Inheritance: java.lang.Object, com.aspose.words.DocumentPropertyCollection
public class CustomDocumentProperties extends DocumentPropertyCollection
A collection of custom document properties.
To learn more, visit the Work with Document Properties documentation article.
Each DocumentProperty object represents a custom property of a container document.
The names of the properties are case-insensitive.
The properties in the collection are sorted alphabetically by name.
Shows how to work with custom document properties.
Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "Properties.docx");
// Every document contains a collection of custom properties, which, like the built-in properties, are key-value pairs.
// The document has a fixed list of built-in properties. The user creates all of the custom properties.
Assert.assertEquals("Value of custom document property", doc.getCustomDocumentProperties().get("CustomProperty").toString());
doc.getCustomDocumentProperties().add("CustomProperty2", "Value of custom document property #2");
System.out.println("Custom Properties:");
for (DocumentProperty customDocumentProperty : doc.getCustomDocumentProperties()) {
System.out.println(MessageFormat.format("\tType:\t{0}", customDocumentProperty.getType()));
System.out.println(MessageFormat.format("\tValue:\t\"{0}\"", customDocumentProperty.getValue()));
Method | Description |
add(String name, boolean value) | Creates a new custom document property of the PropertyType.BOOLEAN data type. |
add(String name, double value) | Creates a new custom document property of the PropertyType.DOUBLE data type. |
add(String name, int value) | Creates a new custom document property of the PropertyType.NUMBER data type. |
add(String name, String value) | Creates a new custom document property. |
add(String name, Date value) | Creates a new custom document property of the PropertyType.DATE_TIME data type. |
addLinkToContent(String name, String linkSource) | Creates a new linked to content custom document property. |
clear() | Removes all properties from the collection. |
contains(String name) | Returns true if a property with the specified name exists in the collection. |
get(int index) | Returns a DocumentProperty object by index. |
get(String name) | Provides access to the collection items. |
getCount() | Gets number of items in the collection. |
indexOf(String name) | Gets the index of a property by name. |
iterator() | Returns an iterator object that can be used to iterate over all items in the collection. |
remove(String name) | Removes a property with the specified name from the collection. |
removeAt(int index) | Removes a property at the specified index. |
add(String name, boolean value)
public DocumentProperty add(String name, boolean value)
Creates a new custom document property of the PropertyType.BOOLEAN data type.
Shows how to work with a document’s custom properties.
Document doc = new Document();
CustomDocumentProperties properties = doc.getCustomDocumentProperties();
Assert.assertEquals(0, properties.getCount());
// Custom document properties are key-value pairs that we can add to the document.
properties.add("Authorized", true);
properties.add("Authorized By", "John Doe");
properties.add("Authorized Date", new Date());
properties.add("Authorized Revision", doc.getBuiltInDocumentProperties().getRevisionNumber());
properties.add("Authorized Amount", 123.45);
// The collection sorts the custom properties in alphabetic order.
Assert.assertEquals(1, properties.indexOf("Authorized Amount"));
Assert.assertEquals(5, properties.getCount());
// Print every custom property in the document.
Iterator enumerator = properties.iterator();
while (enumerator.hasNext()) {
DocumentProperty property =;
System.out.println(MessageFormat.format("Name: \"{0}\"\n\tType: \"{1}\"\n\tValue: \"{2}\"", property.getName(), property.getType(), property.getValue()));
// Display the value of a custom property using a DOCPROPERTY field.
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
FieldDocProperty field = (FieldDocProperty) builder.insertField(" DOCPROPERTY \"Authorized By\"");
Assert.assertEquals("John Doe", field.getResult());
// We can find these custom properties in Microsoft Word via "File" -> "Properties" > "Advanced Properties" > "Custom". + "DocumentProperties.DocumentPropertyCollection.docx");
// Below are three ways or removing custom properties from a document.
// 1 - Remove by index:
Assert.assertFalse(properties.contains("Authorized Amount"));
Assert.assertEquals(4, properties.getCount());
// 2 - Remove by name:
properties.remove("Authorized Revision");
Assert.assertFalse(properties.contains("Authorized Revision"));
Assert.assertEquals(3, properties.getCount());
// 3 - Empty the entire collection at once:
Assert.assertEquals(0, properties.getCount());
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | java.lang.String | The name of the property. |
value | boolean | The value of the property. |
Returns: DocumentProperty - The newly created property object.
add(String name, double value)
public DocumentProperty add(String name, double value)
Creates a new custom document property of the PropertyType.DOUBLE data type.
