();

 // Set the "PageMode" property to "PdfPageMode.FullScreen" to get the PDF reader to open the saved
 // document in full-screen mode, which takes over the monitor's display and has no controls visible.
 // Set the "PageMode" property to "PdfPageMode.UseThumbs" to get the PDF reader to display a separate panel
 // with a thumbnail for each page in the document.
 // Set the "PageMode" property to "PdfPageMode.UseOC" to get the PDF reader to display a separate panel
 // that allows us to work with any layers present in the document.
 // Set the "PageMode" property to "PdfPageMode.UseOutlines" to get the PDF reader
 // also to display the outline, if possible.
 // Set the "PageMode" property to "PdfPageMode.UseNone" to get the PDF reader to display just the document itself.
 // Set the "PageMode" property to "PdfPageMode.UseAttachments" to make visible attachments panel.

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.PageMode.pdf", options);

Shows to process bookmarks in headers/footers in a document that we are rendering to PDF.

 Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "Bookmarks in headers and footers.docx");

 // Create a "PdfSaveOptions" object that we can pass to the document's "Save" method
 // to modify how that method converts the document to .PDF.
 PdfSaveOptions saveOptions = new PdfSaveOptions();

 // Set the "PageMode" property to "PdfPageMode.UseOutlines" to display the outline navigation pane in the output PDF.

 // Set the "DefaultBookmarksOutlineLevel" property to "1" to display all
 // bookmarks at the first level of the outline in the output PDF.

 // Set the "HeaderFooterBookmarksExportMode" property to "HeaderFooterBookmarksExportMode.None" to
 // not export any bookmarks that are inside headers/footers.
 // Set the "HeaderFooterBookmarksExportMode" property to "HeaderFooterBookmarksExportMode.First" to
 // only export bookmarks in the first section's header/footers.
 // Set the "HeaderFooterBookmarksExportMode" property to "HeaderFooterBookmarksExportMode.All" to
 // export bookmarks that are in all headers/footers.

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.HeaderFooterBookmarksExportMode.pdf", saveOptions);

Returns: int - The corresponding int value. The returned value is one of PdfPageMode constants.


public IPageSavingCallback getPageSavingCallback()

Allows to control how separate pages are saved when a document is exported to fixed page format.


Shows how to use a callback to save a document to HTML page by page.

 public void pageFileNames() throws Exception {
     Document doc = new Document();
     DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

     builder.writeln("Page 1.");
     builder.writeln("Page 2.");
     builder.insertImage(getImageDir() + "Logo.jpg");
     builder.writeln("Page 3.");

     // Create an "HtmlFixedSaveOptions" object, which we can pass to the document's "Save" method
     // to modify how we convert the document to HTML.
     HtmlFixedSaveOptions htmlFixedSaveOptions = new HtmlFixedSaveOptions();

     // We will save each page in this document to a separate HTML file in the local file system.
     // Set a callback that allows us to name each output HTML document.
     htmlFixedSaveOptions.setPageSavingCallback(new CustomFileNamePageSavingCallback());

     doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "SavingCallback.PageFileNames.html", htmlFixedSaveOptions);

     String[] filePaths = DocumentHelper.directoryGetFiles(getArtifactsDir(), "SavingCallback.PageFileNames.Page_*").toArray(new String[0]);

     Assert.assertEquals(3, filePaths.length);

 /// Saves all pages to a file and directory specified within.
 private static class CustomFileNamePageSavingCallback implements IPageSavingCallback {
     public void pageSaving(PageSavingArgs args) throws Exception {
         String outFileName = MessageFormat.format("{0}SavingCallback.PageFileNames.Page_{1}.html", getArtifactsDir(), args.getPageIndex());

         // Below are two ways of specifying where Aspose.Words will save each page of the document.
         // 1 -  Set a filename for the output page file:

         // 2 -  Create a custom stream for the output page file:
         try (FileOutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream(outFileName)) {


Returns: IPageSavingCallback - The corresponding IPageSavingCallback value.


public PageSet getPageSet()

Gets the pages to render. Default is all the pages in the document.


Shows how to extract pages based on exact page indices.

 Document doc = new Document();
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

 // Add five pages to the document.
 for (int i = 1; i < 6; i++) {
     builder.write("Page " + i);

 // Create an "XpsSaveOptions" object, which we can pass to the document's "Save" method
 // to modify how that method converts the document to .XPS.
 XpsSaveOptions xpsOptions = new XpsSaveOptions();

 // Use the "PageSet" property to select a set of the document's pages to save to output XPS.
 // In this case, we will choose, via a zero-based index, only three pages: page 1, page 2, and page 4.
 xpsOptions.setPageSet(new PageSet(0, 1, 3));

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "XpsSaveOptions.ExportExactPages.xps", xpsOptions);

Shows how to convert only some of the pages in a document to PDF.

 Document doc = new Document();
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

 builder.writeln("Page 1.");
 builder.writeln("Page 2.");
 builder.writeln("Page 3.");

 // Create a "PdfSaveOptions" object that we can pass to the document's "Save" method
 // to modify how that method converts the document to .PDF.
 PdfSaveOptions options = new PdfSaveOptions();

 // Set the "PageIndex" to "1" to render a portion of the document starting from the second page.
 options.setPageSet(new PageSet(1));

 // This document will contain one page starting from page two, which will only contain the second page.
 doc.save(new FileOutputStream(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.OnePage.pdf"), options);

Shows how to export Odd pages from the document.

 Document doc = new Document();
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

 for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
     builder.writeln(MessageFormat.format("Page {0} ({1})", i + 1, (i % 2 == 0 ? "odd" : "even")));
     if (i < 4)

 // Create a "PdfSaveOptions" object that we can pass to the document's "Save" method
 // to modify how that method converts the document to .PDF.
 PdfSaveOptions options = new PdfSaveOptions();

 // Below are three PageSet properties that we can use to filter out a set of pages from
 // our document to save in an output PDF document based on the parity of their page numbers.
 // 1 -  Save only the even-numbered pages:

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.ExportPageSet.Even.pdf", options);

 // 2 -  Save only the odd-numbered pages:

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.ExportPageSet.Odd.pdf", options);

 // 3 -  Save every page:

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.ExportPageSet.All.pdf", options);

Returns: PageSet - The pages to render.


public boolean getPreblendImages()

Gets a value determining whether or not to preblend transparent images with black background color.


Preblending images may improve PDF document visual appearance in Adobe Reader and remove anti-aliasing artifacts.

In order to properly display preblended images, PDF viewer application must support /Matte entry in soft-mask image dictionary. Also preblending images may decrease PDF rendering performance.

The default value is false .


Shows how to preblend images with transparent backgrounds while saving a document to PDF.

 Document doc = new Document();
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

 builder.insertImage(getImageDir() + "Transparent background logo.png");

 // Create a "PdfSaveOptions" object that we can pass to the document's "Save" method
 // to modify how that method converts the document to .PDF.
 PdfSaveOptions options = new PdfSaveOptions();

 // Set the "PreblendImages" property to "true" to preblend transparent images
 // with a background, which may reduce artifacts.
 // Set the "PreblendImages" property to "false" to render transparent images normally.

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.PreblendImages.pdf", options);

Returns: boolean - A value determining whether or not to preblend transparent images with black background color.


public boolean getPreserveFormFields()

Specifies whether to preserve Microsoft Word form fields as form fields in PDF or convert them to text. Default is false .


Microsoft Word form fields include text input, drop down and check box controls.

When set to false , these fields will be exported as text to PDF. When set to true , these fields will be exported as PDF form fields.

When exporting form fields to PDF as form fields, some formatting loss might occur because PDF form fields do not support all features of Microsoft Word form fields.

Also, the output size depends on the content size because editable forms in Microsoft Word are inline objects.

Editable forms are prohibited by PDF/A compliance. false value will be used automatically when saving to PDF/A.

Form fields are not supported when saving to PDF/UA. false value will be used automatically.


Shows how to save a document to the PDF format using the Save method and the PdfSaveOptions class.

 Document doc = new Document();
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

 builder.write("Please select a fruit: ");

 // Insert a combo box which will allow a user to choose an option from a collection of strings.
 builder.insertComboBox("MyComboBox", new String[]{"Apple", "Banana", "Cherry"}, 0);

 // Create a "PdfSaveOptions" object that we can pass to the document's "Save" method
 // to modify how that method converts the document to .PDF.
 PdfSaveOptions pdfOptions = new PdfSaveOptions();

 // Set the "PreserveFormFields" property to "true" to save form fields as interactive objects in the output PDF.
 // Set the "PreserveFormFields" property to "false" to freeze all form fields in the document at
 // their current values and display them as plain text in the output PDF.

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.PreserveFormFields.pdf", pdfOptions);

Returns: boolean - The corresponding boolean value.


public boolean getPrettyFormat()

When true , pretty formats output where applicable. Default value is false .


Set to true to make HTML, MHTML, EPUB, WordML, RTF, DOCX and ODT output human readable. Useful for testing or debugging.


Shows how to enhance the readability of the raw code of a saved .html document.

 Document doc = new Document();
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
 builder.writeln("Hello world!");

 HtmlSaveOptions htmlOptions = new HtmlSaveOptions(SaveFormat.HTML);

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "HtmlSaveOptions.PrettyFormat.html", htmlOptions);

 // Enabling pretty format makes the raw html code more readable by adding tab stop and new line characters.
 String html = FileUtils.readFileToString(new File(getArtifactsDir() + "HtmlSaveOptions.PrettyFormat.html"), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);

 if (usePrettyFormat)
             "\r\n" +
                     "\t\r\n" +
                     "\t\t\r\n" +
                     "\t\t\r\n" +
                     MessageFormat.format("\t\t\r\n", BuildVersionInfo.getProduct(), BuildVersionInfo.getVersion()) +
                     "\t\t\r\n" +
                     "\t\t\r\n" +
                     "\t\r\n" +
                     "\t\r\n" +
                     "\t\t \r\n" +
                     "\t\t\t \r\n" +
                     "\t\t\t\tHello world!\r\n" +
                     "\t\t\t\r\n" +
                     "\t\t\t \r\n" +
                     "\t\t\t\t�\r\n" +
                     "\t\t\t\r\n" +
                     "\t\t\r\n" +
             "" +
                     "" +
                     MessageFormat.format("", BuildVersionInfo.getProduct(), BuildVersionInfo.getVersion()) +
                     "" +
                     " Hello world!" +
                     " �",

Returns: boolean - The corresponding boolean value.


public IDocumentSavingCallback getProgressCallback()

Called during saving a document and accepts data about saving progress.


Progress is reported when saving to SaveFormat.DOCX, SaveFormat.FLAT_OPC, SaveFormat.DOCM, SaveFormat.DOTM, SaveFormat.DOTX, SaveFormat.DOC, SaveFormat.DOT, SaveFormat.HTML, SaveFormat.MHTML, SaveFormat.EPUB, SaveFormat.XAML_FLOW, or SaveFormat.XAML_FLOW_PACK.


Shows how to manage a document while saving to xamlflow.

 public void progressCallback(int saveFormat, String ext) throws Exception
     Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "Big document.docx");

     // Following formats are supported: XamlFlow, XamlFlowPack.
     XamlFlowSaveOptions saveOptions = new XamlFlowSaveOptions(saveFormat);
         saveOptions.setProgressCallback(new SavingProgressCallback());

     try {
         doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + MessageFormat.format("XamlFlowSaveOptions.ProgressCallback.{0}", ext), saveOptions);
     catch (IllegalStateException exception) {

 public static Object[][] progressCallbackDataProvider() throws Exception
     return new Object[][]
                     {SaveFormat.XAML_FLOW,  "xamlflow"},
                     {SaveFormat.XAML_FLOW_PACK,  "xamlflowpack"},

 /// Saving progress callback. Cancel a document saving after the "MaxDuration" seconds.
 public static class SavingProgressCallback implements IDocumentSavingCallback
     /// Ctr.
     public SavingProgressCallback()
         mSavingStartedAt = new Date();

     /// Callback method which called during document saving.
     /// Saving arguments.
     public void notify(DocumentSavingArgs args)
         Date canceledAt = new Date();
         long diff = canceledAt.getTime() - mSavingStartedAt.getTime();
         long ellapsedSeconds = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(diff);

         if (ellapsedSeconds > MAX_DURATION)
             throw new IllegalStateException(MessageFormat.format("EstimatedProgress = {0}; CanceledAt = {1}", args.getEstimatedProgress(), canceledAt));

     /// Date and time when document saving is started.
     private Date mSavingStartedAt;

     /// Maximum allowed duration in sec.
     private static final double MAX_DURATION = 0.01d;

Shows how to manage a document while saving to html.

 public void progressCallback(int saveFormat, String ext) throws Exception
     Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "Big document.docx");

     // Following formats are supported: Html, Mhtml, Epub.
     HtmlSaveOptions saveOptions = new HtmlSaveOptions(saveFormat);
         saveOptions.setProgressCallback(new SavingProgressCallback());

     try {
         doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + MessageFormat.format("HtmlSaveOptions.ProgressCallback.{0}", ext), saveOptions);
     catch (IllegalStateException exception) {


 public static Object[][] progressCallbackDataProvider() throws Exception
     return new Object[][]
                     {SaveFormat.HTML,  "html"},
                     {SaveFormat.MHTML,  "mhtml"},
                     {SaveFormat.EPUB,  "epub"},

 /// Saving progress callback. Cancel a document saving after the "MaxDuration" seconds.
 public static class SavingProgressCallback implements IDocumentSavingCallback
     /// Ctr.
     public SavingProgressCallback()
         mSavingStartedAt = new Date();

     /// Callback method which called during document saving.
     /// Saving arguments.
     public void notify(DocumentSavingArgs args)
         Date canceledAt = new Date();
         long diff = canceledAt.getTime() - mSavingStartedAt.getTime();
         long ellapsedSeconds = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(diff);

         if (ellapsedSeconds > MAX_DURATION)
             throw new IllegalStateException(MessageFormat.format("EstimatedProgress = {0}; CanceledAt = {1}", args.getEstimatedProgress(), canceledAt));

