
Inheritance: java.lang.Object

public class FieldOptions

Represents options to control field handling in a document.

To learn more, visit the Working with Fields documentation article.


getBarcodeGenerator()Gets or set custom barcode generator.
getBibliographyStylesProvider()Gets a provider that returns a bibliography style for the FieldBibliography and FieldCitation fields.
getBuiltInTemplatesPaths()Gets paths of MS Word built-in templates.
getComparisonExpressionEvaluator()Gets the field comparison expressions evaluator.
getCurrentUser()Gets the current user information.
getCustomTocStyleSeparator()Gets custom style separator for the \t switch in FieldToc field.
getDefaultDocumentAuthor()Gets default document author’s name.
getFieldDatabaseProvider()Gets a provider that returns a query result for the FieldDatabase field.
getFieldIndexFormat()Gets a getFieldIndexFormat() / setFieldIndexFormat(int) that represents the formatting for the FieldIndex fields in the document.
getFieldUpdateCultureProvider()Gets a provider that returns a culture object specific for each particular field.
getFieldUpdateCultureSource()Specifies what culture to use to format the field result.
getFieldUpdatingCallback()Gets IFieldUpdatingCallback implementation
getFieldUpdatingProgressCallback()Gets IFieldUpdatingProgressCallback implementation.
getFileName()Gets the file name of the document.
getLegacyNumberFormat()Gets the value indicating whether legacy (early than AW 13.10) number format for fields is enabled or not.
getPreProcessCulture()Gets the culture to preprocess field values.
getResultFormatter()Allows to control how the field result is formatted.
getTemplateName()Gets the file name of the template used by the document.
getToaCategories()Gets the table of authorities categories.
getUseInvariantCultureNumberFormat()Gets the value indicating that number format is parsed using invariant culture or not
getUserPromptRespondent()Gets the respondent to user prompts during field update.
isBidiTextSupportedOnUpdate()Gets the value indicating whether bidirectional text is fully supported during field update or not.
isBidiTextSupportedOnUpdate(boolean value)Sets the value indicating whether bidirectional text is fully supported during field update or not.
setBarcodeGenerator(IBarcodeGenerator value)Gets or set custom barcode generator.
setBibliographyStylesProvider(IBibliographyStylesProvider value)Sets a provider that returns a bibliography style for the FieldBibliography and FieldCitation fields.
setBuiltInTemplatesPaths(String[] value)Sets paths of MS Word built-in templates.
setComparisonExpressionEvaluator(IComparisonExpressionEvaluator value)Sets the field comparison expressions evaluator.
setCurrentUser(UserInformation value)Sets the current user information.
setCustomTocStyleSeparator(String value)Sets custom style separator for the \t switch in FieldToc field.
setDefaultDocumentAuthor(String value)Sets default document author’s name.
setFieldDatabaseProvider(IFieldDatabaseProvider value)Sets a provider that returns a query result for the FieldDatabase field.
setFieldIndexFormat(int value)Sets a getFieldIndexFormat() / setFieldIndexFormat(int) that represents the formatting for the FieldIndex fields in the document.
setFieldUpdateCultureProvider(IFieldUpdateCultureProvider value)Sets a provider that returns a culture object specific for each particular field.
setFieldUpdateCultureSource(int value)Specifies what culture to use to format the field result.
setFieldUpdatingCallback(IFieldUpdatingCallback value)Sets IFieldUpdatingCallback implementation
setFieldUpdatingProgressCallback(IFieldUpdatingProgressCallback value)Sets IFieldUpdatingProgressCallback implementation.
setFileName(String value)Sets the file name of the document.
setLegacyNumberFormat(boolean value)Sets the value indicating whether legacy (early than AW 13.10) number format for fields is enabled or not.
setPreProcessCulture(System.Globalization.CultureInfo value)Sets the culture to preprocess field values.
setResultFormatter(IFieldResultFormatter value)Allows to control how the field result is formatted.
setTemplateName(String value)Sets the file name of the template used by the document.
setToaCategories(ToaCategories value)Sets the table of authorities categories.
setUseInvariantCultureNumberFormat(boolean value)Sets the value indicating that number format is parsed using invariant culture or not
setUserPromptRespondent(IFieldUserPromptRespondent value)Sets the respondent to user prompts during field update.


public IBarcodeGenerator getBarcodeGenerator()

Gets or set custom barcode generator.


Custom barcode generator should implement public interface IBarcodeGenerator.


Shows how to use a barcode generator.

 Document doc = new Document();
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
 // We can use a custom IBarcodeGenerator implementation to generate barcodes,
 // and then insert them into the document as images.
 doc.getFieldOptions().setBarcodeGenerator(new CustomBarcodeGenerator());

 // Below are four examples of different barcode types that we can create using our generator.
 // For each barcode, we specify a new set of barcode parameters, and then generate the image.
 // Afterwards, we can insert the image into the document, or save it to the local file system.
 // 1 -  QR code:
 BarcodeParameters barcodeParameters = new BarcodeParameters();

 BufferedImage img = doc.getFieldOptions().getBarcodeGenerator().getBarcodeImage(barcodeParameters);
 ImageIO.write(img, "jpg", new File(getArtifactsDir() + "FieldOptions.BarcodeGenerator.QR.jpg"));


 // 2 -  EAN13 barcode:
 barcodeParameters = new BarcodeParameters();

 img = doc.getFieldOptions().getBarcodeGenerator().getBarcodeImage(barcodeParameters);
 ImageIO.write(img, "jpg", new File(getArtifactsDir() + "FieldOptions.BarcodeGenerator.EAN13.jpg"));

 // 3 -  CODE39 barcode:
 barcodeParameters = new BarcodeParameters();

 img = doc.getFieldOptions().getBarcodeGenerator().getBarcodeImage(barcodeParameters);
 ImageIO.write(img, "jpg", new File(getArtifactsDir() + "FieldOptions.BarcodeGenerator.CODE39.jpg"));

 // 4 -  ITF14 barcode:
 barcodeParameters = new BarcodeParameters();

 img = doc.getFieldOptions().getBarcodeGenerator().getBarcodeImage(barcodeParameters);
 ImageIO.write(img, "jpg", new File(getArtifactsDir() + "FieldOptions.BarcodeGenerator.ITF14.jpg"));
 builder.insertImage(img); + "FieldOptions.BarcodeGenerator.docx");

Returns: IBarcodeGenerator - Or set custom barcode generator.


public IBibliographyStylesProvider getBibliographyStylesProvider()

Gets a provider that returns a bibliography style for the FieldBibliography and FieldCitation fields.


Shows how to override built-in styles or provide custom one.

 public void changeBibliographyStyles() throws Exception
     Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "Bibliography.docx");

     // If the document already has a style you can change it with the following code:
     // doc.Bibliography.BibliographyStyle = "Bibliography custom style.xsl";

     doc.getFieldOptions().setBibliographyStylesProvider(new BibliographyStylesProvider());
     doc.updateFields(); + "Field.ChangeBibliographyStyles.docx");

 public static class BibliographyStylesProvider implements IBibliographyStylesProvider
     public FileInputStream getStyle(String styleFileName) throws Exception
         return new FileInputStream(getMyDir() + "Bibliography custom style.xsl");

Returns: IBibliographyStylesProvider - A provider that returns a bibliography style for the FieldBibliography and FieldCitation fields.


public String[] getBuiltInTemplatesPaths()

Gets paths of MS Word built-in templates.


This property is used by the FieldAutoText and FieldGlossary fields, if referenced auto text entry is not found in the Document.getAttachedTemplate() / Document.setAttachedTemplate(java.lang.String) template.

By default MS Word stores built-in templates in c:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Document Building Blocks\1033\16\Built-In Building Blocks.dotx and C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Templates\Normal.dotm files.


Shows how to display a building block with AUTOTEXT and GLOSSARY fields.

 Document doc = new Document();

 // Create a glossary document and add an AutoText building block to it.
 doc.setGlossaryDocument(new GlossaryDocument());
 BuildingBlock buildingBlock = new BuildingBlock(doc.getGlossaryDocument());
 buildingBlock.setDescription("MyBlock description");

 // Create a source and add it as text to our building block.
 Document buildingBlockSource = new Document();
 DocumentBuilder buildingBlockSourceBuilder = new DocumentBuilder(buildingBlockSource);
 buildingBlockSourceBuilder.writeln("Hello World!");

 Node buildingBlockContent = doc.getGlossaryDocument().importNode(buildingBlockSource.getFirstSection(), true);

 // Set a file which contains parts that our document, or its attached template may not contain.
 doc.getFieldOptions().setBuiltInTemplatesPaths(new String[]{getMyDir() + "Busniess brochure.dotx"});

 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

 // Below are two ways to use fields to display the contents of our building block.
 // 1 -  Using an AUTOTEXT field:
 FieldAutoText fieldAutoText = (FieldAutoText) builder.insertField(FieldType.FIELD_AUTO_TEXT, true);

 Assert.assertEquals(" AUTOTEXT  MyBlock", fieldAutoText.getFieldCode());

 // 2 -  Using a GLOSSARY field:
 FieldGlossary fieldGlossary = (FieldGlossary) builder.insertField(FieldType.FIELD_GLOSSARY, true);

 Assert.assertEquals(fieldGlossary.getFieldCode(), " GLOSSARY  MyBlock");

 doc.updateFields(); + "Field.AUTOTEXT.GLOSSARY.dotx");

Returns: java.lang.String[] - Paths of MS Word built-in templates.


public IComparisonExpressionEvaluator getComparisonExpressionEvaluator()

Gets the field comparison expressions evaluator.


