
Inheritance: java.lang.Object

All Implemented Interfaces: java.lang.Iterable

public class RevisionCollection implements Iterable

A collection of Revision objects that represent revisions in the document.

To learn more, visit the Track Changes in a Document documentation article.


You do not create instances of this class directly. Use the Document.getRevisions() property to get revisions present in a document.


Shows how to work with revisions in a document.

 Document doc = new Document();
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

 // Normal editing of the document does not count as a revision.
 builder.write("This does not count as a revision. ");


 // To register our edits as revisions, we need to declare an author, and then start tracking them.
 doc.startTrackRevisions("John Doe", new Date());

 builder.write("This is revision #1. ");

 Assert.assertEquals(1, doc.getRevisions().getCount());

 // This flag corresponds to the "Review" -> "Tracking" -> "Track Changes" option in Microsoft Word.
 // The "StartTrackRevisions" method does not affect its value,
 // and the document is tracking revisions programmatically despite it having a value of "false".
 // If we open this document using Microsoft Word, it will not be tracking revisions.

 // We have added text using the document builder, so the first revision is an insertion-type revision.
 Revision revision = doc.getRevisions().get(0);
 Assert.assertEquals("John Doe", revision.getAuthor());
 Assert.assertEquals("This is revision #1. ", revision.getParentNode().getText());
 Assert.assertEquals(RevisionType.INSERTION, revision.getRevisionType());
 Assert.assertEquals(revision.getDateTime().getDate(), new Date().getDate());
 Assert.assertEquals(doc.getRevisions().getGroups().get(0), revision.getGroup());

 // Remove a run to create a deletion-type revision.

 // Adding a new revision places it at the beginning of the revision collection.
 Assert.assertEquals(RevisionType.DELETION, doc.getRevisions().get(0).getRevisionType());
 Assert.assertEquals(2, doc.getRevisions().getCount());

 // Insert revisions show up in the document body even before we accept/reject the revision.
 // Rejecting the revision will remove its nodes from the body. Conversely, nodes that make up delete revisions
 // also linger in the document until we accept the revision.
 Assert.assertEquals("This does not count as a revision. This is revision #1.", doc.getText().trim());

 // Accepting the delete revision will remove its parent node from the paragraph text
 // and then remove the collection's revision itself.

 Assert.assertEquals(1, doc.getRevisions().getCount());
 Assert.assertEquals("This is revision #1.", doc.getText().trim());

 builder.write("This is revision #2.");

 // Now move the node to create a moving revision type.
 Node node = doc.getFirstSection().getBody().getParagraphs().get(1);
 Node endNode = doc.getFirstSection().getBody().getParagraphs().get(1).getNextSibling();
 Node referenceNode = doc.getFirstSection().getBody().getParagraphs().get(0);

 while (node != endNode)
     Node nextNode = node.getNextSibling();
     doc.getFirstSection().getBody().insertBefore(node, referenceNode);
     node = nextNode;

 Assert.assertEquals(RevisionType.MOVING, doc.getRevisions().get(0).getRevisionType());
 Assert.assertEquals(8, doc.getRevisions().getCount());
 Assert.assertEquals("This is revision #2.\rThis is revision #1. \rThis is revision #2.", doc.getText().trim());

 // The moving revision is now at index 1. Reject the revision to discard its contents.

 Assert.assertEquals(6, doc.getRevisions().getCount());
 Assert.assertEquals("This is revision #1. \rThis is revision #2.", doc.getText().trim());


accept(IRevisionCriteria criteria)Accepts revisions that match specified criteria.
acceptAll()Accepts all revisions in this collection.
get(int index)Returns a Revision at the specified index.
getCount()Returns the number of revisions in the collection.
getGroups()Collection of revision groups.
iterator()Returns an enumerator object.
reject(IRevisionCriteria criteria)Rejects revisions that match specified criteria.
rejectAll()Rejects all revisions in this collection.

accept(IRevisionCriteria criteria)

public int accept(IRevisionCriteria criteria)

Accepts revisions that match specified criteria.


Shows how to accept or reject revision based on criteria.

 public void revisionSpecifiedCriteria() throws Exception
     Document doc = new Document();
     DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
     builder.write("This does not count as a revision. ");

     // To register our edits as revisions, we need to declare an author, and then start tracking them.
     doc.startTrackRevisions("John Doe", new Date());
     builder.write("This is insertion revision #1. ");

     doc.startTrackRevisions("Jane Doe", new Date());
     builder.write("This is insertion revision #2. ");
     // Remove a run "This does not count as a revision.".