     /// Date and time when document saving is started.
     private Date mSavingStartedAt;

     /// Maximum allowed duration in sec.
     private static final double MAX_DURATION = 0.01d;

Shows how to manage a document while saving to docx.

 public void progressCallback(int saveFormat, String ext) throws Exception
     Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "Big document.docx");

     // Following formats are supported: Docx, FlatOpc, Docm, Dotm, Dotx.
     OoxmlSaveOptions saveOptions = new OoxmlSaveOptions(saveFormat);
         saveOptions.setProgressCallback(new SavingProgressCallback());

     try {
         doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + MessageFormat.format("OoxmlSaveOptions.ProgressCallback.{0}", ext), saveOptions);
     catch (IllegalStateException exception) {

 public static Object[][] progressCallbackDataProvider() throws Exception
     return new Object[][]
                     {SaveFormat.DOCX,  "docx"},
                     {SaveFormat.DOCM,  "docm"},
                     {SaveFormat.DOTM,  "dotm"},
                     {SaveFormat.DOTX,  "dotx"},
                     {SaveFormat.FLAT_OPC,  "flatopc"},

 /// Saving progress callback. Cancel a document saving after the "MaxDuration" seconds.
 public static class SavingProgressCallback implements IDocumentSavingCallback
     /// Ctr.
     public SavingProgressCallback()
         mSavingStartedAt = new Date();

     /// Callback method which called during document saving.
     /// Saving arguments.
     public void notify(DocumentSavingArgs args)
         Date canceledAt = new Date();
         long diff = canceledAt.getTime() - mSavingStartedAt.getTime();
         long ellapsedSeconds = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(diff);

         if (ellapsedSeconds > MAX_DURATION)
             throw new IllegalStateException(MessageFormat.format("EstimatedProgress = {0}; CanceledAt = {1}", args.getEstimatedProgress(), canceledAt));

     /// Date and time when document saving is started.
     private Date mSavingStartedAt;

     /// Maximum allowed duration in sec.
     private static final double MAX_DURATION = 0.01d;

Returns: IDocumentSavingCallback - The corresponding IDocumentSavingCallback value.


public boolean getRenderChoiceFormFieldBorder()

Specifies whether to render PDF choice form field border.


PDF choice form fields are used for export of SDT Combo Box Content Control, SDT Drop-Down List Content Control and legacy Drop-Down Form Field when getPreserveFormFields() / setPreserveFormFields(boolean) option is enabled.

The default value is true .


Shows how to render PDF choice form field border.

 Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "Legacy drop-down.docx");

 PdfSaveOptions saveOptions = new PdfSaveOptions();

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.RenderChoiceFormFieldBorder.pdf", saveOptions);

Returns: boolean - The corresponding boolean value.


public int getSaveFormat()

Specifies the format in which the document will be saved if this save options object is used. Can only be SaveFormat.PDF.


Shows how to limit the headings’ level that will appear in the outline of a saved PDF document.

 Document doc = new Document();
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

 // Insert headings that can serve as TOC entries of levels 1, 2, and then 3.


 builder.writeln("Heading 1");


 builder.writeln("Heading 1.1");
 builder.writeln("Heading 1.2");


 builder.writeln("Heading 1.2.1");
 builder.writeln("Heading 1.2.2");

 // Create a "PdfSaveOptions" object that we can pass to the document's "Save" method
 // to modify how that method converts the document to .PDF.
 PdfSaveOptions saveOptions = new PdfSaveOptions();

 // The output PDF document will contain an outline, which is a table of contents that lists headings in the document body.
 // Clicking on an entry in this outline will take us to the location of its respective heading.
 // Set the "HeadingsOutlineLevels" property to "2" to exclude all headings whose levels are above 2 from the outline.
 // The last two headings we have inserted above will not appear.

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.HeadingsOutlineLevels.pdf", saveOptions);

Returns: int - The corresponding int value. The returned value is one of SaveFormat constants.


public String getTempFolder()

Specifies the folder for temporary files used when saving to a DOC or DOCX file. By default this property is null and no temporary files are used.

Returns: java.lang.String - The corresponding java.lang.String value.


public int getTextCompression()

Specifies compression type to be used for all textual content in the document.


Default is PdfTextCompression.FLATE.

Significantly increases output size when saving a document without compression.


Shows how to apply text compression when saving a document to PDF.

 Document doc = new Document();
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

 for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
     builder.writeln("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, " +
             "sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.");

 // Create a "PdfSaveOptions" object that we can pass to the document's "Save" method
 // to modify how that method converts the document to .PDF.
 PdfSaveOptions options = new PdfSaveOptions();

 // Set the "TextCompression" property to "PdfTextCompression.None" to not apply any
 // compression to text when we save the document to PDF.
 // Set the "TextCompression" property to "PdfTextCompression.Flate" to apply ZIP compression
 // to text when we save the document to PDF. The larger the document, the bigger the impact that this will have.

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.TextCompression.pdf", options);

Returns: int - The corresponding int value. The returned value is one of PdfTextCompression constants.


public boolean getUpdateAmbiguousTextFont()

Determines whether the font attributes will be changed according to the character code being used.


Shows how to update the font to match the character code being used.

 Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "Special symbol.docx");
 Run run = doc.getFirstSection().getBody().getFirstParagraph().getRuns().get(0);
 System.out.println(run.getText()); // \u0e3f
 System.out.println(run.getFont().getName()); // Arial

 OoxmlSaveOptions saveOptions = new OoxmlSaveOptions();
 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "OoxmlSaveOptions.UpdateAmbiguousTextFont.docx", saveOptions);

 doc = new Document(getArtifactsDir() + "OoxmlSaveOptions.UpdateAmbiguousTextFont.docx");
 run = doc.getFirstSection().getBody().getFirstParagraph().getRuns().get(0);
 System.out.println(run.getText()); // \u0e3f
 System.out.println(run.getFont().getName()); // Angsana New

Returns: boolean - The corresponding boolean value.


public boolean getUpdateCreatedTimeProperty()

Gets a value determining whether the BuiltInDocumentProperties.getCreatedTime() / BuiltInDocumentProperties.setCreatedTime(java.util.Date) property is updated before saving. Default value is false ;


Shows how to update a document’s “CreatedTime” property when saving.

 Document doc = new Document();

 Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
 calendar.set(2019, 11, 20);

 // This flag determines whether the created time, which is a built-in property, is updated.
 // If so, then the date of the document's most recent save operation
 // with this SaveOptions object passed as a parameter is used as the created time.
 DocSaveOptions saveOptions = new DocSaveOptions();

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "DocSaveOptions.UpdateCreatedTimeProperty.docx", saveOptions);

Returns: boolean - A value determining whether the BuiltInDocumentProperties.getCreatedTime() / BuiltInDocumentProperties.setCreatedTime(java.util.Date) property is updated before saving.


public boolean getUpdateFields()

Gets a value determining if fields of certain types should be updated before saving the document to a fixed page format. Default value for this property is true .


Allows to specify whether to mimic or not MS Word behavior.


Shows how to update all the fields in a document immediately before saving it to PDF.

 Document doc = new Document();
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

 // Insert text with PAGE and NUMPAGES fields. These fields do not display the correct value in real time.
 // We will need to manually update them using updating methods such as "Field.Update()", and "Document.UpdateFields()"
 // each time we need them to display accurate values.
 builder.write("Page ");
 builder.insertField("PAGE", "");
 builder.write(" of ");
 builder.insertField("NUMPAGES", "");
 builder.writeln("Hello World!");

 // Create a "PdfSaveOptions" object that we can pass to the document's "Save" method
 // to modify how that method converts the document to .PDF.
 PdfSaveOptions options = new PdfSaveOptions();

 // Set the "UpdateFields" property to "false" to not update all the fields in a document right before a save operation.
 // This is the preferable option if we know that all our fields will be up to date before saving.
 // Set the "UpdateFields" property to "true" to iterate through all the document
 // fields and update them before we save it as a PDF. This will make sure that all the fields will display
 // the most accurate values in the PDF.

 // We can clone PdfSaveOptions objects.
 Assert.assertNotSame(options, options.deepClone());

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.UpdateFields.pdf", options);

Returns: boolean - A value determining if fields of certain types should be updated before saving the document to a fixed page format.


public boolean getUpdateLastPrintedProperty()

Gets a value determining whether the BuiltInDocumentProperties.getLastPrinted() / BuiltInDocumentProperties.setLastPrinted(java.util.Date) property is updated before saving.


Shows how to update a document’s “Last printed” property when saving.

 Document doc = new Document();

 Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
 calendar.set(2019, 11, 20);

 // This flag determines whether the last printed date, which is a built-in property, is updated.
 // If so, then the date of the document's most recent save operation
 // with this SaveOptions object passed as a parameter is used as the print date.
 DocSaveOptions saveOptions = new DocSaveOptions();

 // In Microsoft Word 2003, this property can be found via File -> Properties -> Statistics -> Printed.
 // It can also be displayed in the document's body by using a PRINTDATE field.
 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "DocSaveOptions.UpdateLastPrintedProperty.doc", saveOptions);

Returns: boolean - A value determining whether the BuiltInDocumentProperties.getLastPrinted() / BuiltInDocumentProperties.setLastPrinted(java.util.Date) property is updated before saving.


public boolean getUpdateLastSavedTimeProperty()

Gets a value determining whether the BuiltInDocumentProperties.getLastSavedTime() / BuiltInDocumentProperties.setLastSavedTime(java.util.Date) property is updated before saving.


Shows how to determine whether to preserve the document’s “Last saved time” property when saving.

 Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "Document.docx");

 // When we save the document to an OOXML format, we can create an OoxmlSaveOptions object
 // and then pass it to the document's saving method to modify how we save the document.
 // Set the "UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty" property to "true" to
 // set the output document's "Last saved time" built-in property to the current date/time.
 // Set the "UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty" property to "false" to
 // preserve the original value of the input document's "Last saved time" built-in property.
 OoxmlSaveOptions saveOptions = new OoxmlSaveOptions();

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "OoxmlSaveOptions.LastSavedTime.docx", saveOptions);

Returns: boolean - A value determining whether the BuiltInDocumentProperties.getLastSavedTime() / BuiltInDocumentProperties.setLastSavedTime(java.util.Date) property is updated before saving.


public boolean getUseAntiAliasing()

Gets a value determining whether or not to use anti-aliasing for rendering.


The default value is false . When this value is set to true anti-aliasing is used for rendering.

This property is used when the document is exported to the following formats: SaveFormat.TIFF, SaveFormat.PNG, SaveFormat.BMP, SaveFormat.JPEG, SaveFormat.EMF. When the document is exported to the SaveFormat.HTML, SaveFormat.MHTML, SaveFormat.EPUB, SaveFormat.AZW_3 or SaveFormat.MOBI formats this option is used for raster images.


Shows how to improve the quality of a rendered document with SaveOptions.

 Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "Rendering.docx");
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

 builder.writeln("Some text.");

 SaveOptions options = new ImageSaveOptions(SaveFormat.JPEG);
 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "Document.ImageSaveOptions.Default.jpg", options);


 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "Document.ImageSaveOptions.HighQuality.jpg", options);

Returns: boolean - A value determining whether or not to use anti-aliasing for rendering.


public boolean getUseBookFoldPrintingSettings()

Gets a boolean value indicating whether the document should be saved using a booklet printing layout, if it is specified via PageSetup.getMultiplePages() / PageSetup.setMultiplePages(int).


If this option is specified, FixedPageSaveOptions.getPageSet() / FixedPageSaveOptions.setPageSet(com.aspose.words.PageSet) is ignored when saving. This behavior matches MS Word. If book fold printing settings are not specified in page setup, this option will have no effect.


Shows how to save a document to the PDF format in the form of a book fold.

 Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "Paragraphs.docx");

 // Create a "PdfSaveOptions" object that we can pass to the document's "Save" method
 // to modify how that method converts the document to .PDF.
 PdfSaveOptions options = new PdfSaveOptions();

 // Set the "UseBookFoldPrintingSettings" property to "true" to arrange the contents
 // in the output PDF in a way that helps us use it to make a booklet.
 // Set the "UseBookFoldPrintingSettings" property to "false" to render the PDF normally.

 // If we are rendering the document as a booklet, we must set the "MultiplePages"
 // properties of the page setup objects of all sections to "MultiplePagesType.BookFoldPrinting".
 if (renderTextAsBookfold)
     for (Section s : doc.getSections()) {

 // Once we print this document on both sides of the pages, we can fold all the pages down the middle at once,
 // and the contents will line up in a way that creates a booklet.
 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.SaveAsPdfBookFold.pdf", options);

Returns: boolean - A boolean value indicating whether the document should be saved using a booklet printing layout, if it is specified via PageSetup.getMultiplePages() / PageSetup.setMultiplePages(int).


public boolean getUseCoreFonts()

Gets a value determining whether or not to substitute TrueType fonts Arial, Times New Roman, Courier New and Symbol with core PDF Type 1 fonts.


The default value is false . When this value is set to true Arial, Times New Roman, Courier New and Symbol fonts are replaced in PDF document with corresponding core Type 1 font.

Core PDF fonts, or their font metrics and suitable substitution fonts, are required to be available to any PDF viewer application.

This setting works only for the text in ANSI (Windows-1252) encoding. Non-ANSI text will be written with embedded TrueType font regardless of this setting.

PDF/A and PDF/UA compliance requires all fonts to be embedded. false value will be used automatically when saving to PDF/A and PDF/UA.

Core fonts are not supported when saving to PDF 2.0 format. false value will be used automatically when saving to PDF 2.0.

This option has a higher priority then getFontEmbeddingMode() / setFontEmbeddingMode(int) option.


Shows how enable/disable PDF Type 1 font substitution.