Shows how to implement custom evaluation for the IF and COMPARE fields.

 public void conditionEvaluationExtensionPoint(String fieldCode, byte comparisonResult, String comparisonError,
                                               String expectedResult) throws Exception {
     final String LEFT = "\"left expression\"";
     final String _OPERATOR = "<>";
     final String RIGHT = "\"right expression\"";

     DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder();

     // Field codes that we use in this example:
     // 1.   " IF %s %s %s \"true argument\" \"false argument\" ".
     // 2.   " COMPARE %s %s %s ".
     Field field = builder.insertField(String.format(fieldCode, LEFT, _OPERATOR, RIGHT), null);

     // If the "comparisonResult" is undefined, we create "ComparisonEvaluationResult" with string, instead of bool.
     ComparisonEvaluationResult result = comparisonResult != -1
             ? new ComparisonEvaluationResult(comparisonResult == 1)
             : comparisonError != null ? new ComparisonEvaluationResult(comparisonError) : null;

     ComparisonExpressionEvaluator evaluator = new ComparisonExpressionEvaluator(result);


     Assert.assertEquals(expectedResult, field.getResult());
     evaluator.assertInvocationsCount(1).assertInvocationArguments(0, LEFT, _OPERATOR, RIGHT);

 public static Object[][] conditionEvaluationExtensionPointDataProvider() {
     return new Object[][]
                     {" IF %s %s %s \"true argument\" \"false argument\" ", (byte) 1, null, "true argument"},
                     {" IF %s %s %s \"true argument\" \"false argument\" ", (byte) 0, null, "false argument"},
                     {" IF %s %s %s \"true argument\" \"false argument\" ", (byte) -1, "Custom Error", "Custom Error"},
                     {" IF %s %s %s \"true argument\" \"false argument\" ", (byte) -1, null, "true argument"},
                     {" COMPARE %s %s %s ", (byte) 1, null, "1"},
                     {" COMPARE %s %s %s ", (byte) 0, null, "0"},
                     {" COMPARE %s %s %s ", (byte) -1, "Custom Error", "Custom Error"},
                     {" COMPARE %s %s %s ", (byte) -1, null, "1"},

 /// Comparison expressions evaluation for the FieldIf and FieldCompare.
 private static class ComparisonExpressionEvaluator implements IComparisonExpressionEvaluator {
     public ComparisonExpressionEvaluator(ComparisonEvaluationResult result) {
         mResult = result;

     public ComparisonEvaluationResult evaluate(Field field, ComparisonExpression expression) {
         mInvocations.add(new String[]

         return mResult;

     public ComparisonExpressionEvaluator assertInvocationsCount(int expected) {
         Assert.assertEquals(expected, mInvocations.size());
         return this;

     public ComparisonExpressionEvaluator assertInvocationArguments(
             int invocationIndex,
             String expectedLeftExpression,
             String expectedComparisonOperator,
             String expectedRightExpression) {
         String[] arguments = mInvocations.get(invocationIndex);

         Assert.assertEquals(expectedLeftExpression, arguments[0]);
         Assert.assertEquals(expectedComparisonOperator, arguments[1]);
         Assert.assertEquals(expectedRightExpression, arguments[2]);

         return this;

     private final ComparisonEvaluationResult mResult;
     private final ArrayList mInvocations = new ArrayList<>();

Returns: IComparisonExpressionEvaluator - The field comparison expressions evaluator.


public UserInformation getCurrentUser()

Gets the current user information.


Shows how to set user details, and display them using fields.

 Document doc = new Document();
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

 // Create a UserInformation object and set it as the data source for fields that display user information.
 UserInformation userInformation = new UserInformation();
 userInformation.setName("John Doe");
 userInformation.setInitials("J. D.");
 userInformation.setAddress("123 Main Street");

 // Insert USERNAME, USERINITIALS, and USERADDRESS fields, which display values of
 // the respective properties of the UserInformation object that we have created above.
 Assert.assertEquals(userInformation.getName(), builder.insertField(" USERNAME ").getResult());
 Assert.assertEquals(userInformation.getInitials(), builder.insertField(" USERINITIALS ").getResult());
 Assert.assertEquals(userInformation.getAddress(), builder.insertField(" USERADDRESS ").getResult());

 // The field options object also has a static default user that fields from all documents can refer to.
 UserInformation.getDefaultUser().setName("Default User");
 UserInformation.getDefaultUser().setInitials("D. U.");
 UserInformation.getDefaultUser().setAddress("One Microsoft Way");

 Assert.assertEquals("Default User", builder.insertField(" USERNAME ").getResult());
 Assert.assertEquals("D. U.", builder.insertField(" USERINITIALS ").getResult());
 Assert.assertEquals("One Microsoft Way", builder.insertField(" USERADDRESS ").getResult());

 doc.updateFields(); + "FieldOptions.CurrentUser.docx");

Returns: UserInformation - The current user information.


public String getCustomTocStyleSeparator()

Gets custom style separator for the \t switch in FieldToc field.


By default, custom styles defined by the \t switch in the FieldToc field are separated by a delimiter taken from the current culture. This property overrides that behaviour by specifying a user defined delimiter.


Shows how to insert a TOC, and populate it with entries based on heading styles.

 public void fieldToc() throws Exception {
     Document doc = new Document();
     DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);


     // Insert a TOC field, which will compile all headings into a table of contents.
     // For each heading, this field will create a line with the text in that heading style to the left,
     // and the page the heading appears on to the right.
     FieldToc field = (FieldToc) builder.insertField(FieldType.FIELD_TOC, true);

     // Use the BookmarkName property to only list headings
     // that appear within the bounds of a bookmark with the "MyBookmark" name.

     // Text with a built-in heading style, such as "Heading 1", applied to it will count as a heading.
     // We can name additional styles to be picked up as headings by the TOC in this property and their TOC levels.
     field.setCustomStyles("Quote; 6; Intense Quote; 7");

     // By default, Styles/TOC levels are separated in the CustomStyles property by a comma,
     // but we can set a custom delimiter in this property.

     // Configure the field to exclude any headings that have TOC levels outside of this range.

     // The TOC will not display the page numbers of headings whose TOC levels are within this range.

     // Set a custom string that will separate every heading from its page number.

     insertNewPageWithHeading(builder, "First entry", "Heading 1");
     builder.writeln("Paragraph text.");
     insertNewPageWithHeading(builder, "Second entry", "Heading 1");
     insertNewPageWithHeading(builder, "Third entry", "Quote");
     insertNewPageWithHeading(builder, "Fourth entry", "Intense Quote");

     // These two headings will have the page numbers omitted because they are within the "2-5" range.
     insertNewPageWithHeading(builder, "Fifth entry", "Heading 2");
     insertNewPageWithHeading(builder, "Sixth entry", "Heading 3");

     // This entry does not appear because "Heading 4" is outside of the "1-3" range that we have set earlier.
     insertNewPageWithHeading(builder, "Seventh entry", "Heading 4");

     builder.writeln("Paragraph text.");

     // This entry does not appear because it is outside the bookmark specified by the TOC.
     insertNewPageWithHeading(builder, "Eighth entry", "Heading 1");

     Assert.assertEquals(" TOC  \\b MyBookmark \\t \"Quote; 6; Intense Quote; 7\" \\o 1-3 \\n 2-5 \\p - \\h \\x \\w", field.getFieldCode());

     doc.updateFields(); + "Field.TOC.docx");

 /// Start a new page and insert a paragraph of a specified style.
 public void insertNewPageWithHeading(final DocumentBuilder builder, final String captionText, final String styleName) {
     String originalStyle = builder.getParagraphFormat().getStyleName();

Returns: java.lang.String - Custom style separator for the \t switch in FieldToc field.


public String getDefaultDocumentAuthor()

Gets default document author’s name. If author’s name is already specified in built-in document properties, this option is not considered.


Shows how to use an AUTHOR field to display a document creator’s name.

 Document doc = new Document();
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

 // AUTHOR fields source their results from the built-in document property called "Author".
 // If we create and save a document in Microsoft Word,
 // it will have our username in that property.
 // However, if we create a document programmatically using Aspose.Words,
 // the "Author" property, by default, will be an empty string.
 Assert.assertEquals("", doc.getBuiltInDocumentProperties().getAuthor());

 // Set a backup author name for AUTHOR fields to use
 // if the "Author" property contains an empty string.
 doc.getFieldOptions().setDefaultDocumentAuthor("Joe Bloggs");

 builder.write("This document was created by ");
 FieldAuthor field = (FieldAuthor) builder.insertField(FieldType.FIELD_AUTHOR, true);

 Assert.assertEquals(" AUTHOR ", field.getFieldCode());
 Assert.assertEquals("Joe Bloggs", field.getResult());

 // Updating an AUTHOR field that contains a value
 // will apply that value to the "Author" built-in property.
 Assert.assertEquals("Joe Bloggs", doc.getBuiltInDocumentProperties().getAuthor());

 // Changing this property, then updating the AUTHOR field will apply this value to the field.
 doc.getBuiltInDocumentProperties().setAuthor("John Doe");

 Assert.assertEquals(" AUTHOR ", field.getFieldCode());
 Assert.assertEquals("John Doe", field.getResult());

 // If we update an AUTHOR field after changing its "Name" property,
 // then the field will display the new name and apply the new name to the built-in property.
 field.setAuthorName("Jane Doe");

 Assert.assertEquals(field.getFieldCode(), " AUTHOR  \"Jane Doe\"");
 Assert.assertEquals(field.getResult(), "Jane Doe");

 // AUTHOR fields do not affect the DefaultDocumentAuthor property.
 Assert.assertEquals("Jane Doe", doc.getBuiltInDocumentProperties().getAuthor());
 Assert.assertEquals("Joe Bloggs", doc.getFieldOptions().getDefaultDocumentAuthor()); + "Field.AUTHOR.docx");

Returns: java.lang.String - Default document author’s name.


public IFieldDatabaseProvider getFieldDatabaseProvider()

Gets a provider that returns a query result for the FieldDatabase field.


Shows how to extract data from a database and insert it as a field into a document.

 Document doc = new Document();
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

 // This DATABASE field will run a query on a database, and display the result in a table.
 FieldDatabase field = (FieldDatabase) builder.insertField(FieldType.FIELD_DATABASE, true);
 field.setFileName(getDatabaseDir() + "Northwind.accdb");
 field.setConnection("DSN=MS Access Databases");
 field.setQuery("SELECT * FROM [Products]");

 Assert.assertEquals(MessageFormat.format(" DATABASE  \\d {0} \\c \"DSN=MS Access Databases\" \\s \"SELECT * FROM [Products]\"", getDatabaseDir().replace("\\", "\\\\") + "Northwind.accdb"),

 // Insert another DATABASE field with a more complex query that sorts all products in descending order by gross sales.
 field = (FieldDatabase) builder.insertField(FieldType.FIELD_DATABASE, true);
 field.setFileName(getMyDir() + "Database\\Northwind.accdb");
 field.setConnection("DSN=MS Access Databases");
 field.setQuery("SELECT [Products].ProductName, FORMAT(SUM([Order Details].UnitPrice * (1 - [Order Details].Discount) * [Order Details].Quantity), 'Currency') AS GrossSales " +
         "FROM([Products] " +
         "LEFT JOIN[Order Details] ON[Products].[ProductID] = [Order Details].[ProductID]) " +
         "GROUP BY[Products].ProductName " +
         "ORDER BY SUM([Order Details].UnitPrice* (1 - [Order Details].Discount) * [Order Details].Quantity) DESC");

 // These properties have the same function as LIMIT and TOP clauses.
 // Configure them to display only rows 1 to 10 of the query result in the field's table.

 // This property is the index of the format we want to use for our table. The list of table formats is in the "Table AutoFormat..." menu
 // that shows up when we create a DATABASE field in Microsoft Word. Index #10 corresponds to the "Colorful 3" format.

 // The FormatAttribute property is a string representation of an integer which stores multiple flags.
 // We can patrially apply the format which the TableFormat property points to by setting different flags in this property.
 // The number we use is the sum of a combination of values corresponding to different aspects of the table style.
 // 63 represents 1 (borders) + 2 (shading) + 4 (font) + 8 (color) + 16 (autofit) + 32 (heading rows).

 doc.updateFields(); + "Field.DATABASE.docx");

Returns: IFieldDatabaseProvider - A provider that returns a query result for the FieldDatabase field.


public int getFieldIndexFormat()

Gets a getFieldIndexFormat() / setFieldIndexFormat(int) that represents the formatting for the FieldIndex fields in the document.


Shows how to formatting FieldIndex fields.