     Assert.assertEquals(3, doc.getRevisions().getCount());
     // We have two revisions from different authors, so we need to accept only one.
     doc.getRevisions().accept(new RevisionCriteria("John Doe", RevisionType.INSERTION));
     Assert.assertEquals(2, doc.getRevisions().getCount());
     // Reject revision with different author name and revision type.
     doc.getRevisions().reject(new RevisionCriteria("Jane Doe", RevisionType.DELETION));
     Assert.assertEquals(1, doc.getRevisions().getCount()); + "Revision.RevisionSpecifiedCriteria.docx");

 /// Control when certain revision should be accepted/rejected.
 public static class RevisionCriteria implements IRevisionCriteria
     private String AuthorName;
     private int _RevisionType;

     public RevisionCriteria(String authorName, int revisionType)
         AuthorName = authorName;
         _RevisionType = revisionType;

     public boolean isMatch(Revision revision)
         return AuthorName.equals(revision.getAuthor()) && revision.getRevisionType() == _RevisionType;


criteriaIRevisionCriteriaThe IRevisionCriteria implementation.

Returns: int - The count of accepted revisions.


public void acceptAll()

Accepts all revisions in this collection.


Shows how to compare documents.

 Document docOriginal = new Document();
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(docOriginal);
 builder.writeln("This is the original document.");

 Document docEdited = new Document();
 builder = new DocumentBuilder(docEdited);
 builder.writeln("This is the edited document.");

 // Comparing documents with revisions will throw an exception.
 if (docOriginal.getRevisions().getCount() == 0 && docEdited.getRevisions().getCount() == 0), "authorName", new Date());

 // After the comparison, the original document will gain a new revision
 // for every element that is different in the edited document.
 for (Revision r : docOriginal.getRevisions())
     System.out.println("Revision type: {r.RevisionType}, on a node of type \"{r.ParentNode.NodeType}\"");
     System.out.println("\tChanged text: \"{r.ParentNode.GetText()}\"");

 // Accepting these revisions will transform the original document into the edited document.

 Assert.assertEquals(docOriginal.getText(), docEdited.getText());

get(int index)

public Revision get(int index)

Returns a Revision at the specified index.


The index is zero-based.

Negative indexes are allowed and indicate access from the back of the collection. For example -1 means the last item, -2 means the second before last and so on.

If index is greater than or equal to the number of items in the list, this returns a null reference.

If index is negative and its absolute value is greater than the number of items in the list, this returns a null reference.


Shows how to work with revisions in a document.

 Document doc = new Document();
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

 // Normal editing of the document does not count as a revision.
 builder.write("This does not count as a revision. ");


 // To register our edits as revisions, we need to declare an author, and then start tracking them.
 doc.startTrackRevisions("John Doe", new Date());

 builder.write("This is revision #1. ");

 Assert.assertEquals(1, doc.getRevisions().getCount());

 // This flag corresponds to the "Review" -> "Tracking" -> "Track Changes" option in Microsoft Word.
 // The "StartTrackRevisions" method does not affect its value,
 // and the document is tracking revisions programmatically despite it having a value of "false".
 // If we open this document using Microsoft Word, it will not be tracking revisions.

 // We have added text using the document builder, so the first revision is an insertion-type revision.
 Revision revision = doc.getRevisions().get(0);
 Assert.assertEquals("John Doe", revision.getAuthor());
 Assert.assertEquals("This is revision #1. ", revision.getParentNode().getText());
 Assert.assertEquals(RevisionType.INSERTION, revision.getRevisionType());
 Assert.assertEquals(revision.getDateTime().getDate(), new Date().getDate());
 Assert.assertEquals(doc.getRevisions().getGroups().get(0), revision.getGroup());

 // Remove a run to create a deletion-type revision.

 // Adding a new revision places it at the beginning of the revision collection.
 Assert.assertEquals(RevisionType.DELETION, doc.getRevisions().get(0).getRevisionType());
 Assert.assertEquals(2, doc.getRevisions().getCount());

 // Insert revisions show up in the document body even before we accept/reject the revision.
 // Rejecting the revision will remove its nodes from the body. Conversely, nodes that make up delete revisions
 // also linger in the document until we accept the revision.
 Assert.assertEquals("This does not count as a revision. This is revision #1.", doc.getText().trim());

 // Accepting the delete revision will remove its parent node from the paragraph text
 // and then remove the collection's revision itself.