 Document doc = new Document();
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

 builder.writeln("Hello world!");
 builder.getFont().setName("Courier New");
 builder.writeln("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.");

 // Create a "PdfSaveOptions" object that we can pass to the document's "Save" method
 // to modify how that method converts the document to .PDF.
 PdfSaveOptions options = new PdfSaveOptions();

 // Set the "UseCoreFonts" property to "true" to replace some fonts,
 // including the two fonts in our document, with their PDF Type 1 equivalents.
 // Set the "UseCoreFonts" property to "false" to not apply PDF Type 1 fonts.

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.EmbedCoreFonts.pdf", options);

 if (useCoreFonts)
     Assert.assertTrue(new File(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.EmbedCoreFonts.pdf").length() < 3000);
     Assert.assertTrue(new File(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.EmbedCoreFonts.pdf").length() < 33200);

Returns: boolean - A value determining whether or not to substitute TrueType fonts Arial, Times New Roman, Courier New and Symbol with core PDF Type 1 fonts.


public boolean getUseHighQualityRendering()

Gets a value determining whether or not to use high quality (i.e. slow) rendering algorithms.


The default value is false .

This property is used when the document is exported to image formats: SaveFormat.TIFF, SaveFormat.PNG, SaveFormat.BMP, SaveFormat.JPEG, SaveFormat.EMF.


Shows how to improve the quality of a rendered document with SaveOptions.

 Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "Rendering.docx");
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

 builder.writeln("Some text.");

 SaveOptions options = new ImageSaveOptions(SaveFormat.JPEG);
 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "Document.ImageSaveOptions.Default.jpg", options);


 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "Document.ImageSaveOptions.HighQuality.jpg", options);

Returns: boolean - A value determining whether or not to use high quality (i.e.


public boolean getUseSdtTagAsFormFieldName()

Specifies whether to use SDT control Tag or Id property as a name of form field in PDF.


The default value is false .

When set to false , SDT control Id property is used as a name of form field in PDF.

When set to true , SDT control Tag property is used as a name of form field in PDF.

If set to true and Tag is empty, Id property will be used as a form field name.

If set to true and Tag values are not unique, duplicate Tag values will be altered to build unique PDF form field names.


Shows how to use SDT control Tag or Id property as a name of form field in PDF.

 Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "Form fields.docx");

 PdfSaveOptions saveOptions = new PdfSaveOptions();
 // When set to 'false', SDT control Id property is used as a name of form field in PDF.
 // When set to 'true', SDT control Tag property is used as a name of form field in PDF.

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.SdtTagAsFormFieldName.pdf", saveOptions);

Returns: boolean - The corresponding boolean value.


public int getZoomBehavior()

Gets a value determining what type of zoom should be applied when a document is opened with a PDF viewer.


The default value is PdfZoomBehavior.NONE, i.e. no fit is applied.


Shows how to set the default zooming that a reader applies when opening a rendered PDF document.

 Document doc = new Document();
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
 builder.writeln("Hello world!");

 // Create a "PdfSaveOptions" object that we can pass to the document's "Save" method
 // to modify how that method converts the document to .PDF.
 // Set the "ZoomBehavior" property to "PdfZoomBehavior.ZoomFactor" to get a PDF reader to
 // apply a percentage-based zoom factor when we open the document with it.
 // Set the "ZoomFactor" property to "25" to give the zoom factor a value of 25%.
 PdfSaveOptions options = new PdfSaveOptions();

 // When we open this document using a reader such as Adobe Acrobat, we will see the document scaled at 1/4 of its actual size.
 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.ZoomBehaviour.pdf", options);

Returns: int - A value determining what type of zoom should be applied when a document is opened with a PDF viewer. The returned value is one of PdfZoomBehavior constants.


public int getZoomFactor()

Gets a value determining zoom factor (in percentages) for a document.


This value is used only if getZoomBehavior() / setZoomBehavior(int) is set to PdfZoomBehavior.ZOOM_FACTOR.


Shows how to set the default zooming that a reader applies when opening a rendered PDF document.

 Document doc = new Document();
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
 builder.writeln("Hello world!");

 // Create a "PdfSaveOptions" object that we can pass to the document's "Save" method
 // to modify how that method converts the document to .PDF.
 // Set the "ZoomBehavior" property to "PdfZoomBehavior.ZoomFactor" to get a PDF reader to
 // apply a percentage-based zoom factor when we open the document with it.
 // Set the "ZoomFactor" property to "25" to give the zoom factor a value of 25%.
 PdfSaveOptions options = new PdfSaveOptions();

 // When we open this document using a reader such as Adobe Acrobat, we will see the document scaled at 1/4 of its actual size.
 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.ZoomBehaviour.pdf", options);

Returns: int - A value determining zoom factor (in percentages) for a document.

setAdditionalTextPositioning(boolean value)

public void setAdditionalTextPositioning(boolean value)

A flag specifying whether to write additional text positioning operators or not.


If true , additional text positioning operators are written to the output PDF. This may help to overcome issues with inaccurate text positioning with some printers. The downside is the increased PDF document size.

The default value is false .


Show how to write additional text positioning operators.

 Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "Text positioning operators.docx");

 // Create a "PdfSaveOptions" object that we can pass to the document's "Save" method
 // to modify how that method converts the document to .PDF.
 PdfSaveOptions saveOptions = new PdfSaveOptions();

 // Set the "AdditionalTextPositioning" property to "true" to attempt to fix incorrect
 // element positioning in the output PDF, should there be any, at the cost of increased file size.
 // Set the "AdditionalTextPositioning" property to "false" to render the document as usual.

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.AdditionalTextPositioning.pdf", saveOptions);


valuebooleanThe corresponding boolean value.

setAllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts(boolean value)

public void setAllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts(boolean value)

Sets a boolean value indicating whether to allow embedding fonts with PostScript outlines when embedding TrueType fonts in a document upon it is saved. The default value is false .


Note, Word does not embed PostScript fonts, but can open documents with embedded fonts of this type.

This option only works when FontInfoCollection.getEmbedTrueTypeFonts() / FontInfoCollection.setEmbedTrueTypeFonts(boolean) of the DocumentBase.getFontInfos() property is set to true .


Shows how to save the document with PostScript font.

 Document doc = new Document();
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

 builder.writeln("Some text with PostScript font.");

 // Load the font with PostScript to use in the document.
 MemoryFontSource otf = new MemoryFontSource(DocumentHelper.getBytesFromStream(new FileInputStream(getFontsDir() + "AllegroOpen.otf")));
 doc.setFontSettings(new FontSettings());
 doc.getFontSettings().setFontsSources(new FontSourceBase[]{otf});

 // Embed TrueType fonts.

 // Allow embedding PostScript fonts while embedding TrueType fonts.
 // Microsoft Word does not embed PostScript fonts, but can open documents with embedded fonts of this type.
 SaveOptions saveOptions = SaveOptions.createSaveOptions(SaveFormat.DOCX);

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "Document.AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts.docx", saveOptions);


valuebooleanA boolean value indicating whether to allow embedding fonts with PostScript outlines when embedding TrueType fonts in a document upon it is saved.

setAttachmentsEmbeddingMode(int value)

public void setAttachmentsEmbeddingMode(int value)

Sets a value determining how attachments are embedded to the PDF document.


Default value is PdfAttachmentsEmbeddingMode.NONE and attachments are not embedded.

PDF/A-1, PDF/A-2 and regular PDF/A-4 (not PDF/A-4f) standards do not allow embedded files. PdfAttachmentsEmbeddingMode.NONE value will be used automatically.


Shows how to set a value determining how attachments are embedded to the PDF document.

 Document doc = new Document();
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

 builder.insertOleObject(getMyDir() + "Spreadsheet.xlsx", "Excel.Sheet", false, true, null);

 PdfSaveOptions saveOptions = new PdfSaveOptions();

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.AttachmentsEmbeddingMode.pdf", saveOptions);


valueintA value determining how attachments are embedded to the PDF document. The value must be one of PdfAttachmentsEmbeddingMode constants.

setCacheBackgroundGraphics(boolean value)

public void setCacheBackgroundGraphics(boolean value)

Sets a value determining whether or not to cache graphics placed in document’s background.


Default value is true and background graphics are written to the PDF document as an xObject.

When the value is false background graphics are not cached.

Some shapes are not supported for caching(shapes with fields, bookmarks, HRefs).

Document background graphic is various shapes, charts, images placed in the footer or header, well as background and border of a page.


Shows how to cache graphics placed in document’s background.

 Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "Background images.docx");

 PdfSaveOptions saveOptions = new PdfSaveOptions();

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.CacheBackgroundGraphics.pdf", saveOptions);

 long asposeToPdfSize = new File(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.CacheBackgroundGraphics.pdf").length();
 long wordToPdfSize = new File(getMyDir() + "Background images (word to pdf).pdf").length();

 Assert.assertTrue(asposeToPdfSize < wordToPdfSize);


valuebooleanA value determining whether or not to cache graphics placed in document’s background.

setColorMode(int value)

public void setColorMode(int value)

Sets a value determining how colors are rendered.


The default value is ColorMode.NORMAL.


Shows how to change image color with saving options property.

 Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "Images.docx");

 // Create a "PdfSaveOptions" object that we can pass to the document's "Save" method
 // to modify how that method converts the document to .PDF.
 // Set the "ColorMode" property to "Grayscale" to render all images from the document in black and white.
 // The size of the output document may be larger with this setting.
 // Set the "ColorMode" property to "Normal" to render all images in color.
 PdfSaveOptions pdfSaveOptions = new PdfSaveOptions();

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.ColorRendering.pdf", pdfSaveOptions);


valueintA value determining how colors are rendered. The value must be one of ColorMode constants.

setCompliance(int value)

public void setCompliance(int value)

Specifies the PDF standards compliance level for output documents.


Default is PdfCompliance.PDF_17.


Shows how to set the PDF standards compliance level of saved PDF documents.

 Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "Images.docx");

 // Create a "PdfSaveOptions" object that we can pass to the document's "Save" method
 // to modify how that method converts the document to .PDF.
 // Note that some PdfSaveOptions are prohibited when saving to one of the standards and automatically fixed.
 // Use IWarningCallback to know which options are automatically fixed.
 PdfSaveOptions saveOptions = new PdfSaveOptions();

 // Set the "Compliance" property to "PdfCompliance.PdfA1b" to comply with the "PDF/A-1b" standard,
 // which aims to preserve the visual appearance of the document as Aspose.Words convert it to PDF.
 // Set the "Compliance" property to "PdfCompliance.Pdf17" to comply with the "1.7" standard.
 // Set the "Compliance" property to "PdfCompliance.PdfA1a" to comply with the "PDF/A-1a" standard,
 // which complies with "PDF/A-1b" as well as preserving the document structure of the original document.
 // Set the "Compliance" property to "PdfCompliance.PdfUa1" to comply with the "PDF/UA-1" (ISO 14289-1) standard,
 // which aims to define represent electronic documents in PDF that allow the file to be accessible.
 // Set the "Compliance" property to "PdfCompliance.Pdf20" to comply with the "PDF 2.0" (ISO 32000-2) standard.
 // Set the "Compliance" property to "PdfCompliance.PdfA4" to comply with the "PDF/A-4" (ISO 19004:2020) standard,
 // which preserving document static visual appearance over time.
 // Set the "Compliance" property to "PdfCompliance.PdfA4Ua2" to comply with both PDF/A-4 (ISO 19005-4:2020)
 // and PDF/UA-2 (ISO 14289-2:2024) standards.
 // Set the "Compliance" property to "PdfCompliance.PdfUa2" to comply with the PDF/UA-2 (ISO 14289-2:2024) standard.
 // This helps with making documents searchable but may significantly increase the size of already large documents.

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.Compliance.pdf", saveOptions);


valueintThe corresponding int value. The value must be one of PdfCompliance constants.
public void setCreateNoteHyperlinks(boolean value)

Specifies whether to convert footnote/endnote references in main text story into active hyperlinks. When clicked the hyperlink will lead to the corresponding footnote/endnote. Default is false .


Shows how to make footnotes and endnotes function as hyperlinks.

 Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "Footnotes and endnotes.docx");

 // Create a "PdfSaveOptions" object that we can pass to the document's "Save" method
 // to modify how that method converts the document to .PDF.
 PdfSaveOptions options = new PdfSaveOptions();

 // Set the "CreateNoteHyperlinks" property to "true" to turn all footnote/endnote symbols
 // in the text act as links that, upon clicking, take us to their respective footnotes/endnotes.
 // Set the "CreateNoteHyperlinks" property to "false" not to have footnote/endnote symbols link to anything.

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.NoteHyperlinks.pdf", options);


valuebooleanThe corresponding boolean value.

setCustomPropertiesExport(int value)

public void setCustomPropertiesExport(int value)

Sets a value determining the way Document.getCustomDocumentProperties() are exported to PDF file.


Default value is PdfCustomPropertiesExport.NONE.

PdfCustomPropertiesExport.METADATA value is not supported when saving to PDF/A. PdfCustomPropertiesExport.STANDARD will be used instead for PDF/A-1 and PDF/A-2 and PdfCustomPropertiesExport.NONE for PDF/A-4.

PdfCustomPropertiesExport.STANDARD value is not supported when saving to PDF 2.0. PdfCustomPropertiesExport.METADATA will be used instead.


Shows how to export custom properties while converting a document to PDF.

 Document doc = new Document();

 doc.getCustomDocumentProperties().add("Company", "My value");

 // Create a "PdfSaveOptions" object that we can pass to the document's "Save" method
 // to modify how that method converts the document to .PDF.
 PdfSaveOptions options = new PdfSaveOptions();

 // Set the "CustomPropertiesExport" property to "PdfCustomPropertiesExport.None" to discard
 // custom document properties as we save the document to .PDF.
 // Set the "CustomPropertiesExport" property to "PdfCustomPropertiesExport.Standard"
 // to preserve custom properties within the output PDF document.
 // Set the "CustomPropertiesExport" property to "PdfCustomPropertiesExport.Metadata"
 // to preserve custom properties in an XMP packet.