Shows how to work with a document’s custom properties.
Document doc = new Document();
CustomDocumentProperties properties = doc.getCustomDocumentProperties();
Assert.assertEquals(0, properties.getCount());
// Custom document properties are key-value pairs that we can add to the document.
properties.add("Authorized", true);
properties.add("Authorized By", "John Doe");
properties.add("Authorized Date", new Date());
properties.add("Authorized Revision", doc.getBuiltInDocumentProperties().getRevisionNumber());
properties.add("Authorized Amount", 123.45);
// The collection sorts the custom properties in alphabetic order.
Assert.assertEquals(1, properties.indexOf("Authorized Amount"));
Assert.assertEquals(5, properties.getCount());
// Print every custom property in the document.
Iterator enumerator = properties.iterator();
while (enumerator.hasNext()) {
DocumentProperty property =;
System.out.println(MessageFormat.format("Name: \"{0}\"\n\tType: \"{1}\"\n\tValue: \"{2}\"", property.getName(), property.getType(), property.getValue()));
// Display the value of a custom property using a DOCPROPERTY field.
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
FieldDocProperty field = (FieldDocProperty) builder.insertField(" DOCPROPERTY \"Authorized By\"");
Assert.assertEquals("John Doe", field.getResult());
// We can find these custom properties in Microsoft Word via "File" -> "Properties" > "Advanced Properties" > "Custom". + "DocumentProperties.DocumentPropertyCollection.docx");
// Below are three ways or removing custom properties from a document.
// 1 - Remove by index:
Assert.assertFalse(properties.contains("Authorized Amount"));
Assert.assertEquals(4, properties.getCount());
// 2 - Remove by name:
properties.remove("Authorized Revision");
Assert.assertFalse(properties.contains("Authorized Revision"));
Assert.assertEquals(3, properties.getCount());
// 3 - Empty the entire collection at once:
Assert.assertEquals(0, properties.getCount());
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | java.lang.String | The name of the property. |
value | double | The value of the property. |
Returns: DocumentProperty - The newly created property object.
add(String name, int value)
public DocumentProperty add(String name, int value)
Creates a new custom document property of the PropertyType.NUMBER data type.
Shows how to work with a document’s custom properties.
Document doc = new Document();
CustomDocumentProperties properties = doc.getCustomDocumentProperties();
Assert.assertEquals(0, properties.getCount());
// Custom document properties are key-value pairs that we can add to the document.
properties.add("Authorized", true);
properties.add("Authorized By", "John Doe");
properties.add("Authorized Date", new Date());
properties.add("Authorized Revision", doc.getBuiltInDocumentProperties().getRevisionNumber());
properties.add("Authorized Amount", 123.45);
// The collection sorts the custom properties in alphabetic order.
Assert.assertEquals(1, properties.indexOf("Authorized Amount"));
Assert.assertEquals(5, properties.getCount());
// Print every custom property in the document.
Iterator enumerator = properties.iterator();
while (enumerator.hasNext()) {
DocumentProperty property =;
System.out.println(MessageFormat.format("Name: \"{0}\"\n\tType: \"{1}\"\n\tValue: \"{2}\"", property.getName(), property.getType(), property.getValue()));
// Display the value of a custom property using a DOCPROPERTY field.
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
FieldDocProperty field = (FieldDocProperty) builder.insertField(" DOCPROPERTY \"Authorized By\"");
Assert.assertEquals("John Doe", field.getResult());
// We can find these custom properties in Microsoft Word via "File" -> "Properties" > "Advanced Properties" > "Custom". + "DocumentProperties.DocumentPropertyCollection.docx");
// Below are three ways or removing custom properties from a document.
