Inheritance: java.lang.Object
All Implemented Interfaces: java.lang.Iterable
public class RevisionCollection implements Iterable
A collection of Revision objects that represent revisions in the document.
To learn more, visit the Track Changes in a Document documentation article.
You do not create instances of this class directly. Use the Document.getRevisions() property to get revisions present in a document.
Shows how to work with revisions in a document.
Document doc = new Document();
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
// Normal editing of the document does not count as a revision.
builder.write("This does not count as a revision. ");
// To register our edits as revisions, we need to declare an author, and then start tracking them.
doc.startTrackRevisions("John Doe", new Date());
builder.write("This is revision #1. ");
Assert.assertEquals(1, doc.getRevisions().getCount());
// This flag corresponds to the "Review" -> "Tracking" -> "Track Changes" option in Microsoft Word.
// The "StartTrackRevisions" method does not affect its value,
// and the document is tracking revisions programmatically despite it having a value of "false".
// If we open this document using Microsoft Word, it will not be tracking revisions.
// We have added text using the document builder, so the first revision is an insertion-type revision.
Revision revision = doc.getRevisions().get(0);
Assert.assertEquals("John Doe", revision.getAuthor());
Assert.assertEquals("This is revision #1. ", revision.getParentNode().getText());
Assert.assertEquals(RevisionType.INSERTION, revision.getRevisionType());
Assert.assertEquals(revision.getDateTime().getDate(), new Date().getDate());
Assert.assertEquals(doc.getRevisions().getGroups().get(0), revision.getGroup());
// Remove a run to create a deletion-type revision.
// Adding a new revision places it at the beginning of the revision collection.
Assert.assertEquals(RevisionType.DELETION, doc.getRevisions().get(0).getRevisionType());
Assert.assertEquals(2, doc.getRevisions().getCount());
// Insert revisions show up in the document body even before we accept/reject the revision.
// Rejecting the revision will remove its nodes from the body. Conversely, nodes that make up delete revisions
// also linger in the document until we accept the revision.
Assert.assertEquals("This does not count as a revision. This is revision #1.", doc.getText().trim());
// Accepting the delete revision will remove its parent node from the paragraph text
// and then remove the collection's revision itself.
Assert.assertEquals(1, doc.getRevisions().getCount());
Assert.assertEquals("This is revision #1.", doc.getText().trim());
builder.write("This is revision #2.");
// Now move the node to create a moving revision type.
Node node = doc.getFirstSection().getBody().getParagraphs().get(1);
Node endNode = doc.getFirstSection().getBody().getParagraphs().get(1).getNextSibling();
Node referenceNode = doc.getFirstSection().getBody().getParagraphs().get(0);
while (node != endNode)
Node nextNode = node.getNextSibling();
doc.getFirstSection().getBody().insertBefore(node, referenceNode);
node = nextNode;
Assert.assertEquals(RevisionType.MOVING, doc.getRevisions().get(0).getRevisionType());
Assert.assertEquals(8, doc.getRevisions().getCount());
Assert.assertEquals("This is revision #2.\rThis is revision #1. \rThis is revision #2.", doc.getText().trim());
// The moving revision is now at index 1. Reject the revision to discard its contents.
Assert.assertEquals(6, doc.getRevisions().getCount());
Assert.assertEquals("This is revision #1. \rThis is revision #2.", doc.getText().trim());
Method | Description |
accept(IRevisionCriteria criteria) | Accepts revisions that match specified criteria. |
acceptAll() | Accepts all revisions in this collection. |
get(int index) | Returns a Revision at the specified index. |
getCount() | Returns the number of revisions in the collection. |
getGroups() | Collection of revision groups. |
iterator() | Returns an enumerator object. |
reject(IRevisionCriteria criteria) | Rejects revisions that match specified criteria. |
rejectAll() | Rejects all revisions in this collection. |
accept(IRevisionCriteria criteria)
public int accept(IRevisionCriteria criteria)
Accepts revisions that match specified criteria.
Shows how to accept or reject revision based on criteria.
public void revisionSpecifiedCriteria() throws Exception
Document doc = new Document();
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
builder.write("This does not count as a revision. ");
// To register our edits as revisions, we need to declare an author, and then start tracking them.
doc.startTrackRevisions("John Doe", new Date());
builder.write("This is insertion revision #1. ");
doc.startTrackRevisions("Jane Doe", new Date());
builder.write("This is insertion revision #2. ");
// Remove a run "This does not count as a revision.".