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.CustomPropertiesExport.pdf", options);


valueintA value determining the way Document.getCustomDocumentProperties() are exported to PDF file. The value must be one of PdfCustomPropertiesExport constants.

setDefaultTemplate(String value)

public void setDefaultTemplate(String value)

Sets path to default template (including filename). Default value for this property is empty string.


If specified, this path is used to load template when Document.getAutomaticallyUpdateStyles() / Document.setAutomaticallyUpdateStyles(boolean) is true , but Document.getAttachedTemplate() / Document.setAttachedTemplate(java.lang.String) is empty.


Shows how to set a default template for documents that do not have attached templates.

 Document doc = new Document();

 // Enable automatic style updating, but do not attach a template document.

 Assert.assertEquals("", doc.getAttachedTemplate());

 // Since there is no template document, the document had nowhere to track style changes.
 // Use a SaveOptions object to automatically set a template
 // if a document that we are saving does not have one.
 SaveOptions options = SaveOptions.createSaveOptions("Document.DefaultTemplate.docx");
 options.setDefaultTemplate(getMyDir() + "Business brochure.dotx");

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "Document.DefaultTemplate.docx", options);


valuejava.lang.StringPath to default template (including filename).

setDigitalSignatureDetails(PdfDigitalSignatureDetails value)

public void setDigitalSignatureDetails(PdfDigitalSignatureDetails value)

Sets the details for signing the output PDF document.


The default value is null and the output document will not be signed. When this property is set to a valid PdfDigitalSignatureDetails object, then the output PDF document will be digitally signed.


Shows how to sign a generated PDF document.

 Document doc = new Document();
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
 builder.writeln("Contents of signed PDF.");

 CertificateHolder certificateHolder = CertificateHolder.create(getMyDir() + "morzal.pfx", "aw");

 // Create a "PdfSaveOptions" object that we can pass to the document's "Save" method
 // to modify how that method converts the document to .PDF.
 PdfSaveOptions options = new PdfSaveOptions();

 // Configure the "DigitalSignatureDetails" object of the "SaveOptions" object to
 // digitally sign the document as we render it with the "Save" method.
 Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
 calendar.set(2015, Calendar.JULY, 20);
 Date signingTime = calendar.getTime();
 options.setDigitalSignatureDetails(new PdfDigitalSignatureDetails(certificateHolder, "Test Signing", "My Office", signingTime));

 Assert.assertEquals(options.getDigitalSignatureDetails().getReason(), "Test Signing");
 Assert.assertEquals(options.getDigitalSignatureDetails().getLocation(), "My Office");
 Assert.assertEquals(DocumentHelper.getLocalDate(options.getDigitalSignatureDetails().getSignatureDate()), DocumentHelper.getLocalDate(signingTime));

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.PdfDigitalSignature.pdf", options);


valuePdfDigitalSignatureDetailsThe details for signing the output PDF document.

setDisplayDocTitle(boolean value)

public void setDisplayDocTitle(boolean value)

A flag specifying whether the window\u2019s title bar should display the document title taken from the Title entry of the document information dictionary.


If false , the title bar should instead display the name of the PDF file containing the document.

This flag is required by PDF/UA compliance. true value will be used automatically when saving to PDF/UA.

The default value is false .


Shows how to display the title of the document as the title bar.

 Document doc = new Document();
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
 builder.writeln("Hello world!");

 doc.getBuiltInDocumentProperties().setTitle("Windows bar pdf title");

 // Create a "PdfSaveOptions" object that we can pass to the document's "Save" method
 // to modify how that method converts the document to .PDF.
 // Set the "DisplayDocTitle" to "true" to get some PDF readers, such as Adobe Acrobat Pro,
 // to display the value of the document's "Title" built-in property in the tab that belongs to this document.
 // Set the "DisplayDocTitle" to "false" to get such readers to display the document's filename.
 PdfSaveOptions pdfSaveOptions = new PdfSaveOptions();

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.DocTitle.pdf", pdfSaveOptions);


valuebooleanThe corresponding boolean value.

setDml3DEffectsRenderingMode(int value)

public void setDml3DEffectsRenderingMode(int value)

Sets a value determining how 3D effects are rendered.


The default value is Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode.BASIC.


Shows how 3D effects are rendered.

 Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "DrawingML shape 3D effects.docx");

 RenderCallback warningCallback = new RenderCallback();

 PdfSaveOptions saveOptions = new PdfSaveOptions();

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.Dml3DEffectsRenderingModeTest.pdf", saveOptions);


valueintA value determining how 3D effects are rendered. The value must be one of Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode constants.

setDmlEffectsRenderingMode(int value)

public void setDmlEffectsRenderingMode(int value)

Sets a value determining how DrawingML effects are rendered.


The default value is DmlEffectsRenderingMode.SIMPLIFIED.

This property is used when the document is exported to fixed page formats.

If getCompliance() / setCompliance(int) is set to PdfCompliance.PDF_A_1_A or PdfCompliance.PDF_A_1_B, property always returns DmlEffectsRenderingMode.NONE.


Shows how to configure the rendering quality of DrawingML effects in a document as we save it to PDF.

 Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "DrawingML shape effects.docx");

 // Create a "PdfSaveOptions" object that we can pass to the document's "Save" method
 // to modify how that method converts the document to .PDF.
 PdfSaveOptions options = new PdfSaveOptions();

 // Set the "DmlEffectsRenderingMode" property to "DmlEffectsRenderingMode.None" to discard all DrawingML effects.
 // Set the "DmlEffectsRenderingMode" property to "DmlEffectsRenderingMode.Simplified"
 // to render a simplified version of DrawingML effects.
 // Set the "DmlEffectsRenderingMode" property to "DmlEffectsRenderingMode.Fine" to
 // render DrawingML effects with more accuracy and also with more processing cost.

 Assert.assertEquals(DmlRenderingMode.DRAWING_ML, options.getDmlRenderingMode());

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.DrawingMLEffects.pdf", options);


valueintA value determining how DrawingML effects are rendered. The value must be one of DmlEffectsRenderingMode constants.

setDmlRenderingMode(int value)

public void setDmlRenderingMode(int value)

Sets a value determining how DrawingML shapes are rendered.


The default value is DmlRenderingMode.FALLBACK.

This property is used when the document is exported to fixed page formats.


Shows how to render fallback shapes when saving to PDF.

 Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "DrawingML shape fallbacks.docx");

 // Create a "PdfSaveOptions" object that we can pass to the document's "Save" method
 // to modify how that method converts the document to .PDF.
 PdfSaveOptions options = new PdfSaveOptions();

 // Set the "DmlRenderingMode" property to "DmlRenderingMode.Fallback"
 // to substitute DML shapes with their fallback shapes.
 // Set the "DmlRenderingMode" property to "DmlRenderingMode.DrawingML"
 // to render the DML shapes themselves.

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.DrawingMLFallback.pdf", options);

Shows how to configure the rendering quality of DrawingML effects in a document as we save it to PDF.

 Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "DrawingML shape effects.docx");

 // Create a "PdfSaveOptions" object that we can pass to the document's "Save" method
 // to modify how that method converts the document to .PDF.
 PdfSaveOptions options = new PdfSaveOptions();

 // Set the "DmlEffectsRenderingMode" property to "DmlEffectsRenderingMode.None" to discard all DrawingML effects.
 // Set the "DmlEffectsRenderingMode" property to "DmlEffectsRenderingMode.Simplified"
 // to render a simplified version of DrawingML effects.
 // Set the "DmlEffectsRenderingMode" property to "DmlEffectsRenderingMode.Fine" to
 // render DrawingML effects with more accuracy and also with more processing cost.

 Assert.assertEquals(DmlRenderingMode.DRAWING_ML, options.getDmlRenderingMode());

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.DrawingMLEffects.pdf", options);


valueintA value determining how DrawingML shapes are rendered. The value must be one of DmlRenderingMode constants.

setDownsampleOptions(DownsampleOptions value)

public void setDownsampleOptions(DownsampleOptions value)

Allows to specify downsample options.


Shows how to change the resolution of images in the PDF document.

 Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "Images.docx");

 // Create a "PdfSaveOptions" object that we can pass to the document's "Save" method
 // to modify how that method converts the document to .PDF.
 PdfSaveOptions options = new PdfSaveOptions();

 // By default, Aspose.Words downsample all images in a document that we save to PDF to 220 ppi.
 Assert.assertEquals(220, options.getDownsampleOptions().getResolution());
 Assert.assertEquals(0, options.getDownsampleOptions().getResolutionThreshold());

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.DownsampleOptions.Default.pdf", options);

 // Set the "Resolution" property to "36" to downsample all images to 36 ppi.

 // Set the "ResolutionThreshold" property to only apply the downsampling to
 // images with a resolution that is above 128 ppi.

 // Only the first two images from the document will be downsampled at this stage.
 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.DownsampleOptions.LowerResolution.pdf", options);


valueDownsampleOptionsThe corresponding DownsampleOptions value.

setEmbedAttachments(boolean value)

public void setEmbedAttachments(boolean value)

Sets a value determining whether or not to embed attachments to the PDF document.


Default value is false and attachments are not embedded.

When the value is true attachments are embedded to the PDF document.

PDF/A-1, PDF/A-2 and PDF/A-4 (not level F) standards do not allow embedded files. false value will be used automatically.

Embedding attachments is not supported when encryption is enabled. false value will be used automatically.


valuebooleanA value determining whether or not to embed attachments to the PDF document.

setEmbedFullFonts(boolean value)

public void setEmbedFullFonts(boolean value)

Controls how fonts are embedded into the resulting PDF documents.


The default value is false , which means the fonts are subsetted before embedding. Subsetting is useful if you want to keep the output file size smaller. Subsetting removes all unused glyphs from a font.

When this value is set to true , a complete font file is embedded into PDF without subsetting. This will result in larger output files, but can be a useful option when you want to edit the resulting PDF later (e.g. add more text).

Some fonts are large (several megabytes) and embedding them without subsetting will result in large output documents.


Shows how to enable or disable subsetting when embedding fonts while rendering a document to PDF.

 Document doc = new Document();
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

 builder.writeln("Hello world!");
 builder.writeln("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.");

 // Configure our font sources to ensure that we have access to both the fonts in this document.
 FontSourceBase[] originalFontsSources = FontSettings.getDefaultInstance().getFontsSources();
 FolderFontSource folderFontSource = new FolderFontSource(getFontsDir(), true);
 FontSettings.getDefaultInstance().setFontsSources(new FontSourceBase[]{originalFontsSources[0], folderFontSource});

 // Create a "PdfSaveOptions" object that we can pass to the document's "Save" method
 // to modify how that method converts the document to .PDF.
 PdfSaveOptions options = new PdfSaveOptions();

 // Since our document contains a custom font, embedding in the output document may be desirable.
 // Set the "EmbedFullFonts" property to "true" to embed every glyph of every embedded font in the output PDF.
 // The document's size may become very large, but we will have full use of all fonts if we edit the PDF.
 // Set the "EmbedFullFonts" property to "false" to apply subsetting to fonts, saving only the glyphs
 // that the document is using. The file will be considerably smaller,
 // but we may need access to any custom fonts if we edit the document.

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.EmbedFullFonts.pdf", options);

 if (embedFullFonts)
     Assert.assertTrue(new File(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.EmbedFullFonts.pdf").length() < 571000);
     Assert.assertTrue(new File(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.EmbedFullFonts.pdf").length() < 25000);

 // Restore the original font sources.


valuebooleanThe corresponding boolean value.

setEncryptionDetails(PdfEncryptionDetails value)

public void setEncryptionDetails(PdfEncryptionDetails value)

Sets the details for encrypting the output PDF document.


The default value is null and the output document will not be encrypted. When this property is set to a valid PdfEncryptionDetails object, then the output PDF document will be encrypted.

AES-128 encryption algorithm is used when saving to PDF 1.7 based compliance (including PDF/UA-1). AES-256 encryption algorithm is used when saving to PDF 2.0 based compliance.

Encryption is prohibited by PDF/A compliance. This option will be ignored when saving to PDF/A.

PdfPermissions.CONTENT_COPY_FOR_ACCESSIBILITY permission is required by PDF/UA compliance if the output document is encrypted. This permission will automatically used when saving to PDF/UA.

PdfPermissions.CONTENT_COPY_FOR_ACCESSIBILITY permission is deprecated in PDF 2.0 format. This permission will be ignored when saving to PDF 2.0.


Shows how to set permissions on a saved PDF document.

 Document doc = new Document();
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

 builder.writeln("Hello world!");

 // Extend permissions to allow the editing of annotations.
 PdfEncryptionDetails encryptionDetails =
         new PdfEncryptionDetails("password", "", PdfPermissions.MODIFY_ANNOTATIONS | PdfPermissions.DOCUMENT_ASSEMBLY);

 // Create a "PdfSaveOptions" object that we can pass to the document's "Save" method
 // to modify how that method converts the document to .PDF.
 PdfSaveOptions saveOptions = new PdfSaveOptions();

 // Enable encryption via the "EncryptionDetails" property.

 // When we open this document, we will need to provide the password before accessing its contents.
 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.EncryptionPermissions.pdf", saveOptions);


valuePdfEncryptionDetailsThe details for encrypting the output PDF document.

setExportDocumentStructure(boolean value)

public void setExportDocumentStructure(boolean value)

Sets a value determining whether or not to export document structure.


This value is ignored when saving to PDF/A-1a, PDF/A-2a and PDF/UA-1 because document structure is required for this compliance.

Note that exporting the document structure significantly increases the memory consumption, especially for the large documents.


Shows how to preserve document structure elements, which can assist in programmatically interpreting our document.

 Document doc = new Document();
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

 builder.getParagraphFormat().setStyle(doc.getStyles().get("Heading 1"));
 builder.writeln("Hello world!");
         "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.");

 // Create a "PdfSaveOptions" object that we can pass to the document's "Save" method
 // to modify how that method converts the document to .PDF.
 PdfSaveOptions options = new PdfSaveOptions();

 // Set the "ExportDocumentStructure" property to "true" to make the document structure, such tags, available via the
 // "Content" navigation pane of Adobe Acrobat at the cost of increased file size.
 // Set the "ExportDocumentStructure" property to "false" to not export the document structure.

