Inheritance: java.lang.Object, com.aspose.tasks.IContainer
All Implemented Interfaces:, com.aspose.tasks.IExtendedAttributeParent, com.aspose.tasks.IEntityWithNotes, com.aspose.tasks.IEntityWithHyperlink
public class ResourceAssignment extends IContainer<Byte> implements System.IEquatable<ResourceAssignment>, IExtendedAttributeParent, IEntityWithNotes, IEntityWithHyperlink
Represents a resource assignment in a project.
Method | Description |
<T>get(Key<T,Byte> key) | Returns the value to which the property is mapped in this container. |
<T>set(Key<T,Byte> key, T val) | Maps the specified property to the specified value in this container. |
delete() | Deletes resource assignment from project assignments collection. |
equals(ResourceAssignment other) | Returns a value indicating whether this instance is equal to a specified instance of the ResourceAssignment class. |
equals(Object obj) | Returns a value indicating whether this instance is equal to a specified object. |
getACWP() | Gets a value of ACWP. |
getActualCost() | Gets a value of ActualCost. |
getActualFinish() | Gets a value of ActualFinish. |
getActualOvertimeCost() | Gets a value of ActualOvertimeCost. |
getActualOvertimeWork() | Gets a value of ActualOvertimeWork. |
getActualOvertimeWorkProtected() | Gets a value of ActualOvertimeWorkProtected. |
getActualStart() | Gets a value of ActualStart. |
getActualWork() | Gets a value of ActualWork. |
getActualWorkProtected() | Gets a value of ActualWorkProtected. |
getAssignmentOwner() | Gets a value of AssignmentOwner. |
getAssignmentOwnerGuid() | Gets a value of AssignmentOwnerGuid. |
getBCWP() | Gets a value of BCWP. |
getBCWS() | Gets a value of BCWS. |
getBaselines() | Gets AssignmentBaselineCollection object. |
getBookingType() | Gets a value of BookingType. |
getBudgetCost() | Gets a value of BudgetCost. |
getBudgetWork() | Gets a value of BudgetWork. |
getCV() | Gets a value of CV. |
getConfirmed() | Gets a value indicating whether Confirmed is set or not. |
getCost() | Gets a value of Cost. |
getCostRateTableType() | Gets a value of CostRateTableType. |
getCostVariance() | Gets a value of CostVariance. |
getCreated() | Gets a value of Created. |
getDelay() | Gets a value of Delay. |
getExtendedAttributes() | Gets an instance of the ExtendedAttributeCollection class for this object. |
getFinish() | Gets a value of Finish. |
getFinishVariance() | Gets a value of FinishVariance. |
getFixedMaterial() | Gets a value indicating whether FixedMaterial is set or not. |
getGuid() | Gets unique identifier for this assignment. |
getHyperlink() | Gets a value of Hyperlink. |
getHyperlinkAddress() | Gets a value of HyperlinkAddress. |
getHyperlinkSubAddress() | Gets a value of HyperlinkSubAddress. |
getItems() | {@inheritDoc} |
getLevelingDelay() | Gets a value of LevelingDelay. |
getLinkedFields() | Gets a value indicating whether LinkedFields is set or not. |
getMilestone() | Gets a value indicating whether Milestone is set or not. |
getNotesRTF() | Gets the text notes in RTF format. |
getNotesText() | Gets notes’ plain text extracted from RTF data. |
getOverallocated() | Gets a value indicating whether Overallocated is set or not. |
getOvertimeCost() | Gets a value of OvertimeCost. |
getOvertimeWork() | Gets a value of OvertimeWork. |
getParentProject() | Gets parent project for this assignment. |
getPeakUnits() | Gets a value of PeakUnits. |
getPercentWorkComplete() | Gets a value of PercentWorkComplete. |
getRateScale() | Gets a value of RateScale. |
getRegularWork() | Gets a value of RegularWork. |
getRemainingCost() | Gets a value of RemainingCost. |
getRemainingOvertimeCost() | Gets a value of RemainingOvertimeCost. |
getRemainingOvertimeWork() | Gets a value of RemainingOvertimeWork. |
getRemainingWork() | Gets a value of RemainingWork. |
getResource() | The resource assigned to a task. |
getResponsePending() | Gets a value indicating whether ResponsePending is set or not. |
getResume() | Gets a value of Resume. |
getSV() | Gets a value of SV. |
getStart() | Gets a value of Start. |
getStartVariance() | Gets a value of StartVariance. |
getStop() | Gets a value of Stop. |
getSummary() | Gets a value indicating whether Summary is set or not. |
getTask() | The task to which a resource is assigned. |
getTimephasedData() | Gets the instance of TimephasedDataCollection class containing elements of TimephasedData (getTimephasedData()/ setTimephasedData(TimephasedDataCollection)) class. |
