
Duration.Convert method

Converts Duration object to another duration with specified time units.

public Duration Convert(TimeUnitType timeUnitType)
timeUnitTypeTimeUnitTypethe specified time unit type.

Return Value

returns new duration with the specified unit type.


Shows how to convert a duration into different time unit types.

var project = new Project(DataDir + "TaskDurations.mpp");

// Get a task to calculate its duration in different formats
var task = project.RootTask.Children.GetById(1);

// Get the duration in Minutes, Days, Hours, Weeks and Months
var mins = task.Get(Tsk.Duration).Convert(TimeUnitType.Minute).ToDouble();
Console.WriteLine("Duration in Mins: {0}", mins);
var days = task.Get(Tsk.Duration).Convert(TimeUnitType.Day).ToDouble();
Console.WriteLine("Duration in Days: {0}", days);
var hours = task.Get(Tsk.Duration).Convert(TimeUnitType.Hour).ToDouble();
Console.WriteLine("Duration in Hours: {0}", hours);
var weeks = task.Get(Tsk.Duration).Convert(TimeUnitType.Week).ToDouble();
Console.WriteLine("Duration in Weeks: {0}", weeks);
var months = task.Get(Tsk.Duration).Convert(TimeUnitType.Month).ToDouble();
Console.WriteLine("Duration in Months: {0}", months);

See Also