// 1 - Remove by index:
Assert.assertFalse(properties.contains("Authorized Amount"));
Assert.assertEquals(4, properties.getCount());
// 2 - Remove by name:
properties.remove("Authorized Revision");
Assert.assertFalse(properties.contains("Authorized Revision"));
Assert.assertEquals(3, properties.getCount());
// 3 - Empty the entire collection at once:
Assert.assertEquals(0, properties.getCount());
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | java.lang.String | The name of the property. |
value | int | The value of the property. |
Returns: DocumentProperty - The newly created property object.
add(String name, String value)
public DocumentProperty add(String name, String value)
Creates a new custom document property. Creates a new custom document property of the PropertyType.STRING data type.
Shows how to work with a document’s custom properties.
Document doc = new Document();
CustomDocumentProperties properties = doc.getCustomDocumentProperties();
Assert.assertEquals(0, properties.getCount());
// Custom document properties are key-value pairs that we can add to the document.
properties.add("Authorized", true);
properties.add("Authorized By", "John Doe");
properties.add("Authorized Date", new Date());
properties.add("Authorized Revision", doc.getBuiltInDocumentProperties().getRevisionNumber());
properties.add("Authorized Amount", 123.45);
// The collection sorts the custom properties in alphabetic order.
Assert.assertEquals(1, properties.indexOf("Authorized Amount"));
Assert.assertEquals(5, properties.getCount());
// Print every custom property in the document.
Iterator enumerator = properties.iterator();
while (enumerator.hasNext()) {
DocumentProperty property =;
System.out.println(MessageFormat.format("Name: \"{0}\"\n\tType: \"{1}\"\n\tValue: \"{2}\"", property.getName(), property.getType(), property.getValue()));
// Display the value of a custom property using a DOCPROPERTY field.
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
FieldDocProperty field = (FieldDocProperty) builder.insertField(" DOCPROPERTY \"Authorized By\"");
Assert.assertEquals("John Doe", field.getResult());
// We can find these custom properties in Microsoft Word via "File" -> "Properties" > "Advanced Properties" > "Custom". + "DocumentProperties.DocumentPropertyCollection.docx");
// Below are three ways or removing custom properties from a document.
// 1 - Remove by index:
Assert.assertFalse(properties.contains("Authorized Amount"));
Assert.assertEquals(4, properties.getCount());
// 2 - Remove by name:
properties.remove("Authorized Revision");
Assert.assertFalse(properties.contains("Authorized Revision"));
Assert.assertEquals(3, properties.getCount());
// 3 - Empty the entire collection at once:
Assert.assertEquals(0, properties.getCount());
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | java.lang.String | The name of the property. |
value | java.lang.String | The value of the property. |
Returns: DocumentProperty - The newly created property object.
add(String name, Date value)
public DocumentProperty add(String name, Date value)
Creates a new custom document property of the PropertyType.DATE_TIME data type.
Shows how to create a custom document property which contains a date and time.
Document doc = new Document();
doc.getCustomDocumentProperties().add("AuthorizationDate", new Date());
System.out.println(MessageFormat.format("Document authorized on {0}", doc.getCustomDocumentProperties().get("AuthorizationDate")));
Shows how to work with a document’s custom properties.
Document doc = new Document();
CustomDocumentProperties properties = doc.getCustomDocumentProperties();
Assert.assertEquals(0, properties.getCount());
// Custom document properties are key-value pairs that we can add to the document.
properties.add("Authorized", true);
properties.add("Authorized By", "John Doe");
properties.add("Authorized Date", new Date());
properties.add("Authorized Revision", doc.getBuiltInDocumentProperties().getRevisionNumber());
properties.add("Authorized Amount", 123.45);
// The collection sorts the custom properties in alphabetic order.
Assert.assertEquals(1, properties.indexOf("Authorized Amount"));
Assert.assertEquals(5, properties.getCount());
// Print every custom property in the document.
Iterator enumerator = properties.iterator();
while (enumerator.hasNext()) {
DocumentProperty property =;
System.out.println(MessageFormat.format("Name: \"{0}\"\n\tType: \"{1}\"\n\tValue: \"{2}\"", property.getName(), property.getType(), property.getValue()));
// Display the value of a custom property using a DOCPROPERTY field.