 Document doc = new Document();
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
 builder.insertField("XE \"A\"");

 builder.insertField(" INDEX \\e \" � \" \\h \"A\" \\c \"2\" \\z \"1033\"", null);

 doc.updateFields(); + "Field.SetFieldIndexFormat.docx");

Returns: int - A getFieldIndexFormat() / setFieldIndexFormat(int) that represents the formatting for the FieldIndex fields in the document. The returned value is one of FieldIndexFormat constants.


public IFieldUpdateCultureProvider getFieldUpdateCultureProvider()

Gets a provider that returns a culture object specific for each particular field.


The provider is requested when the value of getFieldUpdateCultureSource() / setFieldUpdateCultureSource(int) is FieldUpdateCultureSource.FIELD_CODE.

If the provider is present, then the culture object it returns is used for the field update. Otherwise, a system culture is used.


Shows how to specify a culture which parses date/time formatting for each field.

 public void defineDateTimeFormatting() throws Exception {
     Document doc = new Document();
     DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

     builder.insertField(FieldType.FIELD_TIME, true);


     // Set a provider that returns a culture object specific to each field.
     doc.getFieldOptions().setFieldUpdateCultureProvider(new FieldUpdateCultureProvider());

     FieldTime fieldDate = (FieldTime) doc.getRange().getFields().get(0);
     if (fieldDate.getLocaleId() != EditingLanguage.RUSSIAN)
         fieldDate.setLocaleId(EditingLanguage.RUSSIAN); + "FieldOptions.UpdateDateTimeFormatting.pdf");

 /// Provides a CultureInfo object that should be used during the update of a particular field.
 private static class FieldUpdateCultureProvider implements IFieldUpdateCultureProvider {
     /// Returns a CultureInfo object to be used during the field's update.
     public CultureInfo getCulture(String name, Field field) {
         switch (name) {
             case "ru-RU":
                 CultureInfo culture = new CultureInfo(new Locale(name));
                 DateTimeFormatInfo format = culture.getDateTimeFormat();

                 format.setMonthNames(new String[]{"\u043c\u0435\u0441\u044f\u0446 1", "\u043c\u0435\u0441\u044f\u0446 2", "\u043c\u0435\u0441\u044f\u0446 3", "\u043c\u0435\u0441\u044f\u0446 4", "\u043c\u0435\u0441\u044f\u0446 5", "\u043c\u0435\u0441\u044f\u0446 6", "\u043c\u0435\u0441\u044f\u0446 7", "\u043c\u0435\u0441\u044f\u0446 8", "\u043c\u0435\u0441\u044f\u0446 9", "\u043c\u0435\u0441\u044f\u0446 10", "\u043c\u0435\u0441\u044f\u0446 11", "\u043c\u0435\u0441\u044f\u0446 12", ""});
                 format.setAbbreviatedMonthNames(new String[]{"\u043c\u0435\u0441 1", "\u043c\u0435\u0441 2", "\u043c\u0435\u0441 3", "\u043c\u0435\u0441 4", "\u043c\u0435\u0441 5", "\u043c\u0435\u0441 6", "\u043c\u0435\u0441 7", "\u043c\u0435\u0441 8", "\u043c\u0435\u0441 9", "\u043c\u0435\u0441 10", "\u043c\u0435\u0441 11", "\u043c\u0435\u0441 12", ""});

                 format.setDayNames(new String[]{"\u0434\u0435\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0435\u0434\u0435\u043b\u0438 7", "\u0434\u0435\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0435\u0434\u0435\u043b\u0438 1", "\u0434\u0435\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0435\u0434\u0435\u043b\u0438 2", "\u0434\u0435\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0435\u0434\u0435\u043b\u0438 3", "\u0434\u0435\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0435\u0434\u0435\u043b\u0438 4", "\u0434\u0435\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0435\u0434\u0435\u043b\u0438 5", "\u0434\u0435\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0435\u0434\u0435\u043b\u0438 6"});
                 format.setAbbreviatedDayNames(new String[]{"\u0434\u0435\u043d\u044c 7", "\u0434\u0435\u043d\u044c 1", "\u0434\u0435\u043d\u044c 2", "\u0434\u0435\u043d\u044c 3", "\u0434\u0435\u043d\u044c 4", "\u0434\u0435\u043d\u044c 5", "\u0434\u0435\u043d\u044c 6"});
                 format.setShortestDayNames(new String[]{"\u04347", "\u04341", "\u04342", "\u04343", "\u04344", "\u04345", "\u04346"});

                 format.setAMDesignator("\u0414\u043e \u043f\u043e\u043b\u0443\u0434\u043d\u044f");
                 format.setPMDesignator("\u041f\u043e\u0441\u043b\u0435 \u043f\u043e\u043b\u0443\u0434\u043d\u044f");

                 final String PATTERN = "yyyy MM (MMMM) dd (dddd) hh:mm:ss tt";

                 return culture;
             case "en-US":
                 return new CultureInfo(new Locale(name));
                 return null;

Returns: IFieldUpdateCultureProvider - A provider that returns a culture object specific for each particular field.


public int getFieldUpdateCultureSource()

Specifies what culture to use to format the field result.


By default, the culture of the current thread is used.

The setting affects only date/time fields with \\@ format switch.

Returns: int - The corresponding int value. The returned value is one of FieldUpdateCultureSource constants.


public IFieldUpdatingCallback getFieldUpdatingCallback()

Gets IFieldUpdatingCallback implementation


Shows how to use callback methods during a field update.

 public void fieldUpdatingCallbackTest() throws Exception
     Document doc = new Document();
     DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

     builder.insertField(" DATE \\@ \"dddd, d MMMM yyyy\" ");
     builder.insertField(" TIME ");
     builder.insertField(" REVNUM ");
     builder.insertField(" AUTHOR  \"John Doe\" ");
     builder.insertField(" SUBJECT \"My Subject\" ");
     builder.insertField(" QUOTE \"Hello world!\" ");

     FieldUpdatingCallback callback = new FieldUpdatingCallback();


     Assert.assertTrue(callback.getFieldUpdatedCalls().contains("Updating John Doe"));

 /// Implement this interface if you want to have your own custom methods called during a field update.
 public static class FieldUpdatingCallback implements IFieldUpdatingCallback
     public FieldUpdatingCallback()
         mFieldUpdatedCalls = new ArrayList();

     /// A user defined method that is called just before a field is updated.
     public void fieldUpdating(Field field) {
         if (field.getType() == FieldType.FIELD_AUTHOR)
             FieldAuthor fieldAuthor = (FieldAuthor) field;
             try {
                 fieldAuthor.setAuthorName("Updating John Doe");
             } catch (Exception e) {

     /// A user defined method that is called just after a field is updated.
     public void fieldUpdated(Field field)

     public ArrayList getFieldUpdatedCalls() { return mFieldUpdatedCalls; };

     private ArrayList mFieldUpdatedCalls;

Returns: IFieldUpdatingCallback - IFieldUpdatingCallback implementation


public IFieldUpdatingProgressCallback getFieldUpdatingProgressCallback()

Gets IFieldUpdatingProgressCallback implementation.


Shows how to use callback methods during a field update.

 public void fieldUpdatingCallbackTest() throws Exception
     Document doc = new Document();
     DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

     builder.insertField(" DATE \\@ \"dddd, d MMMM yyyy\" ");
     builder.insertField(" TIME ");
     builder.insertField(" REVNUM ");
     builder.insertField(" AUTHOR  \"John Doe\" ");
     builder.insertField(" SUBJECT \"My Subject\" ");
     builder.insertField(" QUOTE \"Hello world!\" ");

     FieldUpdatingCallback callback = new FieldUpdatingCallback();


     Assert.assertTrue(callback.getFieldUpdatedCalls().contains("Updating John Doe"));

 /// Implement this interface if you want to have your own custom methods called during a field update.
 public static class FieldUpdatingCallback implements IFieldUpdatingCallback
     public FieldUpdatingCallback()
         mFieldUpdatedCalls = new ArrayList();

     /// A user defined method that is called just before a field is updated.
     public void fieldUpdating(Field field) {
         if (field.getType() == FieldType.FIELD_AUTHOR)
             FieldAuthor fieldAuthor = (FieldAuthor) field;
             try {
                 fieldAuthor.setAuthorName("Updating John Doe");
             } catch (Exception e) {

     /// A user defined method that is called just after a field is updated.
     public void fieldUpdated(Field field)

     public ArrayList getFieldUpdatedCalls() { return mFieldUpdatedCalls; };

     private ArrayList mFieldUpdatedCalls;

Returns: IFieldUpdatingProgressCallback - IFieldUpdatingProgressCallback implementation.


public String getFileName()

Gets the file name of the document.


This property is used by the FieldFileName field with higher priority than the Document.getOriginalFileName() property.


Shows how to use FieldOptions to override the default value for the FILENAME field.

 Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "Document.docx");
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);


 // This FILENAME field will display the local system file name of the document we loaded.
 FieldFileName field = (FieldFileName) builder.insertField(FieldType.FIELD_FILE_NAME, true);

 Assert.assertEquals(" FILENAME ", field.getFieldCode());
 Assert.assertEquals("Document.docx", field.getResult());


 // By default, the FILENAME field shows the file's name, but not its full local file system path.
 // We can set a flag to make it show the full file path.
 field = (FieldFileName) builder.insertField(FieldType.FIELD_FILE_NAME, true);

 Assert.assertEquals(getMyDir() + "Document.docx", field.getResult());

 // We can also set a value for this property to
 // override the value that the FILENAME field displays.

 Assert.assertEquals(" FILENAME  \\p", field.getFieldCode());
 Assert.assertEquals("FieldOptions.FILENAME.docx", field.getResult());

 doc.updateFields(); + doc.getFieldOptions().getFileName());

Returns: java.lang.String - The file name of the document.


public boolean getLegacyNumberFormat()

Gets the value indicating whether legacy (early than AW 13.10) number format for fields is enabled or not.


When this property is set to true , template symbol “#” worked as in .net: Replaces the pound sign with the corresponding digit if one is present; otherwise, no symbols appears in the result string.

When this property is set to false , template symbol “#” works as MS Word: This format item specifies the requisite numeric places to display in the result. If the result does not include a digit in that place, MS Word displays a space. For example, { = 9 + 6 \# $### } displays $ 15.

The default value is false .


Shows how enable legacy number formatting for fields.

 Document doc = new Document();
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

 Field field = builder.insertField("= 2 + 3 \\# $##");

 Assert.assertEquals("$ 5", field.getResult());


 Assert.assertEquals("$5", field.getResult());

Returns: boolean - The value indicating whether legacy (early than AW 13.10) number format for fields is enabled or not.


public System.Globalization.CultureInfo getPreProcessCulture()

Gets the culture to preprocess field values.


Currently this property only affects value of the FieldDocProperty field.

The default value is null . When this property is set to null , the FieldDocProperty field’s value is preprocessed with the culture controlled by the getFieldUpdateCultureSource() / setFieldUpdateCultureSource(int) property.


Shows how to set the preprocess culture.

 Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "Document.docx");
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

 // Set the culture according to which some fields will format their displayed values.
 doc.getFieldOptions().setPreProcessCulture(new CultureInfo("de-DE"));

 Field field = builder.insertField(" DOCPROPERTY CreateTime");

 // The DOCPROPERTY field will display its result formatted according to the preprocess culture
 // we have set to German. The field will display the date/time using the " hh:mm" format.
 Assert.assertTrue(field.getResult().matches("\\d{2}[.]\\d{2}[.]\\d{4} \\d{2}[:]\\d{2}"));

 doc.getFieldOptions().setPreProcessCulture(new CultureInfo(Locale.ROOT));

 // After switching to the invariant culture, the DOCPROPERTY field will use the "mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm" format.
 Assert.assertTrue(field.getResult().matches("\\d{2}[/]\\d{2}[/]\\d{4} \\d{2}[:]\\d{2}"));

Returns: CultureInfo - The culture to preprocess field values.


public IFieldResultFormatter getResultFormatter()

Allows to control how the field result is formatted.


Shows how to automatically apply a custom format to field results as the fields are updated.

 public void fieldResultFormatting() throws Exception {
     Document doc = new Document();
     DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
     FieldResultFormatter formatter = new FieldResultFormatter("$%d", "Date: %tb", "Item # %s:");

     // Our field result formatter applies a custom format to newly created fields of three types of formats.
     // Field result formatters apply new formatting to fields as they are updated,
     // which happens as soon as we create them using this InsertField method overload.
     // 1 -  Numeric:
     builder.insertField(" = 2 + 3 \\# $###");

     Assert.assertEquals("$5", doc.getRange().getFields().get(0).getResult());
     Assert.assertEquals(1, formatter.countFormatInvocations(FieldResultFormatter.FormatInvocationType.NUMERIC));

     // 2 -  Date/time:
     builder.insertField("DATE \\@ \"d MMMM yyyy\"");

     Assert.assertTrue(doc.getRange().getFields().get(1).getResult().startsWith("Date: "));
     Assert.assertEquals(1, formatter.countFormatInvocations(FieldResultFormatter.FormatInvocationType.DATE_TIME));

     // 3 -  General:
     builder.insertField("QUOTE \"2\" \\* Ordinal");

     Assert.assertEquals("Item # 2:", doc.getRange().getFields().get(2).getResult());
     Assert.assertEquals(1, formatter.countFormatInvocations(FieldResultFormatter.FormatInvocationType.GENERAL));


 /// When fields with formatting are updated, this formatter will override their formatting
 /// with a custom format, while tracking every invocation.
 private static class FieldResultFormatter implements IFieldResultFormatter {
     public FieldResultFormatter(String numberFormat, String dateFormat, String generalFormat) {
         mNumberFormat = numberFormat;
         mDateFormat = dateFormat;
         mGeneralFormat = generalFormat;

     public String formatNumeric(double value, String format) {
         if (mNumberFormat.isEmpty())
             return null;

         String newValue = String.format(mNumberFormat, (long) value);
         mFormatInvocations.add(new FormatInvocation(FormatInvocationType.NUMERIC, value, format, newValue));
         return newValue;

     public String formatDateTime(Date value, String format, int calendarType) {
         if (mDateFormat.isEmpty())
             return null;

         String newValue = String.format(mDateFormat, value);
         mFormatInvocations.add(new FormatInvocation(FormatInvocationType.DATE_TIME, MessageFormat.format("{0} ({1})", value, calendarType), format, newValue));
         return newValue;

     public String format(String value, int format) {
         return format((Object) value, format);

     public String format(double value, int format) {
         return format((Object) value, format);

     private String format(Object value, int format) {
         if (mGeneralFormat.isEmpty())
             return null;

         String newValue = String.format(mGeneralFormat, new DecimalFormat("#.###").format(value));
         mFormatInvocations.add(new FormatInvocation(FormatInvocationType.GENERAL, value, GeneralFormat.toString(format), newValue));
         return newValue;

     public int countFormatInvocations(int formatInvocationType) {
         if (formatInvocationType == FormatInvocationType.ALL)
             return getFormatInvocations().size();

         return (int) IterableUtils.countMatches(getFormatInvocations(), i -> i.getFormatInvocationType() == formatInvocationType);

     public void printFormatInvocations() {
         for (FormatInvocation f : getFormatInvocations())
             System.out.println(MessageFormat.format("Invocation type:\t{0}\n" +
                     "\tOriginal value:\t\t{1}\n" +
                     "\tOriginal format:\t{2}\n" +
                     "\tNew value:\t\t\t{3}\n", f.getFormatInvocationType(), f.getValue(), f.getOriginalFormat(), f.getNewValue()));

     private final String mNumberFormat;
     private final String mDateFormat;
     private final String mGeneralFormat;

     private ArrayList getFormatInvocations() {
         return mFormatInvocations;

     private final ArrayList mFormatInvocations = new ArrayList<>();

     private static class FormatInvocation {
         public int getFormatInvocationType() {
             return mFormatInvocationType;

         private final int mFormatInvocationType;

         public Object getValue() {
             return mValue;

         private final Object mValue;

         public String getOriginalFormat() {
             return mOriginalFormat;

         private final String mOriginalFormat;

         public String getNewValue() {
             return mNewValue;

         private final String mNewValue;

         public FormatInvocation(int formatInvocationType, Object value, String originalFormat, String newValue) {
             mValue = value;
             mFormatInvocationType = formatInvocationType;
             mOriginalFormat = originalFormat;
             mNewValue = newValue;

     public final class FormatInvocationType {
         private FormatInvocationType() {

         public static final int NUMERIC = 0;
         public static final int DATE_TIME = 1;
         public static final int GENERAL = 2;
         public static final int ALL = 3;

         public static final int length = 4;

Returns: IFieldResultFormatter - The corresponding IFieldResultFormatter value.


public String getTemplateName()

Gets the file name of the template used by the document.


This property is used by the FieldTemplate field if the Document.getAttachedTemplate() / Document.setAttachedTemplate(java.lang.String) property is empty.

If this property is empty, the default template file name Normal.dotm is used.


Shows how to use a TEMPLATE field to display the local file system location of a document’s template.

 Document doc = new Document();
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

 // We can set a template name using by the fields. This property is used when the "doc.AttachedTemplate" is empty.
 // If this property is empty the default template file name "Normal.dotm" is used.

 FieldTemplate field = (FieldTemplate) builder.insertField(FieldType.FIELD_TEMPLATE, false);
 Assert.assertEquals(field.getFieldCode(), " TEMPLATE ");

 field = (FieldTemplate) builder.insertField(FieldType.FIELD_TEMPLATE, false);

 Assert.assertEquals(field.getFieldCode(), " TEMPLATE  \\p");

 doc.updateFields(); + "Field.TEMPLATE.docx");

Returns: java.lang.String - The file name of the template used by the document.


public ToaCategories getToaCategories()

Gets the table of authorities categories.


Shows how to specify a set of categories for TOA fields.

 Document doc = new Document();
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

 // TOA fields can filter their entries by categories defined in this collection.
 ToaCategories toaCategories = new ToaCategories();

 // This collection of categories comes with default values, which we can overwrite with custom values.
 Assert.assertEquals("Cases", toaCategories.get(1));
 Assert.assertEquals("Statutes", toaCategories.get(2));

 toaCategories.set(1, "My Category 1");
 toaCategories.set(2, "My Category 2");

 // We can always access the default values via this collection.
 Assert.assertEquals("Cases", ToaCategories.getDefaultCategories().get(1));
 Assert.assertEquals("Statutes", ToaCategories.getDefaultCategories().get(2));

 // Insert 2 TOA fields. TOA fields create an entry for each TA field in the document.
 // Use the "\c" switch to select the index of a category from our collection.
 //  With this switch, a TOA field will only pick up entries from TA fields that
 // also have a "\c" switch with a matching category index. Each TOA field will also display
 // the name of the category that its "\c" switch points to.
 builder.insertField("TOA \\c 1 \\h", null);
 builder.insertField("TOA \\c 2 \\h", null);

 // Insert TOA entries across 2 categories. Our first TOA field will receive one entry,
 // from the second TA field whose "\c" switch also points to the first category.
 // The second TOA field will have two entries from the other two TA fields.
 builder.insertField("TA \\c 2 \\l \"entry 1\"");
 builder.insertField("TA \\c 1 \\l \"entry 2\"");
 builder.insertField("TA \\c 2 \\l \"entry 3\"");

 doc.updateFields(); + "FieldOptions.TOA.Categories.docx");

Returns: ToaCategories - The table of authorities categories.


public boolean getUseInvariantCultureNumberFormat()

Gets the value indicating that number format is parsed using invariant culture or not


When this property is set to true , number format is taken from an invariant culture.

When this property is set to false , number format is taken from the current thread’s culture.

The default value is false .


Shows how to format numbers according to the invariant culture.

 Document doc = new Document();
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

 Locale.setDefault(new Locale("de-DE"));
 Field field = builder.insertField(" = 1234567,89 \\# $#,###,###.#");

 // Sometimes, fields may not format their numbers correctly under certain cultures.
 Assert.assertEquals("$123,456,789.  ", field.getResult());

 // To fix this, we could change the culture for the entire thread.
 // Another way to fix this is to set this flag,
 // which gets all fields to use the invariant culture when formatting numbers.
 // This way allows us to avoid changing the culture for the entire thread.
 Assert.assertEquals("$123,456,789.  ", field.getResult());

Returns: boolean - The value indicating that number format is parsed using invariant culture or not


public IFieldUserPromptRespondent getUserPromptRespondent()

Gets the respondent to user prompts during field update.


If the value of this property is set to null , the fields that require user response on prompting (such as FieldAsk or FieldFillIn) are not updated.

The default value is null .


Shows how to create an ASK field, and set its properties.

 public void fieldAsk() throws Exception {
     Document doc = new Document();
     DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

     // Place a field where the response to our ASK field will be placed.
     FieldRef fieldRef = (FieldRef) builder.insertField(FieldType.FIELD_REF, true);

     Assert.assertEquals(" REF  MyAskField", fieldRef.getFieldCode());

     // Insert the ASK field and edit its properties to reference our REF field by bookmark name.
     FieldAsk fieldAsk = (FieldAsk) builder.insertField(FieldType.FIELD_ASK, true);
     fieldAsk.setPromptText("Please provide a response for this ASK field");
     fieldAsk.setDefaultResponse("Response from within the field.");

             " ASK  MyAskField \"Please provide a response for this ASK field\" \\d \"Response from within the field.\" \\o",

     // ASK fields apply the default response to their respective REF fields during a mail merge.
     DataTable table = new DataTable("My Table");
     table.getColumns().add("Column 1");
     table.getRows().add("Row 1");
     table.getRows().add("Row 2");

     FieldMergeField fieldMergeField = (FieldMergeField) builder.insertField(FieldType.FIELD_MERGE_FIELD, true);
     fieldMergeField.setFieldName("Column 1");

     // We can modify or override the default response in our ASK fields with a custom prompt responder,
     // which will occur during a mail merge.
     doc.getFieldOptions().setUserPromptRespondent(new MyPromptRespondent());

     doc.updateFields(); + "Field.ASK.docx");

 /// Prepends text to the default response of an ASK field during a mail merge.
 private static class MyPromptRespondent implements IFieldUserPromptRespondent {
     public String respond(final String promptText, final String defaultResponse) {
         return "Response from MyPromptRespondent. " + defaultResponse;

Returns: IFieldUserPromptRespondent - The respondent to user prompts during field update.


public boolean isBidiTextSupportedOnUpdate()

Gets the value indicating whether bidirectional text is fully supported during field update or not.