 Assert.assertEquals(1, doc.getRevisions().getCount());
 Assert.assertEquals("This is revision #1.", doc.getText().trim());

 builder.write("This is revision #2.");

 // Now move the node to create a moving revision type.
 Node node = doc.getFirstSection().getBody().getParagraphs().get(1);
 Node endNode = doc.getFirstSection().getBody().getParagraphs().get(1).getNextSibling();
 Node referenceNode = doc.getFirstSection().getBody().getParagraphs().get(0);

 while (node != endNode)
     Node nextNode = node.getNextSibling();
     doc.getFirstSection().getBody().insertBefore(node, referenceNode);
     node = nextNode;

 Assert.assertEquals(RevisionType.MOVING, doc.getRevisions().get(0).getRevisionType());
 Assert.assertEquals(8, doc.getRevisions().getCount());
 Assert.assertEquals("This is revision #2.\rThis is revision #1. \rThis is revision #2.", doc.getText().trim());

 // The moving revision is now at index 1. Reject the revision to discard its contents.

 Assert.assertEquals(6, doc.getRevisions().getCount());
 Assert.assertEquals("This is revision #1. \rThis is revision #2.", doc.getText().trim());


indexintAn index into the collection.

Returns: Revision - A Revision at the specified index.


public int getCount()

Returns the number of revisions in the collection.


Shows how to work with revisions in a document.

 Document doc = new Document();
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

 // Normal editing of the document does not count as a revision.
 builder.write("This does not count as a revision. ");


 // To register our edits as revisions, we need to declare an author, and then start tracking them.
 doc.startTrackRevisions("John Doe", new Date());

 builder.write("This is revision #1. ");

 Assert.assertEquals(1, doc.getRevisions().getCount());

 // This flag corresponds to the "Review" -> "Tracking" -> "Track Changes" option in Microsoft Word.
 // The "StartTrackRevisions" method does not affect its value,
 // and the document is tracking revisions programmatically despite it having a value of "false".
 // If we open this document using Microsoft Word, it will not be tracking revisions.

 // We have added text using the document builder, so the first revision is an insertion-type revision.
 Revision revision = doc.getRevisions().get(0);
 Assert.assertEquals("John Doe", revision.getAuthor());
 Assert.assertEquals("This is revision #1. ", revision.getParentNode().getText());
 Assert.assertEquals(RevisionType.INSERTION, revision.getRevisionType());
 Assert.assertEquals(revision.getDateTime().getDate(), new Date().getDate());
 Assert.assertEquals(doc.getRevisions().getGroups().get(0), revision.getGroup());

 // Remove a run to create a deletion-type revision.

 // Adding a new revision places it at the beginning of the revision collection.
 Assert.assertEquals(RevisionType.DELETION, doc.getRevisions().get(0).getRevisionType());
 Assert.assertEquals(2, doc.getRevisions().getCount());

 // Insert revisions show up in the document body even before we accept/reject the revision.
 // Rejecting the revision will remove its nodes from the body. Conversely, nodes that make up delete revisions
 // also linger in the document until we accept the revision.
 Assert.assertEquals("This does not count as a revision. This is revision #1.", doc.getText().trim());

 // Accepting the delete revision will remove its parent node from the paragraph text
 // and then remove the collection's revision itself.

 Assert.assertEquals(1, doc.getRevisions().getCount());
 Assert.assertEquals("This is revision #1.", doc.getText().trim());

 builder.write("This is revision #2.");

 // Now move the node to create a moving revision type.
 Node node = doc.getFirstSection().getBody().getParagraphs().get(1);
 Node endNode = doc.getFirstSection().getBody().getParagraphs().get(1).getNextSibling();
 Node referenceNode = doc.getFirstSection().getBody().getParagraphs().get(0);

 while (node != endNode)
     Node nextNode = node.getNextSibling();
     doc.getFirstSection().getBody().insertBefore(node, referenceNode);
     node = nextNode;

 Assert.assertEquals(RevisionType.MOVING, doc.getRevisions().get(0).getRevisionType());
 Assert.assertEquals(8, doc.getRevisions().getCount());
 Assert.assertEquals("This is revision #2.\rThis is revision #1. \rThis is revision #2.", doc.getText().trim());

 // The moving revision is now at index 1. Reject the revision to discard its contents.