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
FieldDocProperty field = (FieldDocProperty) builder.insertField(" DOCPROPERTY \"Authorized By\"");
Assert.assertEquals("John Doe", field.getResult());
// We can find these custom properties in Microsoft Word via "File" -> "Properties" > "Advanced Properties" > "Custom". + "DocumentProperties.DocumentPropertyCollection.docx");
// Below are three ways or removing custom properties from a document.
// 1 - Remove by index:
Assert.assertFalse(properties.contains("Authorized Amount"));
Assert.assertEquals(4, properties.getCount());
// 2 - Remove by name:
properties.remove("Authorized Revision");
Assert.assertFalse(properties.contains("Authorized Revision"));
Assert.assertEquals(3, properties.getCount());
// 3 - Empty the entire collection at once:
Assert.assertEquals(0, properties.getCount());
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | java.lang.String | The name of the property. |
value | java.util.Date | The value of the property. |
Returns: DocumentProperty - The newly created property object.
addLinkToContent(String name, String linkSource)
public DocumentProperty addLinkToContent(String name, String linkSource)
Creates a new linked to content custom document property.
Shows how to link a custom document property to a bookmark.
Document doc = new Document();
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
builder.write("Hello world!");
// Link a new custom property to a bookmark. The value of this property
// will be the contents of the bookmark that it references in the "LinkSource" member.
CustomDocumentProperties customProperties = doc.getCustomDocumentProperties();
DocumentProperty customProperty = customProperties.addLinkToContent("Bookmark", "MyBookmark");
Assert.assertEquals(true, customProperty.isLinkToContent());
Assert.assertEquals("MyBookmark", customProperty.getLinkSource());
Assert.assertEquals("Hello world!", customProperty.getValue()); + "DocumentProperties.LinkCustomDocumentPropertiesToBookmark.docx");
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | java.lang.String | The name of the property. |
linkSource | java.lang.String | The source of the property. |
Returns: DocumentProperty - The newly created property object or null when the linkSource is invalid.
public void clear()
Removes all properties from the collection.
Shows how to work with a document’s custom properties.
Document doc = new Document();
CustomDocumentProperties properties = doc.getCustomDocumentProperties();
Assert.assertEquals(0, properties.getCount());
// Custom document properties are key-value pairs that we can add to the document.
properties.add("Authorized", true);
properties.add("Authorized By", "John Doe");
properties.add("Authorized Date", new Date());
properties.add("Authorized Revision", doc.getBuiltInDocumentProperties().getRevisionNumber());
properties.add("Authorized Amount", 123.45);
// The collection sorts the custom properties in alphabetic order.
Assert.assertEquals(1, properties.indexOf("Authorized Amount"));
Assert.assertEquals(5, properties.getCount());
// Print every custom property in the document.
Iterator enumerator = properties.iterator();
while (enumerator.hasNext()) {
DocumentProperty property =;
System.out.println(MessageFormat.format("Name: \"{0}\"\n\tType: \"{1}\"\n\tValue: \"{2}\"", property.getName(), property.getType(), property.getValue()));
// Display the value of a custom property using a DOCPROPERTY field.
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
FieldDocProperty field = (FieldDocProperty) builder.insertField(" DOCPROPERTY \"Authorized By\"");
Assert.assertEquals("John Doe", field.getResult());
// We can find these custom properties in Microsoft Word via "File" -> "Properties" > "Advanced Properties" > "Custom". + "DocumentProperties.DocumentPropertyCollection.docx");
// Below are three ways or removing custom properties from a document.
// 1 - Remove by index:
Assert.assertFalse(properties.contains("Authorized Amount"));
Assert.assertEquals(4, properties.getCount());
// 2 - Remove by name:
properties.remove("Authorized Revision");
Assert.assertFalse(properties.contains("Authorized Revision"));
Assert.assertEquals(3, properties.getCount());
// 3 - Empty the entire collection at once:
Assert.assertEquals(0, properties.getCount());
contains(String name)
public boolean contains(String name)
Returns true if a property with the specified name exists in the collection.
Shows how to work with a document’s custom properties.
Document doc = new Document();
CustomDocumentProperties properties = doc.getCustomDocumentProperties();
Assert.assertEquals(0, properties.getCount());
// Custom document properties are key-value pairs that we can add to the document.
properties.add("Authorized", true);
properties.add("Authorized By", "John Doe");
properties.add("Authorized Date", new Date());
properties.add("Authorized Revision", doc.getBuiltInDocumentProperties().getRevisionNumber());
properties.add("Authorized Amount", 123.45);
// The collection sorts the custom properties in alphabetic order.