 // Suppose we export document structure while saving this document. In that case,
 // we can open it using Adobe Acrobat and find tags for elements such as the heading
 // and the next paragraph via "View" -> "Show/Hide" -> "Navigation panes" -> "Tags".
 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.ExportDocumentStructure.pdf", options);


valuebooleanA value determining whether or not to export document structure.

setExportGeneratorName(boolean value)

public void setExportGeneratorName(boolean value)

When true , causes the name and version of Aspose.Words to be embedded into produced files. Default value is true .


Shows how to disable adding name and version of Aspose.Words into produced files.

 Document doc = new Document();

 // Use https://docs.aspose.com/words/net/generator-or-producer-name-included-in-output-documents/ to know how to check the result.
 OoxmlSaveOptions saveOptions = new OoxmlSaveOptions(); { saveOptions.setExportGeneratorName(false); }

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "OoxmlSaveOptions.ExportGeneratorName.docx", saveOptions);


valuebooleanThe corresponding boolean value.

setExportLanguageToSpanTag(boolean value)

public void setExportLanguageToSpanTag(boolean value)

Sets a value determining whether or not to create a “Span” tag in the document structure to export the text language.


Default value is false and “Lang” attribute is attached to a marked-content sequence in a page content stream.

When the value is true “Span” tag is created for the text with non-default language and “Lang” attribute is attached to this tag.

This value is ignored when getExportDocumentStructure() / setExportDocumentStructure(boolean) is false .


Shows how to create a “Span” tag in the document structure to export the text language.

 Document doc = new Document();
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

 builder.writeln("Hello world!");
 builder.writeln("Hola mundo!");

 PdfSaveOptions saveOptions = new PdfSaveOptions();
     // Note, when "ExportDocumentStructure" is false, "ExportLanguageToSpanTag" is ignored.
     saveOptions.setExportDocumentStructure(true); saveOptions.setExportLanguageToSpanTag(true);

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.ExportLanguageToSpanTag.pdf", saveOptions);


valuebooleanA value determining whether or not to create a “Span” tag in the document structure to export the text language.

setExportParagraphGraphicsToArtifact(boolean value)

public void setExportParagraphGraphicsToArtifact(boolean value)

Sets a value determining whether a paragraph graphic should be marked as an artifact.


Default value is false and paragraph graphics (underlines, text emphasis, etc.) will be marked as “Span” in the logical structure of the document.

When the value is true the paragraph graphics will be marked as “Artifact”.

This value is ignored when getExportDocumentStructure() / setExportDocumentStructure(boolean) is false .


Shows how to export paragraph graphics as artifact (underlines, text emphasis, etc.).

 Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "PDF artifacts.docx");

 PdfSaveOptions saveOptions = new PdfSaveOptions();

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.ExportParagraphGraphicsToArtifact.pdf", saveOptions);


valuebooleanA value determining whether a paragraph graphic should be marked as an artifact.

setFontEmbeddingMode(int value)

public void setFontEmbeddingMode(int value)

Specifies the font embedding mode.


The default value is PdfFontEmbeddingMode.EMBED_ALL.

This setting works only for the text in ANSI (Windows-1252) encoding. If the document contains non-ANSI text then corresponding fonts will be embedded regardless of this setting.

PDF/A and PDF/UA compliance requires all fonts to be embedded. PdfFontEmbeddingMode.EMBED_ALL value will be used automatically when saving to PDF/A and PDF/UA.


Shows how to set Aspose.Words to skip embedding Arial and Times New Roman fonts into a PDF document.

 Document doc = new Document();
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

 // "Arial" is a standard font, and "Courier New" is a nonstandard font.
 builder.writeln("Hello world!");
 builder.getFont().setName("Courier New");
 builder.writeln("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.");

 // Create a "PdfSaveOptions" object that we can pass to the document's "Save" method
 // to modify how that method converts the document to .PDF.
 PdfSaveOptions options = new PdfSaveOptions();

 // Set the "EmbedFullFonts" property to "true" to embed every glyph of every embedded font in the output PDF.

 // Set the "FontEmbeddingMode" property to "EmbedAll" to embed all fonts in the output PDF.
 // Set the "FontEmbeddingMode" property to "EmbedNonstandard" to only allow nonstandard fonts' embedding in the output PDF.
 // Set the "FontEmbeddingMode" property to "EmbedNone" to not embed any fonts in the output PDF.

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.EmbedWindowsFonts.pdf", options);

 switch (pdfFontEmbeddingMode) {
     case PdfFontEmbeddingMode.EMBED_ALL:
         Assert.assertTrue(new File(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.EmbedWindowsFonts.pdf").length() < 1031200);
     case PdfFontEmbeddingMode.EMBED_NONSTANDARD:
         Assert.assertTrue(new File(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.EmbedWindowsFonts.pdf").length() < 491800);
     case PdfFontEmbeddingMode.EMBED_NONE:
         Assert.assertTrue(new File(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.EmbedWindowsFonts.pdf").length() <= 4258);


valueintThe corresponding int value. The value must be one of PdfFontEmbeddingMode constants.

setHeaderFooterBookmarksExportMode(int value)

public void setHeaderFooterBookmarksExportMode(int value)

Determines how bookmarks in headers/footers are exported.


The default value is HeaderFooterBookmarksExportMode.ALL.

This property is used in conjunction with the getOutlineOptions() option.


Shows to process bookmarks in headers/footers in a document that we are rendering to PDF.

 Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "Bookmarks in headers and footers.docx");

 // Create a "PdfSaveOptions" object that we can pass to the document's "Save" method
 // to modify how that method converts the document to .PDF.
 PdfSaveOptions saveOptions = new PdfSaveOptions();

 // Set the "PageMode" property to "PdfPageMode.UseOutlines" to display the outline navigation pane in the output PDF.

 // Set the "DefaultBookmarksOutlineLevel" property to "1" to display all
 // bookmarks at the first level of the outline in the output PDF.

 // Set the "HeaderFooterBookmarksExportMode" property to "HeaderFooterBookmarksExportMode.None" to
 // not export any bookmarks that are inside headers/footers.
 // Set the "HeaderFooterBookmarksExportMode" property to "HeaderFooterBookmarksExportMode.First" to
 // only export bookmarks in the first section's header/footers.
 // Set the "HeaderFooterBookmarksExportMode" property to "HeaderFooterBookmarksExportMode.All" to
 // export bookmarks that are in all headers/footers.

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.HeaderFooterBookmarksExportMode.pdf", saveOptions);


valueintThe corresponding int value. The value must be one of HeaderFooterBookmarksExportMode constants.

setImageColorSpaceExportMode(int value)

public void setImageColorSpaceExportMode(int value)

Specifies how the color space will be selected for the images in PDF document.


The default value is PdfImageColorSpaceExportMode.AUTO.

If PdfImageColorSpaceExportMode.SIMPLE_CMYK value is specified, getImageCompression() / setImageCompression(int) option is ignored and Flate compression is used for all images in the document.

PdfImageColorSpaceExportMode.SIMPLE_CMYK value is not supported when saving to PDF/A. PdfImageColorSpaceExportMode.AUTO value will be used instead.


Shows how to set a different color space for images in a document as we export it to PDF.

 Document doc = new Document();
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

 builder.writeln("Jpeg image:");
 builder.insertImage(getImageDir() + "Logo.jpg");
 builder.writeln("Png image:");
 builder.insertImage(getImageDir() + "Transparent background logo.png");

 // Create a "PdfSaveOptions" object that we can pass to the document's "Save" method
 // to modify how that method converts the document to .PDF.
 PdfSaveOptions pdfSaveOptions = new PdfSaveOptions();

 // Set the "ImageColorSpaceExportMode" property to "PdfImageColorSpaceExportMode.Auto" to get Aspose.Words to
 // automatically select the color space for images in the document that it converts to PDF.
 // In most cases, the color space will be RGB.
 // Set the "ImageColorSpaceExportMode" property to "PdfImageColorSpaceExportMode.SimpleCmyk"
 // to use the CMYK color space for all images in the saved PDF.
 // Aspose.Words will also apply Flate compression to all images and ignore the "ImageCompression" property's value.

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.ImageColorSpaceExportMode.pdf", pdfSaveOptions);


valueintThe corresponding int value. The value must be one of PdfImageColorSpaceExportMode constants.

setImageCompression(int value)

public void setImageCompression(int value)

Specifies compression type to be used for all images in the document.


Default is PdfImageCompression.AUTO.

Using PdfImageCompression.JPEG lets you control the quality of images in the output document through the getJpegQuality() / setJpegQuality(int) property.

Using PdfImageCompression.JPEG provides the fastest conversion speed when compared to the performance of other compression types, but in this case, there is lossy JPEG compression.

Using PdfImageCompression.AUTO lets to control the quality of Jpeg in the output document through the getJpegQuality() / setJpegQuality(int) property, but for other formats, raw pixel data is extracted and saved with Flate compression. This case is slower than Jpeg conversion but lossless.


Shows how to specify a compression type for all images in a document that we are converting to PDF.

 Document doc = new Document();
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

 builder.writeln("Jpeg image:");
 builder.insertImage(getImageDir() + "Logo.jpg");
 builder.writeln("Png image:");
 builder.insertImage(getImageDir() + "Transparent background logo.png");

 // Create a "PdfSaveOptions" object that we can pass to the document's "Save" method
 // to modify how that method converts the document to .PDF.
 PdfSaveOptions pdfSaveOptions = new PdfSaveOptions();

 // Set the "ImageCompression" property to "PdfImageCompression.Auto" to use the
 // "ImageCompression" property to control the quality of the Jpeg images that end up in the output PDF.
 // Set the "ImageCompression" property to "PdfImageCompression.Jpeg" to use the
 // "ImageCompression" property to control the quality of all images that end up in the output PDF.

 // Set the "JpegQuality" property to "10" to strengthen compression at the cost of image quality.

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.ImageCompression.pdf", pdfSaveOptions);


valueintThe corresponding int value. The value must be one of PdfImageCompression constants.

setImlRenderingMode(int value)

public void setImlRenderingMode(int value)

Sets a value determining how ink (InkML) objects are rendered.


The default value is ImlRenderingMode.INK_ML.

This property is used when the document is exported to fixed page formats.


Shows how to render Ink object.

 Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "Ink object.docx");

 // Set 'ImlRenderingMode.InkML' ignores fall-back shape of ink (InkML) object and renders InkML itself.
 // If the rendering result is unsatisfactory,
 // please use 'ImlRenderingMode.Fallback' to get a result similar to previous versions.
 ImageSaveOptions saveOptions = new ImageSaveOptions(SaveFormat.JPEG);

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "ImageSaveOptions.RenderInkObject.jpeg", saveOptions);


valueintA value determining how ink (InkML) objects are rendered. The value must be one of ImlRenderingMode constants.

setInterpolateImages(boolean value)

public void setInterpolateImages(boolean value)

A flag indicating whether image interpolation shall be performed by a conforming reader. When false is specified, the flag is not written to the output document and the default behaviour of reader is used instead.


When the resolution of a source image is significantly lower than that of the output device, each source sample covers many device pixels. As a result, images can appear jaggy or blocky. These visual artifacts can be reduced by applying an image interpolation algorithm during rendering. Instead of painting all pixels covered by a source sample with the same color, image interpolation attempts to produce a smooth transition between adjacent sample values.

A conforming Reader may choose to not implement this feature of PDF, or may use any specific implementation of interpolation that it wishes.

The default value is false .

Interpolation flag is prohibited by PDF/A compliance. false value will be used automatically when saving to PDF/A.


Shows how to perform interpolation on images while saving a document to PDF.

 Document doc = new Document();
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

 BufferedImage img = ImageIO.read(new File(getImageDir() + "Transparent background logo.png"));

 // Create a "PdfSaveOptions" object that we can pass to the document's "Save" method
 // to modify how that method converts the document to .PDF.
 PdfSaveOptions saveOptions = new PdfSaveOptions();

 // Set the "InterpolateImages" property to "true" to get the reader that opens this document to interpolate images.
 // Their resolution should be lower than that of the device that is displaying the document.
 // Set the "InterpolateImages" property to "false" to make it so that the reader does not apply any interpolation.

 // When we open this document with a reader such as Adobe Acrobat, we will need to zoom in on the image
 // to see the interpolation effect if we saved the document with it enabled.
 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.InterpolateImages.pdf", saveOptions);


valuebooleanThe corresponding boolean value.

setJpegQuality(int value)

public void setJpegQuality(int value)

Sets a value determining the quality of the JPEG images inside PDF document.


The default value is 100.

This property is used in conjunction with the getImageCompression() / setImageCompression(int) option.

Has effect only when a document contains JPEG images.

Use this property to get or set the quality of the images inside a document when saving in PDF format. The value may vary from 0 to 100 where 0 means worst quality but maximum compression and 100 means best quality but minimum compression. If quality is 100 and source image is JPEG, it means no compression - original bytes will be saved.


Shows how to specify a compression type for all images in a document that we are converting to PDF.

 Document doc = new Document();
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

 builder.writeln("Jpeg image:");
 builder.insertImage(getImageDir() + "Logo.jpg");
 builder.writeln("Png image:");
 builder.insertImage(getImageDir() + "Transparent background logo.png");

 // Create a "PdfSaveOptions" object that we can pass to the document's "Save" method
 // to modify how that method converts the document to .PDF.
 PdfSaveOptions pdfSaveOptions = new PdfSaveOptions();

 // Set the "ImageCompression" property to "PdfImageCompression.Auto" to use the
 // "ImageCompression" property to control the quality of the Jpeg images that end up in the output PDF.
 // Set the "ImageCompression" property to "PdfImageCompression.Jpeg" to use the
 // "ImageCompression" property to control the quality of all images that end up in the output PDF.