getTimephasedData(Date start, Date end) | Returns TimephasedDataCollection object with the instances of TimephasedData (getTimephasedData()/ setTimephasedData(TimephasedDataCollection)) class within given start and end dates of TimephasedDataType.AssignmentWork. |
getTimephasedData(Date start, Date end, byte timephasedType) | Returns the instance TimephasedDataCollection class containing instances of TimephasedData (getTimephasedData()/ setTimephasedData(TimephasedDataCollection)) class within given start and end dates of specified TimephasedDataType. |
getTimephasedWork(Date start, Date end) | Gets amount of timephased work for the specified date time interval. |
getTimephasedWork(Date start, Date end, byte timephasedDataType) | Gets amount of timephased work for the specified date time interval. |
getUid() | Gets a value of Uid. |
getUnits() | Gets a value of Units. |
getUpdateNeeded() | Gets a value indicating whether UpdateNeeded is set or not. |
getVAC() | Gets a value of VAC. |
getWork() | Gets a value of Work. |
getWorkContour() | Gets a value of WorkContour. |
getWorkVariance() | Gets a value of WorkVariance. |
hasChildren() | Gets a value indicating that this resource assignment has children. |
hasFixedRateUnits() | Gets a value indicating whether HasFixedRateUnits is set or not. |
hashCode() | Returns a hash code value for the instance of the ResourceAssignment class. |
makeTPs(Date start, double time, Calendar calendar, List<TimephasedData> list, boolean isWorking, int type) | Generates a list of time phased data. |
setACWP(double value) | Sets a value of ACWP. |
setActualCost(BigDecimal value) | Sets a value of ActualCost. |
setActualFinish(Date value) | Sets a value of ActualFinish. |
setActualOvertimeCost(BigDecimal value) | Sets a value of ActualOvertimeCost. |
setActualOvertimeWork(Duration value) | Sets a value of ActualOvertimeWork. |
setActualOvertimeWorkProtected(Duration value) | Sets a value of ActualOvertimeWorkProtected. |
setActualStart(Date value) | Sets a value of ActualStart. |
setActualWork(Duration value) | Sets a value of ActualWork. |
setActualWorkProtected(Duration value) | Sets a value of ActualWorkProtected. |
setAssignmentOwner(String value) | Sets a value of AssignmentOwner. |
setAssignmentOwnerGuid(String value) | Sets a value of AssignmentOwnerGuid. |
setBCWP(double value) | Sets a value of BCWP. |
setBCWS(double value) | Sets a value of BCWS. |
setBookingType(int value) | Sets a value of BookingType. |
setBudgetCost(BigDecimal value) | Sets a value of BudgetCost. |
setBudgetWork(Duration value) | Sets a value of BudgetWork. |
setCV(double value) | Sets a value of CV. |
setConfirmed(boolean value) | Sets a value indicating whether Confirmed is set or not. |
setCost(BigDecimal value) | Sets a value of Cost. |
setCostRateTableType(int value) | Sets a value of CostRateTableType. |
setCostVariance(double value) | Sets a value of CostVariance. |
setCreated(Date value) | Sets a value of Created. |
setDelay(Duration value) | Sets a value of Delay. |
setExtendedAttributes(ExtendedAttributeCollection value) | Sets an instance of the ExtendedAttributeCollection class for this object. |
setFinish(Date value) | Sets a value of Finish. |
setFinishVariance(Duration value) | Sets a value of FinishVariance. |
setFixedMaterial(boolean value) | Sets a value indicating whether FixedMaterial is set or not. |
setFixedRateUnits(boolean value) | Sets a value indicating whether HasFixedRateUnits is set or not. |
setGuid(UUID value) | Sets unique identifier for this assignment. |
setHyperlink(String value) | Sets a value of Hyperlink. |
setHyperlinkAddress(String value) | Sets a value of HyperlinkAddress. |
setHyperlinkSubAddress(String value) | Sets a value of HyperlinkSubAddress. |
setLevelingDelay(Duration value) | Sets a value of LevelingDelay. |
setLinkedFields(boolean value) | Sets a value indicating whether LinkedFields is set or not. |
setMaterialResourceUnits(double units, int rateScaleType) | Sets units for assignment of a material resource with variable material consumption. |
setMilestone(boolean value) | Sets a value indicating whether Milestone is set or not. |
setNotesRTF(String value) | Sets the text notes in RTF format. |
setNotesText(String value) | Sets notes’ plain text extracted from RTF data. |
setOverallocated(boolean value) | Sets a value indicating whether Overallocated is set or not. |
setOvertimeCost(BigDecimal value) | Sets a value of OvertimeCost. |
setOvertimeWork(Duration value) | Sets a value of OvertimeWork. |