Assert.assertEquals(3, doc.getRevisions().getCount());
// We have two revisions from different authors, so we need to accept only one.
doc.getRevisions().accept(new RevisionCriteria("John Doe", RevisionType.INSERTION));
Assert.assertEquals(2, doc.getRevisions().getCount());
// Reject revision with different author name and revision type.
doc.getRevisions().reject(new RevisionCriteria("Jane Doe", RevisionType.DELETION));
Assert.assertEquals(1, doc.getRevisions().getCount()); + "Revision.RevisionSpecifiedCriteria.docx");
/// Control when certain revision should be accepted/rejected.
public static class RevisionCriteria implements IRevisionCriteria
private String AuthorName;
private int _RevisionType;
public RevisionCriteria(String authorName, int revisionType)
AuthorName = authorName;
_RevisionType = revisionType;
public boolean isMatch(Revision revision)
return AuthorName.equals(revision.getAuthor()) && revision.getRevisionType() == _RevisionType;
Parameter | Type | Description |
criteria | IRevisionCriteria | The IRevisionCriteria implementation. |
Returns: int - The count of accepted revisions.
public void acceptAll()
Accepts all revisions in this collection.
Shows how to compare documents.
Document docOriginal = new Document();
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(docOriginal);
builder.writeln("This is the original document.");
Document docEdited = new Document();
builder = new DocumentBuilder(docEdited);
builder.writeln("This is the edited document.");
// Comparing documents with revisions will throw an exception.
if (docOriginal.getRevisions().getCount() == 0 && docEdited.getRevisions().getCount() == 0), "authorName", new Date());
// After the comparison, the original document will gain a new revision
// for every element that is different in the edited document.
for (Revision r : docOriginal.getRevisions())
System.out.println("Revision type: {r.RevisionType}, on a node of type \"{r.ParentNode.NodeType}\"");
System.out.println("\tChanged text: \"{r.ParentNode.GetText()}\"");
// Accepting these revisions will transform the original document into the edited document.
Assert.assertEquals(docOriginal.getText(), docEdited.getText());
get(int index)
public Revision get(int index)
Returns a Revision at the specified index.
The index is zero-based.
Negative indexes are allowed and indicate access from the back of the collection. For example -1 means the last item, -2 means the second before last and so on.
If index is greater than or equal to the number of items in the list, this returns a null reference.
If index is negative and its absolute value is greater than the number of items in the list, this returns a null reference.
Shows how to work with revisions in a document.
Document doc = new Document();
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
// Normal editing of the document does not count as a revision.
builder.write("This does not count as a revision. ");
// To register our edits as revisions, we need to declare an author, and then start tracking them.
doc.startTrackRevisions("John Doe", new Date());
builder.write("This is revision #1. ");
Assert.assertEquals(1, doc.getRevisions().getCount());
// This flag corresponds to the "Review" -> "Tracking" -> "Track Changes" option in Microsoft Word.
// The "StartTrackRevisions" method does not affect its value,
// and the document is tracking revisions programmatically despite it having a value of "false".
// If we open this document using Microsoft Word, it will not be tracking revisions.
// We have added text using the document builder, so the first revision is an insertion-type revision.
Revision revision = doc.getRevisions().get(0);
Assert.assertEquals("John Doe", revision.getAuthor());
Assert.assertEquals("This is revision #1. ", revision.getParentNode().getText());
Assert.assertEquals(RevisionType.INSERTION, revision.getRevisionType());
Assert.assertEquals(revision.getDateTime().getDate(), new Date().getDate());
Assert.assertEquals(doc.getRevisions().getGroups().get(0), revision.getGroup());
// Remove a run to create a deletion-type revision.
// Adding a new revision places it at the beginning of the revision collection.
Assert.assertEquals(RevisionType.DELETION, doc.getRevisions().get(0).getRevisionType());
Assert.assertEquals(2, doc.getRevisions().getCount());
// Insert revisions show up in the document body even before we accept/reject the revision.
// Rejecting the revision will remove its nodes from the body. Conversely, nodes that make up delete revisions
// also linger in the document until we accept the revision.