 Assert.assertEquals(6, doc.getRevisions().getCount());
 Assert.assertEquals("This is revision #1. \rThis is revision #2.", doc.getText().trim());

Returns: int - The number of revisions in the collection.


public RevisionGroupCollection getGroups()

Collection of revision groups.


Shows how to work with a document’s collection of revisions.

 Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "Revisions.docx");
 RevisionCollection revisions = doc.getRevisions();

 // This collection itself has a collection of revision groups.
 // Each group is a sequence of adjacent revisions.
 System.out.println(MessageFormat.format("{0} revision groups:", revisions.getGroups().getCount()));

 // Iterate over the collection of groups and print the text that the revision concerns.
 Iterator e = revisions.getGroups().iterator();

 while (e.hasNext()) {
     RevisionGroup revisionGroup =;

     System.out.println(MessageFormat.format("\tGroup type \"{0}\", ", revisionGroup.getRevisionType()) +
             MessageFormat.format("author: {0}, contents: [{1}]", revisionGroup.getAuthor(), revisionGroup.getText().trim()));

 // Each Run that a revision affects gets a corresponding Revision object.
 // The revisions' collection is considerably larger than the condensed form we printed above,
 // depending on how many Runs we have segmented the document into during Microsoft Word editing.
 System.out.println("\n{revisions.Count} revisions:");

 Iterator e1 = revisions.iterator();

 while (e1.hasNext()) {
     Revision revision =;

     // A StyleDefinitionChange strictly affects styles and not document nodes. This means the "ParentStyle"
     // property will always be in use, while the ParentNode will always be null.
     // Since all other changes affect nodes, ParentNode will conversely be in use, and ParentStyle will be null.
     if (revision.getRevisionType() == RevisionType.STYLE_DEFINITION_CHANGE) {
         System.out.println(MessageFormat.format("\tRevision type \"{0}\", ", revision.getRevisionType()) +
                 MessageFormat.format("author: {0}, style: [{1}]", revision.getAuthor(), revision.getParentStyle().getName()));
     } else {
         System.out.println(MessageFormat.format("\tRevision type \"{0}\", ", revision.getRevisionType()) +
                 MessageFormat.format("author: {0}, contents: [{1}]", revision.getAuthor(), revision.getParentNode().getText().trim()));

 // Reject all revisions via the collection, reverting the document to its original form.

 Assert.assertEquals(0, revisions.getCount());

Returns: RevisionGroupCollection - The corresponding RevisionGroupCollection value.


public Iterator iterator()

Returns an enumerator object.


Shows how to work with a document’s collection of revisions.

 Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "Revisions.docx");
 RevisionCollection revisions = doc.getRevisions();

 // This collection itself has a collection of revision groups.
 // Each group is a sequence of adjacent revisions.
 System.out.println(MessageFormat.format("{0} revision groups:", revisions.getGroups().getCount()));

 // Iterate over the collection of groups and print the text that the revision concerns.
 Iterator e = revisions.getGroups().iterator();

 while (e.hasNext()) {
     RevisionGroup revisionGroup =;

     System.out.println(MessageFormat.format("\tGroup type \"{0}\", ", revisionGroup.getRevisionType()) +
             MessageFormat.format("author: {0}, contents: [{1}]", revisionGroup.getAuthor(), revisionGroup.getText().trim()));

 // Each Run that a revision affects gets a corresponding Revision object.
 // The revisions' collection is considerably larger than the condensed form we printed above,
 // depending on how many Runs we have segmented the document into during Microsoft Word editing.
 System.out.println("\n{revisions.Count} revisions:");

 Iterator e1 = revisions.iterator();

 while (e1.hasNext()) {
     Revision revision =;

     // A StyleDefinitionChange strictly affects styles and not document nodes. This means the "ParentStyle"
     // property will always be in use, while the ParentNode will always be null.
     // Since all other changes affect nodes, ParentNode will conversely be in use, and ParentStyle will be null.
     if (revision.getRevisionType() == RevisionType.STYLE_DEFINITION_CHANGE) {
         System.out.println(MessageFormat.format("\tRevision type \"{0}\", ", revision.getRevisionType()) +
                 MessageFormat.format("author: {0}, style: [{1}]", revision.getAuthor(), revision.getParentStyle().getName()));
     } else {
         System.out.println(MessageFormat.format("\tRevision type \"{0}\", ", revision.getRevisionType()) +
                 MessageFormat.format("author: {0}, contents: [{1}]", revision.getAuthor(), revision.getParentNode().getText().trim()));

 // Reject all revisions via the collection, reverting the document to its original form.