setPeakUnits(double value) | Sets a value of PeakUnits. |
setPercentWorkComplete(int value) | Sets a value of PercentWorkComplete. |
setRateScale(int value) | Sets a value of RateScale. |
setRegularWork(Duration value) | Sets a value of RegularWork. |
setRemainingCost(BigDecimal value) | Sets a value of RemainingCost. |
setRemainingOvertimeCost(BigDecimal value) | Sets a value of RemainingOvertimeCost. |
setRemainingOvertimeWork(Duration value) | Sets a value of RemainingOvertimeWork. |
setRemainingWork(Duration value) | Sets a value of RemainingWork. |
setResource(Resource value) | The resource assigned to a task. |
setResponsePending(boolean value) | Sets a value indicating whether ResponsePending is set or not. |
setResume(Date value) | Sets a value of Resume. |
setSV(double value) | Sets a value of SV. |
setStart(Date value) | Sets a value of Start. |
setStartVariance(Duration value) | Sets a value of StartVariance. |
setStop(Date value) | Sets a value of Stop. |
setSummary(boolean value) | Sets a value indicating whether Summary is set or not. |
setTask(Task value) | The task to which a resource is assigned. |
setTimephasedData(TimephasedDataCollection value) | Sets the instance of TimephasedDataCollection class containing elements of TimephasedData (getTimephasedData()/ setTimephasedData(TimephasedDataCollection)) class. |
setUid(int value) | Sets a value of Uid. |
setUnits(double value) | Sets a value of Units. |
setUpdateNeeded(boolean value) | Sets a value indicating whether UpdateNeeded is set or not. |
setVAC(double value) | Sets a value of VAC. |
setWork(Duration value) | Sets a value of Work. |
setWorkContour(int value) | Sets a value of WorkContour. |
setWorkVariance(Duration value) | Sets a value of WorkVariance. |
splitTask(Date start, Date finish, Calendar calendar) | Splits task into two parts. |
timephasedDataFromTaskDuration(Calendar calendar) | Generates list of time phased data based on the task duration and the scheduled start date. |
toString() | Returns short string representation of the instance of the ResourceAssignment class. |
<T>get(Key<T,Byte> key)
public final T <T>get(Key<T,Byte> key)
Returns the value to which the property is mapped in this container.
Parameter | Type | Description |
key | com.aspose.tasks.Key<T,java.lang.Byte> | the specified property key. Asn for getting the property key. |
Returns: T - the value to which the property is mapped in this container.
<T>set(Key<T,Byte> key, T val)
public final void <T>set(Key<T,Byte> key, T val)
Maps the specified property to the specified value in this container.
Parameter | Type | Description |
key | com.aspose.tasks.Key<T,java.lang.Byte> | the specified property key. Asn for getting the property key. |
val | T | the value. |
public final void delete()
Deletes resource assignment from project assignments collection.
equals(ResourceAssignment other)
public final boolean equals(ResourceAssignment other)
Returns a value indicating whether this instance is equal to a specified instance of the ResourceAssignment class.
Parameter | Type | Description |
other | ResourceAssignment | The specified instance of the ResourceAssignment class to compare with this instance. |
Returns: boolean - True if the specified instance of the ResourceAssignment class has the same UID value as this instance; otherwise, false.
equals(Object obj)
public boolean equals(Object obj)
Returns a value indicating whether this instance is equal to a specified object.
Parameter | Type | Description |
obj | java.lang.Object | The object to compare with this instance. |
Returns: boolean - True if o is a ResourceAssignment that assign the same resource and task as this instance; otherwise, false.
public final double getACWP()
Gets a value of ACWP.
Returns: double - a value of ACWP.
public final BigDecimal getActualCost()
Gets a value of ActualCost.
Returns: java.math.BigDecimal - a value of ActualCost.
public final Date getActualFinish()
Gets a value of ActualFinish.
Returns: java.util.Date - a value of ActualFinish.
public final BigDecimal getActualOvertimeCost()
Gets a value of ActualOvertimeCost.
Returns: java.math.BigDecimal - a value of ActualOvertimeCost.
public final Duration getActualOvertimeWork()
Gets a value of ActualOvertimeWork.
Returns: Duration - a value of ActualOvertimeWork.
public final Duration getActualOvertimeWorkProtected()
Gets a value of ActualOvertimeWorkProtected.
Returns: Duration - a value of ActualOvertimeWorkProtected.
public final Date getActualStart()
Gets a value of ActualStart.