Assert.assertEquals("This does not count as a revision. This is revision #1.", doc.getText().trim());
// Accepting the delete revision will remove its parent node from the paragraph text
// and then remove the collection's revision itself.
Assert.assertEquals(1, doc.getRevisions().getCount());
Assert.assertEquals("This is revision #1.", doc.getText().trim());
builder.write("This is revision #2.");
// Now move the node to create a moving revision type.
Node node = doc.getFirstSection().getBody().getParagraphs().get(1);
Node endNode = doc.getFirstSection().getBody().getParagraphs().get(1).getNextSibling();
Node referenceNode = doc.getFirstSection().getBody().getParagraphs().get(0);
while (node != endNode)
Node nextNode = node.getNextSibling();
doc.getFirstSection().getBody().insertBefore(node, referenceNode);
node = nextNode;
Assert.assertEquals(RevisionType.MOVING, doc.getRevisions().get(0).getRevisionType());
Assert.assertEquals(8, doc.getRevisions().getCount());
Assert.assertEquals("This is revision #2.\rThis is revision #1. \rThis is revision #2.", doc.getText().trim());
// The moving revision is now at index 1. Reject the revision to discard its contents.
Assert.assertEquals(6, doc.getRevisions().getCount());
Assert.assertEquals("This is revision #1. \rThis is revision #2.", doc.getText().trim());
Parameter | Type | Description |
index | int | An index into the collection. |
Returns: Revision - A Revision at the specified index.
public int getCount()
Returns the number of revisions in the collection.
Shows how to work with revisions in a document.
Document doc = new Document();
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
// Normal editing of the document does not count as a revision.
builder.write("This does not count as a revision. ");
// To register our edits as revisions, we need to declare an author, and then start tracking them.
doc.startTrackRevisions("John Doe", new Date());
builder.write("This is revision #1. ");
Assert.assertEquals(1, doc.getRevisions().getCount());
// This flag corresponds to the "Review" -> "Tracking" -> "Track Changes" option in Microsoft Word.
// The "StartTrackRevisions" method does not affect its value,
// and the document is tracking revisions programmatically despite it having a value of "false".
// If we open this document using Microsoft Word, it will not be tracking revisions.
// We have added text using the document builder, so the first revision is an insertion-type revision.
Revision revision = doc.getRevisions().get(0);
Assert.assertEquals("John Doe", revision.getAuthor());
Assert.assertEquals("This is revision #1. ", revision.getParentNode().getText());
Assert.assertEquals(RevisionType.INSERTION, revision.getRevisionType());
Assert.assertEquals(revision.getDateTime().getDate(), new Date().getDate());
Assert.assertEquals(doc.getRevisions().getGroups().get(0), revision.getGroup());
// Remove a run to create a deletion-type revision.
// Adding a new revision places it at the beginning of the revision collection.
Assert.assertEquals(RevisionType.DELETION, doc.getRevisions().get(0).getRevisionType());
Assert.assertEquals(2, doc.getRevisions().getCount());
// Insert revisions show up in the document body even before we accept/reject the revision.
// Rejecting the revision will remove its nodes from the body. Conversely, nodes that make up delete revisions
// also linger in the document until we accept the revision.
Assert.assertEquals("This does not count as a revision. This is revision #1.", doc.getText().trim());
// Accepting the delete revision will remove its parent node from the paragraph text
// and then remove the collection's revision itself.
Assert.assertEquals(1, doc.getRevisions().getCount());
Assert.assertEquals("This is revision #1.", doc.getText().trim());
builder.write("This is revision #2.");
// Now move the node to create a moving revision type.
Node node = doc.getFirstSection().getBody().getParagraphs().get(1);
Node endNode = doc.getFirstSection().getBody().getParagraphs().get(1).getNextSibling();
Node referenceNode = doc.getFirstSection().getBody().getParagraphs().get(0);
while (node != endNode)
Node nextNode = node.getNextSibling();
doc.getFirstSection().getBody().insertBefore(node, referenceNode);
node = nextNode;
Assert.assertEquals(RevisionType.MOVING, doc.getRevisions().get(0).getRevisionType());
Assert.assertEquals(8, doc.getRevisions().getCount());
Assert.assertEquals("This is revision #2.\rThis is revision #1. \rThis is revision #2.", doc.getText().trim());
// The moving revision is now at index 1. Reject the revision to discard its contents.
