ErrorCellValueType enumeration

ErrorCellValueType enumeration

Represents a cell value which contains an error.

The ErrorCellValueType type exposes the following members:


BLOCKEDRepresents the value of a cell containing a #BLOCKED! error.
BUSYRepresents the value of a cell containing a #BUSY! error.
CALCRepresents the value of a cell containing a #CALC! error.
CONNECTRepresents the value of a cell containing a #CONNECT! error.
NAMERepresents the value of a cell containing a #NAME? error.
FIELDRepresents the value of a cell containing a #FIELD! error.
SPILLRepresents the value of a cell containing a #SPILL! error.
UNKNOWNRepresents the value of a cell containing a #UNKNOWN! error.
TIME_OUTRepresents the value of a cell containing a #TIMEOUT! error.
EXTERNALRepresents the value of a cell containing an #EXTERNAL! error.

See Also