Returns: java.util.Date - a value of ActualStart.
public final Duration getActualWork()
Gets a value of ActualWork.
Returns: Duration - a value of ActualWork.
public final Duration getActualWorkProtected()
Gets a value of ActualWorkProtected.
Returns: Duration - a value of ActualWorkProtected.
public final String getAssignmentOwner()
Gets a value of AssignmentOwner.
Returns: java.lang.String - a value of AssignmentOwner.
public final String getAssignmentOwnerGuid()
Gets a value of AssignmentOwnerGuid.
Returns: java.lang.String - a value of AssignmentOwnerGuid.
public final double getBCWP()
Gets a value of BCWP.
Returns: double - a value of BCWP.
public final double getBCWS()
Gets a value of BCWS.
Returns: double - a value of BCWS.
public final AssignmentBaselineCollection getBaselines()
Gets AssignmentBaselineCollection object. The collection of baseline values associated with an assignment.
Returns: AssignmentBaselineCollection - AssignmentBaselineCollection object.
public final int getBookingType()
Gets a value of BookingType.
Returns: int - a value of BookingType.
public final BigDecimal getBudgetCost()
Gets a value of BudgetCost.
Returns: java.math.BigDecimal - a value of BudgetCost.
public final Duration getBudgetWork()
Gets a value of BudgetWork.
Returns: Duration - a value of BudgetWork.
public final double getCV()
Gets a value of CV.
Returns: double - a value of CV.
public final boolean getConfirmed()
Gets a value indicating whether Confirmed is set or not.
Returns: boolean - a value indicating whether Confirmed is set or not.
public final BigDecimal getCost()
Gets a value of Cost.
Returns: java.math.BigDecimal - a value of Cost.
public final int getCostRateTableType()
Gets a value of CostRateTableType.
Returns: int - a value of CostRateTableType.
public final double getCostVariance()
Gets a value of CostVariance.
Returns: double - a value of CostVariance.
public final Date getCreated()
Gets a value of Created.
Returns: java.util.Date - a value of Created.
public final Duration getDelay()
Gets a value of Delay.
Returns: Duration - a value of Delay.
public final ExtendedAttributeCollection getExtendedAttributes()
Gets an instance of the ExtendedAttributeCollection class for this object.
Reading supported for XML format only.
Returns: ExtendedAttributeCollection - an instance of the ExtendedAttributeCollection class for this object.
public final Date getFinish()
Gets a value of Finish.
Returns: java.util.Date - a value of Finish.
public final Duration getFinishVariance()
Gets a value of FinishVariance.
Returns: Duration - a value of FinishVariance.
public final boolean getFixedMaterial()
Gets a value indicating whether FixedMaterial is set or not.
Returns: boolean - a value indicating whether FixedMaterial is set or not.
public final UUID getGuid()
Gets unique identifier for this assignment.
Returns: java.util.UUID - unique identifier for this assignment.
public final String getHyperlink()
Gets a value of Hyperlink.
Returns: java.lang.String - a value of Hyperlink.
public final String getHyperlinkAddress()
Gets a value of HyperlinkAddress.
Returns: java.lang.String - a value of HyperlinkAddress.
public final String getHyperlinkSubAddress()
Gets a value of HyperlinkSubAddress.
Returns: java.lang.String - a value of HyperlinkSubAddress.
public final Iterable<IExtendedAttributeParent> getItems()
Reserved for internal usage.
Returns: java.lang.Iterable<com.aspose.tasks.IExtendedAttributeParent> - {@inheritDoc}
public final Duration getLevelingDelay()
Gets a value of LevelingDelay.
Returns: Duration - a value of LevelingDelay.
public final boolean getLinkedFields()
Gets a value indicating whether LinkedFields is set or not.
Returns: boolean - a value indicating whether LinkedFields is set or not.
public final boolean getMilestone()
Gets a value indicating whether Milestone is set or not.
Returns: boolean - a value indicating whether Milestone is set or not.
public final String getNotesRTF()
Gets the text notes in RTF format.
Supported for MPP formats only.
Returns: java.lang.String - the text notes in RTF format.
public final String getNotesText()
Gets notes’ plain text extracted from RTF data.
Returns: java.lang.String - notes’ plain text extracted from RTF data.
public final boolean getOverallocated()
Gets a value indicating whether Overallocated is set or not.
Returns: boolean - a value indicating whether Overallocated is set or not.
public final BigDecimal getOvertimeCost()
Gets a value of OvertimeCost.
Returns: java.math.BigDecimal - a value of OvertimeCost.
public final Duration getOvertimeWork()
Gets a value of OvertimeWork.
