FontConfigs class

FontConfigs class

Specifies font settings

The FontConfigs type exposes the following members:


initConstructs a new instance of FontConfigs


default_font_nameGets or sets the default font name.
prefer_system_font_substitutesIndicate whether to use system font substitutes first or not when a font is not presented and the substitute of this font is not set.
e.g. On Ubuntu, “Arial” font is generally substituted by “Liberation Sans”.
Default value is false.


is_font_availableIndicate whether the font is available.
set_font_substitutesFont substitute names for given original font name.
get_font_substitutesReturns array containing font substitute names to be used if original font is not presented.
set_font_folderSets the fonts folder
set_font_foldersSets the fonts folders
set_font_sourcesSets the fonts sources.
get_font_sourcesGets a copy of the array that contains the list of sources

See Also