copy_to method

copy_to(self, array)

Copies the entire array list to a compatible one-dimensional array list, starting at the beginning of the target array list.

def copy_to(self, array):
arraylistThe one-dimensional array list that is the destination of the elements copied array list. The array list must have zero-based indexing.

copy_to(self, index, array, array_index, count)

Copies a range of elements from the array list to a compatible one-dimensional array list, starting at the specified index of the target array list.

def copy_to(self, index, array, array_index, count):
indexintThe zero-based index in the source array list at which copying begins.
arraylistThe one-dimensional array list that is the destination of the elements copied from array list. The array list must have zero-based indexing.
array_indexintThe zero-based index in array list at which copying begins.
countintThe number of elements to copy.

See Also