Returns: Duration - a value of OvertimeWork.
public final Project getParentProject()
Gets parent project for this assignment.
Returns: Project - parent project for this assignment.
public final double getPeakUnits()
Gets a value of PeakUnits.
Returns: double - a value of PeakUnits.
public final int getPercentWorkComplete()
Gets a value of PercentWorkComplete.
Returns: int - a value of PercentWorkComplete.
public final int getRateScale()
Gets a value of RateScale.
Returns: int - a value of RateScale.
public final Duration getRegularWork()
Gets a value of RegularWork.
Returns: Duration - a value of RegularWork.
public final BigDecimal getRemainingCost()
Gets a value of RemainingCost.
Returns: java.math.BigDecimal - a value of RemainingCost.
public final BigDecimal getRemainingOvertimeCost()
Gets a value of RemainingOvertimeCost.
Returns: java.math.BigDecimal - a value of RemainingOvertimeCost.
public final Duration getRemainingOvertimeWork()
Gets a value of RemainingOvertimeWork.
Returns: Duration - a value of RemainingOvertimeWork.
public final Duration getRemainingWork()
Gets a value of RemainingWork.
Returns: Duration - a value of RemainingWork.
public final Resource getResource()
The resource assigned to a task.
Returns: Resource - resource assigned to a task.
public final boolean getResponsePending()
Gets a value indicating whether ResponsePending is set or not.
Returns: boolean - a value indicating whether ResponsePending is set or not.
public final Date getResume()
Gets a value of Resume.
Returns: java.util.Date - a value of Resume.
public final double getSV()
Gets a value of SV.
Returns: double - a value of SV.
public final Date getStart()
Gets a value of Start.
Returns: java.util.Date - a value of Start.
public final Duration getStartVariance()
Gets a value of StartVariance.
Returns: Duration - a value of StartVariance.
public final Date getStop()
Gets a value of Stop.
Returns: java.util.Date - a value of Stop.
public final boolean getSummary()
Gets a value indicating whether Summary is set or not.
Returns: boolean - a value indicating whether Summary is set or not.
public final Task getTask()
The task to which a resource is assigned.
Returns: Task - task to which a resource is assigned.
public final TimephasedDataCollection getTimephasedData()
Gets the instance of TimephasedDataCollection class containing elements of TimephasedData
(getTimephasedData()/ setTimephasedData(TimephasedDataCollection)) class.
TimephasedDataCollection - the instance of TimephasedDataCollection class containing elements of TimephasedData
(getTimephasedData()/ setTimephasedData(TimephasedDataCollection)) class.
getTimephasedData(Date start, Date end)
public final TimephasedDataCollection getTimephasedData(Date start, Date end)
Returns TimephasedDataCollection object with the instances of TimephasedData
(getTimephasedData()/ setTimephasedData(TimephasedDataCollection)) class within given start and end dates of TimephasedDataType.AssignmentWork.
Parameter | Type | Description |
start | java.util.Date | The start date for the time phased data. |
end | java.util.Date | The end date for the time phased data. |
Returns: TimephasedDataCollection - returns a list containing instances of TimephasedData class.
getTimephasedData(Date start, Date end, byte timephasedType)
public final TimephasedDataCollection getTimephasedData(Date start, Date end, byte timephasedType)
Returns the instance TimephasedDataCollection class containing instances of TimephasedData
(getTimephasedData()/ setTimephasedData(TimephasedDataCollection)) class within given start and end dates of specified TimephasedDataType.
Parameter | Type | Description |
start | java.util.Date | The start date for the time phased data. |
end | java.util.Date | The end date for the time phased data. |
timephasedType | byte | The type of time phased data (TimephasedDataType). |
Returns: TimephasedDataCollection - returns a list which contains instances of TimephasedData class.
getTimephasedWork(Date start, Date end)
public final double getTimephasedWork(Date start, Date end)
Gets amount of timephased work for the specified date time interval.
Parameter | Type | Description |
start | java.util.Date | Start of the date time interval. |
end | java.util.Date | End of the date time interval. |
Returns: double - amount of timephased work for the specified date time interval.
getTimephasedWork(Date start, Date end, byte timephasedDataType)
public final double getTimephasedWork(Date start, Date end, byte timephasedDataType)
Gets amount of timephased work for the specified date time interval.
Parameter | Type | Description |
start | java.util.Date | Start of the date time interval. |
end | java.util.Date | End of the date time interval. |
timephasedDataType | byte | Type of the timephased data to use. |
Returns: double - amount of timephased work for the specified date time interval.
public final int getUid()
Gets a value of Uid.