 // Set the "JpegQuality" property to "10" to strengthen compression at the cost of image quality.

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.ImageCompression.pdf", pdfSaveOptions);


valueintA value determining the quality of the JPEG images inside PDF document.

setMemoryOptimization(boolean value)

public void setMemoryOptimization(boolean value)

Sets value determining if memory optimization should be performed before saving the document. Default value for this property is false .


Setting this option to true can significantly decrease memory consumption while saving large documents at the cost of slower saving time.


Shows an option to optimize memory consumption when rendering large documents to PDF.

 Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "Rendering.docx");

 // Create a "PdfSaveOptions" object that we can pass to the document's "Save" method
 // to modify how that method converts the document to .PDF.
 SaveOptions saveOptions = SaveOptions.createSaveOptions(SaveFormat.PDF);

 // Set the "MemoryOptimization" property to "true" to lower the memory footprint of large documents' saving operations
 // at the cost of increasing the duration of the operation.
 // Set the "MemoryOptimization" property to "false" to save the document as a PDF normally.

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.MemoryOptimization.pdf", saveOptions);


valuebooleanValue determining if memory optimization should be performed before saving the document.

setMetafileRenderingOptions(MetafileRenderingOptions value)

public void setMetafileRenderingOptions(MetafileRenderingOptions value)

Allows to specify metafile rendering options.


Shows added a fallback to bitmap rendering and changing type of warnings about unsupported metafile records.

 public void handleBinaryRasterWarnings() throws Exception {
     Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "WMF with image.docx");

     MetafileRenderingOptions metafileRenderingOptions = new MetafileRenderingOptions();

     // Set the "EmulateRasterOperations" property to "false" to fall back to bitmap when
     // it encounters a metafile, which will require raster operations to render in the output PDF.

     // Set the "RenderingMode" property to "VectorWithFallback" to try to render every metafile using vector graphics.

     // Create a "PdfSaveOptions" object that we can pass to the document's "Save" method
     // to modify how that method converts the document to .PDF and applies the configuration
     // in our MetafileRenderingOptions object to the saving operation.
     PdfSaveOptions saveOptions = new PdfSaveOptions();

     HandleDocumentWarnings callback = new HandleDocumentWarnings();

     doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.HandleBinaryRasterWarnings.pdf", saveOptions);

     Assert.assertEquals(1, callback.mWarnings.getCount());
     Assert.assertEquals("'R2_XORPEN' binary raster operation is not supported.",

 /// Prints and collects formatting loss-related warnings that occur upon saving a document.
 public static class HandleDocumentWarnings implements IWarningCallback {
     public void warning(WarningInfo info) {
         if (info.getWarningType() == WarningType.MINOR_FORMATTING_LOSS) {
             System.out.println("Unsupported operation: " + info.getDescription());

     public WarningInfoCollection mWarnings = new WarningInfoCollection();


valueMetafileRenderingOptionsThe corresponding MetafileRenderingOptions value.

setNumeralFormat(int value)

public void setNumeralFormat(int value)

Sets NumeralFormat used for rendering of numerals. European numerals are used by default.


If the value of this property is changed and page layout is already built then Document.updatePageLayout() is invoked automatically to update any changes.


Shows how to set the numeral format used when saving to PDF.

 Document doc = new Document();
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

 builder.writeln("1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 50, 100");

 // Create a "PdfSaveOptions" object that we can pass to the document's "Save" method
 // to modify how that method converts the document to .PDF.
 PdfSaveOptions options = new PdfSaveOptions();

 // Set the "NumeralFormat" property to "NumeralFormat.ArabicIndic" to
 // use glyphs from the U+0660 to U+0669 range as numbers.
 // Set the "NumeralFormat" property to "NumeralFormat.Context" to
 // look up the locale to determine what number of glyphs to use.
 // Set the "NumeralFormat" property to "NumeralFormat.EasternArabicIndic" to
 // use glyphs from the U+06F0 to U+06F9 range as numbers.
 // Set the "NumeralFormat" property to "NumeralFormat.European" to use european numerals.
 // Set the "NumeralFormat" property to "NumeralFormat.System" to determine the symbol set from regional settings.

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.SetNumeralFormat.pdf", options);


valueintNumeralFormat used for rendering of numerals. The value must be one of NumeralFormat constants.

setOpenHyperlinksInNewWindow(boolean value)

public void setOpenHyperlinksInNewWindow(boolean value)

Sets a value determining whether hyperlinks in the output Pdf document are forced to be opened in a new window (or tab) of a browser.


The default value is false . When this value is set to true hyperlinks are saved using JavaScript code. JavaScript code is app.launchURL(“URL”, true); , where URL is a hyperlink.

Note that if this option is set to true hyperlinks can’t work in some PDF readers e.g. Chrome, Firefox.

JavaScript actions are prohibited by PDF/A-1 and PDF/A-2 compliance. false will be used automatically when saving to PDF/A-1 and PDF/A-2.


Shows how to save hyperlinks in a document we convert to PDF so that they open new pages when we click on them.

 Document doc = new Document();
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
 builder.insertHyperlink("Testlink", "https://www.google.com/search?q=%20aspose", false);

 // Create a "PdfSaveOptions" object that we can pass to the document's "Save" method
 // to modify how that method converts the document to .PDF.
 PdfSaveOptions options = new PdfSaveOptions();

 // Set the "OpenHyperlinksInNewWindow" property to "true" to save all hyperlinks using Javascript code
 // that forces readers to open these links in new windows/browser tabs.
 // Set the "OpenHyperlinksInNewWindow" property to "false" to save all hyperlinks normally.

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.OpenHyperlinksInNewWindow.pdf", options);


valuebooleanA value determining whether hyperlinks in the output Pdf document are forced to be opened in a new window (or tab) of a browser.

setOptimizeOutput(boolean value)

public void setOptimizeOutput(boolean value)

Flag indicates whether it is required to optimize output. If this flag is set redundant nested canvases and empty canvases are removed, also neighbor glyphs with the same formatting are concatenated. Note: The accuracy of the content display may be affected if this property is set to true . Default is false .


Shows how to simplify a document when saving it to HTML by removing various redundant objects.

 Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "Rendering.docx");

 HtmlFixedSaveOptions saveOptions = new HtmlFixedSaveOptions();

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "HtmlFixedSaveOptions.OptimizeGraphicsOutput.html", saveOptions);

 // The size of the optimized version of the document is almost a third of the size of the unoptimized document.
 if (optimizeOutput)
         new File(getArtifactsDir() + "HtmlFixedSaveOptions.OptimizeGraphicsOutput.html").length(), 200.0);
         new File(getArtifactsDir() + "HtmlFixedSaveOptions.OptimizeGraphicsOutput.html").length(), 200.0);

Shows how to optimize document objects while saving to xps.

 Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "Unoptimized document.docx");

 // Create an "XpsSaveOptions" object to pass to the document's "Save" method
 // to modify how that method converts the document to .XPS.
 XpsSaveOptions saveOptions = new XpsSaveOptions();

 // Set the "OptimizeOutput" property to "true" to take measures such as removing nested or empty canvases
 // and concatenating adjacent runs with identical formatting to optimize the output document's content.
 // This may affect the appearance of the document.
 // Set the "OptimizeOutput" property to "false" to save the document normally.

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "XpsSaveOptions.OptimizeOutput.xps", saveOptions);


valuebooleanThe corresponding boolean value.

setPageLayout(int value)

public void setPageLayout(int value)

Specifies the page layout to be used when the document is opened in a PDF reader.


The default value is PdfPageLayout.SINGLE_PAGE.


Shows how to display pages when opened in a PDF reader.

 Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "Big document.docx");

 // Display the pages two at a time, with odd-numbered pages on the left.
 PdfSaveOptions saveOptions = new PdfSaveOptions();

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.PageLayout.pdf", saveOptions);


valueintThe corresponding int value. The value must be one of PdfPageLayout constants.

setPageMode(int value)

public void setPageMode(int value)

Specifies how the PDF document should be displayed when opened in a PDF reader.


The default value is PdfPageMode.USE_OUTLINES.


Shows how to set instructions for some PDF readers to follow when opening an output document.

 Document doc = new Document();
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
 builder.writeln("Hello world!");

 // Create a "PdfSaveOptions" object that we can pass to the document's "Save" method
 // to modify how that method converts the document to .PDF.
 PdfSaveOptions options = new PdfSaveOptions();

 // Set the "PageMode" property to "PdfPageMode.FullScreen" to get the PDF reader to open the saved
 // document in full-screen mode, which takes over the monitor's display and has no controls visible.
 // Set the "PageMode" property to "PdfPageMode.UseThumbs" to get the PDF reader to display a separate panel
 // with a thumbnail for each page in the document.
 // Set the "PageMode" property to "PdfPageMode.UseOC" to get the PDF reader to display a separate panel
 // that allows us to work with any layers present in the document.
 // Set the "PageMode" property to "PdfPageMode.UseOutlines" to get the PDF reader
 // also to display the outline, if possible.
 // Set the "PageMode" property to "PdfPageMode.UseNone" to get the PDF reader to display just the document itself.
 // Set the "PageMode" property to "PdfPageMode.UseAttachments" to make visible attachments panel.

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.PageMode.pdf", options);

Shows to process bookmarks in headers/footers in a document that we are rendering to PDF.

 Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "Bookmarks in headers and footers.docx");

 // Create a "PdfSaveOptions" object that we can pass to the document's "Save" method
 // to modify how that method converts the document to .PDF.
 PdfSaveOptions saveOptions = new PdfSaveOptions();

 // Set the "PageMode" property to "PdfPageMode.UseOutlines" to display the outline navigation pane in the output PDF.

 // Set the "DefaultBookmarksOutlineLevel" property to "1" to display all
 // bookmarks at the first level of the outline in the output PDF.

 // Set the "HeaderFooterBookmarksExportMode" property to "HeaderFooterBookmarksExportMode.None" to
 // not export any bookmarks that are inside headers/footers.
 // Set the "HeaderFooterBookmarksExportMode" property to "HeaderFooterBookmarksExportMode.First" to
 // only export bookmarks in the first section's header/footers.
 // Set the "HeaderFooterBookmarksExportMode" property to "HeaderFooterBookmarksExportMode.All" to
 // export bookmarks that are in all headers/footers.

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.HeaderFooterBookmarksExportMode.pdf", saveOptions);


valueintThe corresponding int value. The value must be one of PdfPageMode constants.

setPageSavingCallback(IPageSavingCallback value)

public void setPageSavingCallback(IPageSavingCallback value)

Allows to control how separate pages are saved when a document is exported to fixed page format.


Shows how to use a callback to save a document to HTML page by page.

 public void pageFileNames() throws Exception {
     Document doc = new Document();
     DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

     builder.writeln("Page 1.");
     builder.writeln("Page 2.");
     builder.insertImage(getImageDir() + "Logo.jpg");
     builder.writeln("Page 3.");

     // Create an "HtmlFixedSaveOptions" object, which we can pass to the document's "Save" method
     // to modify how we convert the document to HTML.
     HtmlFixedSaveOptions htmlFixedSaveOptions = new HtmlFixedSaveOptions();

     // We will save each page in this document to a separate HTML file in the local file system.
     // Set a callback that allows us to name each output HTML document.
     htmlFixedSaveOptions.setPageSavingCallback(new CustomFileNamePageSavingCallback());

     doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "SavingCallback.PageFileNames.html", htmlFixedSaveOptions);

     String[] filePaths = DocumentHelper.directoryGetFiles(getArtifactsDir(), "SavingCallback.PageFileNames.Page_*").toArray(new String[0]);

     Assert.assertEquals(3, filePaths.length);

 /// Saves all pages to a file and directory specified within.
 private static class CustomFileNamePageSavingCallback implements IPageSavingCallback {
     public void pageSaving(PageSavingArgs args) throws Exception {
         String outFileName = MessageFormat.format("{0}SavingCallback.PageFileNames.Page_{1}.html", getArtifactsDir(), args.getPageIndex());

         // Below are two ways of specifying where Aspose.Words will save each page of the document.
         // 1 -  Set a filename for the output page file:

         // 2 -  Create a custom stream for the output page file:
         try (FileOutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream(outFileName)) {



valueIPageSavingCallbackThe corresponding IPageSavingCallback value.

setPageSet(PageSet value)

public void setPageSet(PageSet value)

Sets the pages to render. Default is all the pages in the document.


Shows how to extract pages based on exact page indices.

 Document doc = new Document();
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

 // Add five pages to the document.
 for (int i = 1; i < 6; i++) {
     builder.write("Page " + i);

 // Create an "XpsSaveOptions" object, which we can pass to the document's "Save" method
 // to modify how that method converts the document to .XPS.
 XpsSaveOptions xpsOptions = new XpsSaveOptions();

 // Use the "PageSet" property to select a set of the document's pages to save to output XPS.
 // In this case, we will choose, via a zero-based index, only three pages: page 1, page 2, and page 4.
 xpsOptions.setPageSet(new PageSet(0, 1, 3));

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "XpsSaveOptions.ExportExactPages.xps", xpsOptions);

Shows how to convert only some of the pages in a document to PDF.

 Document doc = new Document();
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

 builder.writeln("Page 1.");
 builder.writeln("Page 2.");
 builder.writeln("Page 3.");

 // Create a "PdfSaveOptions" object that we can pass to the document's "Save" method
 // to modify how that method converts the document to .PDF.
 PdfSaveOptions options = new PdfSaveOptions();

 // Set the "PageIndex" to "1" to render a portion of the document starting from the second page.
 options.setPageSet(new PageSet(1));

 // This document will contain one page starting from page two, which will only contain the second page.
 doc.save(new FileOutputStream(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.OnePage.pdf"), options);

Shows how to export Odd pages from the document.

