ColorScale class

ColorScale class

Describe the ColorScale conditional formatting rule. This conditional formatting rule creates a gradated color scale on the cells.

The ColorScale type exposes the following members:


is_3_color_scaleIndicates whether conditional formatting is 3 color scale.
min_cfvoGet or set this ColorScale’s min value object.
Cannot set null or CFValueObject with type FormatConditionValueType.Max to it.
mid_cfvoGet or set this ColorScale’s mid value object.
Cannot set CFValueObject with type FormatConditionValueType.Max or FormatConditionValueType.Min to it.
max_cfvoGet or set this ColorScale’s max value object.
Cannot set null or CFValueObject with type FormatConditionValueType.Min to it.
min_colorGet or set the gradient color for the minimum value in the range.
mid_colorGet or set the gradient color for the middle value in the range.
max_colorGet or set the gradient color for the maximum value in the range.

See Also