Assert.assertEquals(6, doc.getRevisions().getCount());
Assert.assertEquals("This is revision #1. \rThis is revision #2.", doc.getText().trim());
Returns: int - The number of revisions in the collection.
public RevisionGroupCollection getGroups()
Collection of revision groups.
Shows how to work with a document’s collection of revisions.
Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "Revisions.docx");
RevisionCollection revisions = doc.getRevisions();
// This collection itself has a collection of revision groups.
// Each group is a sequence of adjacent revisions.
System.out.println(MessageFormat.format("{0} revision groups:", revisions.getGroups().getCount()));
// Iterate over the collection of groups and print the text that the revision concerns.
Iterator e = revisions.getGroups().iterator();
while (e.hasNext()) {
RevisionGroup revisionGroup =;
System.out.println(MessageFormat.format("\tGroup type \"{0}\", ", revisionGroup.getRevisionType()) +
MessageFormat.format("author: {0}, contents: [{1}]", revisionGroup.getAuthor(), revisionGroup.getText().trim()));
// Each Run that a revision affects gets a corresponding Revision object.
// The revisions' collection is considerably larger than the condensed form we printed above,
// depending on how many Runs we have segmented the document into during Microsoft Word editing.
System.out.println("\n{revisions.Count} revisions:");
Iterator e1 = revisions.iterator();
while (e1.hasNext()) {
Revision revision =;
// A StyleDefinitionChange strictly affects styles and not document nodes. This means the "ParentStyle"
// property will always be in use, while the ParentNode will always be null.
// Since all other changes affect nodes, ParentNode will conversely be in use, and ParentStyle will be null.
if (revision.getRevisionType() == RevisionType.STYLE_DEFINITION_CHANGE) {
System.out.println(MessageFormat.format("\tRevision type \"{0}\", ", revision.getRevisionType()) +
MessageFormat.format("author: {0}, style: [{1}]", revision.getAuthor(), revision.getParentStyle().getName()));
} else {
System.out.println(MessageFormat.format("\tRevision type \"{0}\", ", revision.getRevisionType()) +
MessageFormat.format("author: {0}, contents: [{1}]", revision.getAuthor(), revision.getParentNode().getText().trim()));
// Reject all revisions via the collection, reverting the document to its original form.
Assert.assertEquals(0, revisions.getCount());
Returns: RevisionGroupCollection - The corresponding RevisionGroupCollection value.
public Iterator iterator()
Returns an enumerator object.
Shows how to work with a document’s collection of revisions.
Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "Revisions.docx");
RevisionCollection revisions = doc.getRevisions();
// This collection itself has a collection of revision groups.
// Each group is a sequence of adjacent revisions.
System.out.println(MessageFormat.format("{0} revision groups:", revisions.getGroups().getCount()));
// Iterate over the collection of groups and print the text that the revision concerns.
Iterator e = revisions.getGroups().iterator();
while (e.hasNext()) {
RevisionGroup revisionGroup =;
System.out.println(MessageFormat.format("\tGroup type \"{0}\", ", revisionGroup.getRevisionType()) +
MessageFormat.format("author: {0}, contents: [{1}]", revisionGroup.getAuthor(), revisionGroup.getText().trim()));
// Each Run that a revision affects gets a corresponding Revision object.
// The revisions' collection is considerably larger than the condensed form we printed above,
// depending on how many Runs we have segmented the document into during Microsoft Word editing.
System.out.println("\n{revisions.Count} revisions:");
Iterator e1 = revisions.iterator();
while (e1.hasNext()) {
Revision revision =;
// A StyleDefinitionChange strictly affects styles and not document nodes. This means the "ParentStyle"
// property will always be in use, while the ParentNode will always be null.
// Since all other changes affect nodes, ParentNode will conversely be in use, and ParentStyle will be null.
if (revision.getRevisionType() == RevisionType.STYLE_DEFINITION_CHANGE) {
System.out.println(MessageFormat.format("\tRevision type \"{0}\", ", revision.getRevisionType()) +
MessageFormat.format("author: {0}, style: [{1}]", revision.getAuthor(), revision.getParentStyle().getName()));
} else {
System.out.println(MessageFormat.format("\tRevision type \"{0}\", ", revision.getRevisionType()) +
MessageFormat.format("author: {0}, contents: [{1}]", revision.getAuthor(), revision.getParentNode().getText().trim()));
// Reject all revisions via the collection, reverting the document to its original form.
