
Project.SelectAllChildTasks method

Recursively collects all child tasks of the root task.

public IEnumerable<Task> SelectAllChildTasks()

Return Value

The collection of tasks.


Shows how to renumber selected tasks’ WBS codes.

var project = new Project(DataDir + "RenumberExample.mpp");

var tasks = new List<Task>(project.RootTask.SelectAllChildTasks());

Console.WriteLine("WBS codes before: ");

// output: ""; "1"; "2"; "4"
foreach (var task in tasks)
    Console.WriteLine("\"" + task.Get(Tsk.WBS) + "\"" + "; ");

project.RenumberWBSCode(new List<int> { 1, 2, 3 });

Console.WriteLine("\nWBS codes after: ");

// output: ""; "1"; "2"; "3"
foreach (var task in tasks)
    Console.WriteLine("\"" + task.Get(Tsk.WBS) + "\"" + "; ");

See Also