Inheritance: java.lang.Object, com.aspose.imaging.DisposableObject, com.aspose.imaging.ImageOptionsBase
public class PdfOptions extends ImageOptionsBase
The PDF options.
Constructor | Description |
PdfOptions() | Initializes a new instance of the PdfOptions class. |
Method | Description |
isUseOriginalImageResolution() | Gets a value indicating to use the original image DPI resolution |
setUseOriginalImageResolution(boolean value) | Sets a value indicating to use the original image DPI resolution |
getPdfDocumentInfo() | Gets or sets metadata for document. |
setPdfDocumentInfo(PdfDocumentInfo value) | Gets or sets metadata for document. |
getPdfCoreOptions() | The PDF core options |
setPdfCoreOptions(PdfCoreOptions value) | The PDF core options |
getPageSize() | Gets the size of the page. |
setPageSize(SizeF value) | Sets the size of the page. |
isUseOriginalImageSize() | Gets a value indicating to use the original image DPI resolution |
setUseOriginalImageSize(boolean useOriginalImageSize) | Sets a value indicating to use the original image DPI resolution WILL BE REMOVED SINCE 25.3 |
Example: The following example shows how to convert a multipage vector image to PDF format in general way without referencing to a particular image type.
String dir = "C:\\aspose.imaging\\net\\misc\\ImagingReleaseQATester\\Tests\\testdata\\2548";
String inputFilePath = (dir + "Multipage.cdr");
String outputFilePath = (dir + "Multipage.cdr.pdf");
com.aspose.imaging.ImageOptionsBase exportOptions = new com.aspose.imaging.imageoptions.PdfOptions();
try (com.aspose.imaging.Image image = com.aspose.imaging.Image.load(inputFilePath))
// Export only first two pages to the corresponding pages of the output PDF document.
com.aspose.imaging.IMultipageImage multipageImage = (image instanceof com.aspose.imaging.IMultipageImage) ? (com.aspose.imaging.IMultipageImage) image : null;
if (multipageImage != null && (multipageImage.getPages() != null && multipageImage.getPageCount() > 2))
exportOptions.setMultiPageOptions(new com.aspose.imaging.imageoptions.MultiPageOptions(new com.aspose.imaging.IntRange(0, 2)));
if (image instanceof com.aspose.imaging.VectorImage)
com.aspose.imaging.imageoptions.VectorRasterizationOptions defaultOptions = (com.aspose.imaging.imageoptions.VectorRasterizationOptions) image.getDefaultOptions(new Object[]{Color.getWhite(), image.getWidth(), image.getHeight()});
image.save(outputFilePath, exportOptions);
public PdfOptions()
Initializes a new instance of the PdfOptions class.
public final boolean isUseOriginalImageResolution()
Gets a value indicating to use the original image DPI resolution
Value: Indicator to use the original image DPI resolution
Returns: boolean - a value indicating to use the original image DPI resolution
setUseOriginalImageResolution(boolean value)
public final void setUseOriginalImageResolution(boolean value)
Sets a value indicating to use the original image DPI resolution
Value: Indicator to use the original image DPI resolution
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | boolean | a value indicating to use the original image DPI resolution |
public PdfDocumentInfo getPdfDocumentInfo()
Gets or sets metadata for document.
Returns: PdfDocumentInfo
setPdfDocumentInfo(PdfDocumentInfo value)
public void setPdfDocumentInfo(PdfDocumentInfo value)
Gets or sets metadata for document.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | PdfDocumentInfo |
public PdfCoreOptions getPdfCoreOptions()
The PDF core options
Returns: PdfCoreOptions
setPdfCoreOptions(PdfCoreOptions value)
public void setPdfCoreOptions(PdfCoreOptions value)
The PDF core options
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | PdfCoreOptions |
public final SizeF getPageSize()
Gets the size of the page.
Value: The size of the page.
Returns: SizeF - the size of the page.
setPageSize(SizeF value)
public final void setPageSize(SizeF value)
Sets the size of the page.
Value: The size of the page.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | SizeF | the size of the page. |
public boolean isUseOriginalImageSize()
Gets a value indicating to use the original image DPI resolution
Value: Indicator to use the original image DPI resolution
Returns: boolean - a value indicating to use the original image DPI resolution
setUseOriginalImageSize(boolean useOriginalImageSize)
public void setUseOriginalImageSize(boolean useOriginalImageSize)
Sets a value indicating to use the original image DPI resolution WILL BE REMOVED SINCE 25.3
Value: Indicator to use the original image DPI resolution
Parameter | Type | Description |
useOriginalImageSize | boolean | a value indicating to use the original image DPI resolution |