Assert.assertEquals(1, properties.indexOf("Authorized Amount"));
Assert.assertEquals(5, properties.getCount());
// Print every custom property in the document.
Iterator enumerator = properties.iterator();
while (enumerator.hasNext()) {
DocumentProperty property =;
System.out.println(MessageFormat.format("Name: \"{0}\"\n\tType: \"{1}\"\n\tValue: \"{2}\"", property.getName(), property.getType(), property.getValue()));
// Display the value of a custom property using a DOCPROPERTY field.
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
FieldDocProperty field = (FieldDocProperty) builder.insertField(" DOCPROPERTY \"Authorized By\"");
Assert.assertEquals("John Doe", field.getResult());
// We can find these custom properties in Microsoft Word via "File" -> "Properties" > "Advanced Properties" > "Custom". + "DocumentProperties.DocumentPropertyCollection.docx");
// Below are three ways or removing custom properties from a document.
// 1 - Remove by index:
Assert.assertFalse(properties.contains("Authorized Amount"));
Assert.assertEquals(4, properties.getCount());
// 2 - Remove by name:
properties.remove("Authorized Revision");
Assert.assertFalse(properties.contains("Authorized Revision"));
Assert.assertEquals(3, properties.getCount());
// 3 - Empty the entire collection at once:
Assert.assertEquals(0, properties.getCount());
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | java.lang.String | The case-insensitive name of the property. |
Returns: boolean - true if the property exists in the collection; false otherwise.
get(int index)
public DocumentProperty get(int index)
Returns a DocumentProperty object by index.
Note: In Java this method is slow because iterates over all nodes.
Shows how to work with custom document properties.
Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "Properties.docx");
// Every document contains a collection of custom properties, which, like the built-in properties, are key-value pairs.
// The document has a fixed list of built-in properties. The user creates all of the custom properties.
Assert.assertEquals("Value of custom document property", doc.getCustomDocumentProperties().get("CustomProperty").toString());
doc.getCustomDocumentProperties().add("CustomProperty2", "Value of custom document property #2");
System.out.println("Custom Properties:");
for (DocumentProperty customDocumentProperty : doc.getCustomDocumentProperties()) {
System.out.println(MessageFormat.format("\tType:\t{0}", customDocumentProperty.getType()));
System.out.println(MessageFormat.format("\tValue:\t\"{0}\"", customDocumentProperty.getValue()));
Parameter | Type | Description |
index | int | Zero-based index of the DocumentProperty to retrieve. |
Returns: DocumentProperty - A DocumentProperty object by index.
get(String name)
public DocumentProperty get(String name)
Provides access to the collection items. Returns a DocumentProperty object by the name of the property.
Returns null if a property with the specified name is not found.
Shows how to create a custom document property which contains a date and time.
Document doc = new Document();
doc.getCustomDocumentProperties().add("AuthorizationDate", new Date());
System.out.println(MessageFormat.format("Document authorized on {0}", doc.getCustomDocumentProperties().get("AuthorizationDate")));
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | java.lang.String | The case-insensitive name of the property to retrieve. |
Returns: DocumentProperty - The corresponding DocumentProperty value.
public int getCount()
Gets number of items in the collection.
Shows how to work with custom document properties.
Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "Properties.docx");
// Every document contains a collection of custom properties, which, like the built-in properties, are key-value pairs.
// The document has a fixed list of built-in properties. The user creates all of the custom properties.
Assert.assertEquals("Value of custom document property", doc.getCustomDocumentProperties().get("CustomProperty").toString());
doc.getCustomDocumentProperties().add("CustomProperty2", "Value of custom document property #2");
System.out.println("Custom Properties:");
for (DocumentProperty customDocumentProperty : doc.getCustomDocumentProperties()) {
System.out.println(MessageFormat.format("\tType:\t{0}", customDocumentProperty.getType()));
System.out.println(MessageFormat.format("\tValue:\t\"{0}\"", customDocumentProperty.getValue()));
Returns: int - Number of items in the collection.
indexOf(String name)
public int indexOf(String name)
Gets the index of a property by name.