When this property is set to true , additional steps are performed to produce Right-To-Left language (i.e. Arabic or Hebrew) compatible field result during its update.

When this property is set to false and Right-To-Left language is used, correctness of field result after its update is not guaranteed.

The default value is false .


Shows how to use FieldOptions to ensure that field updating fully supports bi-directional text.

 Document doc = new Document();
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

 // Ensure that any field operation involving right-to-left text is performs as expected.

 // Use a document builder to insert a field that contains the right-to-left text.
 FormField comboBox = builder.insertComboBox("MyComboBox", new String[]{"\u05e2\u05b6\u05e9\u05b0\u05c2\u05e8\u05b4\u05d9\u05dd", "\u05e9\u05b0\u05c1\u05dc\u05d5\u05b9\u05e9\u05b4\u05c1\u05d9\u05dd", "\u05d0\u05b7\u05e8\u05b0\u05d1\u05b8\u05bc\u05e2\u05b4\u05d9\u05dd", "\u05d7\u05b2\u05de\u05b4\u05e9\u05b4\u05bc\u05c1\u05d9\u05dd", "\u05e9\u05b4\u05c1\u05e9\u05b4\u05bc\u05c1\u05d9\u05dd"}, 0);

 doc.updateFields(); + "FieldOptions.Bidi.docx");

Returns: boolean - The value indicating whether bidirectional text is fully supported during field update or not.

isBidiTextSupportedOnUpdate(boolean value)

public void isBidiTextSupportedOnUpdate(boolean value)

Sets the value indicating whether bidirectional text is fully supported during field update or not.


When this property is set to true , additional steps are performed to produce Right-To-Left language (i.e. Arabic or Hebrew) compatible field result during its update.

When this property is set to false and Right-To-Left language is used, correctness of field result after its update is not guaranteed.

The default value is false .


Shows how to use FieldOptions to ensure that field updating fully supports bi-directional text.

 Document doc = new Document();
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

 // Ensure that any field operation involving right-to-left text is performs as expected.

 // Use a document builder to insert a field that contains the right-to-left text.
 FormField comboBox = builder.insertComboBox("MyComboBox", new String[]{"\u05e2\u05b6\u05e9\u05b0\u05c2\u05e8\u05b4\u05d9\u05dd", "\u05e9\u05b0\u05c1\u05dc\u05d5\u05b9\u05e9\u05b4\u05c1\u05d9\u05dd", "\u05d0\u05b7\u05e8\u05b0\u05d1\u05b8\u05bc\u05e2\u05b4\u05d9\u05dd", "\u05d7\u05b2\u05de\u05b4\u05e9\u05b4\u05bc\u05c1\u05d9\u05dd", "\u05e9\u05b4\u05c1\u05e9\u05b4\u05bc\u05c1\u05d9\u05dd"}, 0);

 doc.updateFields(); + "FieldOptions.Bidi.docx");


valuebooleanThe value indicating whether bidirectional text is fully supported during field update or not.

setBarcodeGenerator(IBarcodeGenerator value)

public void setBarcodeGenerator(IBarcodeGenerator value)

Gets or set custom barcode generator.


Custom barcode generator should implement public interface IBarcodeGenerator.


Shows how to use a barcode generator.

 Document doc = new Document();
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
 // We can use a custom IBarcodeGenerator implementation to generate barcodes,
 // and then insert them into the document as images.
 doc.getFieldOptions().setBarcodeGenerator(new CustomBarcodeGenerator());

 // Below are four examples of different barcode types that we can create using our generator.
 // For each barcode, we specify a new set of barcode parameters, and then generate the image.
 // Afterwards, we can insert the image into the document, or save it to the local file system.
 // 1 -  QR code:
 BarcodeParameters barcodeParameters = new BarcodeParameters();

 BufferedImage img = doc.getFieldOptions().getBarcodeGenerator().getBarcodeImage(barcodeParameters);
 ImageIO.write(img, "jpg", new File(getArtifactsDir() + "FieldOptions.BarcodeGenerator.QR.jpg"));


 // 2 -  EAN13 barcode:
 barcodeParameters = new BarcodeParameters();

 img = doc.getFieldOptions().getBarcodeGenerator().getBarcodeImage(barcodeParameters);
 ImageIO.write(img, "jpg", new File(getArtifactsDir() + "FieldOptions.BarcodeGenerator.EAN13.jpg"));

 // 3 -  CODE39 barcode:
 barcodeParameters = new BarcodeParameters();

 img = doc.getFieldOptions().getBarcodeGenerator().getBarcodeImage(barcodeParameters);
 ImageIO.write(img, "jpg", new File(getArtifactsDir() + "FieldOptions.BarcodeGenerator.CODE39.jpg"));

 // 4 -  ITF14 barcode:
 barcodeParameters = new BarcodeParameters();

 img = doc.getFieldOptions().getBarcodeGenerator().getBarcodeImage(barcodeParameters);
 ImageIO.write(img, "jpg", new File(getArtifactsDir() + "FieldOptions.BarcodeGenerator.ITF14.jpg"));
 builder.insertImage(img); + "FieldOptions.BarcodeGenerator.docx");


valueIBarcodeGeneratorOr set custom barcode generator.

setBibliographyStylesProvider(IBibliographyStylesProvider value)

public void setBibliographyStylesProvider(IBibliographyStylesProvider value)

Sets a provider that returns a bibliography style for the FieldBibliography and FieldCitation fields.


Shows how to override built-in styles or provide custom one.

 public void changeBibliographyStyles() throws Exception
     Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "Bibliography.docx");

     // If the document already has a style you can change it with the following code:
     // doc.Bibliography.BibliographyStyle = "Bibliography custom style.xsl";

     doc.getFieldOptions().setBibliographyStylesProvider(new BibliographyStylesProvider());
     doc.updateFields(); + "Field.ChangeBibliographyStyles.docx");

 public static class BibliographyStylesProvider implements IBibliographyStylesProvider
     public FileInputStream getStyle(String styleFileName) throws Exception
         return new FileInputStream(getMyDir() + "Bibliography custom style.xsl");


valueIBibliographyStylesProviderA provider that returns a bibliography style for the FieldBibliography and FieldCitation fields.

setBuiltInTemplatesPaths(String[] value)

public void setBuiltInTemplatesPaths(String[] value)

Sets paths of MS Word built-in templates.


This property is used by the FieldAutoText and FieldGlossary fields, if referenced auto text entry is not found in the Document.getAttachedTemplate() / Document.setAttachedTemplate(java.lang.String) template.

By default MS Word stores built-in templates in c:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Document Building Blocks\1033\16\Built-In Building Blocks.dotx and C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Templates\Normal.dotm files.


Shows how to display a building block with AUTOTEXT and GLOSSARY fields.

 Document doc = new Document();

 // Create a glossary document and add an AutoText building block to it.
 doc.setGlossaryDocument(new GlossaryDocument());
 BuildingBlock buildingBlock = new BuildingBlock(doc.getGlossaryDocument());
 buildingBlock.setDescription("MyBlock description");

 // Create a source and add it as text to our building block.
 Document buildingBlockSource = new Document();
 DocumentBuilder buildingBlockSourceBuilder = new DocumentBuilder(buildingBlockSource);
 buildingBlockSourceBuilder.writeln("Hello World!");

 Node buildingBlockContent = doc.getGlossaryDocument().importNode(buildingBlockSource.getFirstSection(), true);

 // Set a file which contains parts that our document, or its attached template may not contain.
 doc.getFieldOptions().setBuiltInTemplatesPaths(new String[]{getMyDir() + "Busniess brochure.dotx"});

 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

 // Below are two ways to use fields to display the contents of our building block.
 // 1 -  Using an AUTOTEXT field:
 FieldAutoText fieldAutoText = (FieldAutoText) builder.insertField(FieldType.FIELD_AUTO_TEXT, true);

 Assert.assertEquals(" AUTOTEXT  MyBlock", fieldAutoText.getFieldCode());

 // 2 -  Using a GLOSSARY field:
 FieldGlossary fieldGlossary = (FieldGlossary) builder.insertField(FieldType.FIELD_GLOSSARY, true);

 Assert.assertEquals(fieldGlossary.getFieldCode(), " GLOSSARY  MyBlock");

 doc.updateFields(); + "Field.AUTOTEXT.GLOSSARY.dotx");


valuejava.lang.String[]Paths of MS Word built-in templates.

setComparisonExpressionEvaluator(IComparisonExpressionEvaluator value)

public void setComparisonExpressionEvaluator(IComparisonExpressionEvaluator value)

Sets the field comparison expressions evaluator.


Shows how to implement custom evaluation for the IF and COMPARE fields.

 public void conditionEvaluationExtensionPoint(String fieldCode, byte comparisonResult, String comparisonError,
                                               String expectedResult) throws Exception {
     final String LEFT = "\"left expression\"";
     final String _OPERATOR = "<>";
     final String RIGHT = "\"right expression\"";

     DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder();

     // Field codes that we use in this example:
     // 1.   " IF %s %s %s \"true argument\" \"false argument\" ".
     // 2.   " COMPARE %s %s %s ".
     Field field = builder.insertField(String.format(fieldCode, LEFT, _OPERATOR, RIGHT), null);

     // If the "comparisonResult" is undefined, we create "ComparisonEvaluationResult" with string, instead of bool.
     ComparisonEvaluationResult result = comparisonResult != -1
             ? new ComparisonEvaluationResult(comparisonResult == 1)
             : comparisonError != null ? new ComparisonEvaluationResult(comparisonError) : null;

     ComparisonExpressionEvaluator evaluator = new ComparisonExpressionEvaluator(result);


     Assert.assertEquals(expectedResult, field.getResult());
     evaluator.assertInvocationsCount(1).assertInvocationArguments(0, LEFT, _OPERATOR, RIGHT);

 public static Object[][] conditionEvaluationExtensionPointDataProvider() {
     return new Object[][]
                     {" IF %s %s %s \"true argument\" \"false argument\" ", (byte) 1, null, "true argument"},
                     {" IF %s %s %s \"true argument\" \"false argument\" ", (byte) 0, null, "false argument"},
                     {" IF %s %s %s \"true argument\" \"false argument\" ", (byte) -1, "Custom Error", "Custom Error"},
                     {" IF %s %s %s \"true argument\" \"false argument\" ", (byte) -1, null, "true argument"},
                     {" COMPARE %s %s %s ", (byte) 1, null, "1"},
                     {" COMPARE %s %s %s ", (byte) 0, null, "0"},
                     {" COMPARE %s %s %s ", (byte) -1, "Custom Error", "Custom Error"},
                     {" COMPARE %s %s %s ", (byte) -1, null, "1"},

 /// Comparison expressions evaluation for the FieldIf and FieldCompare.
 private static class ComparisonExpressionEvaluator implements IComparisonExpressionEvaluator {
     public ComparisonExpressionEvaluator(ComparisonEvaluationResult result) {
         mResult = result;

     public ComparisonEvaluationResult evaluate(Field field, ComparisonExpression expression) {
         mInvocations.add(new String[]

         return mResult;

     public ComparisonExpressionEvaluator assertInvocationsCount(int expected) {
         Assert.assertEquals(expected, mInvocations.size());
         return this;

     public ComparisonExpressionEvaluator assertInvocationArguments(
             int invocationIndex,
             String expectedLeftExpression,
             String expectedComparisonOperator,
             String expectedRightExpression) {
         String[] arguments = mInvocations.get(invocationIndex);

         Assert.assertEquals(expectedLeftExpression, arguments[0]);
         Assert.assertEquals(expectedComparisonOperator, arguments[1]);
         Assert.assertEquals(expectedRightExpression, arguments[2]);

         return this;

     private final ComparisonEvaluationResult mResult;
     private final ArrayList mInvocations = new ArrayList<>();


valueIComparisonExpressionEvaluatorThe field comparison expressions evaluator.

setCurrentUser(UserInformation value)

public void setCurrentUser(UserInformation value)

Sets the current user information.