 Assert.assertEquals(0, revisions.getCount());

Returns: java.util.Iterator

reject(IRevisionCriteria criteria)

public int reject(IRevisionCriteria criteria)

Rejects revisions that match specified criteria.


Shows how to accept or reject revision based on criteria.

 public void revisionSpecifiedCriteria() throws Exception
     Document doc = new Document();
     DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
     builder.write("This does not count as a revision. ");

     // To register our edits as revisions, we need to declare an author, and then start tracking them.
     doc.startTrackRevisions("John Doe", new Date());
     builder.write("This is insertion revision #1. ");

     doc.startTrackRevisions("Jane Doe", new Date());
     builder.write("This is insertion revision #2. ");
     // Remove a run "This does not count as a revision.".

     Assert.assertEquals(3, doc.getRevisions().getCount());
     // We have two revisions from different authors, so we need to accept only one.
     doc.getRevisions().accept(new RevisionCriteria("John Doe", RevisionType.INSERTION));
     Assert.assertEquals(2, doc.getRevisions().getCount());
     // Reject revision with different author name and revision type.
     doc.getRevisions().reject(new RevisionCriteria("Jane Doe", RevisionType.DELETION));
     Assert.assertEquals(1, doc.getRevisions().getCount()); + "Revision.RevisionSpecifiedCriteria.docx");

 /// Control when certain revision should be accepted/rejected.
 public static class RevisionCriteria implements IRevisionCriteria
     private String AuthorName;
     private int _RevisionType;

     public RevisionCriteria(String authorName, int revisionType)
         AuthorName = authorName;
         _RevisionType = revisionType;

     public boolean isMatch(Revision revision)
         return AuthorName.equals(revision.getAuthor()) && revision.getRevisionType() == _RevisionType;


criteriaIRevisionCriteriaThe IRevisionCriteria implementation.

Returns: int - The count of rejected revisions.


public void rejectAll()

Rejects all revisions in this collection.


Shows how to work with a document’s collection of revisions.

 Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "Revisions.docx");
 RevisionCollection revisions = doc.getRevisions();

 // This collection itself has a collection of revision groups.
 // Each group is a sequence of adjacent revisions.
 System.out.println(MessageFormat.format("{0} revision groups:", revisions.getGroups().getCount()));

 // Iterate over the collection of groups and print the text that the revision concerns.
 Iterator e = revisions.getGroups().iterator();

 while (e.hasNext()) {
     RevisionGroup revisionGroup =;

     System.out.println(MessageFormat.format("\tGroup type \"{0}\", ", revisionGroup.getRevisionType()) +
             MessageFormat.format("author: {0}, contents: [{1}]", revisionGroup.getAuthor(), revisionGroup.getText().trim()));

 // Each Run that a revision affects gets a corresponding Revision object.
 // The revisions' collection is considerably larger than the condensed form we printed above,
 // depending on how many Runs we have segmented the document into during Microsoft Word editing.
 System.out.println("\n{revisions.Count} revisions:");

 Iterator e1 = revisions.iterator();

 while (e1.hasNext()) {
     Revision revision =;

     // A StyleDefinitionChange strictly affects styles and not document nodes. This means the "ParentStyle"
     // property will always be in use, while the ParentNode will always be null.
     // Since all other changes affect nodes, ParentNode will conversely be in use, and ParentStyle will be null.
     if (revision.getRevisionType() == RevisionType.STYLE_DEFINITION_CHANGE) {
         System.out.println(MessageFormat.format("\tRevision type \"{0}\", ", revision.getRevisionType()) +
                 MessageFormat.format("author: {0}, style: [{1}]", revision.getAuthor(), revision.getParentStyle().getName()));
     } else {
         System.out.println(MessageFormat.format("\tRevision type \"{0}\", ", revision.getRevisionType()) +
                 MessageFormat.format("author: {0}, contents: [{1}]", revision.getAuthor(), revision.getParentNode().getText().trim()));

 // Reject all revisions via the collection, reverting the document to its original form.

 Assert.assertEquals(0, revisions.getCount());