Note: In Java this method is slow because iterates over all nodes.
Shows how to work with a document’s custom properties.
Document doc = new Document();
CustomDocumentProperties properties = doc.getCustomDocumentProperties();
Assert.assertEquals(0, properties.getCount());
// Custom document properties are key-value pairs that we can add to the document.
properties.add("Authorized", true);
properties.add("Authorized By", "John Doe");
properties.add("Authorized Date", new Date());
properties.add("Authorized Revision", doc.getBuiltInDocumentProperties().getRevisionNumber());
properties.add("Authorized Amount", 123.45);
// The collection sorts the custom properties in alphabetic order.
Assert.assertEquals(1, properties.indexOf("Authorized Amount"));
Assert.assertEquals(5, properties.getCount());
// Print every custom property in the document.
Iterator enumerator = properties.iterator();
while (enumerator.hasNext()) {
DocumentProperty property =;
System.out.println(MessageFormat.format("Name: \"{0}\"\n\tType: \"{1}\"\n\tValue: \"{2}\"", property.getName(), property.getType(), property.getValue()));
// Display the value of a custom property using a DOCPROPERTY field.
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
FieldDocProperty field = (FieldDocProperty) builder.insertField(" DOCPROPERTY \"Authorized By\"");
Assert.assertEquals("John Doe", field.getResult());
// We can find these custom properties in Microsoft Word via "File" -> "Properties" > "Advanced Properties" > "Custom". + "DocumentProperties.DocumentPropertyCollection.docx");
// Below are three ways or removing custom properties from a document.
// 1 - Remove by index:
Assert.assertFalse(properties.contains("Authorized Amount"));
Assert.assertEquals(4, properties.getCount());
// 2 - Remove by name:
properties.remove("Authorized Revision");
Assert.assertFalse(properties.contains("Authorized Revision"));
Assert.assertEquals(3, properties.getCount());
// 3 - Empty the entire collection at once:
Assert.assertEquals(0, properties.getCount());
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | java.lang.String | The case-insensitive name of the property. |
Returns: int - The zero based index. Negative value if not found.
public Iterator iterator()
Returns an iterator object that can be used to iterate over all items in the collection.
Shows how to work with a document’s custom properties.
Document doc = new Document();
CustomDocumentProperties properties = doc.getCustomDocumentProperties();
Assert.assertEquals(0, properties.getCount());
// Custom document properties are key-value pairs that we can add to the document.
properties.add("Authorized", true);
properties.add("Authorized By", "John Doe");
properties.add("Authorized Date", new Date());
properties.add("Authorized Revision", doc.getBuiltInDocumentProperties().getRevisionNumber());
properties.add("Authorized Amount", 123.45);
// The collection sorts the custom properties in alphabetic order.
Assert.assertEquals(1, properties.indexOf("Authorized Amount"));
Assert.assertEquals(5, properties.getCount());
// Print every custom property in the document.
Iterator enumerator = properties.iterator();
while (enumerator.hasNext()) {
DocumentProperty property =;
System.out.println(MessageFormat.format("Name: \"{0}\"\n\tType: \"{1}\"\n\tValue: \"{2}\"", property.getName(), property.getType(), property.getValue()));
// Display the value of a custom property using a DOCPROPERTY field.
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
FieldDocProperty field = (FieldDocProperty) builder.insertField(" DOCPROPERTY \"Authorized By\"");
Assert.assertEquals("John Doe", field.getResult());
// We can find these custom properties in Microsoft Word via "File" -> "Properties" > "Advanced Properties" > "Custom". + "DocumentProperties.DocumentPropertyCollection.docx");
// Below are three ways or removing custom properties from a document.
// 1 - Remove by index:
Assert.assertFalse(properties.contains("Authorized Amount"));
Assert.assertEquals(4, properties.getCount());
// 2 - Remove by name:
properties.remove("Authorized Revision");
Assert.assertFalse(properties.contains("Authorized Revision"));
Assert.assertEquals(3, properties.getCount());
// 3 - Empty the entire collection at once:
Assert.assertEquals(0, properties.getCount());
Returns: java.util.Iterator
remove(String name)
public void remove(String name)
Removes a property with the specified name from the collection.
