
Project.DefaultWeekWorkingDays property

Gets the instance of WeekDayCollection class which represents a collection of project default week working days and working times.

public WeekDayCollection DefaultWeekWorkingDays { get; }

Return Value

The instance of WeekDayCollection class which contains a list of WeekDay objects.


The data contains only in mpp files (not in xml).


Shows how to get default week working day.

var project = new Project(DataDir + "Project2003.mpp");
foreach (var weekDay in project.DefaultWeekWorkingDays)
    Console.WriteLine("From: " + weekDay.FromDate);
    Console.WriteLine("From: " + weekDay.ToDate);
    Console.WriteLine("Day type: " + weekDay.DayType);
    Console.WriteLine("Is day working: " + weekDay.DayWorking);

See Also