Shows how to set user details, and display them using fields.

 Document doc = new Document();
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

 // Create a UserInformation object and set it as the data source for fields that display user information.
 UserInformation userInformation = new UserInformation();
 userInformation.setName("John Doe");
 userInformation.setInitials("J. D.");
 userInformation.setAddress("123 Main Street");

 // Insert USERNAME, USERINITIALS, and USERADDRESS fields, which display values of
 // the respective properties of the UserInformation object that we have created above.
 Assert.assertEquals(userInformation.getName(), builder.insertField(" USERNAME ").getResult());
 Assert.assertEquals(userInformation.getInitials(), builder.insertField(" USERINITIALS ").getResult());
 Assert.assertEquals(userInformation.getAddress(), builder.insertField(" USERADDRESS ").getResult());

 // The field options object also has a static default user that fields from all documents can refer to.
 UserInformation.getDefaultUser().setName("Default User");
 UserInformation.getDefaultUser().setInitials("D. U.");
 UserInformation.getDefaultUser().setAddress("One Microsoft Way");

 Assert.assertEquals("Default User", builder.insertField(" USERNAME ").getResult());
 Assert.assertEquals("D. U.", builder.insertField(" USERINITIALS ").getResult());
 Assert.assertEquals("One Microsoft Way", builder.insertField(" USERADDRESS ").getResult());

 doc.updateFields(); + "FieldOptions.CurrentUser.docx");


valueUserInformationThe current user information.

setCustomTocStyleSeparator(String value)

public void setCustomTocStyleSeparator(String value)

Sets custom style separator for the \t switch in FieldToc field.


By default, custom styles defined by the \t switch in the FieldToc field are separated by a delimiter taken from the current culture. This property overrides that behaviour by specifying a user defined delimiter.


Shows how to insert a TOC, and populate it with entries based on heading styles.

 public void fieldToc() throws Exception {
     Document doc = new Document();
     DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);


     // Insert a TOC field, which will compile all headings into a table of contents.
     // For each heading, this field will create a line with the text in that heading style to the left,
     // and the page the heading appears on to the right.
     FieldToc field = (FieldToc) builder.insertField(FieldType.FIELD_TOC, true);

     // Use the BookmarkName property to only list headings
     // that appear within the bounds of a bookmark with the "MyBookmark" name.

     // Text with a built-in heading style, such as "Heading 1", applied to it will count as a heading.
     // We can name additional styles to be picked up as headings by the TOC in this property and their TOC levels.
     field.setCustomStyles("Quote; 6; Intense Quote; 7");

     // By default, Styles/TOC levels are separated in the CustomStyles property by a comma,
     // but we can set a custom delimiter in this property.

     // Configure the field to exclude any headings that have TOC levels outside of this range.

     // The TOC will not display the page numbers of headings whose TOC levels are within this range.

     // Set a custom string that will separate every heading from its page number.

     insertNewPageWithHeading(builder, "First entry", "Heading 1");
     builder.writeln("Paragraph text.");
     insertNewPageWithHeading(builder, "Second entry", "Heading 1");
     insertNewPageWithHeading(builder, "Third entry", "Quote");
     insertNewPageWithHeading(builder, "Fourth entry", "Intense Quote");

     // These two headings will have the page numbers omitted because they are within the "2-5" range.
     insertNewPageWithHeading(builder, "Fifth entry", "Heading 2");
     insertNewPageWithHeading(builder, "Sixth entry", "Heading 3");

     // This entry does not appear because "Heading 4" is outside of the "1-3" range that we have set earlier.
     insertNewPageWithHeading(builder, "Seventh entry", "Heading 4");

     builder.writeln("Paragraph text.");

     // This entry does not appear because it is outside the bookmark specified by the TOC.
     insertNewPageWithHeading(builder, "Eighth entry", "Heading 1");

     Assert.assertEquals(" TOC  \\b MyBookmark \\t \"Quote; 6; Intense Quote; 7\" \\o 1-3 \\n 2-5 \\p - \\h \\x \\w", field.getFieldCode());

     doc.updateFields(); + "Field.TOC.docx");

 /// Start a new page and insert a paragraph of a specified style.
 public void insertNewPageWithHeading(final DocumentBuilder builder, final String captionText, final String styleName) {
     String originalStyle = builder.getParagraphFormat().getStyleName();


valuejava.lang.StringCustom style separator for the \t switch in FieldToc field.

setDefaultDocumentAuthor(String value)

public void setDefaultDocumentAuthor(String value)

Sets default document author’s name. If author’s name is already specified in built-in document properties, this option is not considered.


Shows how to use an AUTHOR field to display a document creator’s name.

 Document doc = new Document();
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

 // AUTHOR fields source their results from the built-in document property called "Author".
 // If we create and save a document in Microsoft Word,
 // it will have our username in that property.
 // However, if we create a document programmatically using Aspose.Words,
 // the "Author" property, by default, will be an empty string.
 Assert.assertEquals("", doc.getBuiltInDocumentProperties().getAuthor());

 // Set a backup author name for AUTHOR fields to use
 // if the "Author" property contains an empty string.
 doc.getFieldOptions().setDefaultDocumentAuthor("Joe Bloggs");

 builder.write("This document was created by ");
 FieldAuthor field = (FieldAuthor) builder.insertField(FieldType.FIELD_AUTHOR, true);

 Assert.assertEquals(" AUTHOR ", field.getFieldCode());
 Assert.assertEquals("Joe Bloggs", field.getResult());

 // Updating an AUTHOR field that contains a value
 // will apply that value to the "Author" built-in property.
 Assert.assertEquals("Joe Bloggs", doc.getBuiltInDocumentProperties().getAuthor());

 // Changing this property, then updating the AUTHOR field will apply this value to the field.
 doc.getBuiltInDocumentProperties().setAuthor("John Doe");

 Assert.assertEquals(" AUTHOR ", field.getFieldCode());
 Assert.assertEquals("John Doe", field.getResult());

 // If we update an AUTHOR field after changing its "Name" property,
 // then the field will display the new name and apply the new name to the built-in property.
 field.setAuthorName("Jane Doe");

 Assert.assertEquals(field.getFieldCode(), " AUTHOR  \"Jane Doe\"");
 Assert.assertEquals(field.getResult(), "Jane Doe");

 // AUTHOR fields do not affect the DefaultDocumentAuthor property.
 Assert.assertEquals("Jane Doe", doc.getBuiltInDocumentProperties().getAuthor());
 Assert.assertEquals("Joe Bloggs", doc.getFieldOptions().getDefaultDocumentAuthor()); + "Field.AUTHOR.docx");


valuejava.lang.StringDefault document author’s name.

setFieldDatabaseProvider(IFieldDatabaseProvider value)

public void setFieldDatabaseProvider(IFieldDatabaseProvider value)

Sets a provider that returns a query result for the FieldDatabase field.


Shows how to extract data from a database and insert it as a field into a document.

 Document doc = new Document();
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

 // This DATABASE field will run a query on a database, and display the result in a table.
 FieldDatabase field = (FieldDatabase) builder.insertField(FieldType.FIELD_DATABASE, true);
 field.setFileName(getDatabaseDir() + "Northwind.accdb");
 field.setConnection("DSN=MS Access Databases");
 field.setQuery("SELECT * FROM [Products]");

 Assert.assertEquals(MessageFormat.format(" DATABASE  \\d {0} \\c \"DSN=MS Access Databases\" \\s \"SELECT * FROM [Products]\"", getDatabaseDir().replace("\\", "\\\\") + "Northwind.accdb"),

 // Insert another DATABASE field with a more complex query that sorts all products in descending order by gross sales.
 field = (FieldDatabase) builder.insertField(FieldType.FIELD_DATABASE, true);
 field.setFileName(getMyDir() + "Database\\Northwind.accdb");
 field.setConnection("DSN=MS Access Databases");
 field.setQuery("SELECT [Products].ProductName, FORMAT(SUM([Order Details].UnitPrice * (1 - [Order Details].Discount) * [Order Details].Quantity), 'Currency') AS GrossSales " +
         "FROM([Products] " +
         "LEFT JOIN[Order Details] ON[Products].[ProductID] = [Order Details].[ProductID]) " +
         "GROUP BY[Products].ProductName " +
         "ORDER BY SUM([Order Details].UnitPrice* (1 - [Order Details].Discount) * [Order Details].Quantity) DESC");

 // These properties have the same function as LIMIT and TOP clauses.
 // Configure them to display only rows 1 to 10 of the query result in the field's table.

 // This property is the index of the format we want to use for our table. The list of table formats is in the "Table AutoFormat..." menu
 // that shows up when we create a DATABASE field in Microsoft Word. Index #10 corresponds to the "Colorful 3" format.

 // The FormatAttribute property is a string representation of an integer which stores multiple flags.
 // We can patrially apply the format which the TableFormat property points to by setting different flags in this property.
 // The number we use is the sum of a combination of values corresponding to different aspects of the table style.
 // 63 represents 1 (borders) + 2 (shading) + 4 (font) + 8 (color) + 16 (autofit) + 32 (heading rows).

 doc.updateFields(); + "Field.DATABASE.docx");


valueIFieldDatabaseProviderA provider that returns a query result for the FieldDatabase field.

setFieldIndexFormat(int value)

public void setFieldIndexFormat(int value)

Sets a getFieldIndexFormat() / setFieldIndexFormat(int) that represents the formatting for the FieldIndex fields in the document.


Shows how to formatting FieldIndex fields.

 Document doc = new Document();
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
 builder.insertField("XE \"A\"");

 builder.insertField(" INDEX \\e \" � \" \\h \"A\" \\c \"2\" \\z \"1033\"", null);

 doc.updateFields(); + "Field.SetFieldIndexFormat.docx");


valueintA getFieldIndexFormat() / setFieldIndexFormat(int) that represents the formatting for the FieldIndex fields in the document. The value must be one of FieldIndexFormat constants.

setFieldUpdateCultureProvider(IFieldUpdateCultureProvider value)

public void setFieldUpdateCultureProvider(IFieldUpdateCultureProvider value)

Sets a provider that returns a culture object specific for each particular field.


The provider is requested when the value of getFieldUpdateCultureSource() / setFieldUpdateCultureSource(int) is FieldUpdateCultureSource.FIELD_CODE.

If the provider is present, then the culture object it returns is used for the field update. Otherwise, a system culture is used.