 Document doc = new Document();
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

 for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
     builder.writeln(MessageFormat.format("Page {0} ({1})", i + 1, (i % 2 == 0 ? "odd" : "even")));
     if (i < 4)

 // Create a "PdfSaveOptions" object that we can pass to the document's "Save" method
 // to modify how that method converts the document to .PDF.
 PdfSaveOptions options = new PdfSaveOptions();

 // Below are three PageSet properties that we can use to filter out a set of pages from
 // our document to save in an output PDF document based on the parity of their page numbers.
 // 1 -  Save only the even-numbered pages:

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.ExportPageSet.Even.pdf", options);

 // 2 -  Save only the odd-numbered pages:

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.ExportPageSet.Odd.pdf", options);

 // 3 -  Save every page:

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.ExportPageSet.All.pdf", options);


valuePageSetThe pages to render.

setPreblendImages(boolean value)

public void setPreblendImages(boolean value)

Sets a value determining whether or not to preblend transparent images with black background color.


Preblending images may improve PDF document visual appearance in Adobe Reader and remove anti-aliasing artifacts.

In order to properly display preblended images, PDF viewer application must support /Matte entry in soft-mask image dictionary. Also preblending images may decrease PDF rendering performance.

The default value is false .


Shows how to preblend images with transparent backgrounds while saving a document to PDF.

 Document doc = new Document();
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

 builder.insertImage(getImageDir() + "Transparent background logo.png");

 // Create a "PdfSaveOptions" object that we can pass to the document's "Save" method
 // to modify how that method converts the document to .PDF.
 PdfSaveOptions options = new PdfSaveOptions();

 // Set the "PreblendImages" property to "true" to preblend transparent images
 // with a background, which may reduce artifacts.
 // Set the "PreblendImages" property to "false" to render transparent images normally.

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.PreblendImages.pdf", options);


valuebooleanA value determining whether or not to preblend transparent images with black background color.

setPreserveFormFields(boolean value)

public void setPreserveFormFields(boolean value)

Specifies whether to preserve Microsoft Word form fields as form fields in PDF or convert them to text. Default is false .


Microsoft Word form fields include text input, drop down and check box controls.

When set to false , these fields will be exported as text to PDF. When set to true , these fields will be exported as PDF form fields.

When exporting form fields to PDF as form fields, some formatting loss might occur because PDF form fields do not support all features of Microsoft Word form fields.

Also, the output size depends on the content size because editable forms in Microsoft Word are inline objects.

Editable forms are prohibited by PDF/A compliance. false value will be used automatically when saving to PDF/A.

Form fields are not supported when saving to PDF/UA. false value will be used automatically.


Shows how to save a document to the PDF format using the Save method and the PdfSaveOptions class.

 Document doc = new Document();
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

 builder.write("Please select a fruit: ");

 // Insert a combo box which will allow a user to choose an option from a collection of strings.
 builder.insertComboBox("MyComboBox", new String[]{"Apple", "Banana", "Cherry"}, 0);

 // Create a "PdfSaveOptions" object that we can pass to the document's "Save" method
 // to modify how that method converts the document to .PDF.
 PdfSaveOptions pdfOptions = new PdfSaveOptions();

 // Set the "PreserveFormFields" property to "true" to save form fields as interactive objects in the output PDF.
 // Set the "PreserveFormFields" property to "false" to freeze all form fields in the document at
 // their current values and display them as plain text in the output PDF.

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.PreserveFormFields.pdf", pdfOptions);


valuebooleanThe corresponding boolean value.

setPrettyFormat(boolean value)

public void setPrettyFormat(boolean value)

When true , pretty formats output where applicable. Default value is false .


Set to true to make HTML, MHTML, EPUB, WordML, RTF, DOCX and ODT output human readable. Useful for testing or debugging.


Shows how to enhance the readability of the raw code of a saved .html document.

 Document doc = new Document();
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
 builder.writeln("Hello world!");

 HtmlSaveOptions htmlOptions = new HtmlSaveOptions(SaveFormat.HTML);

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "HtmlSaveOptions.PrettyFormat.html", htmlOptions);

 // Enabling pretty format makes the raw html code more readable by adding tab stop and new line characters.
 String html = FileUtils.readFileToString(new File(getArtifactsDir() + "HtmlSaveOptions.PrettyFormat.html"), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);

 if (usePrettyFormat)
             "\r\n" +
                     "\t\r\n" +
                     "\t\t\r\n" +
                     "\t\t\r\n" +
                     MessageFormat.format("\t\t\r\n", BuildVersionInfo.getProduct(), BuildVersionInfo.getVersion()) +
                     "\t\t\r\n" +
                     "\t\t\r\n" +
                     "\t\r\n" +
                     "\t\r\n" +
                     "\t\t \r\n" +
                     "\t\t\t \r\n" +
                     "\t\t\t\tHello world!\r\n" +
                     "\t\t\t\r\n" +
                     "\t\t\t \r\n" +
                     "\t\t\t\t�\r\n" +
                     "\t\t\t\r\n" +
                     "\t\t\r\n" +
             "" +
                     "" +
                     MessageFormat.format("", BuildVersionInfo.getProduct(), BuildVersionInfo.getVersion()) +
                     "" +
                     " Hello world!" +
                     " �",


valuebooleanThe corresponding boolean value.

setProgressCallback(IDocumentSavingCallback value)

public void setProgressCallback(IDocumentSavingCallback value)

Called during saving a document and accepts data about saving progress.


Progress is reported when saving to SaveFormat.DOCX, SaveFormat.FLAT_OPC, SaveFormat.DOCM, SaveFormat.DOTM, SaveFormat.DOTX, SaveFormat.DOC, SaveFormat.DOT, SaveFormat.HTML, SaveFormat.MHTML, SaveFormat.EPUB, SaveFormat.XAML_FLOW, or SaveFormat.XAML_FLOW_PACK.


Shows how to manage a document while saving to xamlflow.

 public void progressCallback(int saveFormat, String ext) throws Exception
     Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "Big document.docx");

     // Following formats are supported: XamlFlow, XamlFlowPack.
     XamlFlowSaveOptions saveOptions = new XamlFlowSaveOptions(saveFormat);
         saveOptions.setProgressCallback(new SavingProgressCallback());

     try {
         doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + MessageFormat.format("XamlFlowSaveOptions.ProgressCallback.{0}", ext), saveOptions);
     catch (IllegalStateException exception) {

 public static Object[][] progressCallbackDataProvider() throws Exception
     return new Object[][]
                     {SaveFormat.XAML_FLOW,  "xamlflow"},
                     {SaveFormat.XAML_FLOW_PACK,  "xamlflowpack"},

 /// Saving progress callback. Cancel a document saving after the "MaxDuration" seconds.
 public static class SavingProgressCallback implements IDocumentSavingCallback
     /// Ctr.
     public SavingProgressCallback()
         mSavingStartedAt = new Date();

     /// Callback method which called during document saving.
     /// Saving arguments.
     public void notify(DocumentSavingArgs args)
         Date canceledAt = new Date();
         long diff = canceledAt.getTime() - mSavingStartedAt.getTime();
         long ellapsedSeconds = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(diff);

         if (ellapsedSeconds > MAX_DURATION)
             throw new IllegalStateException(MessageFormat.format("EstimatedProgress = {0}; CanceledAt = {1}", args.getEstimatedProgress(), canceledAt));

     /// Date and time when document saving is started.
     private Date mSavingStartedAt;

     /// Maximum allowed duration in sec.
     private static final double MAX_DURATION = 0.01d;

Shows how to manage a document while saving to html.

 public void progressCallback(int saveFormat, String ext) throws Exception
     Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "Big document.docx");

     // Following formats are supported: Html, Mhtml, Epub.
     HtmlSaveOptions saveOptions = new HtmlSaveOptions(saveFormat);
         saveOptions.setProgressCallback(new SavingProgressCallback());

     try {
         doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + MessageFormat.format("HtmlSaveOptions.ProgressCallback.{0}", ext), saveOptions);
     catch (IllegalStateException exception) {


 public static Object[][] progressCallbackDataProvider() throws Exception
     return new Object[][]
                     {SaveFormat.HTML,  "html"},
                     {SaveFormat.MHTML,  "mhtml"},
                     {SaveFormat.EPUB,  "epub"},

 /// Saving progress callback. Cancel a document saving after the "MaxDuration" seconds.
 public static class SavingProgressCallback implements IDocumentSavingCallback
     /// Ctr.
     public SavingProgressCallback()
         mSavingStartedAt = new Date();

     /// Callback method which called during document saving.
     /// Saving arguments.
     public void notify(DocumentSavingArgs args)
         Date canceledAt = new Date();
         long diff = canceledAt.getTime() - mSavingStartedAt.getTime();
         long ellapsedSeconds = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(diff);

         if (ellapsedSeconds > MAX_DURATION)
             throw new IllegalStateException(MessageFormat.format("EstimatedProgress = {0}; CanceledAt = {1}", args.getEstimatedProgress(), canceledAt));

     /// Date and time when document saving is started.
     private Date mSavingStartedAt;

     /// Maximum allowed duration in sec.
     private static final double MAX_DURATION = 0.01d;

Shows how to manage a document while saving to docx.

 public void progressCallback(int saveFormat, String ext) throws Exception
     Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "Big document.docx");

     // Following formats are supported: Docx, FlatOpc, Docm, Dotm, Dotx.
     OoxmlSaveOptions saveOptions = new OoxmlSaveOptions(saveFormat);
         saveOptions.setProgressCallback(new SavingProgressCallback());

     try {
         doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + MessageFormat.format("OoxmlSaveOptions.ProgressCallback.{0}", ext), saveOptions);
     catch (IllegalStateException exception) {

 public static Object[][] progressCallbackDataProvider() throws Exception
     return new Object[][]
                     {SaveFormat.DOCX,  "docx"},
                     {SaveFormat.DOCM,  "docm"},
                     {SaveFormat.DOTM,  "dotm"},
                     {SaveFormat.DOTX,  "dotx"},
                     {SaveFormat.FLAT_OPC,  "flatopc"},

 /// Saving progress callback. Cancel a document saving after the "MaxDuration" seconds.
 public static class SavingProgressCallback implements IDocumentSavingCallback
     /// Ctr.
     public SavingProgressCallback()
         mSavingStartedAt = new Date();

     /// Callback method which called during document saving.
     /// Saving arguments.
     public void notify(DocumentSavingArgs args)
         Date canceledAt = new Date();
         long diff = canceledAt.getTime() - mSavingStartedAt.getTime();
         long ellapsedSeconds = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(diff);

         if (ellapsedSeconds > MAX_DURATION)
             throw new IllegalStateException(MessageFormat.format("EstimatedProgress = {0}; CanceledAt = {1}", args.getEstimatedProgress(), canceledAt));

     /// Date and time when document saving is started.
     private Date mSavingStartedAt;

     /// Maximum allowed duration in sec.
     private static final double MAX_DURATION = 0.01d;


valueIDocumentSavingCallbackThe corresponding IDocumentSavingCallback value.

setRenderChoiceFormFieldBorder(boolean value)

public void setRenderChoiceFormFieldBorder(boolean value)

Specifies whether to render PDF choice form field border.


PDF choice form fields are used for export of SDT Combo Box Content Control, SDT Drop-Down List Content Control and legacy Drop-Down Form Field when getPreserveFormFields() / setPreserveFormFields(boolean) option is enabled.

The default value is true .


Shows how to render PDF choice form field border.

 Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "Legacy drop-down.docx");

 PdfSaveOptions saveOptions = new PdfSaveOptions();

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.RenderChoiceFormFieldBorder.pdf", saveOptions);


valuebooleanThe corresponding boolean value.

setSaveFormat(int value)

public void setSaveFormat(int value)

Specifies the format in which the document will be saved if this save options object is used. Can only be SaveFormat.PDF.


Shows how to limit the headings’ level that will appear in the outline of a saved PDF document.

 Document doc = new Document();
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

 // Insert headings that can serve as TOC entries of levels 1, 2, and then 3.


 builder.writeln("Heading 1");


 builder.writeln("Heading 1.1");
 builder.writeln("Heading 1.2");


 builder.writeln("Heading 1.2.1");
 builder.writeln("Heading 1.2.2");

 // Create a "PdfSaveOptions" object that we can pass to the document's "Save" method
 // to modify how that method converts the document to .PDF.
 PdfSaveOptions saveOptions = new PdfSaveOptions();

 // The output PDF document will contain an outline, which is a table of contents that lists headings in the document body.
 // Clicking on an entry in this outline will take us to the location of its respective heading.
 // Set the "HeadingsOutlineLevels" property to "2" to exclude all headings whose levels are above 2 from the outline.
 // The last two headings we have inserted above will not appear.

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.HeadingsOutlineLevels.pdf", saveOptions);


valueintThe corresponding int value. The value must be one of SaveFormat constants.

setTempFolder(String value)

public void setTempFolder(String value)

Specifies the folder for temporary files used when saving to a DOC or DOCX file. By default this property is null and no temporary files are used.


valuejava.lang.StringThe corresponding java.lang.String value.

setTextCompression(int value)

public void setTextCompression(int value)

Specifies compression type to be used for all textual content in the document.


Default is PdfTextCompression.FLATE.

Significantly increases output size when saving a document without compression.


Shows how to apply text compression when saving a document to PDF.

 Document doc = new Document();
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

 for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
     builder.writeln("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, " +
             "sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.");

 // Create a "PdfSaveOptions" object that we can pass to the document's "Save" method
 // to modify how that method converts the document to .PDF.
 PdfSaveOptions options = new PdfSaveOptions();

 // Set the "TextCompression" property to "PdfTextCompression.None" to not apply any
 // compression to text when we save the document to PDF.
 // Set the "TextCompression" property to "PdfTextCompression.Flate" to apply ZIP compression
 // to text when we save the document to PDF. The larger the document, the bigger the impact that this will have.

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.TextCompression.pdf", options);


valueintThe corresponding int value. The value must be one of PdfTextCompression constants.

setUpdateAmbiguousTextFont(boolean value)

public void setUpdateAmbiguousTextFont(boolean value)

Determines whether the font attributes will be changed according to the character code being used.