Returns: int - a value of Uid.
public final double getUnits()
Gets a value of Units.
Returns: double - a value of Units.
public final boolean getUpdateNeeded()
Gets a value indicating whether UpdateNeeded is set or not.
Returns: boolean - a value indicating whether UpdateNeeded is set or not.
public final double getVAC()
Gets a value of VAC.
Returns: double - a value of VAC.
public final Duration getWork()
Gets a value of Work.
Returns: Duration - a value of Work.
public final int getWorkContour()
Gets a value of WorkContour.
Returns: int - a value of WorkContour.
public final Duration getWorkVariance()
Gets a value of WorkVariance.
Returns: Duration - a value of WorkVariance.
public final boolean hasChildren()
Gets a value indicating that this resource assignment has children.
Returns: boolean - Always false.
public final boolean hasFixedRateUnits()
Gets a value indicating whether HasFixedRateUnits is set or not.
Returns: boolean - a value indicating whether HasFixedRateUnits is set or not.
public int hashCode()
Returns a hash code value for the instance of the ResourceAssignment class.
Returns: int - returns a hash code value for this object.
makeTPs(Date start, double time, Calendar calendar, List<TimephasedData> list, boolean isWorking, int type)
public final Date makeTPs(Date start, double time, Calendar calendar, List<TimephasedData> list, boolean isWorking, int type)
Generates a list of time phased data.
Parameter | Type | Description |
start | java.util.Date | The specified start date. |
time | double | The specified working time. |
calendar | Calendar | The specified working calendar. |
list | java.util.List<com.aspose.tasks.TimephasedData> | The list of time phased data. |
isWorking | boolean | The specified flag which specifies whether time-phased data is working or not. |
type | int | The specified time-phased data type. |
Returns: java.util.Date - A maximum date from list or start date if list is empty.
setACWP(double value)
public final void setACWP(double value)
Sets a value of ACWP.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | double | a value of ACWP. |
setActualCost(BigDecimal value)
public final void setActualCost(BigDecimal value)
Sets a value of ActualCost.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | java.math.BigDecimal | a value of ActualCost. |
setActualFinish(Date value)
public final void setActualFinish(Date value)
Sets a value of ActualFinish.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | java.util.Date | a value of ActualFinish. |
setActualOvertimeCost(BigDecimal value)
public final void setActualOvertimeCost(BigDecimal value)
Sets a value of ActualOvertimeCost.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | java.math.BigDecimal | a value of ActualOvertimeCost. |
setActualOvertimeWork(Duration value)
public final void setActualOvertimeWork(Duration value)
Sets a value of ActualOvertimeWork.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | Duration | a value of ActualOvertimeWork. |
setActualOvertimeWorkProtected(Duration value)
public final void setActualOvertimeWorkProtected(Duration value)
Sets a value of ActualOvertimeWorkProtected.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | Duration | a value of ActualOvertimeWorkProtected. |
setActualStart(Date value)
public final void setActualStart(Date value)
Sets a value of ActualStart.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | java.util.Date | a value of ActualStart. |
setActualWork(Duration value)
public final void setActualWork(Duration value)
Sets a value of ActualWork.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | Duration | a value of ActualWork. |
setActualWorkProtected(Duration value)
public final void setActualWorkProtected(Duration value)
Sets a value of ActualWorkProtected.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | Duration | a value of ActualWorkProtected. |
setAssignmentOwner(String value)
public final void setAssignmentOwner(String value)
Sets a value of AssignmentOwner.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | java.lang.String | a value of AssignmentOwner. |
setAssignmentOwnerGuid(String value)
public final void setAssignmentOwnerGuid(String value)
Sets a value of AssignmentOwnerGuid.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | java.lang.String | a value of AssignmentOwnerGuid. |
setBCWP(double value)
public final void setBCWP(double value)
Sets a value of BCWP.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | double | a value of BCWP. |
setBCWS(double value)
public final void setBCWS(double value)
Sets a value of BCWS.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | double | a value of BCWS. |
setBookingType(int value)
public final void setBookingType(int value)
Sets a value of BookingType.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | int | a value of BookingType. |
setBudgetCost(BigDecimal value)
public final void setBudgetCost(BigDecimal value)
Sets a value of BudgetCost.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | java.math.BigDecimal | a value of BudgetCost. |
setBudgetWork(Duration value)
public final void setBudgetWork(Duration value)
Sets a value of BudgetWork.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | Duration | a value of BudgetWork. |
setCV(double value)
public final void setCV(double value)
Sets a value of CV.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | double | a value of CV. |
setConfirmed(boolean value)
public final void setConfirmed(boolean value)
Sets a value indicating whether Confirmed is set or not.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | boolean | a value indicating whether Confirmed is set or not. |
setCost(BigDecimal value)
public final void setCost(BigDecimal value)
Sets a value of Cost.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | java.math.BigDecimal | a value of Cost. |
setCostRateTableType(int value)
public final void setCostRateTableType(int value)
Sets a value of CostRateTableType.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | int | a value of CostRateTableType. |
setCostVariance(double value)
public final void setCostVariance(double value)
Sets a value of CostVariance.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | double | a value of CostVariance. |
setCreated(Date value)
public final void setCreated(Date value)
Sets a value of Created.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | java.util.Date | a value of Created. |
setDelay(Duration value)
public final void setDelay(Duration value)
Sets a value of Delay.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | Duration | a value of Delay. |
setExtendedAttributes(ExtendedAttributeCollection value)
public final void setExtendedAttributes(ExtendedAttributeCollection value)
Sets an instance of the ExtendedAttributeCollection class for this object.