Shows how to specify a culture which parses date/time formatting for each field.

 public void defineDateTimeFormatting() throws Exception {
     Document doc = new Document();
     DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

     builder.insertField(FieldType.FIELD_TIME, true);


     // Set a provider that returns a culture object specific to each field.
     doc.getFieldOptions().setFieldUpdateCultureProvider(new FieldUpdateCultureProvider());

     FieldTime fieldDate = (FieldTime) doc.getRange().getFields().get(0);
     if (fieldDate.getLocaleId() != EditingLanguage.RUSSIAN)
         fieldDate.setLocaleId(EditingLanguage.RUSSIAN); + "FieldOptions.UpdateDateTimeFormatting.pdf");

 /// Provides a CultureInfo object that should be used during the update of a particular field.
 private static class FieldUpdateCultureProvider implements IFieldUpdateCultureProvider {
     /// Returns a CultureInfo object to be used during the field's update.
     public CultureInfo getCulture(String name, Field field) {
         switch (name) {
             case "ru-RU":
                 CultureInfo culture = new CultureInfo(new Locale(name));
                 DateTimeFormatInfo format = culture.getDateTimeFormat();

                 format.setMonthNames(new String[]{"\u043c\u0435\u0441\u044f\u0446 1", "\u043c\u0435\u0441\u044f\u0446 2", "\u043c\u0435\u0441\u044f\u0446 3", "\u043c\u0435\u0441\u044f\u0446 4", "\u043c\u0435\u0441\u044f\u0446 5", "\u043c\u0435\u0441\u044f\u0446 6", "\u043c\u0435\u0441\u044f\u0446 7", "\u043c\u0435\u0441\u044f\u0446 8", "\u043c\u0435\u0441\u044f\u0446 9", "\u043c\u0435\u0441\u044f\u0446 10", "\u043c\u0435\u0441\u044f\u0446 11", "\u043c\u0435\u0441\u044f\u0446 12", ""});
                 format.setAbbreviatedMonthNames(new String[]{"\u043c\u0435\u0441 1", "\u043c\u0435\u0441 2", "\u043c\u0435\u0441 3", "\u043c\u0435\u0441 4", "\u043c\u0435\u0441 5", "\u043c\u0435\u0441 6", "\u043c\u0435\u0441 7", "\u043c\u0435\u0441 8", "\u043c\u0435\u0441 9", "\u043c\u0435\u0441 10", "\u043c\u0435\u0441 11", "\u043c\u0435\u0441 12", ""});

                 format.setDayNames(new String[]{"\u0434\u0435\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0435\u0434\u0435\u043b\u0438 7", "\u0434\u0435\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0435\u0434\u0435\u043b\u0438 1", "\u0434\u0435\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0435\u0434\u0435\u043b\u0438 2", "\u0434\u0435\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0435\u0434\u0435\u043b\u0438 3", "\u0434\u0435\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0435\u0434\u0435\u043b\u0438 4", "\u0434\u0435\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0435\u0434\u0435\u043b\u0438 5", "\u0434\u0435\u043d\u044c \u043d\u0435\u0434\u0435\u043b\u0438 6"});
                 format.setAbbreviatedDayNames(new String[]{"\u0434\u0435\u043d\u044c 7", "\u0434\u0435\u043d\u044c 1", "\u0434\u0435\u043d\u044c 2", "\u0434\u0435\u043d\u044c 3", "\u0434\u0435\u043d\u044c 4", "\u0434\u0435\u043d\u044c 5", "\u0434\u0435\u043d\u044c 6"});
                 format.setShortestDayNames(new String[]{"\u04347", "\u04341", "\u04342", "\u04343", "\u04344", "\u04345", "\u04346"});

                 format.setAMDesignator("\u0414\u043e \u043f\u043e\u043b\u0443\u0434\u043d\u044f");
                 format.setPMDesignator("\u041f\u043e\u0441\u043b\u0435 \u043f\u043e\u043b\u0443\u0434\u043d\u044f");

                 final String PATTERN = "yyyy MM (MMMM) dd (dddd) hh:mm:ss tt";

                 return culture;
             case "en-US":
                 return new CultureInfo(new Locale(name));
                 return null;


valueIFieldUpdateCultureProviderA provider that returns a culture object specific for each particular field.

setFieldUpdateCultureSource(int value)

public void setFieldUpdateCultureSource(int value)

Specifies what culture to use to format the field result.


By default, the culture of the current thread is used.

The setting affects only date/time fields with \\@ format switch.


valueintThe corresponding int value. The value must be one of FieldUpdateCultureSource constants.

setFieldUpdatingCallback(IFieldUpdatingCallback value)

public void setFieldUpdatingCallback(IFieldUpdatingCallback value)

Sets IFieldUpdatingCallback implementation


Shows how to use callback methods during a field update.

 public void fieldUpdatingCallbackTest() throws Exception
     Document doc = new Document();
     DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

     builder.insertField(" DATE \\@ \"dddd, d MMMM yyyy\" ");
     builder.insertField(" TIME ");
     builder.insertField(" REVNUM ");
     builder.insertField(" AUTHOR  \"John Doe\" ");
     builder.insertField(" SUBJECT \"My Subject\" ");
     builder.insertField(" QUOTE \"Hello world!\" ");

     FieldUpdatingCallback callback = new FieldUpdatingCallback();


     Assert.assertTrue(callback.getFieldUpdatedCalls().contains("Updating John Doe"));

 /// Implement this interface if you want to have your own custom methods called during a field update.
 public static class FieldUpdatingCallback implements IFieldUpdatingCallback
     public FieldUpdatingCallback()
         mFieldUpdatedCalls = new ArrayList();

     /// A user defined method that is called just before a field is updated.
     public void fieldUpdating(Field field) {
         if (field.getType() == FieldType.FIELD_AUTHOR)
             FieldAuthor fieldAuthor = (FieldAuthor) field;
             try {
                 fieldAuthor.setAuthorName("Updating John Doe");
             } catch (Exception e) {

     /// A user defined method that is called just after a field is updated.
     public void fieldUpdated(Field field)

     public ArrayList getFieldUpdatedCalls() { return mFieldUpdatedCalls; };

     private ArrayList mFieldUpdatedCalls;


valueIFieldUpdatingCallbackIFieldUpdatingCallback implementation

setFieldUpdatingProgressCallback(IFieldUpdatingProgressCallback value)

public void setFieldUpdatingProgressCallback(IFieldUpdatingProgressCallback value)

Sets IFieldUpdatingProgressCallback implementation.


Shows how to use callback methods during a field update.

 public void fieldUpdatingCallbackTest() throws Exception
     Document doc = new Document();
     DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

     builder.insertField(" DATE \\@ \"dddd, d MMMM yyyy\" ");
     builder.insertField(" TIME ");
     builder.insertField(" REVNUM ");
     builder.insertField(" AUTHOR  \"John Doe\" ");
     builder.insertField(" SUBJECT \"My Subject\" ");
     builder.insertField(" QUOTE \"Hello world!\" ");

     FieldUpdatingCallback callback = new FieldUpdatingCallback();


     Assert.assertTrue(callback.getFieldUpdatedCalls().contains("Updating John Doe"));

 /// Implement this interface if you want to have your own custom methods called during a field update.
 public static class FieldUpdatingCallback implements IFieldUpdatingCallback
     public FieldUpdatingCallback()
         mFieldUpdatedCalls = new ArrayList();

     /// A user defined method that is called just before a field is updated.
     public void fieldUpdating(Field field) {
         if (field.getType() == FieldType.FIELD_AUTHOR)
             FieldAuthor fieldAuthor = (FieldAuthor) field;
             try {
                 fieldAuthor.setAuthorName("Updating John Doe");
             } catch (Exception e) {

     /// A user defined method that is called just after a field is updated.
     public void fieldUpdated(Field field)

     public ArrayList getFieldUpdatedCalls() { return mFieldUpdatedCalls; };

     private ArrayList mFieldUpdatedCalls;


valueIFieldUpdatingProgressCallbackIFieldUpdatingProgressCallback implementation.

setFileName(String value)

public void setFileName(String value)

Sets the file name of the document.


This property is used by the FieldFileName field with higher priority than the Document.getOriginalFileName() property.


Shows how to use FieldOptions to override the default value for the FILENAME field.

 Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "Document.docx");
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);


 // This FILENAME field will display the local system file name of the document we loaded.
 FieldFileName field = (FieldFileName) builder.insertField(FieldType.FIELD_FILE_NAME, true);

 Assert.assertEquals(" FILENAME ", field.getFieldCode());
 Assert.assertEquals("Document.docx", field.getResult());


 // By default, the FILENAME field shows the file's name, but not its full local file system path.
 // We can set a flag to make it show the full file path.
 field = (FieldFileName) builder.insertField(FieldType.FIELD_FILE_NAME, true);

 Assert.assertEquals(getMyDir() + "Document.docx", field.getResult());

 // We can also set a value for this property to
 // override the value that the FILENAME field displays.

 Assert.assertEquals(" FILENAME  \\p", field.getFieldCode());
 Assert.assertEquals("FieldOptions.FILENAME.docx", field.getResult());

 doc.updateFields(); + doc.getFieldOptions().getFileName());


valuejava.lang.StringThe file name of the document.

setLegacyNumberFormat(boolean value)

public void setLegacyNumberFormat(boolean value)

Sets the value indicating whether legacy (early than AW 13.10) number format for fields is enabled or not.


When this property is set to true , template symbol “#” worked as in .net: Replaces the pound sign with the corresponding digit if one is present; otherwise, no symbols appears in the result string.

When this property is set to false , template symbol “#” works as MS Word: This format item specifies the requisite numeric places to display in the result. If the result does not include a digit in that place, MS Word displays a space. For example, { = 9 + 6 \# $### } displays $ 15.

The default value is false .


Shows how enable legacy number formatting for fields.

 Document doc = new Document();
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

 Field field = builder.insertField("= 2 + 3 \\# $##");

 Assert.assertEquals("$ 5", field.getResult());


 Assert.assertEquals("$5", field.getResult());


valuebooleanThe value indicating whether legacy (early than AW 13.10) number format for fields is enabled or not.

setPreProcessCulture(System.Globalization.CultureInfo value)

public void setPreProcessCulture(System.Globalization.CultureInfo value)

Sets the culture to preprocess field values.


Currently this property only affects value of the FieldDocProperty field.

The default value is null . When this property is set to null , the FieldDocProperty field’s value is preprocessed with the culture controlled by the getFieldUpdateCultureSource() / setFieldUpdateCultureSource(int) property.


Shows how to set the preprocess culture.

 Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "Document.docx");
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

 // Set the culture according to which some fields will format their displayed values.
 doc.getFieldOptions().setPreProcessCulture(new CultureInfo("de-DE"));

 Field field = builder.insertField(" DOCPROPERTY CreateTime");

 // The DOCPROPERTY field will display its result formatted according to the preprocess culture
 // we have set to German. The field will display the date/time using the " hh:mm" format.
 Assert.assertTrue(field.getResult().matches("\\d{2}[.]\\d{2}[.]\\d{4} \\d{2}[:]\\d{2}"));

 doc.getFieldOptions().setPreProcessCulture(new CultureInfo(Locale.ROOT));

 // After switching to the invariant culture, the DOCPROPERTY field will use the "mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm" format.
 Assert.assertTrue(field.getResult().matches("\\d{2}[/]\\d{2}[/]\\d{4} \\d{2}[:]\\d{2}"));


valueCultureInfoThe culture to preprocess field values.

setResultFormatter(IFieldResultFormatter value)

public void setResultFormatter(IFieldResultFormatter value)

Allows to control how the field result is formatted.