Shows how to work with a document’s custom properties.
Document doc = new Document();
CustomDocumentProperties properties = doc.getCustomDocumentProperties();
Assert.assertEquals(0, properties.getCount());
// Custom document properties are key-value pairs that we can add to the document.
properties.add("Authorized", true);
properties.add("Authorized By", "John Doe");
properties.add("Authorized Date", new Date());
properties.add("Authorized Revision", doc.getBuiltInDocumentProperties().getRevisionNumber());
properties.add("Authorized Amount", 123.45);
// The collection sorts the custom properties in alphabetic order.
Assert.assertEquals(1, properties.indexOf("Authorized Amount"));
Assert.assertEquals(5, properties.getCount());
// Print every custom property in the document.
Iterator enumerator = properties.iterator();
while (enumerator.hasNext()) {
DocumentProperty property =;
System.out.println(MessageFormat.format("Name: \"{0}\"\n\tType: \"{1}\"\n\tValue: \"{2}\"", property.getName(), property.getType(), property.getValue()));
// Display the value of a custom property using a DOCPROPERTY field.
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
FieldDocProperty field = (FieldDocProperty) builder.insertField(" DOCPROPERTY \"Authorized By\"");
Assert.assertEquals("John Doe", field.getResult());
// We can find these custom properties in Microsoft Word via "File" -> "Properties" > "Advanced Properties" > "Custom". + "DocumentProperties.DocumentPropertyCollection.docx");
// Below are three ways or removing custom properties from a document.
// 1 - Remove by index:
Assert.assertFalse(properties.contains("Authorized Amount"));
Assert.assertEquals(4, properties.getCount());
// 2 - Remove by name:
properties.remove("Authorized Revision");
Assert.assertFalse(properties.contains("Authorized Revision"));
Assert.assertEquals(3, properties.getCount());
// 3 - Empty the entire collection at once:
Assert.assertEquals(0, properties.getCount());
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | java.lang.String | The case-insensitive name of the property. |
removeAt(int index)
public void removeAt(int index)
Removes a property at the specified index.
Note: In Java this method is slow because iterates over all nodes.
Shows how to work with a document’s custom properties.
Document doc = new Document();
CustomDocumentProperties properties = doc.getCustomDocumentProperties();
Assert.assertEquals(0, properties.getCount());
// Custom document properties are key-value pairs that we can add to the document.
properties.add("Authorized", true);
properties.add("Authorized By", "John Doe");
properties.add("Authorized Date", new Date());
properties.add("Authorized Revision", doc.getBuiltInDocumentProperties().getRevisionNumber());
properties.add("Authorized Amount", 123.45);
// The collection sorts the custom properties in alphabetic order.
Assert.assertEquals(1, properties.indexOf("Authorized Amount"));
Assert.assertEquals(5, properties.getCount());
// Print every custom property in the document.
Iterator enumerator = properties.iterator();
while (enumerator.hasNext()) {
DocumentProperty property =;
System.out.println(MessageFormat.format("Name: \"{0}\"\n\tType: \"{1}\"\n\tValue: \"{2}\"", property.getName(), property.getType(), property.getValue()));
// Display the value of a custom property using a DOCPROPERTY field.
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
FieldDocProperty field = (FieldDocProperty) builder.insertField(" DOCPROPERTY \"Authorized By\"");
Assert.assertEquals("John Doe", field.getResult());
// We can find these custom properties in Microsoft Word via "File" -> "Properties" > "Advanced Properties" > "Custom". + "DocumentProperties.DocumentPropertyCollection.docx");
// Below are three ways or removing custom properties from a document.
// 1 - Remove by index:
Assert.assertFalse(properties.contains("Authorized Amount"));
Assert.assertEquals(4, properties.getCount());
// 2 - Remove by name:
properties.remove("Authorized Revision");
Assert.assertFalse(properties.contains("Authorized Revision"));
Assert.assertEquals(3, properties.getCount());
// 3 - Empty the entire collection at once:
Assert.assertEquals(0, properties.getCount());
Parameter | Type | Description |
index | int | The zero based index. |