Reading supported for XML format only.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | ExtendedAttributeCollection | an instance of the ExtendedAttributeCollection class for this object. |
setFinish(Date value)
public final void setFinish(Date value)
Sets a value of Finish.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | java.util.Date | a value of Finish. |
setFinishVariance(Duration value)
public final void setFinishVariance(Duration value)
Sets a value of FinishVariance.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | Duration | a value of FinishVariance. |
setFixedMaterial(boolean value)
public final void setFixedMaterial(boolean value)
Sets a value indicating whether FixedMaterial is set or not.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | boolean | a value indicating whether FixedMaterial is set or not. |
setFixedRateUnits(boolean value)
public final void setFixedRateUnits(boolean value)
Sets a value indicating whether HasFixedRateUnits is set or not.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | boolean | a value indicating whether HasFixedRateUnits is set or not. |
setGuid(UUID value)
public final void setGuid(UUID value)
Sets unique identifier for this assignment.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | java.util.UUID | unique identifier for this assignment. |
setHyperlink(String value)
public final void setHyperlink(String value)
Sets a value of Hyperlink.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | java.lang.String | a value of Hyperlink. |
setHyperlinkAddress(String value)
public final void setHyperlinkAddress(String value)
Sets a value of HyperlinkAddress.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | java.lang.String | a value of HyperlinkAddress. |
setHyperlinkSubAddress(String value)
public final void setHyperlinkSubAddress(String value)
Sets a value of HyperlinkSubAddress.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | java.lang.String | a value of HyperlinkSubAddress. |
setLevelingDelay(Duration value)
public final void setLevelingDelay(Duration value)
Sets a value of LevelingDelay.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | Duration | a value of LevelingDelay. |
setLinkedFields(boolean value)
public final void setLinkedFields(boolean value)
Sets a value indicating whether LinkedFields is set or not.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | boolean | a value indicating whether LinkedFields is set or not. |
setMaterialResourceUnits(double units, int rateScaleType)
public final void setMaterialResourceUnits(double units, int rateScaleType)
Sets units for assignment of a material resource with variable material consumption. The variable material consumption means that as the assignment duration changes, the quantity of materials used changes proportionally.
Parameter | Type | Description |
units | double | Number of units accrued at the time period. |
rateScaleType | int | Time period at which the unit value is accrued. |
For example, to set ‘123/month’, SetUnitsScaled(123D, RateScaleType.Month) should be called. |
setMilestone(boolean value)
public final void setMilestone(boolean value)
Sets a value indicating whether Milestone is set or not.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | boolean | a value indicating whether Milestone is set or not. |
setNotesRTF(String value)
public final void setNotesRTF(String value)
Sets the text notes in RTF format.