Shows how to automatically apply a custom format to field results as the fields are updated.

 public void fieldResultFormatting() throws Exception {
     Document doc = new Document();
     DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
     FieldResultFormatter formatter = new FieldResultFormatter("$%d", "Date: %tb", "Item # %s:");

     // Our field result formatter applies a custom format to newly created fields of three types of formats.
     // Field result formatters apply new formatting to fields as they are updated,
     // which happens as soon as we create them using this InsertField method overload.
     // 1 -  Numeric:
     builder.insertField(" = 2 + 3 \\# $###");

     Assert.assertEquals("$5", doc.getRange().getFields().get(0).getResult());
     Assert.assertEquals(1, formatter.countFormatInvocations(FieldResultFormatter.FormatInvocationType.NUMERIC));

     // 2 -  Date/time:
     builder.insertField("DATE \\@ \"d MMMM yyyy\"");

     Assert.assertTrue(doc.getRange().getFields().get(1).getResult().startsWith("Date: "));
     Assert.assertEquals(1, formatter.countFormatInvocations(FieldResultFormatter.FormatInvocationType.DATE_TIME));

     // 3 -  General:
     builder.insertField("QUOTE \"2\" \\* Ordinal");

     Assert.assertEquals("Item # 2:", doc.getRange().getFields().get(2).getResult());
     Assert.assertEquals(1, formatter.countFormatInvocations(FieldResultFormatter.FormatInvocationType.GENERAL));


 /// When fields with formatting are updated, this formatter will override their formatting
 /// with a custom format, while tracking every invocation.
 private static class FieldResultFormatter implements IFieldResultFormatter {
     public FieldResultFormatter(String numberFormat, String dateFormat, String generalFormat) {
         mNumberFormat = numberFormat;
         mDateFormat = dateFormat;
         mGeneralFormat = generalFormat;

     public String formatNumeric(double value, String format) {
         if (mNumberFormat.isEmpty())
             return null;

         String newValue = String.format(mNumberFormat, (long) value);
         mFormatInvocations.add(new FormatInvocation(FormatInvocationType.NUMERIC, value, format, newValue));
         return newValue;

     public String formatDateTime(Date value, String format, int calendarType) {
         if (mDateFormat.isEmpty())
             return null;

         String newValue = String.format(mDateFormat, value);
         mFormatInvocations.add(new FormatInvocation(FormatInvocationType.DATE_TIME, MessageFormat.format("{0} ({1})", value, calendarType), format, newValue));
         return newValue;

     public String format(String value, int format) {
         return format((Object) value, format);

     public String format(double value, int format) {
         return format((Object) value, format);

     private String format(Object value, int format) {
         if (mGeneralFormat.isEmpty())
             return null;

         String newValue = String.format(mGeneralFormat, new DecimalFormat("#.###").format(value));
         mFormatInvocations.add(new FormatInvocation(FormatInvocationType.GENERAL, value, GeneralFormat.toString(format), newValue));
         return newValue;

     public int countFormatInvocations(int formatInvocationType) {
         if (formatInvocationType == FormatInvocationType.ALL)
             return getFormatInvocations().size();

         return (int) IterableUtils.countMatches(getFormatInvocations(), i -> i.getFormatInvocationType() == formatInvocationType);

     public void printFormatInvocations() {
         for (FormatInvocation f : getFormatInvocations())
             System.out.println(MessageFormat.format("Invocation type:\t{0}\n" +
                     "\tOriginal value:\t\t{1}\n" +
                     "\tOriginal format:\t{2}\n" +
                     "\tNew value:\t\t\t{3}\n", f.getFormatInvocationType(), f.getValue(), f.getOriginalFormat(), f.getNewValue()));

     private final String mNumberFormat;
     private final String mDateFormat;
     private final String mGeneralFormat;

     private ArrayList getFormatInvocations() {
         return mFormatInvocations;

     private final ArrayList mFormatInvocations = new ArrayList<>();

     private static class FormatInvocation {
         public int getFormatInvocationType() {
             return mFormatInvocationType;

         private final int mFormatInvocationType;

         public Object getValue() {
             return mValue;

         private final Object mValue;

         public String getOriginalFormat() {
             return mOriginalFormat;

         private final String mOriginalFormat;

         public String getNewValue() {
             return mNewValue;

         private final String mNewValue;

         public FormatInvocation(int formatInvocationType, Object value, String originalFormat, String newValue) {
             mValue = value;
             mFormatInvocationType = formatInvocationType;
             mOriginalFormat = originalFormat;
             mNewValue = newValue;

     public final class FormatInvocationType {
         private FormatInvocationType() {

         public static final int NUMERIC = 0;
         public static final int DATE_TIME = 1;
         public static final int GENERAL = 2;
         public static final int ALL = 3;

         public static final int length = 4;


valueIFieldResultFormatterThe corresponding IFieldResultFormatter value.

setTemplateName(String value)

public void setTemplateName(String value)

Sets the file name of the template used by the document.


This property is used by the FieldTemplate field if the Document.getAttachedTemplate() / Document.setAttachedTemplate(java.lang.String) property is empty.

If this property is empty, the default template file name Normal.dotm is used.


Shows how to use a TEMPLATE field to display the local file system location of a document’s template.

 Document doc = new Document();
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

 // We can set a template name using by the fields. This property is used when the "doc.AttachedTemplate" is empty.
 // If this property is empty the default template file name "Normal.dotm" is used.

 FieldTemplate field = (FieldTemplate) builder.insertField(FieldType.FIELD_TEMPLATE, false);
 Assert.assertEquals(field.getFieldCode(), " TEMPLATE ");

 field = (FieldTemplate) builder.insertField(FieldType.FIELD_TEMPLATE, false);

 Assert.assertEquals(field.getFieldCode(), " TEMPLATE  \\p");

 doc.updateFields(); + "Field.TEMPLATE.docx");


valuejava.lang.StringThe file name of the template used by the document.

setToaCategories(ToaCategories value)

public void setToaCategories(ToaCategories value)

Sets the table of authorities categories.


Shows how to specify a set of categories for TOA fields.

 Document doc = new Document();
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

 // TOA fields can filter their entries by categories defined in this collection.
 ToaCategories toaCategories = new ToaCategories();

 // This collection of categories comes with default values, which we can overwrite with custom values.
 Assert.assertEquals("Cases", toaCategories.get(1));
 Assert.assertEquals("Statutes", toaCategories.get(2));

 toaCategories.set(1, "My Category 1");
 toaCategories.set(2, "My Category 2");

 // We can always access the default values via this collection.
 Assert.assertEquals("Cases", ToaCategories.getDefaultCategories().get(1));
 Assert.assertEquals("Statutes", ToaCategories.getDefaultCategories().get(2));

 // Insert 2 TOA fields. TOA fields create an entry for each TA field in the document.
 // Use the "\c" switch to select the index of a category from our collection.
 //  With this switch, a TOA field will only pick up entries from TA fields that
 // also have a "\c" switch with a matching category index. Each TOA field will also display
 // the name of the category that its "\c" switch points to.
 builder.insertField("TOA \\c 1 \\h", null);
 builder.insertField("TOA \\c 2 \\h", null);

 // Insert TOA entries across 2 categories. Our first TOA field will receive one entry,
 // from the second TA field whose "\c" switch also points to the first category.
 // The second TOA field will have two entries from the other two TA fields.
 builder.insertField("TA \\c 2 \\l \"entry 1\"");
 builder.insertField("TA \\c 1 \\l \"entry 2\"");
 builder.insertField("TA \\c 2 \\l \"entry 3\"");

 doc.updateFields(); + "FieldOptions.TOA.Categories.docx");


valueToaCategoriesThe table of authorities categories.

setUseInvariantCultureNumberFormat(boolean value)

public void setUseInvariantCultureNumberFormat(boolean value)

Sets the value indicating that number format is parsed using invariant culture or not


When this property is set to true , number format is taken from an invariant culture.

When this property is set to false , number format is taken from the current thread’s culture.

The default value is false .


Shows how to format numbers according to the invariant culture.

 Document doc = new Document();
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

 Locale.setDefault(new Locale("de-DE"));
 Field field = builder.insertField(" = 1234567,89 \\# $#,###,###.#");

 // Sometimes, fields may not format their numbers correctly under certain cultures.
 Assert.assertEquals("$123,456,789.  ", field.getResult());

 // To fix this, we could change the culture for the entire thread.
 // Another way to fix this is to set this flag,
 // which gets all fields to use the invariant culture when formatting numbers.
 // This way allows us to avoid changing the culture for the entire thread.
 Assert.assertEquals("$123,456,789.  ", field.getResult());


valuebooleanThe value indicating that number format is parsed using invariant culture or not

setUserPromptRespondent(IFieldUserPromptRespondent value)

public void setUserPromptRespondent(IFieldUserPromptRespondent value)

Sets the respondent to user prompts during field update.


If the value of this property is set to null , the fields that require user response on prompting (such as FieldAsk or FieldFillIn) are not updated.

The default value is null .


Shows how to create an ASK field, and set its properties.

 public void fieldAsk() throws Exception {
     Document doc = new Document();
     DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

     // Place a field where the response to our ASK field will be placed.
     FieldRef fieldRef = (FieldRef) builder.insertField(FieldType.FIELD_REF, true);

     Assert.assertEquals(" REF  MyAskField", fieldRef.getFieldCode());

     // Insert the ASK field and edit its properties to reference our REF field by bookmark name.
     FieldAsk fieldAsk = (FieldAsk) builder.insertField(FieldType.FIELD_ASK, true);
     fieldAsk.setPromptText("Please provide a response for this ASK field");
     fieldAsk.setDefaultResponse("Response from within the field.");

             " ASK  MyAskField \"Please provide a response for this ASK field\" \\d \"Response from within the field.\" \\o",

     // ASK fields apply the default response to their respective REF fields during a mail merge.
     DataTable table = new DataTable("My Table");
     table.getColumns().add("Column 1");
     table.getRows().add("Row 1");
     table.getRows().add("Row 2");

     FieldMergeField fieldMergeField = (FieldMergeField) builder.insertField(FieldType.FIELD_MERGE_FIELD, true);
     fieldMergeField.setFieldName("Column 1");

     // We can modify or override the default response in our ASK fields with a custom prompt responder,
     // which will occur during a mail merge.
     doc.getFieldOptions().setUserPromptRespondent(new MyPromptRespondent());

     doc.updateFields(); + "Field.ASK.docx");

 /// Prepends text to the default response of an ASK field during a mail merge.
 private static class MyPromptRespondent implements IFieldUserPromptRespondent {
     public String respond(final String promptText, final String defaultResponse) {
         return "Response from MyPromptRespondent. " + defaultResponse;


valueIFieldUserPromptRespondentThe respondent to user prompts during field update.