Shows how to update the font to match the character code being used.

 Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "Special symbol.docx");
 Run run = doc.getFirstSection().getBody().getFirstParagraph().getRuns().get(0);
 System.out.println(run.getText()); // \u0e3f
 System.out.println(run.getFont().getName()); // Arial

 OoxmlSaveOptions saveOptions = new OoxmlSaveOptions();
 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "OoxmlSaveOptions.UpdateAmbiguousTextFont.docx", saveOptions);

 doc = new Document(getArtifactsDir() + "OoxmlSaveOptions.UpdateAmbiguousTextFont.docx");
 run = doc.getFirstSection().getBody().getFirstParagraph().getRuns().get(0);
 System.out.println(run.getText()); // \u0e3f
 System.out.println(run.getFont().getName()); // Angsana New


valuebooleanThe corresponding boolean value.

setUpdateCreatedTimeProperty(boolean value)

public void setUpdateCreatedTimeProperty(boolean value)

Sets a value determining whether the BuiltInDocumentProperties.getCreatedTime() / BuiltInDocumentProperties.setCreatedTime(java.util.Date) property is updated before saving. Default value is false ;


Shows how to update a document’s “CreatedTime” property when saving.

 Document doc = new Document();

 Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
 calendar.set(2019, 11, 20);

 // This flag determines whether the created time, which is a built-in property, is updated.
 // If so, then the date of the document's most recent save operation
 // with this SaveOptions object passed as a parameter is used as the created time.
 DocSaveOptions saveOptions = new DocSaveOptions();

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "DocSaveOptions.UpdateCreatedTimeProperty.docx", saveOptions);


valuebooleanA value determining whether the BuiltInDocumentProperties.getCreatedTime() / BuiltInDocumentProperties.setCreatedTime(java.util.Date) property is updated before saving.

setUpdateFields(boolean value)

public void setUpdateFields(boolean value)

Sets a value determining if fields of certain types should be updated before saving the document to a fixed page format. Default value for this property is true .


Allows to specify whether to mimic or not MS Word behavior.


Shows how to update all the fields in a document immediately before saving it to PDF.

 Document doc = new Document();
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

 // Insert text with PAGE and NUMPAGES fields. These fields do not display the correct value in real time.
 // We will need to manually update them using updating methods such as "Field.Update()", and "Document.UpdateFields()"
 // each time we need them to display accurate values.
 builder.write("Page ");
 builder.insertField("PAGE", "");
 builder.write(" of ");
 builder.insertField("NUMPAGES", "");
 builder.writeln("Hello World!");

 // Create a "PdfSaveOptions" object that we can pass to the document's "Save" method
 // to modify how that method converts the document to .PDF.
 PdfSaveOptions options = new PdfSaveOptions();

 // Set the "UpdateFields" property to "false" to not update all the fields in a document right before a save operation.
 // This is the preferable option if we know that all our fields will be up to date before saving.
 // Set the "UpdateFields" property to "true" to iterate through all the document
 // fields and update them before we save it as a PDF. This will make sure that all the fields will display
 // the most accurate values in the PDF.

 // We can clone PdfSaveOptions objects.
 Assert.assertNotSame(options, options.deepClone());

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.UpdateFields.pdf", options);


valuebooleanA value determining if fields of certain types should be updated before saving the document to a fixed page format.

setUpdateLastPrintedProperty(boolean value)

public void setUpdateLastPrintedProperty(boolean value)

Sets a value determining whether the BuiltInDocumentProperties.getLastPrinted() / BuiltInDocumentProperties.setLastPrinted(java.util.Date) property is updated before saving.


Shows how to update a document’s “Last printed” property when saving.

 Document doc = new Document();

 Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
 calendar.set(2019, 11, 20);

 // This flag determines whether the last printed date, which is a built-in property, is updated.
 // If so, then the date of the document's most recent save operation
 // with this SaveOptions object passed as a parameter is used as the print date.
 DocSaveOptions saveOptions = new DocSaveOptions();

 // In Microsoft Word 2003, this property can be found via File -> Properties -> Statistics -> Printed.
 // It can also be displayed in the document's body by using a PRINTDATE field.
 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "DocSaveOptions.UpdateLastPrintedProperty.doc", saveOptions);


valuebooleanA value determining whether the BuiltInDocumentProperties.getLastPrinted() / BuiltInDocumentProperties.setLastPrinted(java.util.Date) property is updated before saving.

setUpdateLastSavedTimeProperty(boolean value)

public void setUpdateLastSavedTimeProperty(boolean value)

Sets a value determining whether the BuiltInDocumentProperties.getLastSavedTime() / BuiltInDocumentProperties.setLastSavedTime(java.util.Date) property is updated before saving.


Shows how to determine whether to preserve the document’s “Last saved time” property when saving.

 Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "Document.docx");

 // When we save the document to an OOXML format, we can create an OoxmlSaveOptions object
 // and then pass it to the document's saving method to modify how we save the document.
 // Set the "UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty" property to "true" to
 // set the output document's "Last saved time" built-in property to the current date/time.
 // Set the "UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty" property to "false" to
 // preserve the original value of the input document's "Last saved time" built-in property.
 OoxmlSaveOptions saveOptions = new OoxmlSaveOptions();

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "OoxmlSaveOptions.LastSavedTime.docx", saveOptions);


valuebooleanA value determining whether the BuiltInDocumentProperties.getLastSavedTime() / BuiltInDocumentProperties.setLastSavedTime(java.util.Date) property is updated before saving.

setUseAntiAliasing(boolean value)

public void setUseAntiAliasing(boolean value)

Sets a value determining whether or not to use anti-aliasing for rendering.


The default value is false . When this value is set to true anti-aliasing is used for rendering.

This property is used when the document is exported to the following formats: SaveFormat.TIFF, SaveFormat.PNG, SaveFormat.BMP, SaveFormat.JPEG, SaveFormat.EMF. When the document is exported to the SaveFormat.HTML, SaveFormat.MHTML, SaveFormat.EPUB, SaveFormat.AZW_3 or SaveFormat.MOBI formats this option is used for raster images.


Shows how to improve the quality of a rendered document with SaveOptions.

 Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "Rendering.docx");
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

 builder.writeln("Some text.");

 SaveOptions options = new ImageSaveOptions(SaveFormat.JPEG);
 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "Document.ImageSaveOptions.Default.jpg", options);


 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "Document.ImageSaveOptions.HighQuality.jpg", options);


valuebooleanA value determining whether or not to use anti-aliasing for rendering.

setUseBookFoldPrintingSettings(boolean value)

public void setUseBookFoldPrintingSettings(boolean value)

Sets a boolean value indicating whether the document should be saved using a booklet printing layout, if it is specified via PageSetup.getMultiplePages() / PageSetup.setMultiplePages(int).


If this option is specified, FixedPageSaveOptions.getPageSet() / FixedPageSaveOptions.setPageSet(com.aspose.words.PageSet) is ignored when saving. This behavior matches MS Word. If book fold printing settings are not specified in page setup, this option will have no effect.


Shows how to save a document to the PDF format in the form of a book fold.

 Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "Paragraphs.docx");

 // Create a "PdfSaveOptions" object that we can pass to the document's "Save" method
 // to modify how that method converts the document to .PDF.
 PdfSaveOptions options = new PdfSaveOptions();

 // Set the "UseBookFoldPrintingSettings" property to "true" to arrange the contents
 // in the output PDF in a way that helps us use it to make a booklet.
 // Set the "UseBookFoldPrintingSettings" property to "false" to render the PDF normally.

 // If we are rendering the document as a booklet, we must set the "MultiplePages"
 // properties of the page setup objects of all sections to "MultiplePagesType.BookFoldPrinting".
 if (renderTextAsBookfold)
     for (Section s : doc.getSections()) {

 // Once we print this document on both sides of the pages, we can fold all the pages down the middle at once,
 // and the contents will line up in a way that creates a booklet.
 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.SaveAsPdfBookFold.pdf", options);


valuebooleanA boolean value indicating whether the document should be saved using a booklet printing layout, if it is specified via PageSetup.getMultiplePages() / PageSetup.setMultiplePages(int).

setUseCoreFonts(boolean value)

public void setUseCoreFonts(boolean value)

Sets a value determining whether or not to substitute TrueType fonts Arial, Times New Roman, Courier New and Symbol with core PDF Type 1 fonts.


The default value is false . When this value is set to true Arial, Times New Roman, Courier New and Symbol fonts are replaced in PDF document with corresponding core Type 1 font.

Core PDF fonts, or their font metrics and suitable substitution fonts, are required to be available to any PDF viewer application.

This setting works only for the text in ANSI (Windows-1252) encoding. Non-ANSI text will be written with embedded TrueType font regardless of this setting.

PDF/A and PDF/UA compliance requires all fonts to be embedded. false value will be used automatically when saving to PDF/A and PDF/UA.

Core fonts are not supported when saving to PDF 2.0 format. false value will be used automatically when saving to PDF 2.0.

This option has a higher priority then getFontEmbeddingMode() / setFontEmbeddingMode(int) option.


Shows how enable/disable PDF Type 1 font substitution.

 Document doc = new Document();
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

 builder.writeln("Hello world!");
 builder.getFont().setName("Courier New");
 builder.writeln("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.");

 // Create a "PdfSaveOptions" object that we can pass to the document's "Save" method
 // to modify how that method converts the document to .PDF.
 PdfSaveOptions options = new PdfSaveOptions();

 // Set the "UseCoreFonts" property to "true" to replace some fonts,
 // including the two fonts in our document, with their PDF Type 1 equivalents.
 // Set the "UseCoreFonts" property to "false" to not apply PDF Type 1 fonts.

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.EmbedCoreFonts.pdf", options);

 if (useCoreFonts)
     Assert.assertTrue(new File(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.EmbedCoreFonts.pdf").length() < 3000);
     Assert.assertTrue(new File(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.EmbedCoreFonts.pdf").length() < 33200);


valuebooleanA value determining whether or not to substitute TrueType fonts Arial, Times New Roman, Courier New and Symbol with core PDF Type 1 fonts.

setUseHighQualityRendering(boolean value)

public void setUseHighQualityRendering(boolean value)

Sets a value determining whether or not to use high quality (i.e. slow) rendering algorithms.


The default value is false .

This property is used when the document is exported to image formats: SaveFormat.TIFF, SaveFormat.PNG, SaveFormat.BMP, SaveFormat.JPEG, SaveFormat.EMF.


Shows how to improve the quality of a rendered document with SaveOptions.

 Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "Rendering.docx");
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

 builder.writeln("Some text.");

 SaveOptions options = new ImageSaveOptions(SaveFormat.JPEG);
 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "Document.ImageSaveOptions.Default.jpg", options);


 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "Document.ImageSaveOptions.HighQuality.jpg", options);


valuebooleanA value determining whether or not to use high quality (i.e.

setUseSdtTagAsFormFieldName(boolean value)

public void setUseSdtTagAsFormFieldName(boolean value)

Specifies whether to use SDT control Tag or Id property as a name of form field in PDF.


The default value is false .

When set to false , SDT control Id property is used as a name of form field in PDF.

When set to true , SDT control Tag property is used as a name of form field in PDF.

If set to true and Tag is empty, Id property will be used as a form field name.

If set to true and Tag values are not unique, duplicate Tag values will be altered to build unique PDF form field names.


Shows how to use SDT control Tag or Id property as a name of form field in PDF.

 Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "Form fields.docx");

 PdfSaveOptions saveOptions = new PdfSaveOptions();
 // When set to 'false', SDT control Id property is used as a name of form field in PDF.
 // When set to 'true', SDT control Tag property is used as a name of form field in PDF.

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.SdtTagAsFormFieldName.pdf", saveOptions);


valuebooleanThe corresponding boolean value.

setZoomBehavior(int value)

public void setZoomBehavior(int value)

Sets a value determining what type of zoom should be applied when a document is opened with a PDF viewer.


The default value is PdfZoomBehavior.NONE, i.e. no fit is applied.


Shows how to set the default zooming that a reader applies when opening a rendered PDF document.

 Document doc = new Document();
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
 builder.writeln("Hello world!");

 // Create a "PdfSaveOptions" object that we can pass to the document's "Save" method
 // to modify how that method converts the document to .PDF.
 // Set the "ZoomBehavior" property to "PdfZoomBehavior.ZoomFactor" to get a PDF reader to
 // apply a percentage-based zoom factor when we open the document with it.
 // Set the "ZoomFactor" property to "25" to give the zoom factor a value of 25%.
 PdfSaveOptions options = new PdfSaveOptions();

 // When we open this document using a reader such as Adobe Acrobat, we will see the document scaled at 1/4 of its actual size.
 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.ZoomBehaviour.pdf", options);


valueintA value determining what type of zoom should be applied when a document is opened with a PDF viewer. The value must be one of PdfZoomBehavior constants.

setZoomFactor(int value)

public void setZoomFactor(int value)

Sets a value determining zoom factor (in percentages) for a document.


This value is used only if getZoomBehavior() / setZoomBehavior(int) is set to PdfZoomBehavior.ZOOM_FACTOR.


Shows how to set the default zooming that a reader applies when opening a rendered PDF document.

 Document doc = new Document();
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
 builder.writeln("Hello world!");

 // Create a "PdfSaveOptions" object that we can pass to the document's "Save" method
 // to modify how that method converts the document to .PDF.
 // Set the "ZoomBehavior" property to "PdfZoomBehavior.ZoomFactor" to get a PDF reader to
 // apply a percentage-based zoom factor when we open the document with it.
 // Set the "ZoomFactor" property to "25" to give the zoom factor a value of 25%.
 PdfSaveOptions options = new PdfSaveOptions();

 // When we open this document using a reader such as Adobe Acrobat, we will see the document scaled at 1/4 of its actual size.
 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "PdfSaveOptions.ZoomBehaviour.pdf", options);


valueintA value determining zoom factor (in percentages) for a document.