Supported for MPP formats only.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | java.lang.String | the text notes in RTF format. |
setNotesText(String value)
public final void setNotesText(String value)
Sets notes’ plain text extracted from RTF data.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | java.lang.String | notes’ plain text extracted from RTF data. |
setOverallocated(boolean value)
public final void setOverallocated(boolean value)
Sets a value indicating whether Overallocated is set or not.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | boolean | a value indicating whether Overallocated is set or not. |
setOvertimeCost(BigDecimal value)
public final void setOvertimeCost(BigDecimal value)
Sets a value of OvertimeCost.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | java.math.BigDecimal | a value of OvertimeCost. |
setOvertimeWork(Duration value)
public final void setOvertimeWork(Duration value)
Sets a value of OvertimeWork.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | Duration | a value of OvertimeWork. |
setPeakUnits(double value)
public final void setPeakUnits(double value)
Sets a value of PeakUnits.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | double | a value of PeakUnits. |
setPercentWorkComplete(int value)
public final void setPercentWorkComplete(int value)
Sets a value of PercentWorkComplete.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | int | a value of PercentWorkComplete. |
setRateScale(int value)
public final void setRateScale(int value)
Sets a value of RateScale.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | int | a value of RateScale. |
setRegularWork(Duration value)
public final void setRegularWork(Duration value)
Sets a value of RegularWork.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | Duration | a value of RegularWork. |
setRemainingCost(BigDecimal value)
public final void setRemainingCost(BigDecimal value)
Sets a value of RemainingCost.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | java.math.BigDecimal | a value of RemainingCost. |
setRemainingOvertimeCost(BigDecimal value)
public final void setRemainingOvertimeCost(BigDecimal value)
Sets a value of RemainingOvertimeCost.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | java.math.BigDecimal | a value of RemainingOvertimeCost. |
setRemainingOvertimeWork(Duration value)
public final void setRemainingOvertimeWork(Duration value)
Sets a value of RemainingOvertimeWork.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | Duration | a value of RemainingOvertimeWork. |
setRemainingWork(Duration value)
public final void setRemainingWork(Duration value)
Sets a value of RemainingWork.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | Duration | a value of RemainingWork. |
setResource(Resource value)
public final void setResource(Resource value)
The resource assigned to a task.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | Resource | the resource assigned to a task. |
setResponsePending(boolean value)
public final void setResponsePending(boolean value)
Sets a value indicating whether ResponsePending is set or not.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | boolean | a value indicating whether ResponsePending is set or not. |
setResume(Date value)
public final void setResume(Date value)
Sets a value of Resume.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | java.util.Date | a value of Resume. |
setSV(double value)
public final void setSV(double value)
Sets a value of SV.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | double | a value of SV. |
setStart(Date value)
public final void setStart(Date value)
Sets a value of Start.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | java.util.Date | a value of Start. |
setStartVariance(Duration value)
public final void setStartVariance(Duration value)
Sets a value of StartVariance.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | Duration | a value of StartVariance. |
setStop(Date value)
public final void setStop(Date value)
Sets a value of Stop.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | java.util.Date | a value of Stop. |
setSummary(boolean value)
public final void setSummary(boolean value)
Sets a value indicating whether Summary is set or not.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | boolean | a value indicating whether Summary is set or not. |
setTask(Task value)
public final void setTask(Task value)
The task to which a resource is assigned.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | Task | the task to which a resource is assigned. |
setTimephasedData(TimephasedDataCollection value)
public final void setTimephasedData(TimephasedDataCollection value)
Sets the instance of TimephasedDataCollection class containing elements of TimephasedData
(getTimephasedData()/ setTimephasedData(TimephasedDataCollection)) class.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | TimephasedDataCollection | the instance of TimephasedDataCollection class containing elements of TimephasedData (getTimephasedData()/ setTimephasedData(TimephasedDataCollection)) class. |
setUid(int value)
public final void setUid(int value)
Sets a value of Uid.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | int | a value of Uid. |
setUnits(double value)
public final void setUnits(double value)
Sets a value of Units.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | double | a value of Units. |
setUpdateNeeded(boolean value)
public final void setUpdateNeeded(boolean value)
Sets a value indicating whether UpdateNeeded is set or not.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | boolean | a value indicating whether UpdateNeeded is set or not. |
setVAC(double value)
public final void setVAC(double value)
Sets a value of VAC.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | double | a value of VAC. |
setWork(Duration value)
public final void setWork(Duration value)
Sets a value of Work.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | Duration | a value of Work. |
setWorkContour(int value)
public final void setWorkContour(int value)
Sets a value of WorkContour.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | int | a value of WorkContour. |
setWorkVariance(Duration value)
public final void setWorkVariance(Duration value)
Sets a value of WorkVariance.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | Duration | a value of WorkVariance. |
splitTask(Date start, Date finish, Calendar calendar)
public final void splitTask(Date start, Date finish, Calendar calendar)
Splits task into two parts.
Parameter | Type | Description |
start | java.util.Date | The beginning of work interruption to split based on. |
finish | java.util.Date | The end of work interruption to split based on. |
calendar | Calendar | The calendar to split based on. |
timephasedDataFromTaskDuration(Calendar calendar)
public final void timephasedDataFromTaskDuration(Calendar calendar)
Generates list of time phased data based on the task duration and the scheduled start date.
Parameter | Type | Description |
calendar | Calendar | The calendar to generate time phased data from. |
public String toString()
Returns short string representation of the instance of the ResourceAssignment class. The exact details of the representation are unspecified and subject to change.
Returns: java.lang.String - short string which represents assignment object.