Assert.assertEquals(0, revisions.getCount());
Returns: java.util.Iterator
reject(IRevisionCriteria criteria)
public int reject(IRevisionCriteria criteria)
Rejects revisions that match specified criteria.
Shows how to accept or reject revision based on criteria.
public void revisionSpecifiedCriteria() throws Exception
Document doc = new Document();
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
builder.write("This does not count as a revision. ");
// To register our edits as revisions, we need to declare an author, and then start tracking them.
doc.startTrackRevisions("John Doe", new Date());
builder.write("This is insertion revision #1. ");
doc.startTrackRevisions("Jane Doe", new Date());
builder.write("This is insertion revision #2. ");
// Remove a run "This does not count as a revision.".
Assert.assertEquals(3, doc.getRevisions().getCount());
// We have two revisions from different authors, so we need to accept only one.
doc.getRevisions().accept(new RevisionCriteria("John Doe", RevisionType.INSERTION));
Assert.assertEquals(2, doc.getRevisions().getCount());
// Reject revision with different author name and revision type.
doc.getRevisions().reject(new RevisionCriteria("Jane Doe", RevisionType.DELETION));
Assert.assertEquals(1, doc.getRevisions().getCount()); + "Revision.RevisionSpecifiedCriteria.docx");
/// Control when certain revision should be accepted/rejected.
public static class RevisionCriteria implements IRevisionCriteria
private String AuthorName;
private int _RevisionType;
public RevisionCriteria(String authorName, int revisionType)
AuthorName = authorName;
_RevisionType = revisionType;
public boolean isMatch(Revision revision)
return AuthorName.equals(revision.getAuthor()) && revision.getRevisionType() == _RevisionType;
Parameter | Type | Description |
criteria | IRevisionCriteria | The IRevisionCriteria implementation. |
Returns: int - The count of rejected revisions.
public void rejectAll()
Rejects all revisions in this collection.
Shows how to work with a document’s collection of revisions.
Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "Revisions.docx");
RevisionCollection revisions = doc.getRevisions();
// This collection itself has a collection of revision groups.
// Each group is a sequence of adjacent revisions.
System.out.println(MessageFormat.format("{0} revision groups:", revisions.getGroups().getCount()));
// Iterate over the collection of groups and print the text that the revision concerns.
Iterator e = revisions.getGroups().iterator();
while (e.hasNext()) {
RevisionGroup revisionGroup =;
System.out.println(MessageFormat.format("\tGroup type \"{0}\", ", revisionGroup.getRevisionType()) +
MessageFormat.format("author: {0}, contents: [{1}]", revisionGroup.getAuthor(), revisionGroup.getText().trim()));
// Each Run that a revision affects gets a corresponding Revision object.
// The revisions' collection is considerably larger than the condensed form we printed above,
// depending on how many Runs we have segmented the document into during Microsoft Word editing.
System.out.println("\n{revisions.Count} revisions:");
Iterator e1 = revisions.iterator();
while (e1.hasNext()) {
Revision revision =;
// A StyleDefinitionChange strictly affects styles and not document nodes. This means the "ParentStyle"
// property will always be in use, while the ParentNode will always be null.
// Since all other changes affect nodes, ParentNode will conversely be in use, and ParentStyle will be null.
if (revision.getRevisionType() == RevisionType.STYLE_DEFINITION_CHANGE) {
System.out.println(MessageFormat.format("\tRevision type \"{0}\", ", revision.getRevisionType()) +
MessageFormat.format("author: {0}, style: [{1}]", revision.getAuthor(), revision.getParentStyle().getName()));
} else {
System.out.println(MessageFormat.format("\tRevision type \"{0}\", ", revision.getRevisionType()) +
MessageFormat.format("author: {0}, contents: [{1}]", revision.getAuthor(), revision.getParentNode().getText().trim()));
// Reject all revisions via the collection, reverting the document to its original form.
Assert.assertEquals(0, revisions.getCount());